TER General Board

Curious thoughts
N.C.Tammy See my TER Reviews 3843 reads

After 2 years of being a non high rated but simple escort, there are still a lot of things I just don’t understand.

You learn a lot on the boards here at TER but they just can’t give you that peace of mind on why things really happen, and the truth about them.

Call me old fashion but I stand by the things I say and do and expect others to do the same. Ah I know it’s the 20th century and welcome to the real world today.

Trust should not be something you have to worry about in this business…….

Lets start with:


Why e-mail an escort if you really have no interest in seeing   her?
Why e-mail 3 or 4 times and then drop of the face of her computer?
Why ask for more pictures?


Sometimes there is a reason we don’t have them listed, hmmm 1-800 lets talk sex babe is one of them.
Bootie calls are not part of this business unless you are a ATF and then it’s?


Just plain asinine

We all need to realize {clients and escorts} that things have to done before the meeting.

Like maybe babysitter,
Cancel lunch with someone else just as special but not as fun,
Drive out of our way.
Leave from work early

So now that's money out to the babtsitter.
          Half of days pay lost
          Gas to and from
          Paid for a room just to take a shower.
          Having to make a new excuse up at home why you’re
          home early.

And how about oh my god you were so great Ill be calling you again soon………So where are you???????

Does soon ever really come in most of these cases?

And let’s not forget THE DONATION:

Wow that was great…….how mush did you say dinner was, oh I only brought for lunch.

Now who feels like the ass, not the person paying the check (do ah think).


Does it really matter, I mean your meeting someone you don’t know, and will probably in most cases never see again.
For sex, behind closed doors.
Isn’t it more about the activities then the looks?

AND SIZE: (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,,9 and oh my)

Who cares lets just have fun.


-- Modified on 8/2/2004 9:22:31 PM

FSinIndy2586 reads


  What's up with posting links that don't work?


Men come and go as you suggest and some just really can't pay the frieght or are scared shitless by going through with the act... if he is anything like me, I was very scared at first of meeting women who were run by pimps or worse a sting (LE). There will always be a good number of guys who just 'kick tires' and there is not much you can do other than forge a bond with a special few and when times get slow send out a nice reminder that we should be getting together soon... Once I set up a computerized mail list with a hair stylist friend of mine with 'date' reminders... she reported that her repeat business went up 50%... just a thought... Next time I am in charlotte, I might call and take you for a test drive... : ) Kisses and licks...


They're nervous to take the plunge.  Why meet you when they can splooge from your interaction :)  And/or they chose to see someone else.  I vote for him chickening out.


Rarely happens.  Do you have a date request form to fill out?  Those that are professional and serious usually utilize the form. If a guy continually emails me and asks me questions that are none of his business without setting on a date/time to meet.... usually means he's not serious.
REPEAT Business:

They had a great time, but they've been with one lady probably 20 years.  This hobby is for spice and variety for most.  He meant what he said at the time.  Might not be for another 6 months though.  It's his cash, he should be happy with where he spends it.

And let’s not forget THE DONATION:

Again, a date request form with donation for time selected really clears this up.  If you need help creating one for your site, let me know.


Yes, looks means allot to men, they're very visual creatures.  If he's done his homework, you're the gal for him.  If he was just calling down a list of recent reviews, there's a chance he'll be unhappy with your looks compared to what he finds attractive.  Same day apt's usually have the highest risk of the gent not doing his homework.  Nothing you can do about that, but have accurate photo's and be honest in your description.

...sure, there are some you mention that are particular to escorting.  But things like inquiries that don't lead to anything, strong prospects that go poof, sure things that don't come through are all part and parcel of running most businesses in the service sector.  Don't take it personally -- it comes with the territory.

-- Modified on 8/3/2004 8:34:56 AM

Why e-mail an escort if you really have no interest in seeing   her?
Why e-mail 3 or 4 times and then drop of the face of her computer?
Why ask for more pictures?

That is just kids mostly or bored people trying to get off over the computer... That answers all of those..Could also just be someone that had a change of heart.

In this business.. or any business venture.. especially with the businessman, Meetings come up... their family life comes into play... we all have lives here.. that is one thing the hobbyist/provider must never forget... we all have family.. friends.. homes.. a realm outside of this.. everyone must respect each others.

" you were so great, ill call again soon " He isn't going to tell you , " you suck !! I'm never coming back here again !"
Be happy he had such nice manners.. Or.. he just doesnt have a money tree growing in his yard..

Size : If a man wants a certain size... then that is what he wants.. If he wanted big/frumpy and some flab here and there.. He might as well stay home for that.. Why go elsewhere and pay for it...

Every man has a fantasy.. that is why you are in business.. to be at their beck and call. If not for their fantasies.. us girls wouldn't have a home or pretty fingernails and nice cars now would we ? :) Smile !!!  And have fun.. This can really be a fun business if you just let it .

very well articulated. Plus there's such as thing as window shopping for hobbyist (looking at several ladies) ... before they actually contact a lady and make a serious appointment. It's just a fact of hobbying. And providers will have to contend with the fact that some guys will ask for pictures but not push through with with her. So many choices, but limited cash and busy with other stuff in life.

SirPrize2784 reads

Emails: Maybe interested in seeing her, make contact once or more, decide not to. Every business has this.

Phone numbers: Sometimes we want a short notice appointment. Many women are willing to accomodate us. If you aren't, no reason to have a phone number listed.

No shows: Happens with restaurants all the time. People make plans and aren't very considerate. Happens both ways in this hobby. Very very inconsiderate. Some people just aren't nice.

Donation: There are always scam artists. Collect upfront, especially the first time. Failing to pay the agreed upon amount is stealing, but some guys don't care knowing that you will probably not do anything about it.

Physical appearance: I rate service far more important than looks, but I still won't see someone I find unattractive. Physical attraction is part of the sexual equation.

Size: Guys can't help what size they are, and they can't help what size woman they are attracted to. Not sure what your point was here.

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