TER General Board

Courtney, I was raised by humans, so I know all there is to know about them.
Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 2419 reads
1 / 68

So today I was sitting at a ******* and I was reading an old issue of Money magazine.  There was a section titled "Second Acts".  This is basically a section that details a persons second career (i.e., retired from ? and became a blah blah blah).

Now I will be the first to admit that I would probably go batshit crazy if I did not have a way to release my sexual desires (and yes they are sick - somewhat).  But I am baffled as to how a woman goes forward after this chosen career.  Mind you I am not judging (ya believe that right).  I have spent the last 15 years of my life moving $$$ around and added nothing substantive to the world.  But hey I will live don't worry about me.  (you are worried about me right?)

I am curious as to what a Provider does after Providing.  One Provider told me she wanted to get into Real Estate and I thought that is actually a very good idea.  Providers are sales people and they know how to ask for the sale which is the most important part of sales.  Another Provider worked at a law firm and was escorting on the side.  She posted her pics with face shot and they found out and fired her.  Bummer.  (ask yourself how they found it - hmmmmmm)

But for the others what do they do?  How do you explain the gap in employment?  While I am sure you would get bonus points for giving BJs for the last 2 years that is not really a transferable skill:)  I mean I would hire you on the spot but alas I am not most people.  Thankfully!!!!

Sometimes I worry too much.  

But I am serious what is the 2nd act for Providers?


Dr Who revived 1262 reads
2 / 68

Many have the "let me fuck you" part down part.

I haven't seen many agents that look like they've been a hooker...well, maybe that's not really true.  Seems that once they get fat and/or old here they can really let themselves go and not worry about getting those 10's.

I do worry about you...but you knew that  ;)
Posted By: Ridgetucky
So today I was sitting at a ******* and I was reading an old issue of Money magazine.  There was a section titled "Second Acts".  This is basically a section that details a persons second career (i.e., retired from ? and became a blah blah blah).  
 Now I will be the first to admit that I would probably go batshit crazy if I did not have a way to release my sexual desires (and yes they are sick - somewhat).  But I am baffled as to how a woman goes forward after this chosen career.  Mind you I am not judging (ya believe that right).  I have spent the last 15 years of my life moving $$$ around and added nothing substantive to the world.  But hey I will live don't worry about me.  (you are worried about me right?)  
 I am curious as to what a Provider does after Providing.  One Provider told me she wanted to get into Real Estate and I thought that is actually a very good idea.  Providers are sales people and they know how to ask for the sale which is the most important part of sales.  Another Provider worked at a law firm and was escorting on the side.  She posted her pics with face shot and they found out and fired her.  Bummer.  (ask yourself how they found it - hmmmmmm)  
 But for the others what do they do?  How do you explain the gap in employment?  While I am sure you would get bonus points for giving BJs for the last 2 years that is not really a transferable skill:)  I mean I would hire you on the spot but alas I am not most people.  Thankfully!!!!  
 Sometimes I worry too much.    
 But I am serious what is the 2nd act for Providers?  

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 1176 reads
3 / 68

By sheer coincidence, I was mulling a related topic... I offer my post in a regional board:


Inquiring minds think alike :-)

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1087 reads
4 / 68

First of all, like the vast majority of johns who write reviews, you comment on women's intelligence as somehow inferior to yours or to men's in general. The reviews that state with astonishment that the woman they visited could converse on a wide range of topics or in sone other proved to be quite bright seem endless and predictable. I don't think men comment on each other as to how smart they are. But a woman's intellect always seems to surprise them. So the general assumption must be that they think women are stupid. This is big news for you, RT, they're not.

You admit to not knowing how to do anything except shuffle papers and surf the Web, and to never having added anything to the world from which you've taken so much. If you can weasel by, think how much easier it will be for women who are willing and able to actually make their corner of the world a better place. They'll do fine.

What will they do? Whatever life leads them to do. Some are interested in working with numbers, some in working with people, some like to work with ideas, and I suspect some actually like to do things and make things.

If you're looking for the Old Hookers Retirement Home with the hope of grabbing some gray pussy, forget it. The OHRH closed for lack of customers. Maybe you could refurbish it into... Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot. You don't know how do to do anything.

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 1233 reads
5 / 68

For as long as I was "sexual" there was always some negotiation for it. Finding what "skills" I could market was a tool for me to gain advantage over other peers sexually, to always have a BF or take another girls BF or whatever. Shoes, clothes, trips, money, etc came a little later, and then finally this world. Is there ever an actual retirement from providing? Seems to me there will always be some exchange going on, website or not, as long as my pussy is functional and willing.  

Finding the balance and having a "regular" life is always a challenge; maybe that's what you mean? Living life with a profession more socially acceptable or vanilla? I have a regular life and responsibilities besides this and no the two don't overlap. As I have seen that there is no ideal time to start or stop providing, women of all ages are getting paid and getting off. Win win. Why quit? LOL!

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 1257 reads
6 / 68

The mathematical scenario you proposed and calculated is what the finance industry wants you to think.  But your math is wrong.  Not but because your calculations are wrong but because the inputs are linear and that is not the way the stock market works.

You assume that you earned a fixed rate over a certain number of years.  Nothing could be more wrong. Some years you earn a positive rate and others you lose money.  The math changes big time when you lose money in the market.  Do the calculations when you lose 5% a year for 2 years and then work your way back up.  That's just 2 years which is not uncommon.  Now spread that out for 20-30 years and factor in several rolling periods (i.e., a negative return every fourth year) of negative returns and then do the calculations.  The returns are not so good:(

Maybe then some will understand why Wall Street is a rigged game!!


Blowing Chunks 1524 reads
7 / 68
Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 956 reads
8 / 68

I was merely proposing a realistic question.  The validity of the scenario stands!!!!!

A couple of months ago I interviewed for several positions.  Some out of finance and some inside of finance.  AND let me tell you ALL of those motherfuckers took me thru the ringer.  

Not to brag but I have a BS and MBA in Finance and I underwent 12 months training as a Financial Analyst at one of the biggest banks in the country.  Combine that with a Series 7 and 63 and I have underwritten numerous bond issues in the Midwest.

Guess what question I got asked in my first interview?  What's the difference between a balance sheet and an income statement.   That's like saying what's 2+2.  

I only state the above to tell you that if an experienced Finance Professional can get treated as a recent college graduate then a female with big gaps on her resume will face hell.  

That's all.

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 1263 reads
9 / 68


Yes,  made some assumptions, including that of a constant rate of return.  

Yes, the industry does use this concept, calling it "dollar cost averaging" as we all know.

I am just an old fart who has been using this "angle" for myself, for over thirty years and have ridden out three recessions.

In the meantime, I yield to your superior intellect ;-)

-- Modified on 8/17/2014 8:19:14 PM

-- Modified on 8/17/2014 8:20:04 PM

Dr Who revived 1030 reads
10 / 68

Thinking that somehow a pussy will earn you money long term is moronic at the very minimum...utterly stupid is more likely.

So while you're hooking for the next period of time...while those with ambitions to create a sustainable career, you'll find out shortly why hooking is a horrible long-term plan.  Starting at entry level won't be so much fun at 40....but that's where you're headed.

Some of the gals come in...make enough to cover their "bills" and get the fuck out and move on to a sustainable career.  Others end up here forever...and despite Wicked thinking that none need go to the OHRH (Old Hookers Retirement Home)....that is where many end up.  And unfortunately it isn't covered under ACA.  

I fear you'll be seeking employment in a few years as one of the those IRS agents who get sent out to "fuck" taxpayers.  But in this case you'll be starting at a G-4 pay grade.  Hopefully you'll get good at that and find a niche.

I suspect you'll be eating your words in less than 10 years....I do feel for you.  And honestly...wish you luck.  But you need to figure out a serious exit plan before long.  And don't fret...there's never a shortage of hot, young and fresh new gals to take your place.  It's been going on since...well, forever  LOL
Posted By: SexyJaye7
For as long as I was "sexual" there was always some negotiation for it. Finding what "skills" I could market was a tool for me to gain advantage over other peers sexually, to always have a BF or take another girls BF or whatever. Shoes, clothes, trips, money, etc came a little later, and then finally this world. Is there ever an actual retirement from providing? Seems to me there will always be some exchange going on, website or not, as long as my pussy is functional and willing.  
 Finding the balance and having a "regular" life is always a challenge; maybe that's what you mean? Living life with a profession more socially acceptable or vanilla? I have a regular life and responsibilities besides this and no the two don't overlap. As I have seen that there is no ideal time to start or stop providing, women of all ages are getting paid and getting off. Win win. Why quit? LOL!

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1404 reads
11 / 68

telling me that she wants to be a US Senator. Nothing wrong is becoming politician. We know we all need them no matter how much we might hate them.  

But the idea of an ex hooker becoming a politician, in this day an age, is almost impossible to pull off, and by hook or crook she does end up becoming one, wonder how long she would last after (not if) shit hits the fan...

inicky46 61 Reviews 1088 reads
12 / 68

I love the fact that you own what you do.  You rock.

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 1253 reads
13 / 68

and it was fucking horrible.  They keep the temp in the 40's and you stand in one spot wrapping the sausages around a metal stick.  All the while having a guy yell at you that you are not wrapping fast enough.

So I said to myself the hell with this!!!!!

What can I do where I get paid as much as possible with little maximum effort.

Bingo - Finance.

The industry that changed the term from 2nd Mortgage to Home Equity Line of Credit and stripped billions of dollars away from hard working people.

Long live America:)

89Springer 832 reads
14 / 68

Unless someone works at the same job for his or her entire life, that person has a second act of some sort. Shifting careers mid-life is common. The question is whether the second act is as good as the first. For some of us, it's not.

Most of the providers I've seen are, I believe, making very good money. Multiple six figures, which is good dough for someone in her 20's. I just hope they're socking some away and making plans for the future.  

Our own LR did her stint, and is now presumably doing her second act, for which she'd prepared for years while providing.  

As for smarts, there's plenty of providers on this forum whom I'd never want to engage in a battle of wits, as I'm at a disadvantage.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1140 reads
15 / 68
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1320 reads
16 / 68

People are interested in various things, and everybody's life presents them with certain opportunities. Trying to divine either what a person wants or what they'll have an opportunity to get is a foolish pastime.

Unless they happen to have trained in the same skills, they aren't going to apply for "a job" in your field or in mine. I suspect a lot of them will go into business for themselves, because to a greater or lesser degree they are entrepreneurs by nature. If they choose to work for a corporation or private company, maybe the current recession will taper off and more jobs will materialize. Usually if you have something to offer, someone will want it.

You spend too much time and energy on trying to make a living and worrying about it. Why don't you relax and just plant some seeds in the garden or something like that? It's late in the year, but you don't have to rely on a harvest. Just plow up the soil and get started, then next spring you'll be ready to go.

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 983 reads
17 / 68

who needs a 2nd Act with Shark Week, Holy SHIT who just saw Submarine hit the damn cage OMFG!!!! AWESOME!!! I hope you people are watching. Ok, so that's my 2nd act. I am now sold after seeing that. Marine Biologist it is so I can swim with sharks, simply fascinating. Studying now. Sexy huh?

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 1898 reads
18 / 68

I never mirrored what the OP said in my post, perhaps you are mistaken. You and he are under the assumption that these are the ONLY goals or means I have/ had. Never said I was a full time provider, never came into this a full time provider. I have/ had jobs/ careers and a "real" life, but my pussy and putting a value on my pussy is a constant. Which is what I said...  

I refuse to speak on other ladies and what their ideas are for their future. I agree, it is good to have a well thought out plan, goals, and strategy in whatever you do. No career is guaranteed, no relationship/ marriage, nothing in life but death. So 10 years from now, who knows. Knowing now what I know, providing will always be there as a crutch/ hustle for as long as I have a pussy, the rest of my lifetime, and always on my terms as my choice. Will you still be here trolling the boards ready to P4P? It seems more of a definite for you it seems just by your stank response to me. YUCK!  

I don't think Ridge really asked for my hopes and dreams of ending world hunger and my life long goals to be presented in his thread, which for your amusement, I don't seem to have any. He asked for those to share ideas on what's next? Who really cares? No one. It's my business, which is fine, and I'll keep it to myself. LOL!  

There are a lot of older ladies doing just fine with their pussies making a killing. If "barely legals" are your thing enjoy, I would never put myself in their market nor want to. Like I said, I am comfortable with whatever the negotiation is on my pussy, something that can sustain me for a lifetime, if I choose to use it for that. Don't hate the players, hate the game. LOL!

Dr Who revived 1047 reads
21 / 68

Good luck with that plan.

You sound like you have that entitlement thing going on.  

Just had this chat with a pal of mine about the U-25 crowd.  You epitomize this attitude.  

Fortunately it doesn't reflect the rest of those of the next generation.  They're the future...you will simply be a drain on society.  And having a pussy has nothing to do with this.

Maybe find some working brain cells and figure this out.
Posted By: SexyJaye7
I never mirrored what the OP said in my post, perhaps you are mistaken. You and he are under the assumption that these are the ONLY goals or means I have/ had. Never said I was a full time provider, never came into this a full time provider. I have/ had jobs/ careers and a "real" life, but my pussy and putting a value on my pussy is a constant. Which is what I said...    
 I refuse to speak on other ladies and what their ideas are for their future. I agree, it is good to have a well thought out plan, goals, and strategy in whatever you do. No career is guaranteed, no relationship/ marriage, nothing in life but death. So 10 years from now, who knows. Knowing now what I know, providing will always be there as a crutch/ hustle for as long as I have a pussy, the rest of my lifetime, and always on my terms as my choice. Will you still be here trolling the boards ready to P4P? It seems more of a definite for you it seems just by your stank response to me. YUCK!  
 I don't think Ridge really asked for my hopes and dreams of ending world hunger and my life long goals to be presented in his thread, which for your amusement, I don't seem to have any. He asked for those to share ideas on what's next? Who really cares? No one. It's my business, which is fine, and I'll keep it to myself. LOL!  
 There are a lot of older ladies doing just fine with their pussies making a killing. If "barely legals" are your thing enjoy, I would never put myself in their market nor want to. Like I said, I am comfortable with whatever the negotiation is on my pussy, something that can sustain me for a lifetime, if I choose to use it for that. Don't hate the players, hate the game. LOL!

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 1107 reads
22 / 68

Whatever my plan is would make no difference to you or anyone else here on this fuck board. So be it. Your assumption is made, and you aren't going to change it. Doesn't really matter to me nor do your incorrect judgments influence my life. I will take that 20 something "entitlement generation" remark as a complement; because everyone knows you have to add at least 5 to 10 yrs to what a hooker says her age is. And as for my brain cells, well I spend all my time getting my brains fucked out, just to pay my bills, so according to all the flawed business models floating around out there and being low vloume, only seeing 6-8 customers day, well, there isn't much left is there? LMAO all the way to bank baby!!!

inicky46 61 Reviews 961 reads
23 / 68

There is a market for older hookers.  In fact, it goes beyond that.  Lots of guys like older women and will pay big bucks to simply take them to dinner and pay to watch them eat it. No sex at all. Go figya.  My most recent ex SO is in her mid 50s and still looks good.  She's not interested in young young guys and on her dating profile tells guys under 50 to not even bother.  But she gets lots of young dudes begging her to see them.  Or so she says. If true, there's a world out there you just don't know about. Consider it

Dr Who revived 1275 reads
24 / 68

And unless she is willing to work at this she'll be a fatty in short order.

I'm sure that makes for a long and prosperous career here in HookerLand.

Sure hope she really does have something else to get into....and soon.
Posted By: inicky46
I love the fact that you own what you do.  You rock.

Dr Who revived 1648 reads
25 / 68

No shock...your immaturity shows through along with your entitlement.

Maybe you tell yourself how you "go to the bank"...but you don't have two cents to rub together.

You know it, I know it.  

If you're already in your 30's you have a very short shelf life here.  And from your pics it may be shorter than most who give a shit about themselves physically.

Good luck...you need it more than you know!
Posted By: SexyJaye7
Whatever my plan is would make no difference to you or anyone else here on this fuck board. So be it. Your assumption is made, and you aren't going to change it. Doesn't really matter to me nor do your incorrect judgments influence my life. I will take that 20 something "entitlement generation" remark as a complement; because everyone knows you have to add at least 5 to 10 yrs to what a hooker says her age is. And as for my brain cells, well I spend all my time getting my brains fucked out, just to pay my bills, so according to all the flawed business models floating around out there and being low vloume, only seeing 6-8 customers day, well, there isn't much left is there? LMAO all the way to bank baby!!!  

Dr Who revived 1035 reads
26 / 68

There are thousands who couldn't hack it in P4P for many reasons.

You know what I say is the truth!

This isn't a kind business to older women.  Many can't compete with the younger ones...and keeping herself in that physical shape takes it's toll over time.
Posted By: inicky46
There is a market for older hookers.  In fact, it goes beyond that.  Lots of guys like older women and will pay big bucks to simply take them to dinner and pay to watch them eat it. No sex at all. Go figya.  My most recent ex SO is in her mid 50s and still looks good.  She's not interested in young young guys and on her dating profile tells guys under 50 to not even bother.  But she gets lots of young dudes begging her to see them.  Or so she says. If true, there's a world out there you just don't know about. Consider it

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 1428 reads
27 / 68

It's not unusual at all for women to have gaps in employment.   It's the same as asking, "Can a housewife have a second act?"  "What could that be?"  Ummmm...anything?

inicky46 61 Reviews 1175 reads
28 / 68

Dude is a 16-year-old burger flipper at BK.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 882 reads
30 / 68
nahtynikkey See my TER Reviews 1573 reads
31 / 68

Why do you assume we all have "gaps" in our employment history? Many ladies have a "real" job, either full-time or part-time, others are in school full-time (so there's no gap..she's been in school), and some are self-employed and run their own business already, so no need to ever apply at anyone else's business.  

Posted By: Ridgetucky
So today I was sitting at a ******* and I was reading an old issue of Money magazine.  There was a section titled "Second Acts".  This is basically a section that details a persons second career (i.e., retired from ? and became a blah blah blah).  
 Now I will be the first to admit that I would probably go batshit crazy if I did not have a way to release my sexual desires (and yes they are sick - somewhat).  But I am baffled as to how a woman goes forward after this chosen career.  Mind you I am not judging (ya believe that right).  I have spent the last 15 years of my life moving $$$ around and added nothing substantive to the world.  But hey I will live don't worry about me.  (you are worried about me right?)  
 I am curious as to what a Provider does after Providing.  One Provider told me she wanted to get into Real Estate and I thought that is actually a very good idea.  Providers are sales people and they know how to ask for the sale which is the most important part of sales.  Another Provider worked at a law firm and was escorting on the side.  She posted her pics with face shot and they found out and fired her.  Bummer.  (ask yourself how they found it - hmmmmmm)  
 But for the others what do they do?  How do you explain the gap in employment?  While I am sure you would get bonus points for giving BJs for the last 2 years that is not really a transferable skill:)  I mean I would hire you on the spot but alas I am not most people.  Thankfully!!!!  
 Sometimes I worry too much.    
 But I am serious what is the 2nd act for Providers?  

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1422 reads
32 / 68

What I'm wondering, though is how is the second act different than for anyone else?

An auto worker, age 40, gets laid off when his factory is closed and a plant is set up overseas. What does he do?

A musician doesn't make it big by his mid-40's and needs a paying job. What does he do?

A rodeo cowboy gets thrown by a bronc once too often. What's his alternative?

A 50-year-old filmmaker starts going blind...

How is the second act different for a provider than for people in any other profession?

Okay, if the only thing she imagine herself doing is trading stocks for the most conservative investment firm in the world...maybe a problem. Maybe, but mightn't she find work as a cocktail waitress or an assistant in a dry cleaners?

SirWilliam00 16 Reviews 1499 reads
34 / 68

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
By sheer coincidence, I was mulling a related topic... I offer my post in a regional board:  
 Inquiring minds think alike :-)
The other thing that even a moderate amount of saving does for a provider, is open up a lot of career choices later that do not make much money at all, but a person would be fine with if they had a lot of saved money to supplement income.

Things like working at any number of non-profits, or teaching (if they didn't have a record), or the library.

Lots of people do not want to fully retire, just work at something else that interests them where they can work when it suits them

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1236 reads
35 / 68

would you stop with the 'you know what' talk already. That's not nice so stop. Thin women aren't always the most beautiful creatures if they look frail and unhealthy. And women with curves are just as beautiful. So cut it. No one is a perfect size or body here. Geezk you. You're grumpy. I think you need to get laid this week...I recommend contacting your ATF stat and get on it already. Then come back and post nice. And don't chince while you're at it. Pay her for her time at lunch for a change.  

You're welcome.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1146 reads
36 / 68

Even flipping burgers takes some level of skill.

-- Modified on 8/17/2014 10:24:02 PM

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 937 reads
37 / 68

which I'm sure she is, then yes, it's most certainly true. I wouldn't question her one bit about it. While I'm not 50 yet myself, there's a ton you older boys don't know about when it comes to this phenomena. I think you're all in complete denial of it in all honesty. The ratio for younger guys into older women is CRAZY in civvie land you have absolutely no idea. And I also bet (and would bank on it) exactly why your ex won't date them either  ;)

Think of it like this...

You are now older gentlemen feening for the younger girls in their late teens and early twenties on average, correct? Now think back (if you can lol) are you telling me you never fantasized as a younger lad about your hot older teacher, boss, doctor, next door neighbor, friend's mom etc etc at any point in time? I bet you did, and I bet if you had the chance back then to get close, you'd take it in a heartbeat. It's no different today. They're just a bit less inhibited and aren't afraid to go after what they want. The younger girls you date here, are of the same generation of guys who hit on us, and are both one in the same. Same thinking process, same drive, which is why some of you 'physical' boys favor the younger girls vs us older gals. Makes sense right?

But yes, there are those older gentlemen, and I have met a few, who enjoy an older woman for the 'mentality' piece sitting across from him at the dinner table to discuss topics of interest on the same playing field. This is about true companionship for him in what he is seeking, not the physical piece like how it is for you. While it's a bonus, it's not at all necessary. There are many scenarios here of men and what they want and how they go about it, neither is right or wrong IMO, just different. Which is why there are so many flavors of women and of all ages. But I will debate the statement of she better "look good over 50" crap. That's a silly statement. All men on average like what he considers to be, a beautiful woman on his arm, in public, in private, what have you. No need to label it any more than that.

-- Modified on 8/18/2014 1:09:43 AM

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 1209 reads
38 / 68

I got here a tad later than some of the young blood for reasons that are my own.

I've changed how I market myself out of necessity and I'm not able to rock and roll like I used to. There doesn't seem to be a shortage of gentlemen out there who want to spend time with me for some strange reason, lol. I do clean up nicely! ;-)

I won't use that term that brings out the worst in some of you so I'll just say by necessity I have limited availability so I don't have a one hr. rate anymore. I must be doing something right because 80% of my dates are for two hours or more.

Right now I'm trying to rebuild what I lost financially in 2012. We'll see what 2015 brings but I kinda like it here, so I hope you don't mind if I stick around for a while...

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 8/17/2014 11:03:11 PM

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1279 reads
39 / 68

that's bullshit on a stick and you know it.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1217 reads
40 / 68

Every profession, every way of moving through life, voluntarily taken on or forced upon one, has its limitations, especially in terms of what happens to their lives at the end of the run.

Lots of people today are no longer able to make a living at what they worked at for the past 20, 30, 40 years. Some are at wits' end as to how to make ends meet; some are comfortable. There are a lot of paths people choose to follow, and whatever's promised, often they face a Lomanesque endgame. So how's the provider's lot so different?

If she insists on applying to the most conservative company in the Bible Belt, and absolutely no other livelihood will do, she might have trouble with their screening process. Likewise if an auto worker whose job was outsourced to Thaiwan, he might not qualify for work as millwright at Lockheed.

Whatever, I doubt if RT or any of us can be of much help. So, tend one's own garden? Best of all possible worlds? Smile of reason?

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 2752 reads
41 / 68

I luv how you are word ramming me... I find true assholes so extremely HOT!!!

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 1385 reads
42 / 68

And turning the OP over to my world and helping me get to the bank. You are truly my savior. OTC time for you boo. Gosh, you should be my pimp! LOL!

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 1504 reads
43 / 68

He really didn't provide anything of substance to the OP and just wanted to bash a bitch. Not a problem. I appreciate him having a temper tantrum on me. Hope he feels better. Kisses babe!

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 1533 reads
44 / 68
wwm20042002 12 Reviews 1140 reads
45 / 68
inicky46 61 Reviews 1314 reads
46 / 68

I've been to a rather large number of social gatherings -- M&Gs but also various parties, and even a wedding -- that included lots of older hookers.  Of course, there's no way of knowing how good their business was but they seemed to be doing just fine.  And I'm sure you do know that many of the older ones say they are younger, which sometimes can be a problem, I know.
Frankly, I prefer women between 20 and 40 but lots of guys like them older.  Enough, I believe, for a good looking older woman with smarts to get along just fine

inicky46 61 Reviews 1197 reads
47 / 68

Please stop. LOL!
That said, I know this phenomenon exists, and not just because of my ex-SO or having seen it myself. A friend was involved with an older (and still active) hooker who's pushing 60.  From what he could tell, she had plenty of dates, often not involving sex.  I've no idea how prevalent it is, but it's definitely a significant sub-set of this world.
It is what it is.  I don't give a damn what anybody else wants as long as it's of age and consensual.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1555 reads
48 / 68

you got to "pay her for her time at lunch." That's just silly.  Don't do it.  Don't need to do it. Never will do it. Happy to spring for her tab but not to watch her eat it. What you do is fine for you.  That doesn't make it gospel for everybody else.  There's a world of women out there who disagree with you.  It's all good.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1104 reads
49 / 68

What does that have to do with anything, Doc?  We were talking about age I thought.  There is a connection though.  Just as some guys like older women, some like 'em curvy.  Even BBW.  Not me, but so what?  She's also African American.  So what to that, too, and I'm sure you'd agree.  You'll find several stellar AA ladies on my review list.  And on and on.
Bottom line, there's a world of flavors in HookerLand.  Young, old, black, Asian, skinny, athletic, curvy and fat. With tats and without.  With implants and natural.  Everyone has preferences.  It's all good.

Dr Who revived 1070 reads
50 / 68

I like the gals that are tiny and petite...you are not remotely close to that.

Obesity is a problem in this country...you know this.  And in this world some guys like the fat ones...many others wouldn't pay for it.  Count me in the latter of that.

You have no chance to see if I would "pass your screening"...it would never ever happen.  Unless perhaps you drop some very serious poundage and moved to Chicago.  Neither is likely to happen I trust.

Now don't you have to head over to the bank?  
Posted By: SexyJaye7
I luv how you are word ramming me... I find true assholes so extremely HOT!!!

MissLolaLuxe See my TER Reviews 1076 reads
51 / 68

While I've only been providing for a very short while as an escort. I have been enticed and working in the adult entertainment field since I was 17 (I know shame on me, blah blah blah). Mostly because I enjoy older men and I enjoyed paying for school out of pocket and not having a care in the world[Art School is ridiculously expensive]. Also I get to really focus on my career as a fashion designer. I design lingerie and honestly I see this as research as well as a short term stint that will fund my empire. *impish grin*

But in all seriousness, I can only speak for myself and I'm an artist, everyone in my life and everyone I encounter knows I am an escort. Why? Because I'm not ashamed and I love what I do but also I'm an artist and to fellow artists sex positivity is important and required to have a stimulating conversation. Seduction is truly an art form. I feel this goes hand and hand with my designs.  

Miss Lola Luxe

-- Modified on 8/18/2014 10:49:46 AM

Dr Who revived 1510 reads
52 / 68

I don't lie...you know this.

It's a tough gig for most women here...add to the issues of having a limited audience, having to workout harder just to try and maintain, and seeing that there isn't an exit....it tends to become quite onerous.  

I wish it was bullshit....but it isn't.
Posted By: Taylor Steele
that's bullshit on a stick and you know it.

Dr Who revived 1362 reads
53 / 68

But I'd still listen to your drivel for a while and see if there is any hope for an exit strategy here.

I trust not.

The clock is ticking...get working on it...it's not too late.

And I'll leave the saving to those interested in playing Capt Save-a-hoe.  This fella has no interest.  This was your choice...and it's your choice to exit with something more than a box of used condoms.
Posted By: SexyJaye7
And turning the OP over to my world and helping me get to the bank. You are truly my savior. OTC time for you boo. Gosh, you should be my pimp! LOL!

GhostWriteroftheDamned 1601 reads
54 / 68

I would imagine it is difficult for a career 'provider' to turn off the desire or 'need' for the validation got from multiple daily calls requesting their company and concupiscent charm.

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 1351 reads
55 / 68

so much why do you keep going? And I may be headed to Chi-town sooner than you think! Watch out! Oh and it's cool if you don't want to pay me, I do fuck freebies from time to time, but only on my terms, but I don't think you sound like my type either... I don't go for guys with sticks up their asses. LOL!

LilithSatya 1368 reads
56 / 68

I've been in school for the last 7, and hobbying the last 4. Taking this "career" originally was a time/$ choice, but I've come to really love it.

So I'm still a student. Going to be a student for another year. Getting tired of it. After that? Can't go into details too much on here, but I'll just say while the blow job skills might not be cross-training, the ability to create intimacy, closeness and holding space will be.

StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 1181 reads
57 / 68

But, I do wonder about the full-time providers that aren't in school.  

On a resume, there would be a large gap in employment if she decided to retire from providing and get a 9-5 type job.

I had a hard time getting work after staying at home with my babies for a couple years. I did finally get an interview though and was able to explain that I was a housewife.

I still work in my lame-ass job, but I was thinking about cutting back from 40 to 32 or 24 and providing more. I'd never quit completely though because I'm not sure how I'd explain that employment gap in the future when I'd inevitably want to work outside of sex work. Honestly, I never thought I would do this well or that it would be so fun because I started hooking out of desperation. I think I've got a pretty good plan in place for the future though. Finally making some smart choices in life. :)

GaGambler 1442 reads
58 / 68

as for RTucky, even some "dumb hooker" proved that she knew more about his business than he did. lol

but he can be amusing at times, although he is NEVER to be taken seriously. I know making declarative statements using "all" or "never" usually get a person into trouble, but I think I am on pretty safe ground where it comes to taking RTucky seriously.

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1097 reads
59 / 68

Never said it was the 'gospel' of anything when 'I' say it. Not sure why you do lol....still lol. When I speak it's solely my opinion, my take on things here, noone else's. Never has been, never will be. I am entitled to my own opinions just as you or anyone else here is....you don't have to like them, but it's nice to at least acknowledge them. Sheesh...

Anyhow let's clarify, while there may be a world of women who  may disagree with me, in the same breath, there's a world of men who disagree with you as well. So it looks like we're even on this front then :) You stick with what works for you and I'll stick with what works for me, deal? Plenty of fab choices on both sides of the equation to fulfil both our opposite thought processes on pretty much everything here...that's why this world is so grand, correct? And why gents like you will never, ever seek a woman like me out. We play very differently you and I...no better no worse, just very very different. I think that's why you adore me so much ;)

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1147 reads
60 / 68

I don't know if you lie or speak the truth, you know this as well. But I like to think the better of the two for anyone. But in the same breath, people (in general) here say things to you, and then something else behind your back. As the infamous 'hooker' once stated and so true 20 years ago...."most people shock the hell outta me" couldn't be more spot on than any other movie line I've ever heard after being here now. Anyhow, it doesn't matter whether you do or don't, you are correct and incorrect about your statement IMO.  

Now, I am not 50, but my body has only changed a tad since I was 25, no joke, just a few things here or there but I'm in better shape now than I've ever been at 45 after kids. Go figure. While no, it's not easy for some women to get to where they 'want' to be, a lot of how we are and look boils down to genetics really. I mean I watch what I eat and work my bod when I can, but I look at health and fitness very differently than most (as if that's a shock). I have never 'worked out' in a gym...not my thing and I eat pretty much whatever I want, when I want (moderation is key). Now, working out 'inside' just doesn't do it for me personally and I don't think you'll see too many 50 year old women pounding out the weights anymore, but I do see them staying active. For me, I don't care if it's -45 outside. I need to be in the elements to get my groove on. While you are correct, some ladies over 40 and after kids, lose their shapes in any world, some simply don't. Some women are ridiculously stunning over 40, over 50, over 60 in and out of this world.  

As far as mature ladies here, there are plenty of gents to go around who look for us specifically. While the volume may not be as present as say, those of you and the many on this board alone who hunt for those young lil hotties (rightfully so), there are those gents just the same who hunt for us, and yes, they are out there. Competition is tough for everyone here, young or old. And apparently, while I'm one of the only ones who brags about her real age here, I was 'told' by someone 2 years ago, I could've easily lied (another thing I've been told) like everyone else here and slimmed at least 10-15 years off the top...easily. You would have no idea I was really in my mid-40's. I look like a mature lil girl, if there is such a thing lol. I'm just too damn proud of my age (yes, I'm weird) and enjoy telling people and watching them do a double take, it's a hoot for me. Don't get me wrong, 'I' still see the years, even if noone else claims to. Keeps you grounded and humbled. But now think about it, if I had done that, you all would have no old lady to pick on, so you should all thank me really lol.  

But you are right about one thing in this world and that yes, it is ALOT of f'n work. Hardest biz I've ever run out of all of my past businesses. You may be the only guy here who actually fully understands that statement and what it takes to actually 'compete' here at 20, 30, 40 and 50 years of age. You boys have no idea. It's deff not just hey, here I am, spread the legs and there ya go..............no way, no how, not by a longshot. It is 'TIME' consuming, and yes, you are paying for our time I'm afraid in this gesture. And for that I must dedicate a song.............

-- Modified on 8/18/2014 4:58:43 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1324 reads
61 / 68

Nowhere in it did I say anything about you thinking or saying your wanting to be paid while eating was "gospel."  All I said was I disagreed and never have, nor will, do it.  And where did I say you weren't entitled to your own opinion or business model?  Go back and read.  I did no such thing.  All I said was I disagreed and wouldn't operate that way.
My goodness, my little veal chop, you are awfully sensitive.  
And, while we're at it, where did I say other men who disagree with me on this and are willing to pay you (or anyone) to watch you eat are wrong?  Never said that either.  Again, all I said is I won't do it.  Not to mention that I don't have to.  Believe it or not, my little zucchini, the women I see actually like me.  Because I treat them well and am never cheap.  So, if they have the time and inclination, they are generally pleased to have me buy them dinner.
So please feel free to do it your way.  I wasn't trying to convince you to do anything else.
As for adoration......Bwaaaaaaaahahahahaha!

-- Modified on 8/18/2014 5:27:25 PM

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 1361 reads
62 / 68

AGAIN. Would you stop. God I get picked on all the time here for the littlest things and while apparently I have notta one friend here LOL doesn't mean I'm going to let that happen to someone else here. Just cause she's not your type you shouldn't pick on her, it's just not right, I'm sorry, not even here. I am tired of this happening on this board. It's just wrong. So stop. I told you, go get laid by your tiny and petite ATF and come back happy. GEEZK!!!!! You're upsetting me now.  

STOP!!!! Please.

SouthernElite See Agency Profile 1277 reads
63 / 68
inicky46 61 Reviews 1212 reads
64 / 68

Please don't be upset.  Anger is very self-destructive and bad for your health.
PS: Also, try to nip that Moses Complex in the bud.

-- Modified on 8/18/2014 8:39:38 PM

-- Modified on 8/18/2014 9:13:55 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 990 reads
65 / 68

She certainly has one friend here.  But at the moment, I can't think of a second one.  All you other FOT (Friends of Taylor) feel free to weigh in at any time.  
PS: Not being an EOT (Enemy of Taylor) doesn't count.  I'm not her enemy either, though perhaps she doesn't know it.  Actually, she's her own worst enemy.

wayward50133 See my TER Reviews 763 reads
66 / 68

I have plenty of friends 'here', I just don't have friends 'here'. Get it?

Katie_krush See my TER Reviews 868 reads
68 / 68

To retire! And be a housewife. I also will have my degree by that time, but I'm really only getting that for my own benefit, not for a career choice.

Posted By: Ridgetucky
So today I was sitting at a ******* and I was reading an old issue of Money magazine.  There was a section titled "Second Acts".  This is basically a section that details a persons second career (i.e., retired from ? and became a blah blah blah).  
 Now I will be the first to admit that I would probably go batshit crazy if I did not have a way to release my sexual desires (and yes they are sick - somewhat).  But I am baffled as to how a woman goes forward after this chosen career.  Mind you I am not judging (ya believe that right).  I have spent the last 15 years of my life moving $$$ around and added nothing substantive to the world.  But hey I will live don't worry about me.  (you are worried about me right?)  
 I am curious as to what a Provider does after Providing.  One Provider told me she wanted to get into Real Estate and I thought that is actually a very good idea.  Providers are sales people and they know how to ask for the sale which is the most important part of sales.  Another Provider worked at a law firm and was escorting on the side.  She posted her pics with face shot and they found out and fired her.  Bummer.  (ask yourself how they found it - hmmmmmm)  
 But for the others what do they do?  How do you explain the gap in employment?  While I am sure you would get bonus points for giving BJs for the last 2 years that is not really a transferable skill:)  I mean I would hire you on the spot but alas I am not most people.  Thankfully!!!!  
 Sometimes I worry too much.    
 But I am serious what is the 2nd act for Providers?  

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