TER General Board

Come on Fess up Max,
GaGambler 610 reads

You are writing a fucking book, aren't you?

You do nothing but ask these kind of questions over and over again, time to fess up. You don't really fuck hookers, do you?  

and what kind of writer are you? is this for a magazine, a school report, just level with us if you want our help, because I call complete and utter Bullshit on you actually being any kind of hobbyist.

maxdogooder1371 reads

Are independent girls really better then agency girls? I know some guys swear that they do not want to see an agency girl ever! In terms of screening, I find them to be about the same. I am curious to hear what providers that have been agency girls then switch to independent ( or vice versa ) have to say in terms of service. Do you treat your clients better when you are an independent

GaGambler611 reads

You are writing a fucking book, aren't you?

You do nothing but ask these kind of questions over and over again, time to fess up. You don't really fuck hookers, do you?  

and what kind of writer are you? is this for a magazine, a school report, just level with us if you want our help, because I call complete and utter Bullshit on you actually being any kind of hobbyist.

Bob.Sugar450 reads

Just firming up some more input for the next version of the thesis.

You miss her...admit it.

Posted By: GaGambler
You are writing a fucking book, aren't you?  
 You do nothing but ask these kind of questions over and over again, time to fess up. You don't really fuck hookers, do you?  
 and what kind of writer are you? is this for a magazine, a school report, just level with us if you want our help, because I call complete and utter Bullshit on you actually being any kind of hobbyist.

sage advice and observations 'from his experience'. Someone might rely on him to their detriment.

Having gone from an agency to being an independent provider recently, I can honestly say that there is ZERO difference in the way I treat my clients now versus then. I adore what I do and my enthusiasm for this job has been consistent from day one.  ...Ok, fine, day two.  Day one I was terrified lol.

But there is definitely a difference in terms of the level of customer service my clients experience now. When I was represented by an agency, scheduling was SO more difficult.  The agency I was with did a pretty great job of making sure that they responded to client inquiries as quickly as they could, but every interaction took twice as long because they were relaying messages back and forth to me. I know for a fact that I've lost bookings because of the hassle of setting a same-day appointment.  

And though I hate to admit it, now, I'm much more likely to take appointments even if they're a little further away than I reaaaaally feel like driving or if the client's given me a little less notice than I'd really like.  The truth is, with more money on the line, the motivation is just that much stronger lol.  


According to the Office of Weights and Measures of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, on average, agency providers are 3/8” taller than independent providers.

But the Indy girls are 37.5 pounds heavier.

The NIST classifies that as Baby Fat, so it’s not included in their calculations.

MasterOfTheObvious429 reads

Less chance of the dreaded phone ring from the agency secretary making sure she isn't giving you over time. Makes the whole thing stressful for her and the guy feels like cattle.

Only reason I like Indy.

...phone call about time being up. I guess we here in Atlanta are again fortunate for the quality agencies as well as our excellent indies. I, thank goodness, haven't had to deal with the many issues I often read about here.

Count de Monet351 reads

In a nutshell max, agency girls tend to be less organized with their time and money and don't have a tiny dog to bring to their appointments.  Sessions tend to be faster paced getting your pops in the allotted time frame so the action is engaging.

Indy girls tend to be more independent and slightly more crazy and do like to have a small dog with them or possibly a cat at their appointments.  Sex may be a bit more laid back due to not having a manager or house mom telling them what to do and how to do it.

cheers and remember indy girl or agency pro she is there to....

Count de Monet

In 20+ years, I've never seen a dog during an appointment...other than me.

Ok it's the 59:59 minute of the date"
Agency is girl is walking out saying "Hey it was nice meeting, I had a good time".
Indie Girls says,: "Hell yeah, let's finish that drink before I leave"
Now as you're walking them out after your date, you're going to another hotel to meet friends:
Agency girls says," I think the taxi's are over there"
Indie girls says, "Don't take a taxi, I'll give you a ride"
That's my take and I'm sticking to it.

Stick with Indie girls!

With quality Indy ladies, it's rare you're going to be able to book one when that urge hits, but that is exactly why agencies were created. They cater to short notice, late  night and even drunken callers as long as the guy can be verified, but many of the average ones only screen by name and hotel verification which wards off a lot of women from working for them.

Agencies require providers to work a set amount of hours/days many times or they will put those women last in line for the big money calls, so it's hard to be able to set your own schedule. If you only want to see 2 guys a week and never before noon or after 8 pm, you're a liability to an agency, not an asset.

It's very hard to be low volume with an agency because you are not only giving up half of your money, but you're still responsible for your own hotel and travel costs in addition to that. An agency gal billed out at 400 gives up at least 150 if not 200, then she has to pay for the room... she makes nothing til that second call so she is pretty much forced to see 2 guys a day whether she wants to or not and most see up to 6.  

Indy providers are harder to book with, because many can say no to anything... race, weight, gender, attitude etc. all of those things can deter a woman from having to see a guy and as an indy, she can do what she wants, set her own price and schedule.  

I know many reputable, high end agencies where the girls are still pretty much low volume because they are clearing 4-500 a date and with so many ladies, it's not hard to stay that way.

To me an agency is where a new lady goes to learn the ropes.  While there she tends to see more frequent short-time clients, and if she gets good reviews she gets busy and gets more in demand, raises her rates, and then often eventually goes to a better agency or becomes Indy.  An Indy is able to call her shots, is normally able to accept longer appointments if she wants them, and if she is having fun is normally willing/able to stay a bit longer... and maybe also more willing to bend a few of the rules since they are her rules and not some agencies.  But, since she owns the business, she also has the responsibility of making it profitable, so don't expect her to stay for an extra hour or 2 without paying her for her time.  Does this all make her "better"?  Not necessarily... but perhaps the ladies who want to run their own show tend to have more business savvy and drive.  I remember seeing a LOVELY young lady at an agency once almost 20 years ago who was amazingly shy, and then again a few years later and an Indy.  By then she was much more confident and I hardly recognized her... and, frankly, I'm not sure which persona I preferred more. Which was better?  In that case, BOTH!

hey show up
i plug that fuzzy hole  
and they leave

Agencies are the only ones who advertise routine health checks. I am not going to risk it so i go with agency girls.

So because they 'say' they make the girls get checked, you think it's 100 percent true? BWAHAHAHAH. I guess you also believe every other dumb thing a hooker puts in her ad to make you want to see her? Sure, we are all repressed divorced sluts who became escorts because we just looooooooove sex with strangers. OMG... you can't make this shit up. The reason  SMART providers don't talk about STD testing in their ads or website, is because, wait for it.... WE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FKIN YOU FOR MONEY!!!

Sorry for late reply. These are reputable agencies with a huge, stable clientele and have been doing business for a long time. It makes no sense for them to lie about such serious things like routine health checks or maintain such a huge clientele by lieing. One STD case and there goes a ton a clients out the door with some threatening to sue. Here STI testing is free.  

I only have used agency and will continue to do so. I have never used an independent.  

I'm not saying this to dissuade people from going to indys. You are assuming a ton of things from a sentence I wrote.

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