TER General Board

Definitely Civie...
noway30333 1428 reads
1 / 29

A good example of a letdown is when you travel to a site like the Alamo that you read about in textbooks and realize it would fit in a good size classroom in your school.  Or you visit the OK Corral in Tombstone, AZ and notice it is just an old barn, probably worse than any you have seen in your life.  Have you ever had an experience like that with a civvie woman or a provider, either because they did not live up to their billing on TER or the web site, or they lived up to the billing in most ways but let you down in some other way?

In my civvie life, I had a date several years ago with a beautiful Japanese-Brazilian girl.  Went to a movie to get acquainted.  She smelled wonderful, had the beautiful long hair that I loved to touch when we hugged,wore a cute skirt that highlighted her well toned legs,  and was a real sweetheart.  However, we got into the movie, and she had a flatulence problem so bad I nearly gagged:)

Needless to say, her hotness was not enough to overcome the fact that she made me gag a few times....and not for good reasons.

I am curious to hear from both the ladies and the gentlemen on this issue.

-- Modified on 12/1/2015 9:28:04 PM

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 717 reads
2 / 29

That while holding hands at the movies, you accidentally pulled her finger?

noway30333 545 reads
3 / 29

LOL:) I didn't think pulling a boob would cause that!!!

The_Lies_We_Tell 614 reads
4 / 29

Twenty years ago when I was 19 (god, I just got so sad typing that - I'm getting so old) I was working at some average forgettable chain restaurant as a line cook.

There was this sexy bartender, she was 37, married - her name was Janet. She would take her rings off before her shift, she said guys tipped her more if they thought she was single.

She was always flirting with me, had this sultry way of walking and would brush past me and then look over her shoulder at me to catch me staring, give me a wink and smile.

One day I was prepping for the dinner rush, she came behind me and slapped my ass. I was so shocked. She grinned and sauntered away casually.

Near closing that night I gathered my courage and told her that it wasn't fair she could paw at me and I couldn't get her back. She slowly bent over, wagged her butt at me and locked eyes. I cracked her ass. Just once.

That was it. It was ON after that. The next week was so much fun. We flirted, met in the restroom for quick make-out sessions, she would brush her lips near my ear when no one was looking.

We decided we would have sex. I was 19, and while I had my own place it was a dump and I didn't want her to see it. She was married so her place was off limits. Fine, we would fuck in the backseat of her Caddy.

Point of the story? The sex was awful. Really mind-blowing shockingly bad. All her sex appeal vanished, she simply lay there. I was on top of her, pumping away and she was like cardboard, like a mannequin. No movement, no kissing, no noises or smiling. Didn't touch me. Just this weird 1000-yard stare.

I learned then that you cannot judge a woman based on how she acts. It astonished me that someone with so much sex appeal could be so different in the act itself.

Now I know better, it's the quiet ones who are freaks in the sack ;

some-guy 6 Reviews 527 reads
5 / 29

For some reason, I am just tuned in to my sense of smell when I'm around a girl. And if she's got too much perfume, maybe a little body odor ur just sort of a scent to her ... can't explain it but it can be a deal-breaker for me. If I don't like the way she smells, then no amount of physical hotness can overcome. She also can't have short hair. :-) One time I met a totally hot chick for lunch and couldn't get over how much better she would look with longer hair.

I'm just weird that way.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 496 reads
6 / 29

Not only was she married, but you were young enough to have been her son.

The_Lies_We_Tell 535 reads
7 / 29

Ha! I've had twenty years to come up with all sorts of reasons :)

Could have been that, yes.
Also, for what it is worth...that was my first and last time I slept with a married woman, it kind of bothered me for a very long time after...still does. Karma is a bitch.

escalade1964 65 Reviews 396 reads
8 / 29

Yes. The tone of the womens voice.  
Or when she started to laugh and it was snorts like a pig

noway30333 479 reads
9 / 29

The snorting would be a turnoff because Steve Urkel would pop up in my head

SeductiveConcierge See my TER Reviews 564 reads
10 / 29

I only say this because if he ends up with a bad personality or the sex is bad I don't get an envelope at the end of the night. There has been a few times that I kept searching for the envelope and it never appeared.  


boneclothes 22 Reviews 340 reads
11 / 29
cspatz 67 Reviews 483 reads
12 / 29

...it would of been better.

-- Modified on 12/2/2015 8:32:57 AM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 543 reads
13 / 29

but that was way before the internet and TER, and back then if you got a so-so session, that was pretty good, so they weren't really big let downs as I wasn't expecting too much to start with.

As for a big let down, I can't say I've ever had a real big let down in the internet era.  There was one disappointment that stands out only because I had real high hopes for the gal.  She had a dynamite site with tons of very sexy photos.  The feeling I got is that she would be a scintillating date in every way, and she was very high priced, though running a special as it was her first visit to Boston.  I wasn't a TER VIP then, but her numerical scores (Believe it or not, back then the scores were visible to all.) were mostly 10s.

In reality she was just OK.  Her body and looks were more of an 8 then a 10, and the performance was more of a 7.  It was lack luster.  We had dinner after the date, and as a conversationalist, she was about a 5.

I suppose if that's the worse, then I'm leading a fairly charmed life, thanks in so small part to TER

donbecker54 19 Reviews 363 reads
14 / 29

In college I had a date with a beautiful young woman I'd been eyeballing for weeks in the cafeteria. We were to go to the movies. I picked her up from her parents' home, and we talked as I drove. I've met tree stumps that were better conversationalists. She had to use the ladies room quickly, so I stopped at a large gas station/convenience store. The restrooms had male circle-and-arrow and female circle-and-cross symbols on the doors. She came back to ask me which was which. I took her home.

SamanthaKillington See my TER Reviews 367 reads
15 / 29
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 463 reads
16 / 29

20 years ago I was older than you are now so bite me!

Posted By: The_Lies_We_Tell
Twenty years ago when I was 19 (god, I just got so sad typing that - I'm getting so old) I was working at some average forgettable chain restaurant as a line cook.  
 There was this sexy bartender, she was 37, married - her name was Janet. She would take her rings off before her shift, she said guys tipped her more if they thought she was single.  
 She was always flirting with me, had this sultry way of walking and would brush past me and then look over her shoulder at me to catch me staring, give me a wink and smile.  
 One day I was prepping for the dinner rush, she came behind me and slapped my ass. I was so shocked. She grinned and sauntered away casually.  
 Near closing that night I gathered my courage and told her that it wasn't fair she could paw at me and I couldn't get her back. She slowly bent over, wagged her butt at me and locked eyes. I cracked her ass. Just once.  
 That was it. It was ON after that. The next week was so much fun. We flirted, met in the restroom for quick make-out sessions, she would brush her lips near my ear when no one was looking.  
 We decided we would have sex. I was 19, and while I had my own place it was a dump and I didn't want her to see it. She was married so her place was off limits. Fine, we would fuck in the backseat of her Caddy.  
 Point of the story? The sex was awful. Really mind-blowing shockingly bad. All her sex appeal vanished, she simply lay there. I was on top of her, pumping away and she was like cardboard, like a mannequin. No movement, no kissing, no noises or smiling. Didn't touch me. Just this weird 1000-yard stare.  
 I learned then that you cannot judge a woman based on how she acts. It astonished me that someone with so much sex appeal could be so different in the act itself.  
 Now I know better, it's the quiet ones who are freaks in the sack ;)  

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 385 reads
17 / 29

She was married so that's how she knew how to have sex.

-- Modified on 12/2/2015 1:37:58 PM

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 389 reads
18 / 29

You left out the part where you fucked her ...

Posted By: donbecker54
In college I had a date with a beautiful young woman I'd been eyeballing for weeks in the cafeteria. We were to go to the movies. I picked her up from her parents' home, and we talked as I drove. I've met tree stumps that were better conversationalists. She had to use the ladies room quickly, so I stopped at a large gas station/convenience store. The restrooms had male circle-and-arrow and female circle-and-cross symbols on the doors. She came back to ask me which was which. I took her home.

vantheman666 10 Reviews 462 reads
20 / 29

I was 25, she was 35, she was hot...and she was critical.  She made me feel quite bad about my performance with her, and made it clear that it would never happen again.  I had a 3 year dry spell after that experience.

donbecker54 19 Reviews 374 reads
21 / 29

Didn't happen. It would have meant hours more listening to inanities.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 483 reads
22 / 29

Years ago, I was set up with a blind date. I arrived at "Suzy's" house, her father answered the door and said he would get her.  I was shocked to see that Suzy had no legs, but she was very attractive. The father "handed" Suzy to me, and I carried her to the car.

Turns out we had great time together. I really liked her and back in the car we began to fool around. We were heading to making love, but because of her condition, it was difficult. Suzy said "I have an idea" pointing to a nearby tree "I can hang on to one of the lower branches to make it easier."

I agreed, and we did just that, and the sex was pretty good.  

I carried her back to the car and drove her home. I carried her to the front door where the father met us. He asked me to wait a moment while he carried his daughter inside. I was worried that he "knew".

Returning, the father stepped outside, pulled out a fifty dollar bill and asked me to take it. I, feeling guilty, refused the money. The father pushed "Yes, take it, you must!". "No." I said  "I don't want it!".

The father said;

"But I insist...most guys just leave her hanging in the tree. ;)

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 367 reads
23 / 29

Hint: They can't talk with your cock it their mouth.  

Posted By: donbecker54
Didn't happen. It would have meant hours more listening to inanities.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 383 reads
25 / 29
keystonekid 114 Reviews 356 reads
26 / 29

the biggest letdown was when I booked an out-of-town provider and found her to be years older than her pics. Needless to say, even though she travels to my area from time to time, I have not seen her again.

The_Lies_We_Tell 214 reads
27 / 29

Oh wow!!!
You've had some pretty rotten civvie dates!!

Not to laugh at your misfortune, but your stories had me cracking up :)

vantheman666 10 Reviews 209 reads
28 / 29

Your experiences, in my opinion, reflect the true, disastrous nature of the dating world for both women and men.  I don't give up, but I will keep on seeing escorts no matter what...no more 3 year dry spells for me!

earthshined 176 reads
29 / 29

or do you need  hug?

Posted By: AlysonParker
Today someone sent me a ridiculous article about a study that, from a sample of 202 men, supposedly disproves the "myth that men who see sex workers are just nice guys who are sexually frustrated". Um, what? That has not been my experience.  
 I, on the whole, generally find civilian dating to be a tremendous let down - which is frustrating for a lady who is not of the free spirited, never-want-to-settle-down variety.  
 I don't necessarily have a good story like yours, but I have had men order very expensive bottles of wine that I drink maybe a glass of, plus piles of pricey food and then look to me to pay because I must "do well" (I'm not saying they should pay for me but at least offer to split it!); I've been told in the middle of sex "I'm a 7 out of 10 in hotness so you must be at least a 6 since people don't usually deviate more than a point away"; I had an identity theft virus put on my laptop. I've been cheated on, ghosted, and dumped in other terrible ways. A man once told me he couldn't get serious with me because I was over 25 but I was welcome to still sext him. I've had more bad sex than I care to think about.  
 I once dated a man with a micropenis - which is a legitimate medical condition that makes penetration next to impossible- who refused to go down on me, an act he'd never done with anyone because it seemed "gross", and refused to let me use a vibrator in front of him.  
 The men I've met doing this, especially as I've gotten older, provide great conversation, charming company, never rack up a big bill when we're out somewhere and expect me to pay for it, say such nice things it makes me blush, go out of their way to make time to see me (never, even in long distance relationships, has a civvie man spontaneously flown to me or flown me to him because he *had* to see me like some clients have), explore kinks with me and introduce me to new ones, and more than a few of my best sexual experiences have been with clients.  
 I've had clients cry when they know it's going to be our last date - either because they're moving or they have just decided they can't, for whatever reason, keep seeing sex workers (or just me). That level of sentiment has rarely been reached by civvie dudes.  
 I think, perhaps, a study should be done on the myth that men who don't see sex workers are somehow a default better time!

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