TER General Board

SkAnDeLoUs_D 2596 reads

New here, not new to whoring message boards. Can't be arsed to read all your posts back through the past year and im sure they are all quite dull anyway. Message board posters fall into several catogories:
1) GFE-loving insipid crawlers
2) Nice as pie on the board, behind the scene backstabbers
3) The "sucking cocks is the highlight of my life" fakers.
4) The pompous monologer's
5) Board princesses eeee-oooh look at me
6) Trolls
7) Board bitches
9) The lets-sit-on-the-fence-and-not-upset-anyone'ers
10) Stalkers

Can someone save me the hassle and explain who falls into which catogory so I know who to ignore and who to bother reading?

SkAnDeLoUs_D3074 reads

I had Emma down for being a Princess, she doesnt have the wit to be a bitch from what I can see.

Isnt that right preccccciousssss?


followme2789 reads

eye am sure ewe wood knot want two reed any of my posts as aye am knot very humerus ore phunny. eye dew knot say two very much of any informative stuff (at least nuttin ewe wood care four)
Sew in conclusion aye due hope that nun of my stuff iz red bye ewe.

Thank you

Emma....got a club cover for a little putter ?

....a "9" on that list -- that's a step up from 7-8 I got from GirlinDC.


followme1840 reads

knot a picket fence.............OUCH

OH an me aye wood say eye am 8 on the list.

Thank you

jackieblu4umn3030 reads


You didn't tell us which catagory you think you fall into.

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