TER General Board

Cut off & block all communication with him / her.
Elise Jolie See my TER Reviews 2358 reads
1 / 37

Does this happen to other providers? This is a first for me.

I'm the only provider he's been seeing since I started in April.
When I last heard from him weeks ago, she already had an attorney and divorce papers. Apparently she's been planning this for a while, has kicked him out their house & wants to split properties. They have not been "together" for 4 yrs so she's been waiting for a big moment. He told me she said feels he disrespected her not just cause I'm an escort but because I'm young and black.

That's not all she did.

He also confessed to me that she got someone to hack all his emails and confronted him about seeing escorts. All I was thinking was #&?*. He also mentioned she thinks he got me my apartment and I'm a mistress in another city. It was outrageous. I couldn't help but laugh then, but it wasn't funny.

She recently sent me a weird email pretending to be him from one of his accounts. How demented is that? I could tell right away. I know how this man communicates, plus he hasn't emailed me in months, just texts. Are some wives immature like this? I don't appreciate these antics, I'm not stupid.  

I don't feel comfortable seeing him anymore. I already felt he was getting too close to me. Admitted his love numerous times but I took it with a grain of salt, now "this" has happened. I feel there is a lot of mystery and I don't want to be more involved than I am.

What I don't understand is why he put himself through hell of a relationship for the last 4 yrs. Why do some men do that?  
I didn't even know he was married till 2 months ago. I had my suspicious but didn't pry. He was really good at keeping that away.  

I hope that's the last I hear from her. It was so creepy. Who in their sane mind hacks emails of their significant other

Alan_Nimm 913 reads
2 / 37

And you realized that just now?

My dear, if I were in your shoes I would've said goodbye to that guy weeks ago.  This is why I don't see my ATF very often, even tho she's fantastic. Seeing other providers helps remind me this is just business, with professionals. Nothing more.

STPhomer 176 Reviews 856 reads
3 / 37

Never....never reply to her. Don't even acknowledge her emails. Do not answer or hang up instantly if she calls.
Same if he tries to contact you. Definitely never see him again. No matter what. Do not see him again.

You are not the home wrecker. That is a home that had long ago been demolished . The thing now is you don't want to get sucked into their toxic vacume of dysfunction .  

And yes , this stuff happens.

-- Modified on 9/16/2015 7:45:40 AM

PussyLipGloss 664 reads
4 / 37

Keeping in touch just prolongs the drama. Block is his email and texts. Just move on. He will too, cities are chock-full of chocolate (and vanilla) kisses for hire. He'll do just fine.

MaxineMonroeofChicago See my TER Reviews 587 reads
5 / 37

LOL...I totally agree with what she said.

Posted By: PussyLipGloss
Keeping in touch just prolongs the drama. Block is his email and texts. Just move on. He will too, cities are chock-full of chocolate (and vanilla) kisses for hire. He'll do just fine.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 586 reads
6 / 37

Posted By: Elise Jolie
Does this happen to other providers? This is a first for me.  
This has happened to me, personally, just once. I've heard of it happening to 2 other ladies.  
Keep in mind that if you had up all the time I've been doing this on-and-off it adds up to about a decade.  

So the odds are that it won't ever happen to you again.  Hope that helps!  :-)


-- Modified on 9/16/2015 11:40:19 AM

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 739 reads
7 / 37

You disrespected her because you're young ... and black? I've heard that rubs off ...too bad for her.

Posted By: Elise Jolie
Does this happen to other providers? This is a first for me.  
 I'm the only provider he's been seeing since I started in April.  
 When I last heard from him weeks ago, she already had an attorney and divorce papers. Apparently she's been planning this for a while, has kicked him out their house & wants to split properties. They have not been "together" for 4 yrs so she's been waiting for a big moment. He told me she said feels he disrespected her not just cause I'm an escort but because I'm young and black.  
 That's not all she did.  
 He also confessed to me that she got someone to hack all his emails and confronted him about seeing escorts. All I was thinking was #&?*. He also mentioned she thinks he got me my apartment and I'm a mistress in another city. It was outrageous. I couldn't help but laugh then, but it wasn't funny.  
 She recently sent me a weird email pretending to be him from one of his accounts. How demented is that? I could tell right away. I know how this man communicates, plus he hasn't emailed me in months, just texts. Are some wives immature like this? I don't appreciate these antics, I'm not stupid.  
 I don't feel comfortable seeing him anymore. I already felt he was getting too close to me. Admitted his love numerous times but I took it with a grain of salt, now "this" has happened. I feel there is a lot of mystery and I don't want to be more involved than I am.  
 What I don't understand is why he put himself through hell of a relationship for the last 4 yrs. Why do some men do that?  
 I didn't even know he was married till 2 months ago. I had my suspicious but didn't pry. He was really good at keeping that away.  
 I hope that's the last I hear from her. It was so creepy. Who in their sane mind hacks emails of their significant other?  

bigguy30 620 reads
8 / 37

This guy cannot handle this and sounds crazy.
You are doing the right thing by not seeing him anymore.
Just make sure to block him for good!

Elise Jolie See my TER Reviews 775 reads
9 / 37

I cut off contact with him when he confessed to me weeks ago. Then she emailed me last night. I was surprised.  

Posted By: Alan_Nimm
And you realized that just now?  
 My dear, if I were in your shoes I would've said goodbye to that guy weeks ago.  This is why I don't see my ATF very often, even tho she's fantastic. Seeing other providers helps remind me this is just business, with professionals. Nothing more.

Elise Jolie See my TER Reviews 701 reads
10 / 37

I hope she doesn't call. That would be crossing the line.

Ruckerman2 540 reads
11 / 37

Agree with the advice given, but curious if you felt a thing for this guy. Getting personally involved is never a good idea for either party.

russbbj 89 Reviews 622 reads
12 / 37

You are in no way shape or form responsible for or accountable to his indiscretions.

It pisses me off to no end that butt hurt wives try to blame the escort, instead of placing the blame on the husbands and not looking in the mirror at themselves.

I can't be sure, but I suspect that you did not seek him out.

I wouldn't worry too much about that botch, and if I were you I would cease all contact with him.

Andthenshesaid 696 reads
14 / 37

Is this your boyfriend or your client? One, I wouldn't even get involved in the crazy bullshit and when I worked as an escort, I used to cut off the wife talk, especially bad mouthing. You are believing a man that tells you they haven't been together in 4 plus years ?  

You are FUCKING her husband, you bet your sweet ass if you are fucking my husband, I'd be pissed. She has every right to be. They are married, you are just a paid companion. You "had your suspicions, but didn't pry" again you aren't his girlfriend you are a paid servicer. A client can tell me he's from Mars, I don't give a crap if a client is married, single, polygamist, etc etc.  

She's not being immature she's acting like a woman who just found out her husband is cheating. I have gotten calls and emails from clients wives.  I would stop seeing him as others have said and don't get so involved with your clients. They are your clients, not your boyfriends.

Elise Jolie See my TER Reviews 565 reads
15 / 37

Yes and me not prying cause it's none of my business. It's just a job. Like I said, "with a grain of salt". He's the one who confessed all this drama to me a few weeks ago. Then she decided to email me. How am I involved with him personally?

Elise Jolie See my TER Reviews 463 reads
16 / 37

No, I'm not looking to be in any relation anytime soon. He just saw me often, so I sort of knew him. It was always awkward when he'd tell me he loved me, men say many things.

Elise Jolie See my TER Reviews 469 reads
17 / 37

I haven't reached out to him since I cut ties. I'm not interest in stirring the pot.

scb19 10 Reviews 577 reads
18 / 37

and had a forensic computer person go through it and got my history and everywhere I had visited.  She never contacted anyone though, but I could see her doing that.  It all boils down to the refrain in that poem:

Heav'n knows no rage like love turned to hate
Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.

Mine was totally irrational in her rage and had not met someone else, she would still be killing me with a thousand cuts.

Yes, cut it off with this guy....too many other clients out there.

WilliamKidd 11 Reviews 641 reads
19 / 37

I am sorry to hear that you were put in the middle of this.

As for why a guy would put themselves in this situation it is complicated.  You only see one aspect.  Maybe other things were good and there just was not the sex.  Or maybe he was afraid of change.  Or thought he deserved it.  Or was worried he would not find someone else.  Lots of reasons why people put themselves in a position.
Posted By: Elise Jolie

 What I don't understand is why he put himself through hell of a relationship for the last 4 yrs. Why do some men do that?  
 I didn't even know he was married till 2 months ago. I had my suspicious but didn't pry. He was really good at keeping that away.  
 I hope that's the last I hear from her. It was so creepy. Who in their sane mind hacks emails of their significant other?  

Andthenshesaid 618 reads
20 / 37

Posted By: Elise Jolie
Yes and me not prying cause it's none of my business. It's just a job. Like I said, "with a grain of salt". He's the one who confessed all this drama to me a few weeks ago. Then she decided to email me. How am I involved with him personally?
She didn't get a forensics person to get on his computer, she just installed a key logger. A key logger monitors everything you do on the computer and records your keystrokes, meaning she found his email address and password and logged on.  

You are involved with him, you can tell from your first post. Its not all that serious, but I didn't know anything about my clients and their wives, aside from general info cause I didn't want to hear it and didn't allow them to tell me about it. Ignore and move on, have some humility when a woman confronts you cause she found her husband is cheating instead of calling her "immature".  

Have a great day :

harborview 10 Reviews 429 reads
21 / 37

YOUR security has been compromised.  You must screen all your calls & messages.  Does he have any personal info as to your real identity or location?  You may need to lie low or even relocate.  You don't know what a crazy soon-to-be EX might do.  Stalk you.  Drop a dime on you (to LE).  

Many gals drop any client that says the LOVE word.  We LOVE what you do...  WE must not LOVE you.  

He has sloppy computer / phone habbits...  she found the tracks.   While it's impossible to not leave tracks at all, it is very possible to leave no easy tracks.  

Stay safe.

ronkini1234 2 Reviews 558 reads
22 / 37

He's been seeing you for like what? 5 months and already he says he loves you? That's what puts most people in shitty marriages. It can also be because one or both parties in the marriage have changed over time and this happens ALL the time. It can also be because most men are masochists.  

Women in marriages have a ton of incentive to divorce. They get everything since these men "in love" don't do the proper legal work before the marriage occurs. Once she can prove he's committed adultery or convinced the police he hit her she is at a huge advantage if the pre-nup was not done right. This is tremendous power and it corrupts the most gentle of women.

The worst are those women who use divorce as a bargaining tool against the man so they could avoid house choirs, exercise or get money from their husbands.  

You should had dumped him after he said he loves you, it's what a lot of providers do after hearing the L word.  

The people who would say they love you months into a relationship are crazy and they will only attract other crazies like his wife. Hence, his wife is crazy.  

The best thing to do is nothing.  
Posted By: Elise Jolie
Does this happen to other providers? This is a first for me.  
 I'm the only provider he's been seeing since I started in April.  
 When I last heard from him weeks ago, she already had an attorney and divorce papers. Apparently she's been planning this for a while, has kicked him out their house & wants to split properties. They have not been "together" for 4 yrs so she's been waiting for a big moment. He told me she said feels he disrespected her not just cause I'm an escort but because I'm young and black.  
 That's not all she did.  
 He also confessed to me that she got someone to hack all his emails and confronted him about seeing escorts. All I was thinking was #&?*. He also mentioned she thinks he got me my apartment and I'm a mistress in another city. It was outrageous. I couldn't help but laugh then, but it wasn't funny.  
 She recently sent me a weird email pretending to be him from one of his accounts. How demented is that? I could tell right away. I know how this man communicates, plus he hasn't emailed me in months, just texts. Are some wives immature like this? I don't appreciate these antics, I'm not stupid.  
 I don't feel comfortable seeing him anymore. I already felt he was getting too close to me. Admitted his love numerous times but I took it with a grain of salt, now "this" has happened. I feel there is a lot of mystery and I don't want to be more involved than I am.  
 What I don't understand is why he put himself through hell of a relationship for the last 4 yrs. Why do some men do that?  
 I didn't even know he was married till 2 months ago. I had my suspicious but didn't pry. He was really good at keeping that away.  
 I hope that's the last I hear from her. It was so creepy. Who in their sane mind hacks emails of their significant other?  

AngelinaDDD See my TER Reviews 444 reads
23 / 37

I would never see a gentleman whose wife confronted me and I would be extra cautious.  Scarey situation on so many levels.   A scorned wife is worse then LE and often will drop a dime on you.   Stay safe.

VuittonNeverfullGM 528 reads
24 / 37

Had a similar experience.  A client was contemplating filing for divorce and became careless.  She checked the cookies and browsing history while he was traveling and then began to dig deeper.  She started checking cc statements and his paypal account.  Money was no option so her resources were far reaching and she spent a boat load terrorizing me indirectly.  But, don't think if this woman's financial resources that contacted you are limited that she can't make your life miserable.
Her Attorney was going to depose me but luckily he and his Attorney did a good job of circumventing and diffusing the situation.  This played out nearly 2 years.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Keep your distance.  If you're brought into court as a witness in his divorce you're up the creek because now she has proof and if it goes that far, trust me she's going to rake your ass over the coals.  

If she emails you, delete it and don't respond.  If she calls you, hang up the phone.  Do not engage her.  It's his problem, not yours.  But, if you continue to see him before his divorce is final it can be bad for you.  And, if she's a vindictive woman she can still fuck with you after they divorce unless you are prepared to take legal action to stop her.

I got through it okay, but it cost him a boat load of money in exchange for my pain and suffering.

jjweiskopf 1 Reviews 466 reads
25 / 37

Agree completely with harborview, and I'd add that wifey may not even need to work too hard on following the tracks...

If she knows how to push this guy's buttons, to threaten, to guilt, or to manipulate him just right, he will tell her anything and everything he knows.  
Assume that she knows whatever he knows, and protect yourself accordingly.  
Posted By: harborview
YOUR security has been compromised.  You must screen all your calls & messages.  Does he have any personal info as to your real identity or location?  You may need to lie low or even relocate.  You don't know what a crazy soon-to-be EX might do.  Stalk you.  Drop a dime on you (to LE).    
 Many gals drop any client that says the LOVE word.  We LOVE what you do...  WE must not LOVE you.    
 He has sloppy computer / phone habbits...  she found the tracks.   While it's impossible to not leave tracks at all, it is very possible to leave no easy tracks.    
 Stay safe.
Brief tangent:  my CF sent me an email where two sentences had missing verbs.  
The word "love" would have fit naturally in both sentences.  ( Nothing romantic or whatever directed at me, of course! )
Is there a messaging app for escorts that auto-deletes the word "LOVE"?

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 464 reads
26 / 37

I'm betting he's been seeing others, not just you.  Further, it seems he's been actively hobbying for awhile, which likely added to his wife's suspicions.  Dude got caught!

Needless to say, walk away if you can, and avoid the drama to the extent possible.

Replicunt 420 reads
27 / 37

The moment a wife contacts you, you exist as either evidence, leverage, or a ghost.  Pick ghost.

-- Modified on 9/17/2015 5:42:28 AM

Lea_ThePrivAsst See my TER Reviews 507 reads
28 / 37

If it's just email, ignoring it is probably the wisest thing you can do.  

I've had a couple of communications from SO's via text.  (It's been some time so I'm sure I'm jinxing myself.)  You didn't initiate the relationship and that would be the only message I get across to her.  "I'm not the one who cheated."  

She's mad at the world and wants to take out everyone and everything that has done her wrong.  This is going to sound contradictory but - Don't let your guard down and don't let her get under your skin.  If you like the gent, I would ask him to refrain from contact until his life has leveled out.  I wouldn't want to be wrapped up in his drama.

Stay safe and sexy!

-- Modified on 9/17/2015 9:16:46 AM

harborview 10 Reviews 482 reads
29 / 37

She emailed YOU.  You need to immediately change your e-address.   Anything he or she sends you will bounce back as undeliverable.  
He has your "work phone" number...  she may have it too.   You may need to change numbers.  

I know it disrupts your business but this is something all in the business should pre-plan.  You can choose to let your regulars know or announce in ads.  

A halfway measure...  not as effective...  is to screen your messages for a brief time & give trusted contacts your new number. Call the new number your "Private Line" or something.  

IF she thinks she shut you down or pushed you out of the picture, it may give her the satisfaction so she might not harrass you...  maybe...

Lea_ThePrivAsst See my TER Reviews 395 reads
30 / 37

I'm not sure I understand the logic. If her provider name is the same, what's going to change if she publicly advertises?  The wife could google her, right?

If she does take increased measures of safety,  Changing to a number that allows calls to be blocked and a VPN would be helpful.

GaGambler 459 reads
31 / 37

There is absolutely nothing good that can come from it.  

Even an acknowledgement that you ever received her email is too much communication.  

she should be ignored, blocked, and NEVER be engaged in ANY type of communication, nor should he. BOTH should be removed as far out of your life as possible.

hey mikey 8 Reviews 430 reads
32 / 37

While expressing "I'm not the one who cheated" might make you feel better, it can only make the situation worse since it acknowledges that her spouse cheated.  If he is following the wise advice of "deny, deny, deny" the LAST thing he will want to see is an admission from you via text or email of the relationship... and I also doubt that you would want the potential of a future deposition.  Ignoring her and not responding at all is the best decision.  She will eventually begin to examine her real problems and leave you alone.

nevertoolarge 28 Reviews 459 reads
33 / 37

follow the advice of this video !!  

Posted By: Alan_Nimm
And you realized that just now?  
 My dear, if I were in your shoes I would've said goodbye to that guy weeks ago.  This is why I don't see my ATF very often, even tho she's fantastic. Seeing other providers helps remind me this is just business, with professionals. Nothing more.

Lea_ThePrivAsst See my TER Reviews 419 reads
34 / 37
scb19 10 Reviews 479 reads
37 / 37

now that's cute...as to the first part, hard to believe that's the same guy from Mad Men and as to the second part, my ex would have lit into me with all fours by the time I got the second "what?" out of my mouth.

Posted By: nevertoolarge
follow the advice of this video !!  
Posted By: Alan_Nimm
And you realized that just now?  
  My dear, if I were in your shoes I would've said goodbye to that guy weeks ago.  This is why I don't see my ATF very often, even tho she's fantastic. Seeing other providers helps remind me this is just business, with professionals. Nothing more.

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