TER General Board

Dear Walter: Here are a few tips.
JakeFromStateFarm 680 reads

1) Use a tongue scraper.
2) Floss
3) Gargle
4) Bathe
5) Use deodorant
6) Get your back waxed
7) Trim the hair in your nose and ears
8) Ask her about her feelings
9) Bring extra cash

How can a dude seriously post that they are making connections with girls half or a third their age?

Is it drugs/booze that causes you to think you have some connection with them?

Ladies, do you just feel like you need to placate these old dudes?  I get if you're within a few years of the age of a john, but when you're in your 20's/30's and some dude in his 50s+ honestly thinks you're into him, seriously?

i've had some guys super 'connected' to me.. no drugs or alcohol involved
not quite sure what it is, I think they fall in love with the fantasy of it all.. of course i'm always in a great mood and want to please you, that's what i'm being paid to do..lol
I don't know how to downplay these 'connections' without hurting someones feelings so I kinda just smile and kiss them and don't say much but it's always quite uncomfortable hearing a client tell me he loves me.

You and I will ride on Splash Mountain in the front.  Please wear a nice tight t-shirt without a bra.  

Then you and I will head over to Mr. Toads Wild Ride for a private tour.

I'm in love with you already.

Posted By: mia.xo
i've had some guys super 'connected' to me.. no drugs or alcohol involved  
 not quite sure what it is, I think they fall in love with the fantasy of it all.. of course i'm always in a great mood and want to please you, that's what i'm being paid to do..lol  
 I don't know how to downplay these 'connections' without hurting someones feelings so I kinda just smile and kiss them and don't say much but it's always quite uncomfortable hearing a client tell me he loves me.

You just contradicted your post... Lmfao!!!  

When people connect,  they connect.... There's no reasonings or whys to it!!

I sure hope that the majority of us appreciate your efforts making the fantasy as good as it can be, but when it's over we realize it's over, I sure do.

I often find myself swooning over gals who are not particularly attractive nor the best in bed.   The feelings at least appear to be mutual.

Sex is a hell of a drug

JakeFromStateFarm681 reads

1) Use a tongue scraper.
2) Floss
3) Gargle
4) Bathe
5) Use deodorant
6) Get your back waxed
7) Trim the hair in your nose and ears
8) Ask her about her feelings
9) Bring extra cash

FakawiTribe605 reads

And does the disembodied head type with a Mickey Mouse souvenir pen in its mouth?

Oh the humanities

I bring a thick stack of $10 bills, and when we take care of business at the beginning, I pull the wad out, start laying down the bills, one at a time on top of each other, watching her face intently.  When she smiles, I stop, because I know we have achieved a connection, and no need to ruin it.  

-- Modified on 7/10/2016 8:38:31 PM

Some through work, some through family, friends, neighbors, etc... Maybe because I'm not a dried-up douchebag with a bad attitude.

As for connecting with providers, I've maintained a couple of friendships for YEARS after the girls have left the business. I'll admit, the ratio of real connection to just going along for fun is probably close to 20:1, but how does that compare to RL dating

What do you talk about with them?  Do they tuck you in at night?

Are you sure they actually reciprocate those feelings?  How much does it cost you for them to pretend to care about you?  

I don't know if you're a dried up douchebag with a bad attitude either.  You don't think you are, and that's all that's important.  But if you are, do you have someone who will really tell you that you are?

Posted By: bofia
Some through work, some through family, friends, neighbors, etc... Maybe because I'm not a dried-up douchebag with a bad attitude.  
 As for connecting with providers, I've maintained a couple of friendships for YEARS after the girls have left the business. I'll admit, the ratio of real connection to just going along for fun is probably close to 20:1, but how does that compare to RL dating?  

orange grove owners back in the 60's before you built the magic kingdom. I will not even mention the alligators.

I was far too busy hosting "The Wonderful World of Disney".

The alligators are animatronics.  That's what Iger told the board anyhow.

GaGambler571 reads

Oh, I forgot. You ARE old. lol

stucaboy503 reads

created by Annette, you could reach the moon.  No space program required. Amount of Jizz flying and the associated joy would be another story.  I sometimes wonder if she knew? Thanks for the memory Jake.

JakeFromStateFarm613 reads

You have no business running theme parks and making movies intended for impressionable youth.  You really are just despicable.  LMAO!

"what do you talk with them about"? Maybe asking what their interests are if they are willing to share some of them. Goals for the future? Offering some advice or merely encouragement to them?

Maybe mentions things you're interested in or have experienced and they find it interesting.

You know, try to make a temporary friend or at least to be friendly like you might do on a long flight or train ride or long intermission at the theater or while shopping or in the park....

Again, suspect you're making this out to be much bigger than most are really suggesting.

VOO-doo505 reads

Why would an intelligent, rational, accomplished man of the world... want to spend time with me???  

Why wouldn't he want to spend time with someone whose sophistication, knowledge, accomplishments, and confidence are on par with his?  

If a man is intelligent, he becomes more interesting as he ages. Also, if a person is kind-hearted to begin with, he tends to become wiser and more compassionate as he goes through life. Interesting + compassionate = amazing company :-D

As for the physical... I've heard it said that we all eventually get the face we deserve :-

When I was 13 I started having sex and it was with a 16 year old.(13 year old boy and 16 year old girl is a huge gap)
At 21, I had a torrid year and a half affair with a lady in her mid forties. It was fantastic.  
My most recent long term affair was with a lady 25 years younger than I am.  It was fantastic.
My wife is 15 years younger than I am. Still pretty good after decades.
I have a real friendship with a lady 40 years younger than I am, no sex because 1) she needs to find a second husband: much more than I would ever want to give her and she needs to be unencumbered to find that and 2) She works for me and I would never.
There are three stages in life. At least in women: kids (I have no interest) grown ups (obviously of interest if I am looking), and old ladies (no interest.) You can not tell by chronological age.
The differences of experiences and interests between me and a 30 year grown up woman are no greater than what I found when I moved to Europe many decades ago.  I met and found friendship and love with women who had read different books, who often listened to different music, whose views of the World were different from mine,but I ended up having long term friendships including sexual friendships with women from different countries and some of these friendships, as much as 50 years later, still survive. (I an still in contact with a Lady I met and fell for when visiting Crakow, Poland. She was a student at the excellent University there. We fell in love and I visited often.  She believed the profit motive and capitalism was the root of all evil, I was not a fan of Marxist philosophy expounded by a dictatorial Polish government.  I visited often, sex was great, and we still keep contact.

the proposition that men can be attracted to girls older OR younger, and there can still be an intense connection.  Had a few older ones myself when I was in my 20's.  I don't go 1/3 or 1/2 my age as the OP suggests, but I am most comfortable with women 15-20 years younger than me, in both civvies and providers.

VOO-doo518 reads

I've never really been romantically interested in people my own age, or younger. I guess I'm personally attracted to people who know more/different things that I do. Not that some people my own age don't, but you don't really tend to see them, say, going to a classical saxophone performance. Friends my age always seem to want to go to bars, watch a movie, and listen to pop music... Obviously they do have other interests, but those are the ones that seem to dominate the social scene at my age. Which is dull to me. I do feel that if a person is intelligent, his/her interests and life tends to evolve. I prefer to hang w/older people who'd rather go to an art gallery, or a jazz performance, or travel... than go to dollar wing night (not that it can't be fun, but that's seriously a dream night for some people my age, and they'd do it every night of the week if they could).

I really like hearing about my older clients' lives and interests.  

My thought actually wasn't spurred so much by my clients (there's not as much need for emotional fulfillment... at least not on the same level as in a committed relationship), as by someone in my personal life.  

However, I did meet a 31-year-old client back at the start of spring. I enjoyed his company because he was smart, cool, and relatable (we shared some athletic interests). Interestingly, he said he's generally a cougar chaser, for the same reason I love the older men

my favorite hooker. Answer? I really have no interest in the time and effort it take to establish and maintain a relationship. As far as interesting and compassionate go I believe I am both but it really doesn't matter because whether I am or not I am paying to be treated as if I am both. Those that make me believe it get repeat business. Those that don't.....Oh I can't remember who they are.

souls_harbor617 reads

By and large men are not primarily attracted by a woman's CV (curriculum vitae, aka resume.)  Beyond looks, of course, guys are attracted to happy women.  On the flip side, women tend to advertise back to men what they find attractive in men -- accomplishments being one of them.  You'll see female civie dating bios and provider ads stating things like they are well traveled, speak several languages, have advanced degrees.  This means practically nothing to the guy.  He's going to like them based on looks and spirit.  There is no greater gift to a man than a naturally happy woman.  There are so few of them around.  They are almost unicorns.  

Posted By: VOO-doo
Why would an intelligent, rational, accomplished man of the world... want to spend time with me???  
 Why wouldn't he want to spend time with someone whose sophistication, knowledge, accomplishments, and confidence are on par with his?

VOO-doo541 reads

A lot of men w/high intellectual capacity seek a woman with whom they share some interests, and can have a substantial conversation.

A client of mine just complained to me about one of his recent dates, that the conversation was primitive and uninteresting. So he wasn't able to enjoy himself with her (he's a gent who books longer dates).  

A lot of my dates love to talk to me about history, music (classical/jazz), books, travel, hobbies, etc.  

Some clients actually like to write me sweet nothings in French, Spanish, or Italian :)

Those are the the things they're interested in, so why would they want to talk to me about the Kardashians? It's definitely about WAY more than just a pretty face and a pleasant disposition.  

However, some clients really don't give a sh**, as recent posts (and even some replies to the OP) will attest. Different strokes.

souls_harbor423 reads

Well you asked why some men would hang with you if you aren't quite Madame Currie (by the way, she got into a little trouble having an affair herself.)  That doesn't mean every high IQ guy would find you stimulating.  But more than enough will.  To them, your social/intellectual skills are icing on the cake

GaGambler428 reads

Obviously I have no idea if VooDoo has big or small tits, or anything else about her appearance, but the fact remains, most guys really don't give a fuck about how well traveled, educated, etc etc a woman they pay sex is, they care about her performance in the sack and her appearance above all else and like you just said  the rest of it is simply "icing on the cake"

For a lot of clients, good GFE includes some fantasy of romance and connection.  Some clients talking about connection may just be responding to how well providers do on that aspect.  For other clients, they may just be talking about how well the provider makes conversation.  Most sessions will involve some chit chat, so having at least a few things in common so that conversation flows makes the experience better - certainly less awkward.  Some clients talking about connections may just be delusional.  I think most clients know that when the clock strikes midnight, the fantasy is over and it is back to reality.  That is not to say that providers and clients can never make genuine connections or be friends, just that it's less frequent than we like to think.  These ladies are just too good at their jobs sometimes...

I have been at this hobby on & off a very long time & the best hobby experiences for me have been with the actresses    ( the providers that pretended to be in love with me) of course I understand the unwritten rule that most providers follow        ( don't try to mix friendship with providing ). Most providers accept that they are paid to see hobbyists to bring them a session of joy & if that means acting like a friend or a lover so be it, besides the sex the way we treat each other during our time together is important to me.

(Try this again without accidentally sending before actually commenting ;-)

I'm sure in some cases the guy thinks as you describe but I think in most cases it's about there being some genuine exchange of personality and not merely the sexual fantasy we all play at. People of much different ages can still like one another without really having sexual interests -- compatible humor, or that one of the other is able to make others feel relaxed and safe being who they are.

I'd say the term "connection" is a bit ill defined and you'd really need to know what the person claiming said connection is really seeing as the connection before claiming it's about the young provider really being into the 50+ guy. I suspect most of us in that 50+ category have few illusions about how interested the 20 something girls are in us beyond income potential for them (as in repeat business or maybe a SD arrangement).

But outside the business aspects there there is still room for two people to like other aspects of each other even if that would not justify wanting to hang out together outside the profession arrangement -- it just really adds to the experience.

The sex is obviously great, but I've always felt that the greatest connections have everything to do with mutual respect. You wouldn't believe me if I listed all the wonderful things that have happened over the years. But I'm like you. Did this younger lady seriously invite me to stay over for lunch? Could it be that certain older gentlemen treat these younger ladies with a respect they don't see every day?  It has nothing to do with being into me. It has everything to do with extending that rare feeling.

firstly, "connection" does not necessarily mean "oboy this girl is in love with me!"  to me, it means that the lady genuinely enjoys her time with me as much as i enjoy it.

secondly, i don't know how many times i have to tell this story over and over again to try to prove to cro-magnons like you that these girls are actual human beings with actual feelings, but when i had my lung operation 6 months ago, not one, but two different providers stop by my house while i was recuperating to bring me groceries that i was not able to drive out to buy (and one lady, i hadn't had a session with in over 3 years!)

would a lady do that who didn't have an actual human "connection" to me, however slight?  (and i don't think that's so slight, buying groceries out of their own pocket, driving to a client with no expectation of a pay check that day.)

not to talk about the otc lunches, drinks, dinners and even a drive home from a lady's incall one time when my car was on the fritz.

love?  no.  but friendship?  yes, i would say so, on what ever level or scale you'd choose to assign it.  

girls like respect, something i never see in your posts, walt, which makes me think that you show very little of it to your dates

Since you are bashing Walt, but replying to mojojo, 🤔

Talk about clueless!

But hey, my two 60 minute sessions over the weekend both went 90. Since I show very little respect to my dates, it's interesting that the otc keeps occurring over and over. Unexplainable TER phenomena for sure, but I'm glad it somehow continues.

totally my mistake, i meant that for walter disney, not you.

i apologize, you are 1000% right, you and i are on the same page.

don't post late at night when you're tired, kids!  you'll post in the wrong place!

I connect with older men all the time. I love their maturity, and more often than not, a very respectful way of treating me in and out the bedroom. Simply because they have been around longer than I have chronologically, doesn't discredit our ability to connect conversationally and physically among other things. Chemistry is chemistry.

to treat a lady like a lady.  Something that is lacking with younger guys, who are usually very casual.  Personally I LOVE getting charmed and serenaded by a man, seduced with roses and gifts, and all those little things they do that make me feel appreciated.  Older men almost always go out of their way to make me feel appreciated. And I love it! Regardless of their age, they know what to do.  So yes! I do feel that connection with them and am happy to share it with them.

It will help you grow old graciously.

For the young, saying you have a connection is pretty close to admitting you're in love, without having to say the dreaded L word. Which, of course, because you're young, you're saving for that someone special (or pretending to) so that when you spring it on some sweet ATF or just your steady jump, SHE can pretend to be completely taken in and the two of you can have a really soulful night until you blow your wad too soon, reminding you that you're still a dumb jerk, but hopefully not ruining your 15 minutes of role play.

So as the years go by and you get past that crap, the "connection" you make with a woman is more mature. It doesn't mean that the two of you were made for each other or that you've found your one and only. It doesn't mean that the only possible future such "love" dictates is that you instantly marry, have a kid, and live together for the rest of your lives or until you wake up--whichever comes first.

A connection doesn't really depend on verbal communication. No more than a stallion and a mare need words to connect. Abstract sound and movement is enough, just being, and when you tune into each other, it's like...these analogies get a little romantic, so you have to remember that these are just analogies, metaphors--like reading each other's minds, or playing your differently pitched energy in tune, harmoniously. Or maybe better, like looking into the face of youth and vitality, while accepting the curse of having survived a little too long in the wilderness. Maybe you can relate to one of those.

T'ain't love though. Whoops! That pesky L word!

But if you really want to understand this kind of connection, you'll have to take the next half century as it comes, keep you ass out of all the possible graves along the way, and wait till it happens to you.

told me I was her favorite.    She paused and looked me in the eye and said I was her favorite too.   Lol.        I'm in love.

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