TER General Board

Don't be such naivete ignoramus
Skyfyre 549 reads

Cops only need a sliver or minute amount of suspicion to make arrest. Evidence of her working as prostitute is enough ground for arresting anyone caught having sex with her.

Yeah good luck suing the cops. Think the judge/jury is going to take the words of a knucklehead nobody off the street over a policeman?

While talking to one of the provider after a session she told me that in some towns, cops sweeps hotel showing front desk pictures of providers (if their photo is clear in their site/ad). When a John shows up they bust the room, seize the money, rubber as proof of ilicit activity.
For a Hobbist getting busted is the worst nightmare. How do you avoid such a scenario? There are some great providers who do show their beautiful face in their ad.

So if I'm in a room with my SO (who provides on the side) law enforcement can barge into our room because we are having consensual sex?

Frank132781 reads


Posted By: sympathyforthedevil
So if I'm in a room with my SO (who provides on the side) law enforcement can barge into our room because we are having consensual sex?

Posted By: sympathyforthedevil
So if I'm in a room with my SO (who provides on the side) law enforcement can barge into our room because we are having consensual sex?
Only if the want to have their case dismissed and sued.

Hilton and Marriott work with LE. In fact a while back in Fort Lauderdale, they were working hard to not have providers in their hotels and one lady got busted at a sting at Breakers in West Palm Beach, which is a very upscale place.

don't go to hotel incalls.  Either they do outcall to my hotel, or else I go to their residential incall.

Seeing escorts in hotels. And I actually prefer hotels. Btw I visit hotels in one of the most unfriendliest counties for escorting, Maricopa County, ever heard of Sheriff Joe.  

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
don't go to hotel incalls.  Either they do outcall to my hotel, or else I go to their residential incall.  

TheApe510 reads

Over time I have come to the conclusion that it is really better get your own place and do the outcall.  The incall can save the hotel cost but at the end of the day, you might walk into a situation where someone in the hotel has something against a particular provider and you end up being a victim.   Recently, I have been more into getting a room and inviting the woman over.   It makes more sense if you are a professional with something to lose.

And stay away from shady motels.cops love motel 6 and red roof Inn's

-- Modified on 5/17/2016 12:33:10 PM

They have to have verbal confirmation of money exchanged for sex.  As a single woman who travels, and not for work there are often times I have a fair amount of cash on me along with rubbers in my make up bag.  So if I want to hook up with a guy, or a friend, WTF can they do about it.  This kind of just sounds like something to send everyone up in worry.

I would think if there is underage, hard drugs, and pimps around then yes I can see what the OP ment. As for the everyday woman here and the gents that know how to do their research and screening I'm not going to loose sleep over it.

Her intention was good. She meant to warn me against visiting that town (due to LE action).
Guys we are talking high end hotels - Hilton, Marriott etal.
Based on discussion till now - Cops have no ground to bust-in or use rubber and large amount of cash as proof of illicit behavior

GaGambler677 reads

Some hookers have very vivid imaginations.  

As SD said earlier, there is absolutely no way to prove you  aren't simply having a nooner with your hooker GF. I have laughed about this very scenario with a couple of my hooker GFs' over the years about what a laugh we would get if any one ever tried to "bust" us.

I can only imagine the lawsuits if LE were to try this kind of crap on the wrong person, and yes I would most definitely be the wrong person to pull that shit on. I would be laughing my ass off the entire time I was suing their asses. And since when is a few hundred bucks a "large" amount of cash.  

I bet you this hooker also performs an "LE check" doesn't she?

Skyfyre550 reads

Cops only need a sliver or minute amount of suspicion to make arrest. Evidence of her working as prostitute is enough ground for arresting anyone caught having sex with her.

Yeah good luck suing the cops. Think the judge/jury is going to take the words of a knucklehead nobody off the street over a policeman?

GaGambler530 reads

Just how are the cops going to "catch you" having sex? Kick the fucking door in? Use that little pea brain of yours for a second and think this through.

It's not against the law to have sex with a prostitute, only the act of paying her or soliciting her to commit the crime of prostitution is a crime. Unless one or both parties admit to having sex for money, or unless there is an eyewitness to either an exchange of money or an agreement to exchange money for sex, there are no grounds for an arrest. and you're damn right a jury is going to believe someone who was having sex behind closed doors over a cop who overstepped his authority in a case like this.

JakeFromStateFarm668 reads

Cops will do the former at the drop of a rubber.  The latter is a bit tougher.

Skyfyre440 reads

Or have arrested development of the brain at 8? because that seems to be your reading comprehension.

Read again. It's about your asininely moronic idea of suing the cops -and win! Unless you have turd for brain what are you going to sue them for, for trying to do their jobs -as prescribed by laws?

...is to Control the way you choose your girl, and limit her competition.
Since we know the "bust" thing isn't likely to happen that way,  
what are your chances of choosing a girl who shows her face in an escort ad?

Posted By: andy30
While talking to one of the provider after a session she told me that in some towns, cops sweeps hotel showing front desk pictures of providers (if their photo is clear in their site/ad). When a John shows up they bust the room, seize the money, rubber as proof of ilicit activity.  
 For a Hobbist getting busted is the worst nightmare. How do you avoid such a scenario? There are some great providers who do show their beautiful face in their ad.

Fortunately the local paper did a story describing the whole set up.  LE goes to the motels and "suggests" that the motel inform them whenever a young pretty woman checks in.  This town is at the intersection of two interstates, and there are several one and two star motels all around the interchange.

LE then parks an unmarked car in the lot and looks for guys going into the gal's room.  When they exit, they go up to the poor bastard and flash their badges telling him that they know he was involved in prostitution, and if he cooperates, then "they'll see" if they can get him "off the hook"  (They don't, of course.)  The guy blabs and then they use that to bust the gal.  Case closed.

When I see gals advertising on the local board that they are in that town, I PM them and tell them to get the hell out of Dodge while they still can.  Guys:  When LE comes up to you as you leave her room, don't panic.  Just give your name and address (Show ID), and say nothing more except ask to be allowed to leave.  They have nothing on you or her as of yet.  If they did, they'd just cuff you and drag you to their HQ.   They'll get tired of wasting time on you and will wait for the next sucker to come along instead.  They know they'll be one along any minute

GaGambler612 reads

but that is a far cry from bursting into a room with only the PC that there is a known hooker in a room with a guy.  

And this cannot be said often enough. When dealing with LE, you have the right to STFU, use it.

In Fish's scenario, if LE let's you go because they have no probable cause, don't be a white knight and try to alert the girl. I know that sounds harsh, but doing so could be obstruction of justice.  Always remember, never voluntarily talk to LE!

GaGambler665 reads

But most likely it's good advice. I doubt it's advice I could take personally, but it's good advice nonetheless.

Most likely, I would simply turn around and go back to the room to retrieve my "sunglasses" and walk back out with her in tow, taking my "GF" out to dinner, but I don't really have anything to lose unlike most of the guys here. I think this is one of those cases of "do what I say, not what I do"

souls_harbor870 reads

Good idea going back in because you "forgot" something, but I wouldn't bring her out through the gauntlet.  She's safer in her room where they can't interrogate her

who was able to shake off  LE, but then called the gal.  Unfortunately, when he called the gal, LE was there.  They saw the lawyer's name come up on the gal's phone (smooth move) , then headed out and found him still in the parking lot and busted him using the phone as evidence that he was obstructing justice.  He probably got away with it, but who needed that hassle

JakeFromStateFarm617 reads

He should have been smart enough to have used a burner phone or burner app.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
He should have been smart enough to have used a burner phone or burner app.

Obstruction is one charge; aiding & abetting is another, as is solicitation - any of which might also get you hauled before the bar's ethics committee. The most likely outcome of that would be a slap on the wrist, but....it's an infraction on your record, and if at some future point, you have another transgression, it will count against you as aggravating evidence. So the real pain could be down the road.

Never Frequent Motels where you enter at room level, instead
Frequent Hotels with a Common Entrance.
Walk calmly and act confident, do not initiate eye contact with Front Desk Staff.  However if they ask you how are you doing politely nod and say fine.  Again appear confident and nonchalant.
Where practical use the stairs
These protocols have worked for me since joining the club, without any unexpected encounters from our new-found Uncle.

Posted By: mrfisher
Fortunately the local paper did a story describing the whole set up.  LE goes to the motels and "suggests" that the motel inform them whenever a young pretty woman checks in.  This town is at the intersection of two interstates, and there are several one and two star motels all around the interchange.  
 LE then parks an unmarked car in the lot and looks for guys going into the gal's room.  When they exit, they go up to the poor bastard and flash their badges telling him that they know he was involved in prostitution, and if he cooperates, then "they'll see" if they can get him "off the hook"  (They don't, of course.)  The guy blabs and then they use that to bust the gal.  Case closed.  
 When I see gals advertising on the local board that they are in that town, I PM them and tell them to get the hell out of Dodge while they still can.  Guys:  When LE comes up to you as you leave her room, don't panic.  Just give your name and address (Show ID), and say nothing more except ask to be allowed to leave.  They have nothing on you or her as of yet.  If they did, they'd just cuff you and drag you to their HQ.   They'll get tired of wasting time on you and will wait for the next sucker to come along instead.  They know they'll be one along any minute.  

That would get them sued and the case dismissed.

Mrfisher's story is likely true. I know both the Salt Lake City police and West Valley City police have done exactly that. After questioning both parties they arrest who ever talks. They have a damn confession as proof. That is all they need. Sadly most of the time one or both talk and they get a bust.

Best protection is shutting up and using your fifth amendment rights to not incriminate your self by remaining silent. It is a good idea to state you are doing so and will not speak without a lawyer present. Also asking if your being detained is also a good idea, and leaving right then if your not. If you are ask for a lawyer. Always verbally refuse all searches. Doing these thing will protect you more than anything at that point. Just remember anything you say WILL be used against you if at all possible

The provider is missing some facts or was outright lying to you. LE cannot bust into a room based on the story you presented. Not legally, anyway. Even known providers have private lives, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends and a condom is no proof of illicit sex. It's how one prevents pregnancy.

Caution is key. Some level of screening is important for both providers and hobbyists. Just a little homework will go a long way to never having contact with LE in this context.

but, they generally won't bust in a door for a simple P4P bust.  They .never know when someone is going to get shooty.

Posted By: andy30
While talking to one of the provider after a session she told me that in some towns, cops sweeps hotel showing front desk pictures of providers (if their photo is clear in their site/ad). When a John shows up they bust the room, seize the money, rubber as proof of ilicit activity.  
 For a Hobbist getting busted is the worst nightmare. How do you avoid such a scenario? There are some great providers who do show their beautiful face in their ad.
Some girls have said that they show up and check in in their no-makeup, non-dressed up appearance. Kind of in their BEFORE picture part of the irreconcilable before-and-after make-up pics.  

Edit: Oops. No caption on the pic. It's Catherine Heigl.

-- Modified on 5/17/2016 5:18:26 PM

Posted By: andy30
While talking to one of the provider after a session she told me that in some towns, cops sweeps hotel showing front desk pictures of providers (if their photo is clear in their site/ad). When a John shows up they bust the room, seize the money, rubber as proof of ilicit activity.  
 For a Hobbist getting busted is the worst nightmare. How do you avoid such a scenario? There are some great providers who do show their beautiful face in their ad.

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