TER General Board

For those with complaints and comments on the new format...
linkmeister 5 Reviews 4514 reads

You might try the Suggestions Board.  
Staff seems to be responding there.

Here's the links:

New format:

Old format:

This is something it is perhaps unreasonable to suggest, but I am making an appeal. I have hope that if I express this in a kind way, it may actually help create an interest in being more civil to each other, thereby fostering more of a community atmosphere. I am hoping the boards can become more consistently supportive of fellow members' interests, thoughts, and problems.

I understand that the anonymity of the boards encourages honesty and truth. But hiding behind even a user name alias gives some of us permission to return to the schoolyard bully mentality. I certainly love the kind of fun we often see here on the National Board. It is not my intent to make this into a touchy-feely women's group.

My concern is that members are more bold in attacking one another when they are not accountable for their rudeness or worse. I am wondering if some here would like to see a renewed effort to be more thoughtful and considerate. To perhaps not respond so impulsively, nor with knee-jerk judgement, and other self-centered reactions which have been common of late.

I thought of this now, because I have seen people get their feelings hurt because of my comments (although often it appears they may be missing my point).

I have lately seen kind of a disregard for the members who occasionally risk sharing something seriously important to them. Giving them a strongly-worded wake-up call may be kind, but droping grenades down their hatches, the arrogant condescention --- perhaps just because we can get away with it --- seems simply immature. It's likely not how we would snipe at each other at a meet-and-greet. And the spats are sometimes so third-grade-silly, it sort of brings down the value of the TER community.

Which I value. And want to perhaps inspire others to protect. It's not a crisis situation, but why not try to be better?

-- Modified on 4/4/2005 5:43:03 AM

-- Modified on 4/4/2005 5:43:50 AM

I would not be too concerned if I were you. For every snide post that is made in response to someone exposing their feelings here, there are ten where posters try to connect with the person and offer assistance. People who access this site have disparate interests, wealth levels, lifestyles, educations, ect. So some type of conflict is to be expected, but that diversity of background and experience makes this a fertile ground for a person needing advice to start . I prefer to see the posts on the site adhere to subjects that are purely hobby related, but I understand and accept that some people would like to see non hobby topics discussed often.
BTW, I don't always agree with your posts, but I always read them because even with I strongly disagree with you, I feel that you wrote what was on your mind.

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