TER General Board

Do you mean THIS Michael Brown?regular_smile
Ben Dover 3086 reads

The Astrophysics Professor???

cmoltinsanti6391 reads

A chill wind is blowing through the hobby in Minnesota today, and not because of the weather (sunny and 85).  Several local hobbiests were outed by 2-3 local providers (out of 200+ who serve the city) who called their homes and offices because they didn't like comments made about them on TER.  Some of the hobbiests had never been seen by the providers.  It is alleged they got their information from a national database available to providers on hobbiests.  The alleged database supposedly has home numbers, work numbers, TER handles, home e-mail addresses, etc.  The database is to be used for provider safety.  In this case it was used for something more nefarious.  

Needless to say, this incident has long time respected hobbiests running for the door.  Everyone is trying to figure out how to be anonymous.  My question is, does such a database exist and what is the security around it?  How do I know my info is safe?  Has this happened elsewhere?

Thanks for understanding that I'm posting in alias.  I haven't always been as careful as I should with my personal information. I know I have had providers quiz me on my TER handle of late.  Luckily, I have revealed nothing on that front.  

For what its worth, the Minnesota moderator, Ben-Dover has done a fantastic job of managing this crisis on the boards.  Compliments to him.  

-- Modified on 9/21/2005 12:01:14 PM

Well, I will start by saying that the gents were outed by a visiting provider not local ladies.  The visitor is the one that started the drama others supposedly joined in:(

Now, on to your question.  If there is a database (other than the ladies forum on the woof woof board that doesn't allow certain info to be posted) I highly doubt that you are going to get ladies to admit it.  Why would they ?  It's like saying, yeah, not only do I keep records but I share them with the entire nation because I think so and so is a schmuck and wrote a bad review.

If the hobbyists never saw the provider then probably one of her "friends" gave her the info.

Why you would give your TER handle in addition to your other info is beyond me :( That isn't necessary.

Some ladies use TER handles to screen.  They will PM you and then get two references and do not wish to know your work info  etc.

I agree Ben is doing a marvelous job of keeping this in order.  There are alot of reputable ladies that actually give a damn and do not keep all that crap. I use a code word system.  The last thing I need is to get caught with a "black book". It's for my own safety as well that I don't keep that.  Can we say tax evasion ?  Hmmm. let's see Missy...  You claimed XXX on your taxes but according to this handy dandy apt book you really owe us XXXX .  NO THANK YOU.  
Some of us are truly PROFESSIONAL and realize that discretion is KEY.
Don't EVER give out more info than you are comfortable with.  I screen several ways.  If one of them doesn't suit the client then there are many other ladies that will accom. him.  I will simply not see someone who says, "Well, I all want you to know is that my name is Bob." I will quit the business before I jeopardize my safety.  I, too , have a life outside of this and wish to at least "feel" safe.  I know no method is fool proof.  But I am happy with my system and false sense of security if you will.  It hasn't failed me yet :) Many ladies don't screen at all...yet another option.

Good references work just as well with many ladies.  It may cut out alot of ladies you see but at least you will be able to sleep at night.

Stay safe...it's a shame that so many providers are getting the "Them vs. Us" mentality.  Afterall, it is suppose to be a FUN hobby. Leave the drama at the door.

To my gentlemen friends that were affected by this..please know that some of us still know the way this is suppose to work :)
Happy hobbying.

Wow, that's the first I've read of this happening. That sucks. Of course there are databases like this. I personally don't keep info of my dates/client info at the advice of my lawyer. But so many ladies do keep this info, in unsecure places no less. When I call them for a reference they will say 'let me check my computer' or cell phone (some have clients numbers/names saved in their contacts in their cell phone, not a good idea for many reasons mainly if LE gets a hold of the phone. Sure it may be convenient to store client's info this way but not too smart. Some hirls even can tell me the date they saw someone, kinda scary huh?

Some clients though make the same mistakes with leaving info lying around for wives & girlfriends to find so easily. If I suspected my BF was cheating, the first thing I would do would be to check his cell phone.

I require info for screening but do not keep it laying around, or on my computer for goodness sakes. I see the person then discard the info. Years ago I thought it was okay to keep it in case something bad happened but I now know it's not worth the risk.

But I must add that alot of guys who's info is on these lists are dangerous and have done far worse than writing a bad review. For that reason, I do think there is a need for such a list.

I'm sorry that it was abused in this way. I don't understand the part about the providers called guys who they hadn't even had a date with. Then why would they be mad about a bad review, it couldn't be about them if they've never met the guy before. That part I don't understand.

I don't feel that comfortable seeing a guy with only a reference unless it is from mabey 2 or 3 ladies that I really trust their judgement & consider to be friends.  

:) Sara

seems highly improbable to me.  You'd have to believe that an incredibly large group of notorious freelancers could keep a secret about information not generally available to the public.

No, I'd guess the hobbiest was in denial about how he let the info into their hands.   And my guess is the providers involved aren't bright enough to figure this is a 2 edged sword, a weapon that is going to get out of control as soon as it's used.

Ben Dover2018 reads

This problem goes outside her wrong doing - even though she started it! Some other ladies at the local level were "inspired" by her brash ways and sprung into action when she came to town and sounded the war-cry!
 I know WAY MORE than I'm ever going to say about this, but I think I need to spread the blame around a bit for her sake. She was only the catalyst for a larger problem.......
 (I hope all that "venting" she did was worth it!)

James 3:4-7 (New International Version)

4] Take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his (or her) life on fire, and is itself set ablaze by the fires of hell.
 7] All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, 8] but none can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

-- Modified on 9/21/2005 3:49:27 PM

This has been going on for 6 months or more starting with the great "M----.. It wont end til you all end it, start ignoring it and simply dont give out work info..

There are more than enough providers that know work refs mean nothing.. any cop can sit at any company and put together a bust.

Heartfelt sympathy of course to all those in the Twin Cities.. but after the M---- disaster one should learn by now.

Ben Dover2009 reads

every now and then one jumps the fence and tears open the neighbor's garbage bag's - I just came over here to try and clean up the mess quick before the "girl that lives next door" gets home and finds the mess and blames me for it! (Shhh! don't say anything - maybe she won't notice.......)

frustratedprovider2245 reads

I have never heard of any national database.  Most bad client lists are local enterprises, the information posted is barebone and not thorough enough to contact or out a client.

There are various methods of backchecking and verifying work numbers, if you know about them.  Or finding out other identifying information, without a verifiable number.  All doable, if you know how. I'm surprised, Ciara, that you would say something like that, knowing who is more at risk in this equation. Is being the resident darling of TER more important than your fellow providers' safety?

Alias Queen1573 reads

I doubt any security-minded provider is going to rush out and change her policies because Her Highness espouses it. After all, most of us who read these boards wonder how real Ciara even is, given her massive number of postings on any and every subject... she claims to have a legit job in addition to being a provider, yet she's on these boards and blog sites seemingly 24/7. When does she actually work? Methinks there is something fishy in Buffalo.

Show me where i post at night.. so i can call you a liar...If you do, Its a night off..Vacations..Or Im at work.. with sidekick in hand. (Nursing homes get boring ) LOL

11-7 shift... 4 days on 3 days off...3 days on 4 days off..

Now fuck off... and have a great day !!

-- Modified on 9/22/2005 10:33:42 AM

how down here on Long Island, they have no such thing on Fridays. Texas hots in Wellsville, wings at the Anchor bar, beef on weck, the one day of summer! Ah miss that Buffalo! lol

-- Modified on 9/22/2005 7:43:54 PM

Im not real.. and I dont live in Buffalo.. I live in sasamaquatchee and eat raw salmon after I fish them from the kutchamaquatee river.


But sure why not.. Come to Buffalo and let me be a figment of your imagination ;)

Great response Ciara.  Someday I will spend some quality time with you.

She is as real as real gets....

She never hides behind alias's and always says exactly what's on her mind ...

She also FYI never asks you to change your way of doing things ..she just simply does her own and is kind enough to offer her methods to others ,that may benefit from it ..

Her way works !!!

-- Modified on 9/23/2005 8:59:57 AM

Oh hell, who am I kidding! Who would post it under their real handle?? Like you said Ciara, cowards...

Yes, I KNOW all TER handles are aliases, but at least you can look up my profile to see who I am. Hobbyists using their "real" handles can be looked up by their reviews, if they have any. By the way, I know Ciara's as real as they come... I can't say that about "Frustratedprovider" or "Alias Queen."


Could it be that someone is trying to set up Ciara and/or try to get providers/clients to give out pertinent sting information?
Nothing says they're too smart, sometimes barely above the level of the common troll. Except without the needed wit.
If you'll please excuse me it's time for a BACOM cheeseburger

It is no matter to me. LE is everywhere, I really dont care. I can afford to be choosey in whom I see. I dont depend on this for a living. It is my fun and pleasure...

...real?  Shit, if Ciara were any REALer, she'd be outta your monitor and in your face!  Lotta pussies posting under aliases lately.  (I know, my bad, I shouldn't say "pussy" as though it were a BAD thing!)  Who IS this guy Alias Queen?  And why doesn't he take off those women's clothes?

You bet Ciara is real.I see her quite often here in Buffalo.Im glad I live in Buffalo she is every thing she says is and more.Thank you Ciara your one of the seven wonders of the world in my book.So lets knock off the b--- s--- About this woman.Thank you Edward

You mean that his appointment to the head of FEMA was justified?  I guess it was just that the wrong guy showed up.  And I was cynical that whole time.

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