TER General Board

Conan must be up a little . . . .
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 1396 reads
1 / 32

What, no fake Valentine's Day wishes?
Just kidding.  Happy Valentine's Day.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 32 reads
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It serves no other purpose than to massage their insecurities, but that doesn't mean I don't know any needy women like this, so I have already been exchanging text messages with both civvies and providers.  Lol

RespectfulRobert 28 reads
3 / 32
Zeel 67 Reviews 34 reads
4 / 32

Sounds like a statement only someone detached would make. And, I have seen both men and women feel this way. But there is a difference between needing and desiring. If one needs gifts and otherwise will be all sad about it, then perhaps there is insecurities being stroked there. After all, Valentines is a very Hallmark derived holiday to make money. But I see nothing wrong with desiring gifts so as long as you are not dependent on them. TBH, if you are giving and not getting, I can see feeling this way. But for me, it's an exchange. And, I both enjoy the happiness my giving gets, and the pleasure the gifts I get provide me.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 31 reads
5 / 32

has nothing new to say.  Once you come to the point where you can only repeat yourself, it shows a lack of creativity and imagination.  You're better than this.  I'm embarrassed for you.  

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 30 reads
6 / 32

From the Queen of Hearts! 💕 xoxo 💋  
lol Smile for me!  

Hope all my TER friends have a booked dinner date tonight with a lovely lady. I just got my nails & hair done for my lucky gentleman & am super excited to make a new friend. Have fun & be safe.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 35 reads
7 / 32

Back at you buddy! And don't forget that tomorrow all the candy will be half price. YAY!!!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 26 reads
8 / 32

you expect to get some from the men you know?   Lol

***Sorry Miss S, but when you tee it up like that, you KNOW I'm going to take a swing.   Lol

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 30 reads
9 / 32

Happy Valentine’s Day, all. Over the weekend I set something up for today with an FBSM gal I like. Didn’t even REALIZE it was valentines until somebody said something this morning. Should I bring her some chocolate or something? I dunno. Last time I saw her happened to be on her birthday so I left a nice tip. I keep doing stuff like this and she’s gonna think I’m falling for her lol.  

I’m simply baffled how any providers would have dinner dates tonight tbh, but that’s just me. Maybe I’m a jaded asshole. More power to you QB, and anybody else with a full dance card tonight!

Personally I care more about statehood day than VD.  


coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 33 reads
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psychology was from what university?  Or are you making a medical diagnosis with absolutely no formal eduction?  Or is it just like your expertise in Kgirls after seeing 3 of them?  Maybe you read one book or watched a television show, so now you're an expert?  

It's shameful that you think Hallmark invented Valentine's Day.  Here's a link below so you can educate yourself on something you should know before you speculate and provide misinformation.  There is no end to the things you claim to know about when you really don't, is there?  I'm guessing nothing embarrasses you because you are too clueless to KNOW you are clueless.  Lol

Zeel 67 Reviews 28 reads
11 / 32

You just go searching for ways to insult people and make things mean whatever suits you. Where do you see me say they invented it? Nowhere because I didn't. But perhaps you should read what you share and call a fact that disputes my point before you get all mighty. Oh where in your article is there cards, flowers and boxes of candy? Where is it at all about lovers doing stuff for one another? Nowhere that is where. All of that has been done to make money. But since your idea of a relationship is seeing 3-4 kgirls a week, I don't expect you to get it.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 29 reads
12 / 32

In the movie Spartacus, the Roman Senator Gracchus says in private he believes in no gods, but in public believes in them all.
Now as an old man myself, I'm not as excited by holidays as I was in my youth.  But still see them as important as a cohesive experience that helps bond civilizations.  It's akin to common manners -- like saying "Nice to meet you" to someone even when it isn't a particularly pleasant experience.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 29 reads
14 / 32

less experience in psychology than you do with Kgirls or Valentines Day.  Hallmark!!!   Bwahahahaha!!

I already knew what I would find in the wiki link to Valentines Day.  When you said it was started by Hallmark, I couldn't stop laughing.  I showed it to some other people, who said, "Who is this uneducated loser?"  Their words, not mine.  

I really like you, you step on your dick due to your lack of experience with most things that grownups know, and then you double down on it.   Keep it going.  I'm here to have fun, and lately, you are my number one source of laughs here.  

Zeel 67 Reviews 34 reads
15 / 32

And you double down on claiming I said Hallmark started it. You're a fraud. You have reviewed kgirls with fake pics. This is obvoius because I see them using pics that are the same as others. You have reviewed kgirls who offer BBFS, but go on and on about how I need to see ones that only offer GFE because they are the real hot ones. You say no kgirls have over 100 reviews, yet you have reviewed ones that do. Are you actaully seeing these girls? Are your reviews real? I honestly can't believe a word you say because you are both full of shit and full of yourself. It's been over a year since you submitted a reviews, so perhaps you are getting rusty and tired of your own lies.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 34 reads
17 / 32

"After all, Valentines is a very Hallmark derived holiday to make money."

You said it was derived from Hallmark to make money.  Are you NOW saying you wrote words without knowing what they mean?  

I said there were no Kgirls with a score of 9 and 100 reviews that are active ANYWHERE in the US currently.  The score of 9 and 100 reviews were YOUR criteria, not mine.  You are now changing your story.  The girls with over 100 reviews that I reviewed did NOT have a score over 9.  Get a grip my friend, you are melting down and can't even remember what you posted previously.  That is usually an indication of a bullshitter, so you calling me that is called "projection."  Since you don't know what "derived" means, projection can be your new word for today.  Lol   You should quit while you're behind.  If you continue, it's only going to get worse, and you will look more like a fool.  

Zeel 67 Reviews 28 reads
18 / 32

Invented and derived are not exactly the same. Inevent is to create something that did not exist before. Dervie is when something arises from a source. What you sent in the article is very different from what is celebrated today, at least in the context of what we have been discussing. At no point was this thread about the "feast day honoring a martyr named Valentine." It was about the gift exchanging and date nights that we in modern times do. What we do today was dirived to make money. And Hallmark is not literal, but a reference to companies including and like Hallmark that are the biggest drivers of what it is today. Nothing, not one spec, of what most of us who celebrate and do on Valentine's Day has anything to do with what it was when it was first originiated. It's been so commercialized that it doesn't resemble its origins whatsoever, so I give more credit to what it is today to those responsible for its commercialization.

Not sure if that is black and white enough for you, but you have proven to be quite thick in understanding what others are saying. Not everything is literal. And, not everything should need to be spelled out. If you spent half the time trying to understand other people as you do trying to prove you are right, you would be a better man.

I will admist my mistake. I did forget the context was a score of 9. I'm not changing my story. I forgot a detail and I am able to admit it.

That said, you called out one thing and got that one thing right. This doesn't change what else I have said. I do not believe anything you say.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 28 reads
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without looking up the word, "derived."  Do you see the arrogance in wanting Valentines Day to be what YOU want it to be rather than what it really is?   What do you mean not everything should need to be spelled out?  Since you don't seem to understand some of the words you are posting, what do you suggest instead, mental telepathy.  You're a real piece of work.  

A bitch-slapping like you got on the Hallmark claim is never pretty, but doubling down on being as wrong as this makes you look like a total moron.  When you do stuff like this, you lose any shred of cred you might have otherwise accumulated to this point.  People here are interested in facts, not speculation followed by excuses.

Zeel 67 Reviews 30 reads
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Lmao. Now you have resorted to fake insults. You have ran out the ability to make a reasonable argument because you have lost. Perhaps you should look up derived. And yes, I did. Not because I didn’t know what it means. Because I do know to check myself as I am human. And guess what? I’m not wrong. You’re the moron.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 32 reads
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the truth about Valentine's Day before posting that it was started by Hallmark to make money.  You have been on your heels since then and now you declare victory.  I bet when you were young, you got a lot of participation awards.  Lol

Zeel 67 Reviews 31 reads
22 / 32

Because I never said it was started by Hallmark dummy. This is where your problem starts and ends. Your not able to see past the fact you don't know what derived means. Webster says:

1. a : to take, receive, or obtain especially from a specified source
is said to derive its name from a Native American word meaning "wild onion"
b chemistry : to obtain (a chemical substance) actually or theoretically from a parent substance
Petroleum is derived from coal tar.
what was derived from their observations
3 archaic : BRING
… inconvenience that will be derived to them from stopping all imports …
—Thomas Jefferson
4 : to trace the derivation of
We can derive the word "chauffeur" from French.

And, Synonyms:

make out

Oh where oh where is the word invent? Or started by? Oh where is it Mr. Know it all? Please tell me. I beg you to prove me wrong. I'm sorry you are dumb, lack the ability to admit when you are wrong, and you keep harping on the same lies. Keep on keeping on loser.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 24 reads
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links myself, but you have graciously done the work for me.  We don't have to go past number 1a.  That definition supports exactly what I said.  

"1. a : to take, receive, or obtain especially from a specified source"

In this case, you said the "specified source of Valentines Day was Hallmark, who did it for money.  This is what "derived" means.  Have you noticed that not ONE educated person on this board is supporting your contention that you did NOT say V-Day came from Hallmark?  You did not say it was invented, but derived means it flows from Hallmark, which is the same thing.  

I didn't expect you to double-down AGAIN on Stupid, but apparently there is no limit to your ignorance. If you just want to say you heard some grown-up say "derive", thought it was cool word and decided to use it to make yourself appear smarter than you are, I will give you a pass on stepping on your dick for using a word you did not understand.  How about it?  Last chance to save yourself, . . . . or you can keep doubling down on stupid.  

Zeel 67 Reviews 25 reads
24 / 32

First, let’s not pretend this argument involves anyone but you and I. To point out no one is supporting my argument is to suggest you are getting support. That would be a bold faced lie though. Odds are, no one else really cares.  

Second, coming from Valentine’s does not mean it was invented or created by. I never suggested that was not the source. For some reason you are stuck on the historical meaning of the day it was created and cannot move past it. You cannot see that what it is today does not resemble what it was when it was created. You cannot get through your thick head that anyone other than its inventors are responsible for what it’s become. This is because you care more about winning an argument than see the truth.

Here’s another fact for you. You get in arguments with a lot of people on this board. You are the common theme in the majority of rifts. You intentionally say things to stir the pot, get a rise, and seem to enjoy fighting. You must have some kind of mental illness. I truly feel bad for you. But that doesn’t change the fact that you are a jerk.

Lastly, I fully expect you to respond with another stupid point. I no longer care because you don’t matter to me. You can have the last word. Enjoy your irrelevant life.

RespectfulRobert 33 reads
25 / 32

CDLs whole world will come crashing down if he doesn't get in the last word. lol. It's his insecurity coming out yet again.

inicky46 61 Reviews 34 reads
26 / 32

"You did not say it was invented, but derived means it flows from Hallmark, which is the same thing."
Conan says you are just flat-out wrong. All your opponent was trying to say was that Hallmark picked up on what Valentines' Day traditionally meant and commercialized the hell out of it.
But thanks for the laughs. You two have created one of the longest, most boring, idiotic branches in recent memory. I officially dub it a......

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 33 reads
27 / 32

too late tonight.  Here is a copy and paste of exactly what he said . . . .

". . . .Valentines is a very Hallmark derived holiday TO MAKE MONEY."    (emphasis added)

There is nothing in the history of Valentines Day that shows it was started in order TO MAKE MONEY.  If he had said it has been exploited by Hallmark to make money, I would have agreed with him, but as the Wiki link showed, the origin was centuries ago before anyone ever heard of Hallmark.  It has also been EXPLOITED by florists and chocolatiers, too, but It was NOT derived from Hallmark.  That is pure misinformation, as the encyclopedia proves.  

P.S.  Welcome to tonight's mud.  Lol

inicky46 61 Reviews 22 reads
28 / 32

because the last three words don't change ANYTHING about what I posted.
But your extensive historical research in an effort to defend your last ditch is noted.
It changes nothing.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 24 reads
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when I was a teenager and began my interest in women.  You are implying I just researched it, and that is not the case, but it was easy to find a link for numbnuts who doesn't know what derived means.  Lol

badger48 110 Reviews 17 reads
30 / 32

Steak & BJ Day!

-- Modified on 2/18/2024 12:43:13 AM

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 20 reads
31 / 32

LoL yes!!

I just mentioned that on my local board this morning, before I saw your post.  

Don’t forget chicken and lickin’ day! I love both days.

impposter 49 Reviews 28 reads
32 / 32

Wikipedia says, "... women are purportedly supposed to cook a ***filet*** steak for and perform fellatio ..."
Is filet official policy? Rather than a filet, would it be acceptable to have a bone-in (T-bone, Porterhouse, ...) steak followed by the bone-in hostess?

Posted By: badger48
Re: A new one for me
Steak & BJ Day!

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