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Does the race of your hobbyist or provider matter?
BearClaw 5487 reads

I have seen a few women advertise for caucasian males only. I am white, but I that ad caught me off guard. Is this common? I now seen ads from white and black providers.

Being white, I found myself drawn to Caucasian women.  Then, one day, a girl friend asked me if she could ask a female friend of hers to come over to join the fun.  Not wanting to appear ungracious, I grudgingly gave in.  The friend was domincan, and quite dark.  We all had a great time, and after that, I really don't concern myself with race or color.  If the lady is pleasant and reasonably attractive, I'm all set.

LickPussyClean3046 reads

I'm also wondering if they accept mix-blood or pure blood. LOL. What if you are half white-half asian, half black - half white, or half hispanic - half white??? Do you say, 'Hi, I'm 50% caucasian, will you accept me? Or will you accept only 75% caucasian or 100%?  Now of course, the none-caucasian male or the 50% caucasian male can be a handsome well-built male, but another client (100% caucasian) can be a fugly 360 lbs. male with hanging man-boobs, warty face, smelly armpit and triple fat chin (just stating a reality and not to be politically incorrect). Just leaves me wondering too why these ladies perfer that?

The best discriminating ad that I've seen so far is not racial, but weight limit. It said somethin like (weight limit for man is 260 lbs). That's understandable because ladies have the physical limit of being crushed under a heavy man in mish position.

This is a really interesting question though and wish ladies will provide some light into this, especially those who advertise 'caucasian only'.

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 4:46:17 AM

Groucho and his family were guests of another actor at an exclusive Hollywood country club.  At one point in his visit, Groucho changed into his swim suit and headed over to the pool.  Just before he was able to put his foot in the water, though, a steward stopped him.  Clearly very uncomfortable, the young man said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Marx, but this is a restricted club.  We allow Jewish people in as guests of our members, but I'm afraid we don't allow them to use the pool.  I hope you understand."

Groucho replied, "Well, my daughter's only HALF Jewish.  Can she go in up to her knees?"

LickPussyClean4221 reads

Scenario:  Ok, since I'm only half caucasian, I think it's ok to insert my half-white willie half-way into your beaver.  Or it should be ok to stick half of my tongue inside for DATY. And I promise to only use one hand to hold your boob (the caucasian hand). And it's ok if you don't do DTBBBJ, you can only BBBJ half-way. In fact, you can just suck the white head of willie.  And don't worry about doggie, your backside rump is huge that I can only bury half of willie inside (that's the white half of course). LOL.

Whoarewetojudge1885 reads

A provider can pick and choose, who ever she wants to see. That is her preference. If she is not comfortable, then its her right to refuse. I see men of all colors, races, and creed. I love black men, just as much as I love white men. I've dated both races, and will continue to do so. But, who am I to judge another person's preference? I don't get mad when a man prefers another body type, other than mine. I just shuck it off as to his loss, not mine. At least the provider is being upfront, for SOME ARE NOT. I actually applaud her (although my views are different) for being upfront. What gets my goat are those providers who are not upfront, and they turn away a client sight upon seen.  For those who are offended by her disclosure, should just move on and concentrate on what betters him/her instead. Take your business elsewhere, if it affects you personally that much. It may not affect her business, for I am pretty sure, someone of a different race is going to see her, regardless. The color of money has nothing to do with it. That is the reality. No. Money cannot buy everything, and it's clear to say that no amount of money is going to buy sex with her, if you are the same race, she is not looking to see. It has nothing to do with discrimination to me. There are certain people, we are not attracted to. Why should a woman be forced to see everybody, when it's clear that certain people make her uncomfortable, sexually?  Does it mean that I am obligated to sleep with all who enter my domain? No. It doesn't. This topic will always continue, I gather, but you cannot change how a person feels. No matter how much this thread continues. I am pretty sure, that this provider has reviews, and will continue to get reviews. Meaning, she will always get business from someone. Apparently, it's not affecting her business. Also, lets stray away from calling someone racist. It is just a person's preference. We are ALL attracted to many different types of people, and in some cases, we are not.

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 6:52:29 AM

LickPussyClean2079 reads

I'm talking about a GREY area here!!!

What if you are 75% caucasian? Not 100% caucasian? You get what I mean???? When escorts advertise - I only go out with cauccasians - is that like 100% caucasian? or 90% or 80%? Or yeah, I'm 99% caucasian but my great great great grandfather was a bit black, so I have some features of that.

Now what if a friend of mine is 100% caucasian but he weigh 400 lbs.? And although he wear deodorant, in 10 minutes he will sweat like a pig and will smell. Will you do him?

Read the question first before answering.  I already know what you mean and respect the providers for their racial preference, but that's not the issue here.  

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 6:42:52 AM

Whoarewetojudge2381 reads

A person can pick and choose, whomever he/she wants to sleep with. That is her/his right. We all may not like it, but tough sh*t. I could really care less about your race, creed, nationality, whatever, personally, for I am attracted to many. But, who am I to judge another person's feelings????????????????? Who are you to judge??????????????? Who are we all to judge???????????? Also, why in the hell, would you or any other man, would want to be with a woman, who is clearly going to be disgusted to be with you (in general) anyways? Wouldn't you want to be with someone, who had NO issues on you just being you??????????????????? Sorry, but your points make no sense to me, when it has to do with someone's preferences.  Again, I don't rant and rage, when I am turned down, for another body type, and even (which this has been done to me)when I am turned down by my own race , so he can be with another race. That is HIS right to do so. Just like it's my right to turn someone down, who was funky, dirty, and or has a bad attitude. That is MY right. I just get over it, and move on. You should too. Remember, no matter how much ranting we may do today, is clearly not going to change her mind or others, who may feel the way she does. She can run her business any which way she wants to. Also, again, at least she is being UPFRONT about it on her website! Again, I applaud her for being forthright. She's apparently NOT going to waste your time, for you will NOT see her.  No matter what percentages of a race you are. It's her business. Just as long as she doesn't go into your own business, and dictate how you should run it, then move on.  Don't beat up on the messenger here ;)

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 7:11:01 AM

LickPussyClean2223 reads

You are the one beating down the message. Your two posted message are repeats! You have not answered my question at all. Chill up. You are not being judge nor are the women who have racial preference are being judge. You simply don't get the question. And you are barking up at the wrong tree. Now get that to your brain. Next answer please.

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 7:48:48 AM

Whoarewetojudge3711 reads

I am not use to that word Chill up. Nor, do I use it in my sentences, nor my speech pattern. Just because I am black, DOES NOT mean, that I cannot speak with articulation. But I still stand by my posts, in reference to: Preferences.

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 8:11:03 AM

Whoarewetojudge3015 reads

I did read your post, silly boy,  it still sounds like a preference issue. For me, for I will not sleep with anyone funky, regardless of what size he was. But then again, I don't know of any provider who are into dirty men.

-- Modified on 6/27/2004 8:03:27 AM

cancellations.  As long as either provider or hobbyist declines the session politely, no harm done.  I agree that no hobbyist or provider should see who they don't want to, whatever criteria they want to apply.  This isn't about home loans, jobs or medical care--it's about the most intimate decision most of us will ever make, regardless of how often we make it.  And as others have said, as long as everyone knows up front, all the better.

Vanessa-Sue1837 reads

I love ALL men....black, white, asian....;-)

As long as they are kind and respectful, they are fine by me!


Vanessa Sue from Chicago

michael_2008 reads

I'm an equal opportunity perv

I have noticed that as my first year of hobbying, 2004 appears to be the Year of the Blonde.


Ci Ci2777 reads

to choose whomever they want to sleep with. That's a personal choice. Just like if you went to a bar and wanted to dance with someone in particular. It's not my place to judge anyone on their choices, but I'm color blind as far as this goes.


BearClaw2268 reads

Thanks to all for participating. I had hoped to hear from more providers. As a number of the posts demonstrated, who you sleep with or "fuck" is a matter of personal choice. It would be nice though if providers made this very clear in their ad and webpages. It saves all the time. In a world full of things that we should not dribble over, a person's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of cash should not be constrained by the choices they make.

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