TER General Board

Do you guys want to switch to private email, or... eom
cubfan69 1151 reads
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Forgive me if this has been discussed before, but I'm wondering how providers feel about guys taking a few minutes at the beginning of their session - or maybe in the middle of it - for a penile injection.  Sometimes the injection leaves a mark or even a bruise - if a vein is hit or something like that. (My urologist has assured me that's not a big deal - just some bleeding under the skin surface.)  Would this be a problem or awkward for you in any way? (For that matter, how awkward is it if the guy has an ED issue during the session?) Are you wary about doing a BBBJ on a cock that's been punctured recently?  

Maybe this topic belongs on the over-60 board, but I'm actually not that old. Pills just never did it for me, and performance anxiety is a real issue.

AngelinaDDD See my TER Reviews 614 reads
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They do it at the beginning of the session, and no big deal.  The needle is so tiny, bleeding non existent.  I would have never known but both disclosed it.

Shiksa 762 reads
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But I'm using an alias, so oh well.

I have had one experience with this.  The guy had some type of cancer (maybe prostate?) and had something removed.  I don't remember and don't want to know.  Anyway, he couldn't get an erection.  So he explained this and that he used injections.  So he does it and got a semi-erection I guess.  It wasn't much.  I didn't do bbbj.  The whole thing was kind of a turnoff.  The session was lackluster but I think we just didn't click at all-- not his ED.  

I wouldn't do it in front of the provider or even talk about it.... It's not exactly a turn-on ....

GiselleMcpherson See my TER Reviews 710 reads
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For me personally I am extremely hesitant with injections and any other erection enhancers after witnessing a friend deal with the after mass when a client died. I am therefore more concerned about how the item was sourced and if the prescribing doctor prescribed after conducting a range of health checks, or if they prescribed on being asked.

As for myself, I am not judgmental and have no issues with things taking time while you get into the moment and your anxiety subsides. If you are still quite young, I would attempt to work on the anxiety than cover it with a bandaid in the form of an injection.  

It would be of my suggestion to find a girl you connect with, and visit multiple times to help ease your performance anxiety; than once you have a handle on the anxiety try your hand at seeing a variety of girls.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 488 reads
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that were so traumatized watching 911 on TV that now they won't fly in airplanes anymore.  Yes, there are going to be instances where people die having sex, not necessarily only with providers.  When you think about how many hobbyists are seeing providers every single day, I'm not surprised it doesn't happen much more often.  There are a number of reasons to use ED drugs/injections that have nothing to do with a man's overall health.  Some guys have had injuries, nerve damage, cancer, other surgeries where nerves were severed or removed, war wounds, etc.  To suggest that every man that uses ED drugs is in poor health is both reckless and irresponsible.  Do you really believe a man of 70 that does not use ED meds is less likely to die on you than a wounded warrior of 40 that does use them?  You need to get a grip on the facts of ED causes and treatment before you start discriminating.

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 361 reads
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coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 398 reads
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She starts out be saying she is "extremely hesitant"  when it comes to seeing guys who take ED meds because a friend had a customer die on her.  People die during sex all the time, whether ED meds were involved or not.  Sounds a bit prejudicial to me.  (I wonder if its harder for the M.E. to fix the time of death when only part of the body is in rigor?)

-- Modified on 3/23/2017 9:41:33 AM

alabama1963 7 Reviews 311 reads
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I use injections; I am 54.  I always ask the provider and explain the situation first (usually email) and nobody has denied me service.  I am disappointed though that a provider would be "very hesitant".  That is her prerogative; just seems a little harsh to me.

donbecker54 19 Reviews 717 reads
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I was doing injections in 2015, and none of the providers I saw had a problem. One even watched me do the injections.

A word of warning. Injections can and do cause scar tissue to form on the Tunica Albuginea, and this scarring will result in Peyronie's disease and/or shortening of the erection. It happened to me, and it's happened to many other guys who post on the Frank Talk forum.

cubfan69 364 reads
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Thanks. Good warning. My urologist provided that warning as well - as any good, reputable doctor would. Like anything else, one evaluates the risk/reward equation. If you want to have sex, and have ED issues, and pills don't work, the next thing to try is injections. The final option is obviously an implant/prosthesis, which has its own risks and costs.

donbecker54 19 Reviews 476 reads
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I did enough damage with injections that I had to get an implant.  

I wish I'd gotten an implant 15 years ago. Imagine being able to have a rock-hard erection for hours, days, weeks, or even years. It's hard until you decide to let it down.

cubfan69 297 reads
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I'm considering this. If you don't mind my asking, how noticeable is the implant - or more specifically, the "pump" device - to your partners, especially to providers? I would think they'd feel the pump when they fondle and feel around down there. (Or maybe you just tell them about it up front.)  

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 393 reads
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Guess I'll just be eating pussy because I'm not sticking a needle in my dick. The idea is a turn off for me...or maybe I'm just afraid of needles.

PenelopeWaters See my TER Reviews 383 reads
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Short of having a serious fear of needles, most providers I know would have no problem with that.  I know there can be a lot of shame around using enhancers but there is a lot of shame around sex in general and we don't let that stop us!

cubfan69 344 reads
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Believe it or not, the "stick" isn't all that bad - literally less uncomfortable than a pin prick, since the syringe is much finer than a pin. Either side (never top or bottom) of the penis where you stick it is not as sensitive as you might think. By FAR the worst part about it is the inconvenience - keeping the stuff cold (without the estranged wife who lives with me finding it), transporting it to where your provider is located (which for me is typically an hour or more away, just due to my circumstance), stopping somewhere close-by to stick yourself before your appointment time, and adjusting the dosage a bit as it gets close to expiration because the potency diminishes with age. I haven't told providers that I use injections, and judging from the relative lack of them who have weighed in to say they're fine with it, I don't regret that decision.

donbecker54 19 Reviews 379 reads
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Sticking the needle never bothered me. The problem was that sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't. When you're spending $1300+ for three hours, stick yourself and nothing happens, that's frustrating.

donbecker54 19 Reviews 478 reads
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I'm having my implant redone, as I'm not entirely satisfied. Right now it's hard to detect, unless the woman feels my scrotum. Even at that, some don't notice. It feels like a third testicle. ;)

I actually tell them up front, and most are fascinated by it. I show them how it pumps up and deflates, and they think it's cool. Not one has responded in any way negatively.

Shiksa 401 reads
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cubfan69 279 reads
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Well, since we've already heard your opinion on the matter, I don't suppose there's much reason for you to continue to follow this thread now, is there? Feel free to move on if our continuing to discuss it "in the open" is at all bothersome to you.

Posted By: Shiksa

ElTorro 15 Reviews 449 reads
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I agree, he can excuse himself to the bathroom for a few minutes at the beginning of the session on his own time, and the provider won't even know what he did.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 378 reads
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I'm somewhat surprised none of the ladies commented on their most memorable "penile injection". Kisses to those injectees I've had the pleasure to inject

alabama1963 7 Reviews 353 reads
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You never know how you would feel until you get there, Pardner.

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