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HandsFree 61 Reviews 3158 reads

Is that current or was it a freudian slip of the old tongue? You devil.

numbnuts114544 reads

Guy/Ladies would you choose a man/woman with a below average face and a nice looking body or vice versa.

I personally will take a lady with a below avg face and a nice looking body  over a pretty face and a below avg body.

Tig Ole Bitties2294 reads

I personally prefer a nice looking face and a below average body. I actually prefer men who are not perfect body wise. I like a man with meat on his bones and with a stocky build but his face must be good looking. One of my ATF fits this. His body is not that great but he is very attractive with beautiful green eyes. I always run over our time together intentionally.

skisandboots1766 reads

While they're both important, my lady has got to have a pretty face!!!  And just so the women know:  stay the hell out of the tanning booths; they do nothing for you but add years on your face.  Also, ditch the cigarettes!  Nothing (I mean NOTHING) is a bigger turnoff!  And finally, don't starve yourself.  As long as you've got a pretty face, it's much better to be a little overweight than to be too skinny.  

Now you know!!!

Met two sisters. Let's call them the Turtle and the Rabbit.

The Turtle was more aggressive towards me and gave me her number before I left the bar. She is cute, body not as tight as I like, but by no means, someone who you'd kick out a warm bed. Met a couple of times for dinner and drinks. She wants, the man, a family and the white picket fence. Result: our chemistry in the sack is so-so; girl was lame when it came to the pleasantries one receives in the hobby. We decided friends was the better option though she would like for us to hang out some time.

Sister two: The Rabbit. Ran into her months later at a Martini bar. She was a bit "high" but she says she remembered me and told me her sister spoke of me... hmmm, no shit, I thought. She has average looks, but a killer body, honed from all the working out she does. Her best asset is her attitude though and she is definately the "I choose who I am going to fuck type" and she let me know that though our time at the bar went past being flirtatious. I backed off, but asked her to meet me in the same spot a week later and I had to travel out of town. I purposely didn't ask for her phone number. If she shows, she shows, no skin, right... she showed. She had a friend in tow and I thought that the night was going to go the opposite direction. About an hour into the "date," her friend has to "leave" and I offer to take the Rabbit home; no problem.

Well, the body won out. She cleaned my clock and the chemistry was 8 of 10 and could only get better. The Rabbit was a "pro" in so many ways and treated me like no other since in the civilian world.

The moral is: The turtle presented the better package if you are looking to get married and settle down and appearances are important. The Rabbit on the other hand was a bit of the black sheep of the family, but she was far more talented in the loving arts than her sister will ever be. She also had the "umpfh" factor; something that just makes your dick hard when you see her. If you want to get fucked, go see the Rabbit.

Looks aside, there is a rhythm bewteen two people that is hard to capture and sometimes it takes lots of luck and timing. What I learned is that if we didn't all get hung up on appearances and the other useless labels, often, we'll find people more like ourselves. The Rabbit and I still kick it after all this time, because what she liked about me and I her was that we didn't stop to find ways to like each other, we just did.

-- Modified on 9/14/2005 1:22:51 PM

The face is the first feature I notice.  It leads me to look further, to the body.  A woman's good looks attract you to her and you come to know her.  In some cases she turns out to be great.  So to me the big fun (other than sex) in theory doesn't rely so much on looks; but it turns out that way because we are human animals.

...I married the turtle, settled down to a comfortable life, kids, BBQ, etc...

...but boy do I still love to fuck her sister!!

 -- Deep 'ly grinning evil tonite, sisters on the brain' Heat

Is that current or was it a freudian slip of the old tongue? You devil.

Never ceased to amaze and astonish me why folks see things in such absolutes...when you CAN have your cake and eat her too!  This way everyone comes out ahead, especially at Thanksgiving...

 Deep 'yes, I was raised in the wild by wolves' Heat

-- Modified on 9/16/2005 7:44:38 PM

For me, it's deeper than that.  If the person doesn't have the right personality (or hygeine) or if we just don't click, no body or face will do it for me.  But if I had to choose, I'd choose a nice face over the great body.



Doesn't matter what she looks like if she isn't intelligent and has a lousy personality.

As a friend said when asked if a lady was attractive...he responded I don't know...she hasn't opened her mouth yet.

I have to agree with you hueyfan.  I think the total package is important but a good attitude, personality and intelligence are ultimately what make a lady attractive especially in a LTR.  Obviously even with all of those factors in place you may run into a poison pill so to speak that kills the relationship.  

Hands Free also makes a good point that the type of relationship you are seeking may make some attributes more or less important.    

Neithr.  It's all about the total package.

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