TER General Board

can i offer an alternate theory?
sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 663 reads

She's not available for new people. Regulars that know her may still contact her. But that message is for newcomers.  

-- Modified on 7/27/2016 9:10:31 PM

NoYellowEnvelope4998 reads

... as in, something that's very puzzling to me.  

A well-known and well-reviewed provider posted photos on the Photo board very recently--as recently as a few hours ago. I will be visiting her home city soon and I've always wanted to meet her, so I clicked on her profile link and then on to her web site. And there on the home page, she states that she's no longer available, for a personal reason I won't mention here.  

What puzzles me is, why would someone who's retired from the hobby keep posting photos on the Photo board... which is an advertising channel?

Providers... if you were to retire from this business, would you continue posting ads on the TER Photo board?

it could be that she may be planning on returning some day and wants to keep up her appearance.  Other than that, I can't think of why a lady would do that.


She may have come out of retirement & just haven't updated her info on her website or on her ads?    Why not reach out to her & ask.. Very simple instead of blasting peeps before knowing wtf is going on...

NoYellowEnvelope625 reads

A provider who in your scenario came out of retirement at least a few days ago and had time to post photos here but not enough time to update her home page and change her retirement message doesn't have much professionalism, IMO.  

Also, I would never reach out to someone for the purposes of asking about p4p when she's made it clear on her own web site's home page that she's not interested in that any more.

You have to look at the whole picture, I understand your Pov but maybe she's in the process of updating her info!!!  Just maybe!!! Lol  

Hopefully when I retire from this line of biz, my degree that I'm trying to achieve will enable me to stay clear & not reenter the hobby again...  I will miss it tho.... I've check shit off my bucket list that I probably never of done with a civie boyfriend!!! 😁😁😁😁😁

-- Modified on 7/27/2016 8:45:54 PM

to reach out and mention you were looking forward to seeing her and noticed her website (?) shows she retired. Maybe a few nice words explaining your interest and asking for confirmation. Would it hurt you? Noooooh. But you sound offended. You're kidding right?  

Maybe she'd give herself a going away present ... You! Maybe she's coming back and you'd be first blood? Maybe she'd confirm your suspicions and thank you for the kind words. WHO'D BE OFFENDED BY A FEW KIND WORDS? But you have time to post here before writing a few words to her. Sounds like you're looking for the boys to jump in her face and give you tough guy props.  

You sound like a newbie. But that doesn't make you a bad person.😲

NoYellowEnvelope440 reads

I'd never seen a retired provider posting photo ads before.  (And I'm not a newbie.)  You're making it a lot bigger and badder and different thing than it is.  

I asked providers for their take... not the "boys" like you.  I sure wasn't looking for props... nor attacks... for asking a simple question.  The reason I didn't identify her is I didn't want the 'boys" jumping in her face.  

Hope you feel better now, having gotten that out of your system

was your befuddled entry and disinterest in finding out for yourself... at the source. You'll only get GUESSES as to what MIGHT be going on, right? ERGO, an impossible question to answer.  

You then reject the suggestion to inquire from a PROVIDER to contact the lady in question and ask ... so you didn't take advice nor did you get an answer. And you won't here. Only she can answer that for you.  

Maybe you just want to see how many different answers house get and itemize them like Zak does and then post to see what everyone thinks. As you can tell, I have too much time on my hands tonightπŸ˜‰

I just find it ironic that you'll post several times here on this thread but not go to the source. But I'm assuming again. Perhaps you already did. Did ya?

into more drama than it has to be.  Boston has it right; just contact her and ask her if she's retired or still working.  You don't have to book yet, but at least you'll know whether she's going to be available when you get there.  Can't hurt.

srsly, cdl & boston pegged it.  there's a hundred reasons why a person doesn't have every single ad stream source coordinated, esp. in terms of a one-person-run business like this.  

it makes no sense to anybody with any sense that you would post on here before asking her directly for an answer.  it makes us think you're not serious about meeting her, and by extension, anybody.

Wtf are you talking about? Think these girls have a staff of dozens just waiting for her IT update demands?  

You realize they might have a civie job, a civie personal life, other responsibilities, health issues, etc and that escorting may not be at the top of their list at the moment?  

It doesn't mean she is "unprofessional" bc she hasn't updated her site in a few days...it may just mean she is human!

And stop acting so scared about reaching out to her. Fuck dude, she isn't going to bite you. The worst thing that may happen is she doesn't respond or she emails you telling you she is done or won't be back for a few weeks. BFD.

Take your act back to the newbie board or reach out to a few gals here to ask them if they sometimes put other things ahead of p4p.

You might be shocked to learn that sometimes there are more important things on their docket than sucking your dick!

NoYellowEnvelope428 reads

... maybe you can explain to me what's so difficult about approaching un-retirement like this:

1.  Have the web site notice about retirement removed.  Maybe it's easy, maybe it takes time. But do that first.  
2.  Then start posting ads again.  

And I think it's clear there ARE more important things on her docket than sucking my dick--or many other dicks.  Her web site makes that clear.

Maybe she does things based on HER needs first and not yours?

You sound like a newb so I see I now have to give you newb advice:


Frankly, you sound like a guy obsessed with this girl and how she handles her business!

Let it go bro, an dint be that guy!

She's not available for new people. Regulars that know her may still contact her. But that message is for newcomers.  

-- Modified on 7/27/2016 9:10:31 PM

Sometimes weird things like this occur when people go UTR or semi-UTR. Or the reverse: some retire or thought they were going to retire, but then come back out of hiding or retirement. I wonder how long the page has been like that.  

Another possibility is that she only wants to see her regulars along with those prospective clients she has built a rapport with on TER, but not yet done an appt.  

It's strange, regardless. Lol

Because one cannot just call or text a regular and say, " hey, what's up? haven't seen you for a while!"

to remind her old clients.  besides, you are asserting that the pictures thread is ONLY for advertising.  being in the entertaiment business myself i know i like to see myself in the media, even in old stuff that is no longer relevant.

maybe she just likes to see her boobs.

also, why do you care?  since you are obviously not going to contact her, what difference does it make to you what she does?

I didn't have the time to deal with screening and building new relationships, so i just posted on my home page I was taking a break.  I was happy to see established friends though, when they called.

makes perfect sense to me.  I have known many providers that go through periods where they only see established customers and are not taking anyone new.  

-- Modified on 7/27/2016 9:22:16 PM

I think we guys jump to conclusions too fast.  

One if my favorites I see in my town also tours. We had agreed to a date, bug then I saw her post in a couple different cities for a tour. I felt angry and under valued. I later realized these ladies sometimes need to post ads to drum up business and interest in new cities. She can't travel to a new place, reserve a room and take on additional expenses without having enough booked appointments to come out on top.

I agree that you should have asked her directly to avoid confusion and drama. Could have Been A Very simple explanation. With a high class and professional lady there will be an explanation.  


that maybe she has a web designer that changes her text on her website and she doesn't have access to make changes.
Or it could be like someone else mentioned she is only see regulars.
Not sure why photos are still being posted if retired why not send her a pm and ask?
If I was retired website would be down and I would be gone no announcement no photos.

Earlier this year I talked to a woman who was in a elaina's situation We talked about my upcoming surgery and things we had in common as well as meeting, even though she wasn't seeing "new clients" at the time. So thinking out of the box and being open to exploring the unknown can be fun and bring great rewards. Try it.
You might like it.  

It's a great hobby and one replete with interesting relationships (the word has several meanings) and amazing sex.  

Being open to thinking out of the box, accepting each other for who we are ... never hurt nobody. Have fun. Play safe. REPEAT. Or don't... ain't no skin off my nose

Maybe she retired from actual work but likes to post pics to bring a little happiness into our daily lives

and cynicism that permeates our society now. No, not a simple answer but a Poser. smh

Curious as to who it is, but I really don't care but I know one person it isn't. All this talk about the Photo Board ... now I'm gotta go check her likes on the photo board ... ooooh lal

reach out and ask. With some subjectivity on my part for good measure. No biggie.

Bingo! You got it!  However I did it at the request of several. :-)  


-- Modified on 7/28/2016 10:50:43 AM

Her message also clearly states, "I may return, or I may not." How many retired providers stay retired snyway?

Her p411 is also still active.

NoYellowEnvelope521 reads

... to let us know what you can do with just two clicks, and then tell everyone, ""Hey, lookee what I found!!"

I am totally in love with her. I think she should do whatever makes her happy :) She seriously looks like the happiest girl I have ever seen.  Have you seen her videos? Total girl crush!  
She's amazing I can see why you would have wanted to see her. Maybe she is going to come back .
I just know she should do whatever keeps that amazing smile on her face. She is clearly amazing.  
Maybe she did it for fun :) Pollie

NoYellowEnvelope355 reads

And I agree with you, she should do whatever makes her happy.

I see what you did there.....

Posted By: PollieAmorous
I am totally in love with her. I think she should do whatever makes her happy :) She seriously looks like the happiest girl I have ever seen.  Have you seen her videos? Total girl crush!  
 She's amazing I can see why you would have wanted to see her. Maybe she is going to come back .  
 I just know she should do whatever keeps that amazing smile on her face. She is clearly amazing.  
 Maybe she did it for fun :) Pollie

Will you please put on the big boy pants and stop pointing fingers everywhere else?

Your persistence into this matter should be embarrassing to yourself.

Storm was just pointing out that you inadvertently outed the girl in question and brought that to your attention and you make him the bad guy? Bizarre...

Dude you have a lot to learn. Listen to more experience voices and wise up.

My point is not to show how smart I am. It was to point out how stupid your post was. You don't want to out her but you have so much info in your OP that ripmany could have found her in 2 posts. Do you take discretion lessons from Zak?

-- Modified on 7/28/2016 12:12:40 PM

You can't buy publicity like this

Over the past 6 months I had been receiving several emails from several fellas saying they missed my Photo Board Presence and asked me to post. So I obliged. That's the kind of gal I am. :-) Happy to please when not much effort required.lol  Very simple to do and I'm sure those fellas that have been asking me to do it are now smiling. :-) I love to make people smile. :-)  

I'm not retired. I am still providing however, I'm providing to one specific gentleman for awhile. :-)  

I hope this clears things up.  


I have a particular favorite on the Photo Board and for the first time on 12 years I actually look at it. LOL ... if I retired, I'don't still look just to see her pics. She just does it for me. I can understand how other guys might feel. Nice of you

The photo only board has only been in existence for 2 1/2 years.

thickyjr551 reads

Yes it's true. Just started this year .... but I do get your point.  

Posted By: perfectstorm
The photo only board has only been in existence for 2 1/2 years.

Maybe he meant in the 12 years he's been hobbying he's only recently started to look at the Photo Board. :-)  

Much love to all in this secret world. :-)  


thickyjr505 reads

You hit the nail Grace. As for PS, I appreciate learning something new every day. Even unimportant stuff ...lol
Your hysterical perspective on things from days gone by are welcome.

Yours or mine? lol

Now we're all comically confused. lol


I am known as the "archivist" around here because of my knowledge of TER history and policies, and even some individual posters' histories. Thickyjr was playing off on my "historical" perspective and calling it my "hysterical" perspective. I found that funny and clever. :)

I was just pointing out there was no photo only board to look at 12 years ago or even 3 years ago. :)

I begged Grace to make a trip to Boston.... I almost decided on a trip to her.. is how much I thought she was great..  but then, I made an appointment with a local girl and she was great too..  

Somedudesjunk419 reads

you don't show much to this ladies choice of remaining active on the photo board.


Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
... as in, something that's very puzzling to me.  
 A well-known and well-reviewed provider posted photos on the Photo board very recently--as recently as a few hours ago. I will be visiting her home city soon and I've always wanted to meet her, so I clicked on her profile link and then on to her web site. And there on the home page, she states that she's no longer available, for a personal reason I won't mention here.  
 What puzzles me is, why would someone who's retired from the hobby keep posting photos on the Photo board... which is an advertising channel?  
 Providers... if you were to retire from this business, would you continue posting ads on the TER Photo board?

NoYellowEnvelope343 reads

... disappeared (I think I know why, and I hope that person enjoys the 2 VIP days!), I'll restate what I said in reply to her kind post.  

First, I said that Grace is kind, classy person, and that there needs to be a lot more people like her.  
Then I noted that several people responded to my OP with a straightforward answer--some of which turned out to be very close to reality!  I really appreciate those people taking time to share their opinions about what they might do and/or about why Grace may have done what she's doing on the Photo board.  And they managed to do it without attacks, without making assumptions about what was in my mind or heart--since there was no way they could know that.  
And then Grace's response... which sadly only a few dozen people got to see... a perfect example of grace  ;)  , kindness, and good humor.  No wonder she is so loved by her Main Man, by Pollie, and by many many others.    
Thank you, Grace, for being understanding, for taking the time to help me understand something I wondered about, and for being a great example for me and everyone on how to treat others.  You make the world--including the Photo board!--a better place.

her webmaster isn't up to speed.

No pun intended, she may want to know that she is still desirable, hot, or otherwise feel a connection to what she has been doing all this time. I can see a provider wanting that kind of feeling as she retires.

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