TER General Board

certainly not a big sample
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1979 reads
1 / 47

Turns out Rod was correct

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 958 reads
2 / 47

The study that this article discusses only had 7 participants.  From a statistical significance standpoint alone, this study proves absolutely nothing as it does not even come close to replicating the actual population of women who claim to squirt.

Please also remember that the way they tested the fluid isn't really the most scientific.  They had women empty their bladders, and analyzed the fluid.  they then had women engage in sexual activity, and analyze the fluid (which contained PSA), and then they had the women empty their bladders post sexual activity. all of the all of the results did in fact contain urine, including the "squirt".  The thing of it is, is it's not possible to analyze the squirt fluid in a sterile environment because there is always residual urine in the urethra. So, of course fluid that comes out of the urethra is going to have some amounts of urine in it.  

The science is flawed, but not for lack of trying.  Money and funding for women's health research, let alone women's sexual health research, isn't easy to get.  No company/university would ever fund a statistically significant research project on this subject matter, so we end up getting what those interested in the area can so on their own.  

Not to mention, there are other studies out there that come to the exact opposite conclusion as well.  But we all love the reinforcing stigma of telling a woman who is having an incredible sexual experience that "hey! that's not a sex response! you pissed the bed". Articles like this, especially the way they are reported, do nothing but to continue to stigmatize women's sexual response, women's bodies, and women's pleasure.  

Fuck it.  It feels good.

GaGambler 725 reads
3 / 47

Once upon a time, women who "squirted" were to be avoided. Now, women brag and advertise it.

I am of the old school. I like a woman who gets wet, and even one who will soak the bed, but a gush of "pee-like" fluid shooting out like out of a fire hose is most definitely not for me. Others of course are free to enjoy it, ain't free choice a grand thing?

and come on Jack, since when do facts matter to the BSC faction of hookers? Look at our good friend of the recent melt down, she's been bragging about a "sold out" tour, yet still has ads running in not just one, but two separate cities trying to drum up business. It doesn't look like she is letting the facts get in the way of a good story. lmao

JackDunphy 914 reads
5 / 47

Every time the squirt has been analyzed, it is determined to be urine or slightly diluted urine.

The studies you refer to have to do with female ejacualtion, which is different than squirting. I have published the scientific literature on numerous occasions here.

All the studies I have seen have backed up what Storm has linked to here.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 758 reads
6 / 47

On the other hand, it seems to me like this either is or isn't pee (excluding some mixing) so the sample size wouldn't need to be as large as that for many other types of studies (such a drug efficacy for example).  Also, the scan results they see of the bladder filling then emptying can't easily be dismissed - if they truly see that in 7 of 7 ladies, that's pretty strong evidence of where the fluid is coming from.  

Certainy an interesting finding.  I'm far too lazy to try to look up other studies that found otherwise.  But will read a summary if you did post one such Erin.

Regarding your last paragraph - let science speak for itself.  If pee, if not pee - whatever.  Key point is it's an involuntary reaction.  If it's proven to be pee that shouldn't change anything.

Arovet 62 Reviews 814 reads
7 / 47

I'm not into squirting at all, so I don't care if it's pee or liquid gold. If I was into it, I still wouldn't care. Viewed in the abstract, it's pretty gross to put one's tongue in an anus, but I'm moved to do so on rare occasions and it's fucking hot. So to all you squirters and squirt aficionados, I'll take a pass but you all just keep on squirtin' on, whatever it is!

dcpoorboy 7 Reviews 798 reads
8 / 47

I'll take them in whatever flavor they come in.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 840 reads
9 / 47

Pisses me off! Good one ....

Posted By: RobbinYoung

JackDunphy 1000 reads
10 / 47

Some believe it will hurt their biz if it gets out, lol, that it's pee.

But your overall point is valid. If someone likes it, who cares what it is?  

Hookers can get very BSC over this topic as the facts don't matter to some. Many use the whole squirt thing as a marketing ploy, as you well know, and dont want it "out there" that they are pissing on their clients. Lol

Lord_of_the_Board 596 reads
11 / 47

Especially if I've had to hold it for some time.

Posted By: MissErinBlack
The study that this article discusses only had 7 participants.  From a statistical significance standpoint alone, this study proves absolutely nothing as it does not even come close to replicating the actual population of women who claim to squirt.  
 Please also remember that the way they tested the fluid isn't really the most scientific.  They had women empty their bladders, and analyzed the fluid.  they then had women engage in sexual activity, and analyze the fluid (which contained PSA), and then they had the women empty their bladders post sexual activity. all of the all of the results did in fact contain urine, including the "squirt".  The thing of it is, is it's not possible to analyze the squirt fluid in a sterile environment because there is always residual urine in the urethra. So, of course fluid that comes out of the urethra is going to have some amounts of urine in it.  
 The science is flawed, but not for lack of trying.  Money and funding for women's health research, let alone women's sexual health research, isn't easy to get.  No company/university would ever fund a statistically significant research project on this subject matter, so we end up getting what those interested in the area can so on their own.  
 Not to mention, there are other studies out there that come to the exact opposite conclusion as well.  But we all love the reinforcing stigma of telling a woman who is having an incredible sexual experience that "hey! that's not a sex response! you pissed the bed". Articles like this, especially the way they are reported, do nothing but to continue to stigmatize women's sexual response, women's bodies, and women's pleasure.  
 Fuck it.  It feels good.  

2236707 3 Reviews 808 reads
12 / 47
Lord_of_the_Board 906 reads
13 / 47

Guys honestly think it's some sort of sexual discharge...when most know it's just urine.

I see escorts posting that they're world travelers too...but none seem to have a passport.

Posted By: RobbinYoung
Squirting must be VERY popular, otherwise, TER would not have added it to the provider profile category. ;)

nom_de_plume 1022 reads
14 / 47

Let me put forth my own body of research, conducted over several years with dozens of data points. My research has found that:

1) The fluid emitted during squirting doesn't smell like urine.
2) The fluid emitted during squirting doesn't look like urine.
3) The fluid emitted during squirting doesn't feel like urine.

The unavoidable conclusion of my research is... IT AIN'T URINE.

What it IS, I do not know.  Nor do I care.  Simply put, participating in squirting is fun.    

I don't understand the tendency of many people to over-complicate things.

JackDunphy 906 reads
15 / 47

I thought she didn't need to advertise at all? Or was it she was pulling her ads? I can never keep these BSC hookers marketing plans straight. Lol.

Maybe if things gets so bad, she might offer OTC in those ads she doesn't need? Lo

Lord_of_the_Board 906 reads
16 / 47

I doubt it.

But since you like to get urinated on...that's a big "attaboy" for you.

Let's not over-complicate this.
Posted By: nom_de_plume
Let me put forth my own body of research, conducted over several years with dozens of data points. My research has found that:  
 1) The fluid emitted during squirting doesn't smell like urine.  
 2) The fluid emitted during squirting doesn't look like urine.  
 3) The fluid emitted during squirting doesn't feel like urine.  
 The unavoidable conclusion of my research is... IT AIN'T URINE.  
 What it IS, I do not know.  Nor do I care.  Simply put, participating in squirting is fun.    
 I don't understand the tendency of many people to over-complicate things.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 676 reads
17 / 47
JackDunphy 1095 reads
18 / 47

If you can delude yourself into believing that, and let the facts be damned, why not have fun with it?

Good for you for being able to distance yourself so far from the reality of the situation.

Urine good company!

Take care

CubaGoodingJRsMama 1027 reads
19 / 47

Maybe she considers having to shorten a tour being sold out because then she's full with less days to book sessions. But then why is her ad still up? Interesting to say the least.

JohnyComeAlready 841 reads
20 / 47

What is the purpose of the fluid that builds up bladder, produced by the gland?

Keep in mind that every function of the body serves a purpose.

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 1117 reads
21 / 47

While I do understand the difference between female ejaculation and squirting, there is a difference between urine and "squirt" fluid.

Here's one such study.  It's just the abstract. It's linked below. This study has a small number of participants as well, so again, the information is to be taken lightly.

There's a lot of mystery involved with this area of study, so I'm not really surprised by differences in findings.  My main issue with almost all of these studies is that the sample sizes just aren't large enough to constitute any statistical significance. But as I said before, it's incredibly hard for these types of studies to be funded properly.  

The real fact of the matter is that it's real bold for an online news magazine to boldly proclaim that all female squirt fluid is pee based on one single study done with 7 women.  Whatever female squirt fluid ends up being, whether it be urine, some diluted, chemically-altered form of urine, or something completely different altogether, it's irresponsible for a news outlet like I Fucking Love Science to distribute this information with such a sensational headline.  If they really do love science, they'd know far better than to just show the findings of one very very small study.

Anyway, there's also a great blog entry on The Kinsey Institute's blog about different female fluids.  If you're interested in reading that, it's here.  


-- Modified on 1/10/2015 2:55:01 PM

JohnyComeAlready 731 reads
22 / 47

Why the substance dose not resemble urine is because an uncontrolled squirt is an involuntary action. Where as urination is commonly a controlled action.  

Put that in your beer bong and drink it!

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 904 reads
23 / 47

The clitoris is a vast and complex structure; the external portion of the clitoral complex is the smallest area.

Here's a diagram of what the whole clitoral complex looks like.  The external anatomy is there for reference as well. The bladder has nothing to do with the clitoris.

JohnyComeAlready 943 reads
24 / 47

Using ten TER reviewed squirters, have the ladies eat a diet of only asparagus for 24 hours. Then have them squirt, if the contents looks and taste like asparagus... It's pee.

TER can call it a study of organic science.

Arovet 62 Reviews 839 reads
25 / 47

But it's kind of like a Big Mac, right? The fact that everyone knows it's a horrible thing to eat doesn't stop people from eating billions of them, but if McDonald's changed the name to "The Fat Ass Artery Clogger" sales might take a hit. My point being, unless providers start advertising as pissers instead of squirters any conjecture or conclusions about what the "squirt" is made of shouldn't impact their sales either.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Some believe it will hurt their biz if it gets out, lol, that it's pee.  
 But your overall point is valid. If someone likes it, who cares what it is?  
 Hookers can get very BSC over this topic as the facts don't matter to some. Many use the whole squirt thing as a marketing ploy, as you well know, and dont want it "out there" that they are pissing on their clients. Lol

Lord_of_the_Board 867 reads
26 / 47

Many discuss openly about the places they've been...and want to go to.

Yet when discussing those "exotic" locations with others who actually have been there, they are lost.

I guess for many they really mean that staying at the Motel 6 across town is their travel experience.
Posted By: RobbinYoung
Posted By: Lord_of_the_Board
Guys honestly think it's some sort of sexual discharge...when most know it's just urine.  
  I see escorts posting that they're world travelers too...but none seem to have a passport.  
Posted By: RobbinYoung
Squirting must be VERY popular, otherwise, TER would not have added it to the provider profile category. ;)
 "I see escorts posting that they're world travelers too...but none seem to have a passport."  
 Hmmm, perhaps they mean they offer Greek.  I've read several provider's ads that state they're "world travelers" and they're really saying, they offer anal sex.

Lord_of_the_Board 894 reads
29 / 47

Guys think it's hot (well, some do anyhow).

Gals can promote they squirt and attract the guys who like it.

Gals can pee without leaving the bed...and it feels good.

Sounds like a win-win for all  ;)

Except for the maids who need to change the sheets.  They can't understand why the idiots can't use the toilet.

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 755 reads
30 / 47

If only i weren't so damn pee-shy. :(

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 769 reads
31 / 47

-- Modified on 1/10/2015 3:09:36 PM

-- Modified on 1/10/2015 3:11:47 PM

Lord_of_the_Board 751 reads
32 / 47

But others seem to love the game.

There's something for everyone in this world.
Posted By: MissErinBlack
If only i weren't so damn pee-shy. :(

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 701 reads
33 / 47
Lord_of_the_Board 767 reads
34 / 47

There are reasons why someone cuts a tour short.

Being "sold out" isn't usually one of them!
Posted By: CubaGoodingJRsMama
Maybe she considers having to shorten a tour being sold out because then she's full with less days to book sessions. But then why is her ad still up? Interesting to say the least.

JackDunphy 1010 reads
35 / 47

In every woman studied, the analyzed "squirt" fluid has proven to be urine, slightly diluted. If you want to make the case that slightly diluted urine isn't urine, well...lol

Light beer has more water in it than regular beer but no one says light beer isn't chemically still beer. it's just diluted.  

The overwhelming majority of the fluid in squirt is urine.

Hookers here try to bullshit the guys and use slight of hand maneuvers to convince them it isn't.

Believe what you want but there is not a difference in the findings when you compare apples to apples.  

For some reason you want to "gray" this area when it is black and white.

Many people here just a year ago thought as you did but most seem to have changed their minds based on the science and the science is not on your side.

JohnyComeAlready 687 reads
36 / 47

Posted By: GaGambler
but a gush of "pee-like" fluid shooting out like out of a fire hose is most definitely not for me.

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 1059 reads
37 / 47

...and as i said in my previous post, all these studies, including mine, should be taken lightly due to the fact that all of the sample sizes are so small. there could be a total of 50 different studies, all with 7 women in them each, and the results of all those studies (if the results were all the same) would still not be statistically significant because the sample size doesn't accurately represent the population size. you'd have to increase the sample size by at least a magnitude of 10 for the data to start to be significant. Please note below, that these studies all have very small sample sizes as well:

Here's another study that says "diluted and changed" urine.  Perhaps my assumption is wrong, but if it were just normal urine, the chemical composition would not have been "diluted and changed". http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23634659.  Note that this study differentiates between Coital Incontinence (CI), and squirting in its conclusions.  

Here's another. This study says that squirt fluid might be urine, urine combined with skene's gland fluid, or both. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8004685

here's another article in which another 7 women, with an average age of 49, were studied.  Their fluids were determined to be urine. It's actually an interesting read. http://www.ejhs.org/volume4/Schubach/abstract.html

This study, which i can no longer access online because I don't have a membership to the database, uses dye in order to differentiate urine from other fluids.  in some women, the dye showed up in their urine, but not in the fluid volumes excreted at orgasm: Belzer, EG. (1981). "Orgasmic expulsions of women: a review and heuristic inquiry". Journal of Sex Research 17 (1): 1–13

Science is not black and white. it operates within a grey area, and is constantly questioning itself. Science does not know what squirt fluid is, and quite frankly I think that's okay. But, if we are smart, intelligent, and forward-thinking individuals (i know i'm stretching it, here), we should always be questioning the information we're given when something is claimed to be absolute

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 804 reads
38 / 47

...because that's unrealistic.  

If you want to look at this issue as a black and white one, you're more than free to do so.  I'm also free to continue to view this area as a grey one, and I'd hope that the conflicting reports I posted might support that.  

But, to each his own.  What I think doesn't really affect your worldview at the end of the day, just as yours doesn't necessarily affect mine. :)

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 1082 reads
39 / 47
nom_de_plume 981 reads
40 / 47

Another example: when we have an uncontrollable i.e. involuntary urge to sneeze, the snot that comes out of our noses looks different than the snot that comes out when we choose to sneeze.  

Doesn't it?  No?  Oh well...

-- Modified on 1/10/2015 4:59:34 PM

Lord_of_the_Board 647 reads
41 / 47

When you find yourself in a hole...stop digging!

Posted By: nom_de_plume
Another example: when we have an uncontrollable i.e. involuntary urge to sneeze, the snot that comes out of our noses looks different than the snot that comes out when we choose to sneeze.  
 Doesn't it?  No?  Oh well...

-- Modified on 1/10/2015 4:59:34 PM

JackDunphy 837 reads
42 / 47

All of the studies are saying it is urine, with some dilution and/or vaginal secretions. You stated there are studies showing "the opposite."  I still have yet to see any studies saying the liquid is not almost soley urine.

The sample sizes are not particularly relevant since they all point to the liquid being urine. If one of the studies showed something vastly different, THEN it would be significant.

You seem to want to dicker over whether it is 98% or 99.9% urine. Seems silly to me but that's your thing, not mine.

If I have a gallon of gasoline and I put a few drops of water in it, it's still gasoline. You seem to want to focus all the attention on the few drops and saying that is somehow different.

The science is in, you just don't like the findings.  

You are making a semantically argument, not a scientific one, but as you state, you can believe what you wish

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1118 reads
43 / 47
JohnyComeAlready 808 reads
45 / 47


Heathergfe See my TER Reviews 904 reads
46 / 47

Asparagus and vitamin B supplements.

raquelroxxx See my TER Reviews 759 reads
47 / 47

The comments on the study here and the link are interesting. I understand that it's not everyone's thing, but for those of us who do it, just know there is no acting when we are reaching our OOOOs.

I am pretty sure it's a different substance, yes it exits the urethra. When I pee it doesn't feel amazing and it's not a huge orgasm like squirting is. I come every time I squirt, from the first one to the tenth shower of power. Just sayin...

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