TER General Board

Cooch, I've long thought Pat to be an idiot, but what's your source for this info?....
coochmeister 59 Reviews 4755 reads
1 / 11

...for not posting this on the Erotic Humor board (not to mention burning for all eternity in a lake of fire), but WTF....:

Robertson Blames Hurricane on choice of Ellen DeGeneres to host Emmys.
Lesbian is New Orleans native..."

Hollywood - Pat Robertson on Sunday said that Hurricane Katrina was God's way of expressing its anger at the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for its selection of Ellen Degeneres to host this year's Emmy Awards. "By choosing an avowed lesbian for this national event, these Hollywood elites have clearly invited God's wrath," Robertson said on "The 700 Club" on Sunday. "Is it any surprise that the Almighty chose to strike at Miss Degeneres' hometown?"

Robertson also noted that the last time Degeneres hosted the Emmys, in 2001, the September 11 terrorism attacks took place shortly before the ceremony.

"This is the second time in a row that God has invoked a disaster shortly before lesbian Ellen Degeneres hosted the Emmy Awards," Robertson explained to his approximately one million viewers. "America is waiting for her to apologize for the death and destruction that her sexual deviance has brought onto this great nation."

Robertson added that other tragedies of the past several years can be linked to Degeneres' growing national prominence. September, 2003, for example, is both the month that her talk show debuted and when insurgents first gained a foothold in Iraq following the successful March invasion. "Now we know why things took a turn for the worse," he explained.

In order to avoid further tragedy, Robertson called not only for the Television Academy to find a new heterosexual host, but to bar all homosexuals and bisexuals from taking part in the ceremony.

He said employees at the Christian Broadcasting Network had put together a list of 283 nominees, presenters, and invited guests at the Emmys known to be of sexually deviant persuasions.

"God already allows one awards show to promote the homosexual agenda," Robertson declared. "But clearly He will not tolerate such sinful behavior to spread beyond the Tonys."

HandsFree 61 Reviews 1260 reads
2 / 11

Get mad, but the BOR has as one of its major tenets: Free Speech. Sure, Pat is just a pant load short of certifiable, but then again, he's also gets dual protection from the separation of church and state loophole. I mean almost nothing this guy says makes sense but he's got a large army of followers who would do to us what they are still doing to certain people all over this country. The only just reward for someone who believes he's gots God's ear is to stroke out to such a degree that he lies suspended in a body that will not function, but have the wherewithal to know that his brand of hatred is no better (or worse) than what he professes to be the "ills" of society and the world. My wish for Pat is to lie there in his contorted state, knowing full well that he can't control his bowels, all of his former voluntary movements, and for sure he would only be able to suck cock with his tongue, having lost the right to speak again, a right that he used so poorly. Then, as a blessing to the rest of the planet, his prayer would be "please shoot me."

-- Modified on 9/14/2005 5:45:23 PM

-- Modified on 9/14/2005 6:28:39 PM

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doctor2002 19 Reviews 2248 reads
4 / 11

... that the creator of the Universe watched daytime television? Robertson is a theological midget!

2strokeme 13 Reviews 2896 reads
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Stealthmode 3033 reads
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...judging those on the outside for their beliefs. I feel strongly about now having left my position in the church and not wanting to be just as judgmental to those left on the inside.... "Live and let live" is what I have come to believe...I would be just as guilty as them if I stood out here, looking back at them, pointing my finger, because they didn’t agree with me.

But I will tell you this, ignorant morons like this Robertson fool, who acts as a spokesman for God, are the reason I looked for answers elsewhere.

Honestly, I found my source of spirituality here on this board, but that’s another story...lol

This man is a good argument for the use of condoms...I wish his parents had used one and saved us all the grief!


skisandboots 3442 reads
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wmblake 12 Reviews 2513 reads
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It's 2005 and the Information Age is in full swing.  All the wealth of the various wisdom tradtions, cognitive psychology, tons of research into the brain-chemistry associated with deep "religious experience," and this guy and a host of others with equally stunted ideas about The Great Questions have power.

What, is a Rod Sterling reality?

BTW, I think EDG is one sexy lesbian.  Seriously, this woman has so much style, warmth and humor.

luv_women 28 Reviews 1965 reads
10 / 11

It is not true.  It comes from the website Dateline Hollywood which is a parody site.


So even though it looks real, and is probably what he thinks, it is not true.

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