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Creationism exists in your reviews. LOL.eom
netmichelle See my TER Reviews 2868 reads


Can someone PLEASE tell me why we are taking steps back in time? This Creationism case from Pennsylvania in the Supreme Court is an utter throwback to a time when we were all more repressed. Just looking for other points of view from the board.

...the right-wing fundamentalists who partially bankrolled the oil cartel that runs the country.  So we are debating whether to teach "creation science" and its latest incarnation, "intelligent design," in school science classes.  Why aren't we debating whether to teach the 2+2=5 hypothesis in math classes?  Because Genesis didn't say anything about arithmetic.  
Superstition and ignorance NEVER entirely go away, they must ALWAYS be fought.  Right now they have a powerful ally: a President who believes (or SAYS he believes) that stem cells and cloning are witchcraft, and Darwin was full of shit.  We'll have a different President by and by, and the yahoos won't always be in the saddle, but they'll never disappear completely.  They haven't so far.  We'll ALWAYS have people who maintain that God requires them to believe that the sun revolves around the earth.  For the present, it's a good time to own stock in oil companies and Bible publishers.    

-- Modified on 9/27/2005 12:57:43 PM

[[President who believes (or SAYS he believes) that stem cells and cloning are witchcraft]]

I gotta wonder how intelligent the designer was who put tiny little titties on men...oh, He's a joker, too.  That would explain a LOT.

Bizzaro Superdude1859 reads

the Man -zier?  

Seriously, I am more concerned that we have C & D college grads running for pres - Where are the A & B guys?  I am also a bit concerned about the basics that do not seem to be taught!  Reading, writing and simple arithmatic.  Simple recorded history would be nice as well!  

So, ya want good & great government - let the political parties put up good & great LEADERS and not political hacks who are goverend by political polls.  
I'll be I'm not so popular with this post, but seriously, we don't have good choices on voting day.

My new word of the day, with inspiration from Ciara.

I think both sides, and certainly the middle would agree that the last few elections have been between bad and real bad.  The only difference is who each of us tag with those positions.  If there is a really intelligent person out there with the desire to make the country a better place, and with no personal motive, they could rule the good ole US of A for decades.

Abe Lincoln was a 1st term congressman and trial lawyer, with a crazy wife.

The nature of politics requires vague answers about the future - nobody can foresee the future, and a person who makes ironclad promises about the future is a stone-cold liar or dumbass.

But people who lie about the past, or conceal it, can't be trusted.   Good politicians SHOULD be boring - because if they know what they are doing, paying attention to the necessary detail, they should put us asleep in a NY minute.   Problem is, that can cover BS too.

I find it ironic how tolerance and free speech only are only allowed if you agree with the left! I am just curious, but why can't both sides be taught? So if we exclude one side that is ok?? Tolerence is only acceptable when talking about gay rights and abortion. Science is suppose to open to all possibilities, so why not allow students to hear everything and make up thier own mind?? Along with this mindset of the left, that the fundamentalists are running the country. They have just used the system and acually gotten numers to come out and vote to get what they wanted done. Why cry about it. just because the left cannot get things done like that doesn't mean the christain wackos are wrong. Just more organized. If you don't like it, organize and vote to change things. That's the beauty of AMERICA!

"Societies Worse Off 'When God Is On Their Side'"  This report, citing research in the "Journal of Religion and Society," finds that young democracies, like the US, who have a strong reliance upon religion, again like the US, have a higher rates of mortality, suicide, and childhood and early adult STD transmission and infection.  Makes you think mmmmmmmmmmmmm,

Have fun all.

-- Modified on 9/27/2005 2:35:41 PM

How big was the sample of "young democracies", and how many (hundreds) of other variables were there?

Hmmm, I think correlation is not to be confused with causation.  Lest we all turn into shrinks, and the entire damn country become TOTALLY useless.

Not a defender of religion taught in school but to blame society on it (or even Bush) seems to border on the ridicules.

I bet some of the people that were victims of Katrina were grateful for all the support they received from churches of all denominations, clothing, food, money and even a place to live. Not to mention all the professional type people that went down they’re to offer their help such as, doctors, nurses, carpenters, electricians and the like.
I don't think the American Atheist Society set up a booth down there. That is not to say that people that do not believe in god did not help, I'm sure some did but a churches ability to organize and get things moving is very good.

the US has been trapped in a of security, and sexuality since at least the 1980s, and the Reagan administration!!!  I only reported a story in one of the world's most respected papers.

While I do not bame convertatism,  I do not see how any hobbysst can blindly say that he supports anything and everthing that comes out of the current White House!!!  Liberty in defence of chastisty mat be the conservative goal, but not mine.

-- Modified on 9/29/2005 2:11:23 PM

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