TER General Board

darn that sucks big dog.....
ozzy335 8 Reviews 2533 reads

if you clearly set your limits, and he accepted, then I think you win the argument. Next time, get the money, and check the ID first.

Post his name on the provider board if you can. No reason for you woman to put up with that type of poo-poo.

Only a few times have I had problems with a provider. With a high degree of success, I have enjoyed the service that they provide, and the pleasure that they bring to a very dark, and lonley life...a life I did not ask for, did not seek, and did not want. A woman that understands a man's need, and seeks only respect, and payment for her time...well...its sounds like a deal to me.


Filthy McNasty4269 reads

Hello Everyone!
I used an alternative screen name because I think this posting warrants anonymity...but you vets can see my real screen if you really wanna.....:)

Anyway, I would like to protest that I have been ripped-off or at least taken advantage of by no gentleman!

I have a couple of rules that I always advise my client of PRIOR to engaging in our oooo-la-la. Once I have clearly stated the boundries, I always ask if he/she is o.k. with them. I have never had anyone actually stop a session of complain that they are not acceptable. So, as my usual "speel" I went to see a man and just PRIOR to revealing my "assets", I explained my rules and asked him if he was o.k. with that. He said yes. He proceeded to take liberties with me and received just about everything but the finale. He then started to go beyond my boundries which were clearly stated prior to our session beginning. I advised him that he was going somewhere that I did not approve of...he then ensued in an arguement with me and the next thing I knew, he had grabbed the envelope left for me from the nightstand and told me that I should just leave. I was shocked and asked him if he was going to "give me anything.." He stated that I was a "rip-off" and that if I didn't leave he would call the hotel security!
Ok, I KNOW its my fault for not putting the donation in my purse. But DAMN IT! I don't usually ever have this happen. I am accustomed to GENTLEMAN and have actually never had this happen before. I won't bore you with all the details and I understand that there are two sides to every story. But, I feel so dirty after that incident.....:(
I just left without causing problems and I left empty handed.
If there are any providers that would like to know this clients details, please contact me directly. I can safely say on the board that he is from San Fransisco and is in the transportation business...

ok I'm done venting...you guys have a great day!

if you clearly set your limits, and he accepted, then I think you win the argument. Next time, get the money, and check the ID first.

Post his name on the provider board if you can. No reason for you woman to put up with that type of poo-poo.

Only a few times have I had problems with a provider. With a high degree of success, I have enjoyed the service that they provide, and the pleasure that they bring to a very dark, and lonley life...a life I did not ask for, did not seek, and did not want. A woman that understands a man's need, and seeks only respect, and payment for her time...well...its sounds like a deal to me.


unregistered user2709 reads

Just curious, as you've mentioned it a couple of times already.

ElleWoods1743 reads

You can bet I run for the envelope!  There are some guys who um finish then get buyers remorse,the young or drunk ones.  

That sucks you had to deal and be ripped off dont let him ruin other dates though by messing with your head.  A ripoff is gonna happen at some time when we do this line of work.

Think of it as odds in Vegas, only we are the house

I'm so sorry that this happened.
It just reinforces what a'holes some of the guys who participate really are.

To many guys think that once they get in the door, they are free to do whatever they want without any concern for the ladies limits.

Limits are limits and are never to be crossed.

I believe you should out the creep on the board and have no problems doing it.

Just my opinion...

Sorry to hear that!  What an ___hole.  A lady's rules are hers to have and we need to behave accordingly.  We can vote with our pocketbooks vis a vis a SECOND date or leave after the recitation of them if we decide not to go ahead after hearing them.

a) Spiel- Yiddish for "act" from the german Spiel for Game as in Kriegspiel for Wargame. pr. Shpeel

b) It was not me.  Just cuz I am known to come from where the women are strong and the men are pretty.

Mr_Incognito3050 reads

your boundaries at the beginning of the session.  When he proceeded with the session, he agreed to those boundaries you have set and for him to try to cross them along the way, he is the one at fault!  I'm so sorry you have been rip-off like that Carol.  You should have at least been compensated for the session some how in my opinion.  I really feel bad for what happened and I hope the guy is not one of us in TER because there is no excuse for what he did.  Sorry you had to experience something like that.  :(  My apology!  

One of my favorites had a bad session recently with a un-gentlemen.  As a result, she decided to retire and it is a great loss to me and many of the true gents in TER.  I miss her.  :(  Hate those bad apples that ruin it for the rest of us!!

By all means, be sure to let the other ladies in your area know about this a-hole.  From talking with several ladies, I think most of us guys are gentlemen.  I'm sorry this guy ruined your day (and then some).  Wish I could give you a back rub (or more) to ease your pain.  :-)

I wouldn't doubt if the envelope had just five one-dollar bills in it anyway, and the act was just a way of adding insult to injury.  Get his name and description on a provider site, if such things exist.  Send him back to the sordid world of monogamous marriage and "free dating."

Better luck to you, Carol.



Post this @##$%#* JERK"S name on as many boards as you can
and let's get him out of the hobby. He's bad for all of us.

If god forbid he's a TER member I will help get him 86'ed from here permanently.

BTW Carol you sound like a straight shooting provider. More like you are needed.  PM or EM me if you are ever coming to LA.
I'd like to meet you and yes, I will scrupulously observe your limits. They are there for a reason...



I am truly sorry this happened to you.

This #@*&#@* makes us all look bad.

As a "hobbyist" I truly believe in The Code of The Gentleman
and try to observe the lady's limits as to what she is and is not comfortable with.

Guys complain about providers rushing, clock-watching, etc.
but if they would just check themselves and watch THEIR behavior
they might get more out of a "session" than they expect!

See my post below at the end of the thread.

BTW you sound like a straight shooter. Where are you located?
I'd like to meet you and hook up if possible.

PM me if you can here at TER. I'm located in SoCal (LA)


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