TER General Board

Busted on Easter
GenerousDoctor 16 Reviews 4835 reads

So I'm with the family today on this religious holiday called EASTER and being the loyal reader I am of TER I check out who'll be chatting later this week..

I am discreetly sitting over on my easy chair figuring I can click the X if someone walks up to look over my shoulder...

So I click on the lady who is chatting-- some fire eating porn star listed on the first page-- and music starts BLARING on my laptop... I try to close but her loud music/site has somehow frozen my damn computer and the family is like "Hey Uncle XXXX what are you looking at? THey come over and the kids see her site - - I try to freeze it. I try to turn it off eventually just shutting my damn laptop which STILL played her music.. They went and told the rest of the family and now I'm busted. On Easter no less.

Word to the wise (or should I say, the STUPID in this case)

DO NOT PUT BLARING MUSIC ON YOUR WEBSITE! IT's really not a good idea! Sometimes we forget to turn our speakers down?


PeterPickle2908 reads

Some ladies (and/or their web designers) just don't get it that if we want to hear a tune, we'll turn on the radio or download an MP3. We don't want to hear music on their web sites! For the love of god skip the music and all that lengthy flash entrance crap.

I got busted at work once in similar fashion as you. Sucks, I couldn't imagine all my nieces and nephews busting me though!

I promise you.  You just became much more interesting to nieces and nephews.

Yup.  MP3 Audio, Flash garbage, Shockwave schlock ... unfortunately, many people forget that the web was supposed to be about *information*.

Let us kow when you're out of the doghouse...   :)


Open up your email client, find an email you've received in the past, edit it to include the link to the site you were visiting, and forward it to yourself.

Then, when the site goes off, simply claim that you were following the link in the email that you were sent.

If you told me that, I'd notice that the message was sent from you TO you.  Not a good disguise, that.

Change the "from" part to the source of the original email.

Turkana3760 reads

Another is so folks won't hear my computer when I'm talking to them on the phone.

I use earphones on my desktop so no one gets disturbed. Only downside sometimes somebody sneaks up on me. Most of the time I have the mute on.

FatManNAtl4219 reads

Well to your nephews you are now the man!!!

It's funny the reason I am on tonight is because I saw a Provider at my church today who I recognized from her eros ad. I had thought about seeing her a few times but never did. That would have been really awkward and then we bith would have been busted.

Some Nerd2688 reads

First, I absolutely agree about the music, it's very annoying. Even worse is when some providers have some audio clip welcoming you to their website.

In any case, here's a commmand worth knowing when ever you're browsing sites of questionable content... "Ctrl-W"

Holding down the Control Key and then hitting "W" will instantly close a window and doesn't require the quick coordination that hitting the "X" in the corner does.

I always keep my fingers at the ready when viewing TER sites.

when ladies have a sound track on there websites. Doesn't help their business, takes longer to load, and can cause embarassment. Ladies, ditch the sound, please.

Been there done that......two things shut off sound, #2 avoid doing it when anyone can just pop in on you.

Hope you use something to cover your butt, its easy to see a history of visited websites.

Ci Ci5170 reads

that Uncle Hornytoad was looking for adult Easter Bunnies and when he ("I") typed that in, these sites popped up. Them tell them "not to ever put too many eggs in one basket."  Sorry, I couldn't resist that last one.


P.S.  I hope you can get through this one.

I am sorry to hear about your Easter and do hope you were able to cover it up. Good grief kids nowadays. Maybe others will see your post and take their music off!

..and why didn't you just close your laptop?

You're not busted--you're F*cked.  For months, after a near miss myself, I have had all my audio settings on mute, just in case.  I also can sever a connection with one finger if I ever need to.

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