TER General Board

But you are...
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 214 reads
1 / 26

.. I get picture of the lady I am about to meet. She has to be at least reasonably decent looking. I will only do one appointment a day... In other words, I would be very very choosy.

prepkid 1 Reviews 246 reads
2 / 26

is financial incentive. In current situation of course no I would not, but if I lived in a completely different bracket, perhaps.

Although it would depend on the kinds of clients, in order to provide for longer periods. Without knowing what providers must endure during sessions to earn their rates, I would not be able to know, however.

And well the problem with dudes is that what if your dick won't get hard because of the client? Now that is a problem!

-- Modified on 6/10/2012 7:46:26 PM

dantananot 12 Reviews 187 reads
3 / 26

Turned down serious illegal options to make easy money in the past.  It's a tougher question for women.  Even illegal options to make money are tougher.  But this is true for anyone:  easy money is the hardest money to find...

Fisher is my idol.

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 159 reads
4 / 26

Bottom line is, for me, if I"m not physically attracted to her, I'm not sure I could get it up, regardless of how much money she was paying me.  I just don't know how they do it.


Dr Who revived 238 reads
5 / 26

Let's just assume (again) that Mom and Dad are still supporting you...How is that any different than you being some gals sb?  Seems like both ways you're still a whore?

prepkid 1 Reviews 183 reads
6 / 26

Doesn't matter how much you want to fuck, that is not happening in this life time.

Dr Who revived 176 reads
7 / 26

and if you are to believed (and we all want to believe you) taking Mom and Dad's money and spending it on whores...makes you a whore.

There isn't a gal here that doesn't earn every nickel they make.  YOU OTOH whore yourself to your Parents and spend THEIR money on whores.

UNLESS...you're not telling the truth.  What is it preppie...whore or not?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1740 reads
8 / 26

What if, somehow, you found that you could support yourself comfortably by being a provider (hetero, say).  Let's say also that sexual stamina was not an issue.

Would you do it?

Before everyone rushes to answer "Well, duh!", give it some thought and really think about all the ramifications, etc.

I'm not sure I would because I would have some problems with the baggage (rejection by family and friends if they learned, keeping the life secret, getting busted, etc.)

I also wonder if i could handle the supposedly NSA situation with so many gals, and whether I could offer myself to the expected range of women that being successful would entail.

Guys:  We dish it out pretty well, but can we take it?

prepkid 1 Reviews 205 reads
10 / 26

In this male dominated society, it will add another layer of discomfort, leading to the soft and weak dick.

Posted By: swimtrekr
Bottom line is, for me, if I"m not physically attracted to her, I'm not sure I could get it up, regardless of how much money she was paying me.  I just don't know how they do it.


Dr Who revived 170 reads
11 / 26

And make no mistake preppie...I do believe what I believe.

And had you told me that YOU pay all your expenses, your tuition (again assuming you're the college boy you want me to believe you are), food, clothes and such...I wouldn't hassle you about spending Mom and Dad's money...except you wouldn't need their money, would you?

But you didn't tell me that.  And as a parent I can tell YOU that if my little boy was spending money on hookers and hooker boards instead of using any money he may have earned towards his necessary living expenses...he's gonna catch hell from me.

So what is it pal...still don't want to admit you take Mom and Dad's money..directly or indirectily?

Again I'll ask...whore or not?

clarence37 37 Reviews 208 reads
12 / 26

Given the parameters that stamina was not an issue, and that I am somehow attractive enough that women would pay to have sex with me, I would not hesitate a moment.

When I was a young man and getting sex pretty much whenever I wanted it, I took home a variety of women. If I was in the mood (and I almost always was) and all that was available was that "last woman left at the bar", I went home with her. One of the things that I have come to realize over my years is that sex with beautiful women is pretty great, while sex with less attractive women is... still pretty great.

Some of my family members would accept it to a point, others not so much. That's their problem. Legally, I would probably end up some kind of crusader for decriminalization and probably get a law degree so I could plead my own cases :-) I recently went to court for a speeding ticket in a podunk town, and the judge, her secretary, and the prosecutor were all smoking hot. I would definitely give them a package deal.

Dr Who revived 159 reads
14 / 26
prepkid 1 Reviews 128 reads
15 / 26

Your son himself actually. Or was it your daughter? Both?? But either way, you seem to have a very clear sense of what such kid is like.

Maybe it was you back in the days. Go figure LOL!

Dr Who revived 156 reads
16 / 26

Sad pathetic people that simply have to create surreal worlds that border on neurotic.
I would want to feel bad for you, but you simply don't get it.  You've had plenty of opportunities to create a credible persona, but you continue to degrade yourself with asinine posts.

Why in the world would a 19 year old boy be wasting his youth babbling with people on a fuck board?  And unable to keep your stories straight.  

So yea...you remind me of people I have known.  And they lived in narcissistic bubbles as well :(

faxinator 137 reads
17 / 26

I worry a lot about getting busted. So I would say yes, I would, but only in a decriminalized region such as the designated areas in Nevada.

AnotherPerspective 171 reads
18 / 26

Life's too short for me to work a job with multiple bosses that require serenades of  false flattery ,  with  imaginary smiles  and canned laughter,   being intimately  passionate  with someone I'm not remotely attracted to ,  while biting my lip , wondering why time has stopped .

I would rather make my living as an independent  lawn guy , they get hotter women
than male escorts  .  :-D

Posted By: mrfisher
What if, somehow, you found that you could support yourself comfortably by being a provider (hetero, say).  Let's say also that sexual stamina was not an issue.

Would you do it?

Before everyone rushes to answer "Well, duh!", give it some thought and really think about all the ramifications, etc.

I'm not sure I would because I would have some problems with the baggage (rejection by family and friends if they learned, keeping the life secret, getting busted, etc.)

I also wonder if i could handle the supposedly NSA situation with so many gals, and whether I could offer myself to the expected range of women that being successful would entail.

Guys:  We dish it out pretty well, but can we take it?

scoed 8 Reviews 148 reads
19 / 26
guybeingaguy 4 Reviews 142 reads
21 / 26

I really don't know how the ladies do it . It has to be scary as hell not knowing what is going to come through that door ! The occasional asshole , the list is long I am sure .
I take away the visual and still have a hard time with it .
I honestly consider myself emotionally strong . Desert storm and NEVER experincing love have left me with a pretty cold heart .
Nope , no way in hell could I do it and that kinda baffles me !  
I appreciate these lovely ladies even that much more !
I honestly don't know how they do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mrfisher 108 Reviews 136 reads
22 / 26

and now we know why there are more gardiners in this country than male prostitutes.

saturnsky 150 reads
23 / 26

...because she found you unattractive. Or is it a different standard if guys were providing?

saturnsky 145 reads
24 / 26

That's the main reason I get so pissed at guys who treat the ladies like crap on the boards and in person.

A man with that attitude will always be a decent client and in your case hobbyist because you have the ability to put yourself in our shoes. Empathy is hard to find in this industry. You are appreciated.

saturnsky 132 reads
25 / 26

Men like you make this choice worthwhile. This is selfless, warm, real and I appreciate you too!

Clrw_guy06 148 reads
26 / 26

Nope, no way.  Would have gotten in the way of the best once in a life time relationship that I've had.

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