TER General Board

C-SPAN Senate Coverage
ITgirl See my TER Reviews 1464 reads
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I have decided to become a Senator. Not right away... I still have to become a sportscaster first. But once I'm retired from Porn and launch a successful career as a sportscaster, it will be time to start phase 1,974 of my quest for world domination. And becoming a senator seems to be a step in the right direction.

Sorry, got off the point just a bit... I've been watching C-SPAN senate coverage every day and I'm disturbed by the scary trend that has evolved in our government: total ineffectuality. (I know, that's not a real word)(and I know the problem isn't a new one)

The seats are half-empty on any given day, and the senators that are present have to be shushed repeatedly, doodle on their note pads, pass notes and pay almost no attention to what is going on. The prepared statements and speeches presented are a mere formality, since it seems that almost every single senator has sold their vote in advance and is only killing time until they can get home and watch the game.

I am by no means a moral animal, but I believe in freedom and would never sell out the foundation of America's freedom for plain old money. It should be illegal for people who have absolutely no concept of how the average American Citizen (illegal aliens do not count) lives to legislate, vote, conceptualize or dictate life for us.

This would have been longer and more involved, but I'm tired and have ice cream and a redhead waiting for me in bed.

Oh, vote for me in about twenty years.

kerrakles 386 reads
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I didn't know, they are supposed to know anything they are talking about.

It is the only job every where in the world with 'zero' accountability or responsibility.

Oldmember 36 Reviews 264 reads
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I took a class in Government about 14 years ago.  One of our class activities was to go watch a session of the Senate from the gallery.  When we got there, one of the junior senators (Carol Mosely-Braun) was chairing (not the VP, not the pro-tem) and there were maybe three other senators in the whole chamber, doing totally nothing.  No speeches, no negotiating, nothing.  A few minutes into this, one of the venerable old southern senators (Howell Heflin) stood up and mumbled some words across the chamber to the chairperson, she banged her gavel, and he sat back down again.  Then back to doing nothing...  Quite an impressive lesson in US government for our class!!!

Hardwood469 18 Reviews 299 reads
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Most will talk a couple of minutes then move that the remainder of their comments be reported in the record.

I was the Reading Clerk for a state legislature at one time. It was funny to see Congressmen who never gave a speech ask to speak at the mike when they had constituents in the balcony. Made them look like they were doing the people's business. haha

-- Modified on 1/26/2008 5:49:43 AM

Mobile Sam 8873 3 Reviews 465 reads
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Me and you baby. I agree 100%. But before I run for Senate I'm going to be the building code inspector in Atlanta. What a shame the residential building industry has become.

wantbrain 807 reads
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Empty seats?  Well, as it turns out, Senators call in the cameras at 11:00 p.m. when there's no one there anyway, and make a great show of reading some profoundly important piece of legislation etc etc etc ... It all goes on record, and everyone (in the Senate anyway) is happy.  Notice that the camera never pans on the room, since there's no one there at all.  Your tax dollars at work!

mattradd 40 Reviews 333 reads
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And, we all know what happened to Rome and its empire. If we don't start electing some new blood, not beholding to special interests, and more from the working, middle class, rather than the elitests, Republican or Democrat, we are probably doomed to the same fate. Democracy takes allot of work, study, and tolerance of others with differing views. Not much hope if our children are addicted to video screen.

Oops I guess this belong on the politics and religion board. I apologize in advance if I have offended anyone's sensibilities.

P.S. I hope I can save up enough to see you before you change careers.

DenverNewbie 846 reads
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Forgive me, IT, but the best we can hope for is for the Senate seats to be empty. The salary of a politician is minor. The harm to the country from all the laws and regulations they pass is incalculable. If someone ran on the platform of not showing up for work, he'd have my vote.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 823 reads
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I wish there was any indication that it was going to change, but between money owning politics and most people in this country being apathetic, either because they are cynics or because they are too busy just trying to keep their head above water, I can't see it changing anytime soon.

ITgirl See my TER Reviews 359 reads
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And that is the secret to my success. By the way, I'm going to start shooting my sports show pilot in March. Pray for me guys, because I'm very serious about sportscasting. I just hope the networks will take me as seriously as I take sports!

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