TER General Board

Can you please list their names, addresses and phone numbers?
Dr Who revived 1940 reads

Otherwise I suspect you just looked in the mirror, drooled your question to yourself, and then jerked off to your own image.

Truth be told there was a member here who was proud of doing exactly that.

You remind me of him.
Posted By: ILoveToFuck
Almost all the guys I talked to said breast implants are a turn off. So why do so many women get them (fake boobs) when their real boobs already look great ?

ILoveToFuck2817 reads

Almost all the guys I talked to said breast implants are a turn off. So why do so many women get them (fake boobs) when their real boobs already look great ?

GaGambler1709 reads

even when they have tits that drag on the ground.

Some of us, (and them) have standards. Many women don't want to go through life with tits that make them a 7, when a little bit of surgery can make them an 8, even if they aren't hookers.

Did it ever occur to the OP that maybe women want to feel good about themselves, and that nicer bust line makes that happen for them? (and us of course)

Otherwise I suspect you just looked in the mirror, drooled your question to yourself, and then jerked off to your own image.

Truth be told there was a member here who was proud of doing exactly that.

You remind me of him.

Posted By: ILoveToFuck
Almost all the guys I talked to said breast implants are a turn off. So why do so many women get them (fake boobs) when their real boobs already look great ?

Panthera122074 reads

And they wonder why they are so often treated as sex objects in the real world too.

I'm a natural full 36- C, watch it! ;-)

Step (meow)

are the same as 80 yos. We might as well be dead for Christ sakes lol. Go figure. Good luck convincing him otherwise. Sure must be nice to have the ability to defy the hands of a clock lol. I must ask him his secret (not that he'll tell me).

Anyway, I am a full 34 B/C myself and I love my naturals. Wouldn't change them for the world. :)

-- Modified on 7/16/2014 1:54:02 AM

I don't object at all his choice in hookers or civvie women. His continual bashing of anything he does not find hot is juvenile. He might be chronologically whatever but his mental state is still in high school at best. I see him as a sophomoric 17 year old and adjust accordingly

ask a woman who has them. I know a few ladies myself and when asked, it's always a 'better self image' thing. If it makes them feel better, who cares. I would never personally put anything foreign in my bod however and having felt them before, the 'feel' of them would make me crazy ;) Oh wait, I am f'n crazy.  

Anyhow, do they make penis implants? If so, there ya go. There are men with cocks out there the size of a woman's pinky finger. Yes, they do exist. I feel for those gentlemen, truly.  

Same thing if you think about.

You can't get it up?

Panthera121790 reads

It's okay. At your age it is expected. Unfortunately, not every female can afford the surgery no matter how droopy they get.

And not quite lol. You forgot I'm really 300lbs and really, really butt, I mean butt ass ugly. But at least my boobies are still perky lol thank you very much. Yes, even at my age. Nice try though.

For the record, when tits droop, so do balls...so get ready unless you're already there. Oh, yea, it's okay, it happens.

-- Modified on 7/14/2014 6:11:55 PM

'Olive branch'? Did you lie to me hmmmmm? :) Perhaps that olive branch was smaller than your apparent pee pee afterall ... or non-existent altogether. I think it's possible you're even worse than before lol. Either way, I do have to say, with how overly criticizing you are of women, your SO must be one hot tamale in order to remotely measure up and maintain your level of expectations. Geezk, the poor girl.  

With that being said, it makes me question why a gentleman of 'your kind' is even here?

Please, do tell.  

-- Modified on 7/14/2014 7:48:07 PM

Panthera121755 reads

Yes, my GF is hotter and younger then you are.

For your unbelievably beyond rude behavior to me specifically, and said you would tone it down since I obviously can take it like a big girl and hold my own. Apparently I was mistaken. Oh well lol. No 'skinny' off my back lol (get it lol)

Anyhow, I have absolutely no doubt your girlfriend is quite stunning. But the age thing you really should try to get over,  there are some really beautiful women my age. And don't forget, she's not getting any younger :)  I do hope she ages gracefully for your sake. Go easy on her in any event...please. I do have a slight feeling that your idea of hotter is a little different than mine. There are beautiful women everywhere you look, but 'smokin' is a different category altogether. I saw a woman the other day and my mouth dropped wide open.  

All women are beautiful to different degrees. Quite the opposite of how you view them I'm afraid. I want absolutely nothing to do with you or your kind so I'm not sure why you feel this need to compete with your girlfriend lol. Tis funny though.

But your still avoiding my question again ....why are you here Panthera if that is the case?  

Posted By: Panthera12
Yes, my GF is hotter and younger then you are.
-- Modified on 7/15/2014 4:24:17 AM

Not 'all' of us will willingly bend over and kneel before you, there Zod. And while you keep the blonde beauties of this world at bay, the brunettes are a lil different I'm afraid altogether (at least this one). A lil more stubborn, a lil more wild and feisty before I would or could ever submit to a 'king' such as yourself ;)

Now since you are a nature and animal lover like myself (probably the only thing you or I will ever have in common), perhaps we can agree that if we were to ever meet in the wild, I suppose this will paint a better picture of the 'real' me in meeting the 'real' you face to face.  

And it would be on and not in a pretty fashion either

They're satisfied with the overweight, stringy haired, dowdy dressed house Frau with stretch marked fried eggs for breasts. Most ladies trying to better their market value and positions whether modeling, TV, sales, sex worker, or just trying to hook a sugar daddy know that simply satisfying your buddies low expectations and even lower budgets aren't going to get them there.  I'm sure a majority of "the guys" you pal with also regularly boast "I ain't never paid for pussy and I never will".    

 We all know you're attempting to garner favor with the feminist/naturalist sect and sycophant manginas; but it won't work, and it's been tried a thousand times before on these pages.

With all due respect, I think it's pretty much pure baloney.
Many hobbiests like me strongly prefer the feel of all-natural breasts, of all sizes.
Feeling the supple softness of glorious natural breasts is perhaps the greatest pleasure/turn-on for me on dates.

Let's dissect what you said and profess.

1. "Many hobbiests like me strongly prefer the feel of all-natural breasts"
Obviously if they're a "hobbyist like you" they would share your tastes.

I'm a different hobbyist with different tastes, and many hobbyists share my taste for perfectly symmetric, full bodied breasts that defy gravity, are free of stretch marks, look great in or out of a bra, and compliment any style of decolletage.

 The BIG difference between hobbyists like you and hobbyists like me is hobbyists like ME don't redundantly post sycophantic homages to "the supple softness of glorious natural breasts" every 15 to 30 days as has been the tactic of "hobbyist like YOU" since TER went on-line in 1999.  

You and your ilk are certainly entitled to your personal taste and opinions; but why must you blatantly as well as passive aggressively shove them down EVERYONE'S throat as your brethren has insufferably done for the past 15 years on these discussion boards?    

Posted By: Jstgttnstrtd
With all due respect, I think it's pretty much pure baloney.  
 Many hobbiests like me strongly prefer the feel of all-natural breasts, of all sizes.  
 Feeling the supple softness of glorious natural breasts is perhaps the greatest pleasure/turn-on for me on dates.

"my ilk"

Uh, okay, sure.
I certainly won't lop you together with anyone else, because you are truly a one-of-a-kind.

But continue to stand tall ye defender of plastic orbs.  Fight the good fight.  Slay all the hethen who darest speak sweetly of thine mortal enemy, those most vile, loathsome, and hideous of mother nature's concoctions - on par with cockroaches and sewer rats - lest the innocent be ensnared by these despicable lies and led astray.

You sir are a hero, to be worshiped by women and children in all lands and in all times.

Or something like that...

And I don't like the hard obvious feel of a poor boob job. But what turns me off more are seriously drooping breasts or flat-chests.

A woman is what she is. If you like petite women and you meet a statuesque blonde, you can't say, "Would you mind being a little shorter?"

In P4P everyone gets to choose their type. I'd wager more gentlemen like at least somewhat busty ladies, and are willing to overlook a good boob job.

So, a woman decides on the look she wants and does what she can to get it. And then runs it up the flagpole and see how many dicks salute.

GaGambler1996 reads

Well at least the part about asking a statuesque blond is she would mind being a little shorter. lol

yes, I think many of us have our "types" and yes I too prefer natural over man made tata's, but a woman with a decent boob job, ones that fit her frame without being too hard, is never going to be thrown out of my bed for having had a boob job.

That said, I completely detest the boob or butt jobs that look downright freakish, and I have seen very attractive women completely ruin their looks by going overboard on surgery.

Skyfyre1986 reads

Here's the real deal:

Why women get fake boobs: because of self-image reason. They feel their boobs are too small and/or not attractive enough. They are jealous of well-endowed women and feel ignored/under-appreciated by men. And more specific if they're in any kind of business where looks are of utmost importance be it modeling, acting, porn or P4P they feel that it gives them a business/competitive advantage.

OTH, most men are attracted to LOOK first and foremost. I too always thought fake boobs look great. Well I still do but now I also realize when it comes to real physical intimate sex they absolutely SUCK. I'd rather feel something small but soft, jiggly and sensual than a big round hard rock. That is such a mood-killer caressing a hard as rock inflated ball. From my experience women with fake boobs lost all feeling and feel absolutely nothing there.  

So yeah the fake boobs may look good from a distance but I wouldn't want them on my sex partner.

Posted By: ILoveToFuck
Almost all the guys I talked to said breast implants are a turn off. So why do so many women get them (fake boobs) when their real boobs already look great ?

TalkToTrees1631 reads

Fake boobs have always been a major turn off for me. Yea, I've had my share of them and I feel like I am squeezing balloons. I didn't pay for that!

I stick with all natural boobs, use what God has given you and live with it! Don't muck with it!

The link below has one lady's experience with fake boobs and it doesn't look like she's all too happy with it.

The Forest Waits

Cut and paste method:


Posted By: ILoveToFuck
Almost all the guys I talked to said breast implants are a turn off. So why do so many women get them (fake boobs) when their real boobs already look great ?

Panthera121551 reads

But that is what they were made for.

Enjoy fake boobs hobbyists.I dont have fake boobs.

You know what they say about opinions, they are like asses.

Truth be told I had a great natural rack full beautiful C's and I decided to go for an upgrade to a DD.  My frame can carry them well, they suit my body, they are the best money can buy, my doctor is one of the highest rated and they look and feel natural.

Nobody has complained about them to date.

So, I think you might have polled the wrong men for this little study/survey you conducted.  

Hail, Hail to all breasts!  


Elle Vegas AKA Mentor Silicone DD!

They were so perfect you undertook the time, risk and expense to enlarge them? Really? I'm just asking. To each his own I guess. I dunno. Perfect C's are pretty much my dream boobs.

-- Modified on 7/15/2014 12:32:09 PM

Well, I did say to each their own. Of course what you like "is all that matters." Who would have ever thought you'd consider anyone else's thoughts on boobs. Have a great evening

Nice, real boobs > fake boobs > ugly real boobs

There are some ugly knockers out there.  I'd rather see some nice fakes than unfortunate reals.  

But a nice set of real A's are better than fake C's or D's, by far.

89Springer1389 reads

For me, A is too small. Besides, I've seen a couple of women with fake boobs that were so real looking and feeling that I never would have known if they hadn't told me. They were soft, and lied naturally when the women were on their backs. A first-rate boob job can be very, very close to real.


I've seen many breast augmentations that look spectacular and lovely. But real? Never. The scars give it away every time anyway.

89Springer1799 reads

Posted By: I_run_the_table
 I've seen many breast augmentations that look spectacular and lovely. But real? Never. The scars give it away every time anyway.
I didn't see scars on either woman. Never went looking for them, and don't know where I'd find them.

I'm happy with them, so that's all that matters to me.

I spent 30 years as a medical photographer and photographed a LOT of pre-op, post-op and way post-op mammoplasties (boob jobs).  Scar position and size can vary with technique used.  Skill of surgeon, aftercare and genetics can make scars essentially invisible.  Proper placement of the sac against the body wall with correct sizing can make them damn near perfect.

Some of the girls (esp. nurses) in the hospital would get free surgeon's fees if they let the residents do the procedure.  A few of them I did pre and post op pictures of, and post op sexual tryouts.  Even pre and post op screwed one of them, so was able to compare experiences for her.  Knew them all beforehand, so there was nothing unethical or predatory about it.  The girls loved my feedback, they were uniformly worried that the results would be easily detectable or asymmetric.

The tables got turned when I had to visit a urologist, but that's another story.

Ah the joy of research!

I, personally, think fake boobs that look too big for the woman is a turn off. I like boobs of all sizes, as long as they look good on the lady they are on. I've had women who have had implants tell me the reason the got them is so that they would be taken seriously. I don't understand that. If a woman is comfortable in her own skin (whether or not she's had implants) then she is sexy to me, confidence is extremely sexy. If a woman knows she's hot, and she knows she's going to rock my world, she will

I'm in my mid 20s and the damn things are already falling down. Any of you are more than welcome to buy me a shiny new pair. I'll take an areola reduction too, please.  

Posted By: ILoveToFuck
Almost all the guys I talked to said breast implants are a turn off. So why do so many women get them (fake boobs) when their real boobs already look great ?

Make me an offer I can't refuse.  

Posted By: Tobi Telford
I'm in my mid 20s and the damn things are already falling down. Any of you are more than welcome to buy me a shiny new pair. I'll take an areola reduction too, please.  
Posted By: ILoveToFuck
Almost all the guys I talked to said breast implants are a turn off. So why do so many women get them (fake boobs) when their real boobs already look great ?

Hey, you buy 'em, you get the first squeeze.  

Posted By: USGrantlover
Make me an offer I can't refuse.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
I'm in my mid 20s and the damn things are already falling down. Any of you are more than welcome to buy me a shiny new pair. I'll take an areola reduction too, please.    
Posted By: ILoveToFuck
Almost all the guys I talked to said breast implants are a turn off. So why do so many women get them (fake boobs) when their real boobs already look great ?


Posted By: Tobi Telford
Hey, you buy 'em, you get the first squeeze.  
Posted By: USGrantlover
Make me an offer I can't refuse.    
Posted By: Tobi Telford
I'm in my mid 20s and the damn things are already falling down. Any of you are more than welcome to buy me a shiny new pair. I'll take an areola reduction too, please.    
Posted By: ILoveToFuck
Almost all the guys I talked to said breast implants are a turn off. So why do so many women get them (fake boobs) when their real boobs already look great ?

Big fake tits have their benefits from what I've heard.

While I tend to attract guys who like natural everything, and GND, I would assume the fake titties, (along with a little nip and tuck for proportions elsewhere,) cause one to represent the stereotypical sex worker fantasy.

Now this is not said as truth, just a random thought and one possibility.

If I were to do it, (I don't need to,) I would do it for me and not more money... But I'd take more money if it ended up attracting more money of course lol.

-- Modified on 7/15/2014 1:56:55 PM

But I think that boob size for ladies is like cock size for men.  Only they can actually get them enlarged for a few thou with relatively minor surgery and reasonably predictable side effects if they pick a good surgeon.  Haven't heard much about penis enlargements that I'd want to have done to my dick.

If there was minor surgery to make you dick bigger, don't you think many guys would be all over it?

86H13LTP1564 reads

is look at yourself in the mirror !

Now I dare you to call me a WK

-- Modified on 7/15/2014 10:28:42 PM

I am very athletic and lean and boobs are mostly fat and I had a wicked set...36c. I wanted my feminine curves back so I went to the doc and said...fill em up!

I have no issue with guys who find fake tits a turn off, just don't see me. Do I give a shit..nope not a one!

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