TER General Board

Brilliant post on Las Vegas Boards
WebTerrorist 3749 reads

There is a new post on the Las Vegas Boards that I think all Hobbyists and Ladies will find interesting and worth discussion.

If one is going to work the boards, there's going to be a certain amount of aggravation one is going to have to deal with. I think Lora's complaint is par for the course. She certainly has the right to filter out any unwanted noise. At the same time, let me assure her that pretty much every Internet provider deals with the same issues.

Let me set the record straight on a few things. While there has been a history of review manipulation on TER, there has been very little of it in LV. A number of us have done our share of review busting. As I noted on the LA board last week, New Reviewer + New Reviewee = Fake Review if the score is 8/8 or above. (Staff, if you're out the reading this, perhaps some sort of flag may be a good idea for these types of reviews).

Second, a lot of guys try to get girls for free or even cheap. There's the  reviewer who never has any money but he has 100+ reviews, by trading  sessions for reviews, and in a more than couple of cases reviewed the girl in his own mind. How he's still here is a mystery to me. I think this is just par for the course when dealing with the guys. In my experience, no reviewer can make or break a provider.

If you are a provider and want to charge Boardwalk and Park Place for your time while offering a limited service, by all means that's your right. It will make a few guys unhappy, but I think that's their problem, not yours. I will say this much, and no offense intended, at $900 a date, if you want to have a presence here, you better hit the squelch button or develop a thicker skin (not too thick of course ;)).

-- Modified on 5/13/2006 3:35:48 AM

WebTerrorist1289 reads

just because it happens to most ladies, does that mean none should mention it? or does it make it even more important that someone has?

I am not sure that a lady new to TER, and a client that hasn't posted a review before (note neither has to mean hasn't hobbied before) with scores over 8/8 equals fake...can it? most certainly, must it? no.  (your first review was a lady with no other reviews...9/7, not bad scores and it wasn't fake right?  *smirk*)

I am well aware that this happens often, that is why I thought it important to be posted on the National Board, because I know it happens everywhere, to many, many ladies, and some will believe the lines, some will fall for the "I am a respected reviewer on TER" crap, and it is important someone tell the world it is wrong, it doesn't have to and shouldn't be that way.

As for her or any other lady squelching or getting a thinker skin, I don't think it's a dermatological issue, the power in the misuse of being a "respected reviewer" lies in it being hidden and hushed, to take that away castrates the dog that gets his teeth from implied threats, and manipulation.

Charge all you can honey. Seems to me these guys are getting a bargain.

And say whatever you want, whenever you want to. You are offering the most intimate service in the world and while it IS a service you are entitled to your opinion and your standards. Stick to them.

Which I agree with, by the way.

Just my two cents,

I agree with Anneke.

Furthermore, with all the carping about false reviews, manipulated reviews, etc., you'd think there would be some proof in the pudding.
Yet I can't think of a single instance (in over a dozen providers I've seen reviewed on TER) where I can take any issue with the reviews being too positive; if anything, just the opposite.

A practical solution to the "catch 22" would be to simply ask the satisfied clients she has to go on to TER and post a  review.  Problem solved.

That is, in fact, how I came to become a member of this club; and for that, I am quite grateful.

Unfortunately in this online hobby, reviews are very important. I don't think anyone can argue that. Over the years I have gone from a guy that was willing to TOFTT to someone who will not see a lady that has not gotten some reviews from guys that have more then one or two. there is a two-fold reason for this, I got burned a few times and my finances have taken a nose dive over some bad decisions I made.
I will make exceptions to this rule (and would for Lora, as I have chatted with her and she seems like a class act), and have.

I have argued over the years (from way back when I started in this hobby and was a moderator somewhere else) that a lady can charge what she wants. If you think it is too high, move on. I would even give the anaolgy of gas prices. Everyone is complaining about how much a gallon of gas costs, and that oil companies our gouging. Regardless of the truth of that, we all still run around with our Explorers, Cherokees, Escalades ect... I would like to see someone try to negotiate the gas station owner about his prices ;) Instead we should do something about it (like buying a hybrid or taking a bus). We are a society that likes to preach about capitalism, but when it comes to actually practicing it, we are a bit shallow. There are several ladies that I would _LOVE_ to meet, but the rates are just too high for me (both financially and in principle). So I choose not to patronize them. Obviously someone does, or market demands would make their prices come down. If they can charge it, and get it, more power to them!

I would also like to see ladies get together and decide enough of this. Forward the emails, chat logs what ever to TER admin and get these bozo's banned. I would be curious if they actually got banned....

of what happens to people in this world. As some providers and hobbyists think they are some special breed, well that happens in larger society too. Does she make some cogent points, yes, but not broader or more insightful than in the five plus years I have been hanging out here. Lara got something off her chest, but she need reminding that this albeit a form of e-commerce is not different than the store that opens on main street. Without a good word or some other form of reputation building, she is no more than a neon sign on the highway. All of have a right to pick our poison and so does she.


Everything Webbie said! Except I wasn't invited to the phone conversation.

she certainly has the right to post her inquiries, her sentiments and her skills. That is what TER is all about. It has nothing to do with "getting a thicker skin." If men can post about "rip-offs," "no-shows," etc., then providers can certainly post about something negative happening in the community. Believe me it's everywhere. You go, girl! :)


There is a lot of pressure to have reviews.  Not just to have reviews, but they can't be too good or too bad, they can't be posted on a day that ends with a 'Y', you can't have too many but you also can't have too few, they can't be too old or too new and of course it depends on who writes them, who else he has reviewed, whether he wrote the review on a MAC or a PC and whether that person is valid or fake or you bribed him with a Mazaratti.  It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.  Then, if a hobbyist does something stupid in the review,  someone 3000 miles away you've never heard of and who doesn't want to see you anyway plasters it all over the boards before you even had the opportunity to read your own review and take care of the situation yourself.  And who ultimately pays for it?    

If she does not have a review because she is new or because she started out in a non-TER-centric area or UTR, she is bombarded with cynical questions, bribes, passive aggressive threats and everyone assumes she is one bad thing or another.

As for me, I would never ask for a review.  Actually, I don't even discuss reviews with clients for fear of a misunderstanding leading to my public lynching.  I do think he should want to post a review on his own, also.  He can either review me or not.  Great either way.  If he does, I hope it's fair and I pray it doesn't cause drama for some absurd reason.

I can see her frustration.  You can't please everyone!

Kate Bishop

-- Modified on 5/13/2006 11:21:33 AM

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