TER General Board

lets declare a 1 week truce about politics and get back to talking about sexregular_smile
HarryLime 10 Reviews 3822 reads

All this is a lot of fun, but I miss the ladies in the posts.  Not that they don't have opinions (they do), but they are clever enough to avoid making comments and pissing current and potential customers off.  Hopefully, we can withdraw our fangs for a bit and invite the ladies back to play

fucknsuck3449 reads

I agree, but I'd just like to mention a point that no-one else has brought up.  If John Kerry runs for President and wins, the best thing about it will be that it destroys Hillary's hopes for 2008.  That alone will garner Kerry a considerable number of votes!

Or at least about a neutered President without balls, if not an actual lady.

emeraldvodka3145 reads

    DAMN SKIPPY!!  This country has been bend over a barrel and f!@#$%, and give a bloody ass because of WMD Bush.  For the first time in 3 years I saw a White House Press conference where all the reporters absolutely grilled McClellan on the issue and discrepency about Bush's record during Vitenam.  For the first time in 3 years I saw the press doing their duty and ferociously demanding answers to their questions.  I honestly thought McClellan's head was going to explode because he couldn't come up with any more lies.
    These cock sucking Republicans had the audacity to compare a war hero to Saddam during elections  and call the public unpatriotic for disagreeing with them and it shouldn't be tolerated for one second more.  
    I just one f@#$%^& Republican to explain to the American public why the f#$% maps of Iraqi oil fields were a part of Cheneys energy task force papers in 01.  2 f@#$%^& years before Saddam was removed.  How the f#$% could that possibly happen, how???

emeraldvodka2100 reads

  First  let me state that I have Republicans and Democrats equally:)!!  Come on cut me some slack here:):)  Im home sick and I need some entertainment.  Im having so much fun instigating and exposing the lies on both sides.  When one hears so much excrement from both sides one has to expose the stupidity.  
Inject a few curse words and insults and it gets peoples blood boiling. You have to admit, it is fun:):)  
  You can't say that my question is illegitimate.  This board may not be appropriate for political topics and I will not start a string on such a topic.  However, if I see a string on the topic I have to post.  After all American kids are shedding blood and dying in another country and we can't stay silent if given the opportunity to speak.  We owe it to the kids who put on that uniform to debate as a society why the people we as voters put in power made the decision to send those kids to die.

emeraldvodka3114 reads

  First  let me state that I have Republicans and Democrats equally:)!!  Come on cut me some slack here:):)  Im home sick and I need some entertainment.  Im having so much fun instigating and exposing the lies on both sides.  When one hears so much excrement from both sides one has to expose the stupidity.  
Inject a few curse words and insults and it gets peoples blood boiling. You have to admit, it is fun:):)  
  You can't say that my question is illegitimate.  This board may not be appropriate for political topics and I will not start a string on such a topic.  However, if I see a string on the topic I have to post.  After all American kids are shedding blood and dying in another country and we can't stay silent if given the opportunity to speak.  We owe it to the kids who put on that uniform to debate as a society why the people we as voters put in power made the decision to send those kids to die.

H**L YES!!! Finally a person of my logical strain.  I did not come to this site to talk about Bush, Kerry, or any other politician.  I come here to read about providers and hobbying.  For the political minded, get real, there are plenty of other sites where you can spew your glowing hot anger.  At the end of the day, for my fellow US patriots, we are all ONE and there are plenty of people out there who would kill us instantly for being that.

Apparently, we are incapable of declaring a truce and that's okay. Let's just remember what's great about America. After all is said and done (mostly said), the institution and the hobby (thank God) will endure despite the amount of hot air we pump out. Hot air by the way, that will mean nothing, if all of us, whatever our views, don't vote in November. Remember, the decisions are made by the people who show up. Let's get back to sex; let your fingers do the talking next fall.

peace out

In Our Officer's mess it was a rule that one could talk about anything except Politics, Religion & Women.  Since the "Women" part isn't applicable here let's just not talk about the other two.

Under the thread that Luscious Laurel began.

Now there's a party I will join and never leave - and we'll make you Commander -in- Cheek

Bob Dole2706 reads

Trust me, I know these things. Dumbya has screwed the pooch!

Willie Clinton6372 reads

as well as all of the carpetbaggers & war profiteers from Halliburton, inlcuding the grand puppet-master, Cheney!  Hey, at least I was into fooling around with sweet Monica and not screwing the American people like Dumbya and his croonies are!

I say give this country & its people good ol' sex and no more war(s)!

...is generally about a day and a half from my own observation.
If you fail to post within that small window it usually isn't worth putting too much effort in trying to respond.

Although I find these political threads often tedious just to read through I still see political debate, though often polarizing and even just moronically meanspirited at times, a necessary evil given the high stakes the upcoming Presidential election holds for us as a nation.

I was late to the "party" on the thread that began "Just for you HarryLime".  Rather than readdress the points I tried to make there I will try to add a link to my post.


There is simply too much polarization in this country to expect these kind of threads to go away for very long.

Bob Dole2349 reads

The damage done to this country and our image and reputation as viewed by the rest of the world is catastrophic and people have a right to harbor so much anger. These are no ordinary times we live in, this is quite possibly one of the low points of our country's history.

Now who's seen my Viagra?  Elizabeth is coming over in 2 hours!

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