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completely disagree.
ElvishArtisan 5 Reviews 4198 reads
1 / 27

Now here's an phenemenon I've never understood, and this is the perfect place to bring it up:  tattoos on women.  I must admit, the sight of the naked female form in all it's purity has always been such as to make me want to burst out in verse -- surely one of the most beautiful sights in all the creation.  That being the case, coming across one or more cartoon pictures stenciled upon this heavenly vision has always had an effect on me not dissimilar from finding a moustache drawn upon the Venus di Milo with grease pencil.  To call it 'sacriledge' would be overstating the case only slightly.

Clearly, I don't get it.  What am I missing here?  Can anyone educate me?  Specifically, ladies:  why did you choose (or choose *not*) to get tattooed?  Was it because it looks good?  Did you think it would enhance your attractiveness to potential clients?   Have you ever had cause to regret your decision (one way or the other)?  And for the gents:  Is this something you really care about?  Do you ever select a provider on the basis of whether she does or does not come decorated with pictures?


Turkana 4202 reads
2 / 27

I felt the way you did until I discovered real quality; then it was art on art.  I don't say that as a metaphor, either: if the tattoo has inherent artistic merit, it both stands on its own and enhances the wearer's appearance.  Try it.

SolaLove See my TER Reviews 3422 reads
3 / 27

Tattoos are an intimate, personal decision.

I got my tattoos as a personal ceremony to record, remind myself of, and to express my life.  There are extensive stories and complex ideas woven into my work.

No, I did not get them because they "look good"... even though I love mine.  I had no consideration for my clients or ANYONE else when I got them - just me, myself, and I.

While I do not regret the decision, sometimes theater makeup is necessary so that I do not distract from the look of a lovely evening gown.  (shrug)  I can live with that.

: )

SULLY 24 Reviews 3092 reads
4 / 27

used to hate it- netM made me see it can be cool -  but only on the right girl with the right ink.

Did any one see the New Yorker cartoon where the tatoo said "ask me about my parent's divorce" in a typical shield shape.  Was quite funny, as a lot of inkers seem to be out to make waves.

Some others just want to gild the lilly.

EliteEbony 5128 reads
5 / 27

"Did you think it would enhance your attractiveness to potential clients?" Nope ( My first tattoo and piercing was before I got in this business)

"Have you ever had cause to regret your decision?" Nope. I don't regret any of my tattoos/piercings

I have never gotten a complaint from a client regarding my few tattoos. Everyone told me it wasn't good for business but I didn't listen, because I feel if someone is going to not see me behind tattoos/piercings, they're not worth my time, especially when they are not extreme.

Now as far as my piercings. Those are personal, and I would never take them out for anyone; with the exception of my tongue ring. ( I know some guys who are sensitive and/or allergic to stainless steel) With piercings, it's not where you have them, it's how you wear them! I know girls pierced in the same places as myself and get complaints. It is not the piercing it is the jewlry. I have never gotten any complaints on my piercings. However, I did get one comment, it wasn't negative, nor was it positive and he didn't say it to me he said it in one of my reviews: "she has a couple of piercings which doesnt turn me on, but......." And it obviously did not bother him because while visiting reno he saw me two days in a row....

-- Modified on 5/7/2004 1:05:06 AM

Jockeypants 22 Reviews 4550 reads
6 / 27

Sexy.  Love em.  Don't know why.  Bad girl thing I guess.  However I don't seek them out.  I don't miss them if they aren't there.

ThomasJenkins 8 Reviews 3689 reads
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I agree with you... the female form is beautiful... a tatoo is merely a stain ruining a wonderful art form!

While I've seen some tattoos that I admit looked pretty cool, it amazes me that people fail to realize those same tattoos will only look worse over time.  I also get a laugh when someone tells me "I can always have it removed".... ah, you can... but only via skin graff!  And that's going to look even worse!

Do I choose a provider based on tattoos?  One or two I don't even think about, but if she's really decorated with em... I don't bother calling.

LilyJune See my TER Reviews 3426 reads
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I think tatoos on others (male or female) are sexy.  If I'm with a lover who has one it can set me over the edge just to look at the tatoo in the right moment.  However, I don't have one.  It's something I'd do for somebody in a ritualistic way but not for myself.  My favorite place for a tatoo on a woman is the back of the neck or the illiac crest (sp?) and my favorite place for one on a guy is the wrist or upper arm.

NAUGHTIUSMAXIMUS 7 Reviews 2883 reads
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Typically I prefer an unmarked body but have to admit that a former ATF had a single lower back tattoo that just fit her personality perfectly. Yet another one I'd seen had multiple ones that were brightly colored all over her body. Each had a story behind it that made for interesting as well as intimate preliminary conversation. They worked for her. A third made me think "What did you do that to yourself for?" Tattoos just don't fit with some but are just plain erotic stimulants with others.

Octavia Sunset 3117 reads
10 / 27

I've always wanted a tattoo, or to state it more honestly, I've often wanted one, then the urge dissipates and I'm glad I didn't indulge in the impulse.
I think that's the main reason I haven't gotten one. I'm afraid I will live to regret the decision. I guess I'm conservative when it comes to me, but I've definitely seen some gorgeous tattoos on men and women. I'm not offended by them as long as the person puts some thought into the fact that it will be with them for the rest of their life.
I had a boyfriend once that had the most amazing dragonfly tattoo that covered his entire chest. The artwork was intricate and beautiful...it was such a turn on!!! He reaped the benefits of that one! Ink don't stink. xxx Octavia.

Rickbethel 21 Reviews 3712 reads
11 / 27

The interesting thing about tattoos that I have noticed is that a well-placed tattoo can draw your attention to a feature.

For example, the lady I saw tonight for the first time has a tattoo low on her back. It draws attention to her butt, which is very full, in contrast to her relatively petite body. Not that I wouldn't have noticed her butt anyway, but it seemed like a very strategically placed tattoo.

To answer your question more directly, whether a lady has no tattoos, a few tattoos or is covered with tattoos, has no bearing on my selection process.

need_some 3756 reads
12 / 27

I got this one and I think it is well placed!

sparker 35 Reviews 2720 reads
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I have seen a number of ladies who have very well done tatoos located just right above their butt cracks yet below the waist line. (God bless them all!) They were artfully done, in good taste and actualy added rather than subtracted from the beauty at hand!

netmichelle See my TER Reviews 4162 reads
15 / 27

I always wanted one. I waited till I turned thirty and started looking for a tattoo artist. I selected him after seeing a full body suit that he was doing on a sushi chef. The design was of a carp, the whole length of this guy's frame 6'5" traditional Japanese style and very colorful. I was smitten.

I began on the outline of my tattoo, and it was more painful than I had expected. Soon after I started, I experienced a personal disaster. Part of my recovery from this traumatic event was finishing my tattoo. I felt I was healing the pain on the inside as my skin healed. It was a personal transformation, I felt stronger spiritually and beautiful. My body had been reclaimed as mine. I could start over.

I believe that our culture does not have enough ceremony. When there are transitions in life, there are no tangible results or physical ordeals that must be conquered to become a man or a woman. I feel more in touch with my body now then I ever have felt before.  I feel connected.  My physical body has become transformed.

Most of my new clients feel apprehension about seeing me for the first time due to the fact that I am tattooed. I cannot show my tattoo on my website for the public, but I try to assure them they will like it.  Once I wind up my tongue and let it loose, I don’t think they can think much of anything anymore.

r_bear11 23 Reviews 3386 reads
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I agree NM that there is too little ceremony in today's life. I am not sure if it is because of the speed of life or is it people have become de-sensitized?

The average person gets their poetry from hallmark and their art from the mall (Painter of light! LoL) It’s more convenient, quick and means you don't have to be as in touch or present in life.

This could be a whole other post. I had better stop.

You are right, after the first touch, any thoughts of your tattoo went out of my mind! Until................

sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 3508 reads
17 / 27

if the author of the thread was from outside CA. Tattoos and piercings are so commonplace now, especially in CA, that we don't even give them any thought. Kids, young kids - under 16 are already getting tats and piercings.

I like mine (have one), and no regrets other than it needs a touch up.

I was shocked the first time a client asked about it. To me, it was like asking about someone's dental fillings.

SULLY 24 Reviews 3403 reads
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Your teeth are outside your mouth?  I think you need to view it like you have a port-wine stain on ones body- I forget the meidcal term for that.  Or a missing or differently shaped limb.  In a world where display is a huge part of the game- its part of how you look.

I look al ittle like a cop- to some people. So I have to deal with that in this game.

It's all relative

sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 4254 reads
19 / 27

A port wine birthmark is usually shockingly noticeable and unusual. They are also often in a place (like right across someone's face) that makes them almost 'disfigured' in a way.

Here in CA (yes, I know you're in CA, too), we rarely give tats a second thought (why I mentioned fillings) - even the noticeable ones.

My tat is on my back shoulder blade and I don't ever see it. Most of my clothing covers it. I don't understand why anyone would even care. To me, THAT seems weird.

bobb3950 8 Reviews 3951 reads
20 / 27

I grew up in the midwest as an isolated young child. I was tought  the only people who got tattoos were the "bad" people.

Years went by, too many years, and  began to notice them on young people.
They weren't that bad. Actually rather attractive.
Then my daughter came home from an Air Force tour of Saudi with one and, dang me, if it didn't look good.

Now, I have no interest in one but God bless anyone who has the guts to do it. It's a personal choice and I love them.

NM, I have to say that I would love to see it.

Just my opinion...

pdxdawggie 12 Reviews 3476 reads
21 / 27

I just don't like 'em. I think they look trashy on *men*, so just because a woman is sporting them, doesn't improve my opinion of the "artform".

Same for piercings. Just does nothing for me, and is actually something of a turnoff. It seems to scream "look at me, I'm different", but they're so common these days that it seems like just another way of conforming to me. Especially those who go overboard and end up looking like a modern-day Frankenstein.

That being said, that's what I think of their *appearance*. I've known people with tats and piercings, and most of 'em are nice folks. So, I don't necessarily think that because they've got body art, they *are* trashy..I just think they *look* trashy.

SULLY 24 Reviews 2436 reads
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In SD, home of the NAVY, no-noe gives it a thought.  But when I was in ROTC classes the fact that officers were not to get them was drilled in to our heads, they denoted a divide between u and non-u.

Fast Forward to today and I think they are less an issue, but one ought not think that they might be for some- that's all I said.  Try getting buried in a orthodox Jewish Cemetary...

ElvishArtisan 5 Reviews 2465 reads
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where they can certainly be found, but mostly on the 'younger' women (25 and below), and then mostly on gals that seem to give off a persona of ...ahem... not being the cleanest or smartest kid on the block.  None of which would apply to the ladies in this forum.

So I may well be prejudiced by experience.  Speaking from a strictly aesthetic point of view, they have always seemed senselessly gratuitious to me -- like trying to improve upon that which is already perfect.

Perhaps I need NetM to give me a lesson in tattoo appreciation.  Hmmm -- coming to DC next week, eh?  Now what bank can I rob around here...   :)


1woody 18 Reviews 2834 reads
24 / 27

Will be getting her Twin Peaks snow caped!!!  With the White River in the Valley!!!

-- Modified on 5/8/2004 1:51:25 PM

1woody 18 Reviews 4660 reads
25 / 27

I have seen quite a few I did not care for. Dont get into the homemade look. On the other hand some are truly beautiful and can be quite erotic. I find myself drawn to small ones placed where they only show when wearing the smallest of bathing suits or nothing at all.Color has a lot to do with this. The all green monotone tats are a waste of skin to me. To see color used creatively can make a great difference. Now I have never seriously thought of getting one myself but if I ever decide to take the plunge I'm very sure where I would start. I would get   "Made In Occupied Japan"   {where I was Born}placed where I wouldn't have to worry about the sun causing it to fade. Just like all the items in a flea market... Right across the bottom.

-- Modified on 5/7/2004 8:02:09 PM

BluesClue 1 Reviews 3110 reads
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don't do it.  If you want pain and permanent physical alteration, get braces or something.

-- Modified on 5/8/2004 12:47:34 AM

-- Modified on 5/8/2004 9:46:26 AM

WhatTheHeck 3696 reads
27 / 27

Her mother was very upset about them, but I thought they were pretty cool.  Tats aren't something I would get, but I was proud of my daughter for being that much of an individual.

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