TER General Board

candles, mood music,...and porn?
ChrissyStone 4779 reads

A question for you ladies and gentlemen: what do you think of a porn video or DVD playing in the background as you are engrossed in your bedroom fun?

Is it too distracting...or is it a big turn-on?

Should the sound be turned off, or do you like hearing moans in the background instead of Barry White or Sade?

Thank you in advance! :)

I like to have the porn on and the sound up!  Motivates me to keep up and try new things!

It depends on the young lady and the electricity of the moment.  Some women make me feel a bit nasty and the porn video would fit in great there.  Others, I can't help but cherish the moment and Barry White or something slow and romantic is the perfect background.  The lady, of course, and her comfort and desire comes first with me, no matter what.

LAbias2178 reads

This was my surprise conclusion after a girlfriend said she wanted to try watching porn while we had sex.  

I may be alone in this regard, but I found I didn't enjoy the porn with her as much as I did while I was alone.   When I'm alone I can get into the fantasy of the porn.  Similarly, when I'm with a woman, I want to get lost in the experience of being with her.  At least in my case, it was a tug-of-war that I couldn't resolve and I actually didn't enjoy it.  I had trouble getting into it with her as a result beccause I was distraced.  And just as surprisingly, I didn't get turned on by the porn, either.

I don't think she had that problem, though, and may have enjoyed the novelty of seeing it (I don't think she'd watched much porn previously).

I enjoy porn in the background.  It makes it a little bit of a competition for me.  I focus more on the woman I am with and if she is enjoying it then hey...GREAT!!!!

How bout all three!...lol

Actually, some soft music and candles are always welcome...
and I never, ever had any providers put on any PORN during our bedroom fun. Poor me!

... I certainly wouldn't object(to porn)but I also don't mind telling a sexy story or two when I'm with a provider and there is nothing like hearing one or two in return.

Mental and physical foreplay makes for a lusty,steamy,erotic session for us both.

Woman, "Slow down, foreplay is an art."

Man, "Well, if you don't get your canvas arranged soon,
     I'm going to spill my paint!"


-- Modified on 6/14/2004 12:46:52 PM

I usually have a portable DVD player for music and have thought about bringing a porn as well. However, I wasn't sure if it would be of interest or not. Let us know guys!!

Turkana2803 reads

I find that porn has a weird effect on me, depending on whom I'm with.  If it's a provider I am not familiar with, then seeing a bunch of strangers having sex heightens the effect of being with a stranger and makes me feel strange.  I definitely DO NOT like it in those circumstances.  It's alienating and makes it difficult to get to know the provider -- it's like it creates a barrier.  On the other hand, if it's with someone I know well, then it can REALLY turn me on.  Don't ask why the chemistry works that way...

I'd think the responses would be evenly split. Myself I find porn to be distracting while in the bedroom. Although I know one lady who was really turned on by it. Maybe watching some before while engaged in conversation or sipping some wine would be alright.
As far as the moaning, thats a real turn on-- if its live.

what a fun machine!
 I've never had porn going during sex except once...with a (civilian) girlfriend of many years...we used it as a "let's do something new" kinda thing.
 She hadn't seen porn for ages, if at all, and was just freaking out.  A starlet drank a huge gulp of water then put her mouth over this guys mega-cock and let the water dribble over everything....my girlfriend nearly fainted.  
 My gal watched the whole thing like it was "Old Yeller", including the credits.  But it turned out to be a very safe sexual encounter cause she couldn't get her mind around the mildly unusual ministrations of the porn stars.  Lucky I hadn't rented an S&M tape.  

Porn is cool but when the real action on the bed starts I sometimes forget to watch it anyway. What I find MUCH more fun than porn is mirrors on the walls and ceiling ala the Dolphin Motel in Point Loma. Since we are on the subject, are there any providers in San Diego that have this type of setup at their incall location?


Candles, mood music and ......mirrors work well for me. Wouldn't get into a porn video very much while engaged with the lady. Perhaps on an extended visit, watching porn jointly as a prelude to our own activites might work nicely.

I am more into verbal things and would prefer having the lady tell me about a fantasy or a real life experience of hers that was a real turn on for her and to have her tell it as graphically as she can. Or conversly, having her ask me to tell of a steamy experience or fantasy and then having her act it out for me during our session. Now that is HOT!

Generally soft music and candles are all I need in the background. Porno is a fun diversion between rounds but once my motor is running I like to devote my full concentration on my partner and our mutual pleasures.


bodhisattva3396 reads

the gaze of my lover. All time and space peels away and I could have an atom bomb go off in the room and I would know it.

I think what I'm saying is that I tend to be a bit focused on the woman before me.

They still havent invented the porn that goes on in my mind and soul.

TIMM012390 reads

I remember taking a trip to India with a group of people for work. The night life there was nothing like Los Angeles, or the mid west, more like Utah on a Sunday night.  I remember you could order wine or beer with dinner, but no bar in the hotel. We were advised to stop in the duty free shop and bring something to drink with us before the plane left.

The hotel did have its own cable tv system and each room had a menu of the movies they had on laser disc. You called downstairs and told them what you wanted to see and they would say turn your channel to whatever and the movie would start. The best part was it was free, In India they really didn’t care about copyright issues.

Anyway, myself and (luckily one of the females) were in my room seeing if we could finish off one of the bottles we had brought, when we decided to watch a movie. I told her to pick one and since our judgment was already clouded she pick a somewhat soft porn they had on the menu.  We called downstairs and they said “somebody already watching movie, you wait 30 minutes watch channel 30”. We said OK and she looked at me and said we have 30 minutes to kill, what do you want to do. Well if there is one thing about me when I’m drinking the more I drink the less shy I become, so I said something like “We have been in this damn country for 10 days now and I’m tired of sneaking a peek at your tits every chance I can and by the way no fair going bra less yesterday. Let’s just get naked and have some fun.” She was probably slightly drunker than I was because next thing I knew we was neked.

At some point the movie started and we were oblivious to it until we finished and we relaxing and started watching the movie. Now I’m near sighted and if it’s more than 2 feet away I probably don’t know what it is anyway, but she decided we should try some of these things, positions, etc.  I thought great the night is young and who knows when I will get another chance like this again.

Well she decided we should do the one they were doing in the movie and I said I don’t think my body will bend in those positions ,but what the hell, off with the glasses and I hope I don’t break anything. I was right my body won’t bend that way and it just wasn’t working out to well, in the mean time she is still watching the movie and saying wait wait let’s try that. OK wait where are my glasses, shit they must be on the floor. Bad thing about being near sighted and losing your glasses, you can’t see to find the damn things!  Great I found them what are they doing, she says no not that what they were doing before and that was what? Well she couldn’t explain it or I couldn’t understand, probably from the amount of alcohol flowing through our veins.  She picks up the phone and calls downstairs and says “Hey back up the movie, yea right to where his doing ……” She convinced him to do it twice, but the third time he just turned off the movie and told us to go to sleep and hung up.

Anyway the music and candles are wonderful, but if you are as blind as I am you can’t see the damn porno anyway!

with candles, fruit, whip cream.... hot oils....and long hot showers together before and after...........I am begging ya....

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