TER General Board

Bingo! My guess is that it's either that or Pink_Panties' answer. -e-
mrfisher 108 Reviews 785 reads
1 / 44

and you do yourself no good to even inquire.

This is just a part of the life we choose here.

Over the 4 decades that I've been involved I can count about 5 of these circumstances occurring to me.

At least you got some communication.  In my case, most just cut off contact cold.

I have my suspicions in some of the cases, but they are just that.

I don't loose any sleep over it either.

Get back up on another horse and ride.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 634 reads
2 / 44

(Now that I'm gay 8o)

Anyhow, if you do want to do something on the classy side, just send a very brief email expressing gratitude for the hours of joy she brought to you and wish her well.

Do not expect any response.

bpj078 22 Reviews 2696 reads
3 / 44

Having seen a provider on a regular basis, she recently asked for me to no longer schedule time with her, and we should part as friends.  If I was meeting her contributions, getting great feed back on our "dates", and message stating cannot wait to see you again.  Any reason why I would get dumped?  I am some what hurt, my male ego, but rather more confused as she continues to see other clients.  Your thoughts...

Leon3798 52 Reviews 1099 reads
4 / 44

Dont become like others we've seen where they start stalking ladies and such.  Maybe she's getting out, maybe she's cutting back.  Maybe she thinks you're a nasty meat Popsicle.  No offense, just sayin.  There are plenty of other great ladies out there who'll be willing to take her place Im sure.  Dont take it personally just chalk it up to great memories.  GL to you.

CaitlynKennedy See my TER Reviews 1039 reads
5 / 44

She was becoming too attached to you and the lines were becoming blurred? She had to end it for her sake?

Or maybe you were sending out the signs of too much attachment an snot realizing it.  She could have thought you were becoming more attached than she was prepared to give?

But truthfully, I would write her asking her in a polite way, so your mind is at ease

inicky46 61 Reviews 718 reads
6 / 44

Don't perpetuate it.  She owes you no explanation.  It happens, so just move on.  She could have any of the issues other posters above guessed at, or none of them.  In any case, if you contact her again she may make something up to soothe you or she may simply not respond.
Let it go.

Leon3798 52 Reviews 740 reads
7 / 44

Yes dont listen to Mr Fisher.....he's gay now!  LOL :-D

Posted By: mrfisher
(Now that I'm gay 8o)

Anyhow, if you do want to do something on the classy side, just send a very brief email expressing gratitude for the hours of joy she brought to you and wish her well.

Do not expect any response.

JackDunphy 792 reads
8 / 44

And you are either not being totally honest with us or yourself.

Come on. There must have been SOMETHING that went down. Did you suffocate her with tons of communication? Have an argument? An awkward moment that never existed before?  

If you REALLY have no idea, I cant see why a simple, short email asking her why would be an issue.  

Just make it apparent to her you know your professional relationship with her is over so she doesn't think you are trying to "win her back" so to speak. Tell her you would like to know so you don't have the same transgression with the next girl and thank her for her help.

But do NOT expect an answer back and NEVER hit her up again if she doesn't reply.

bpj078 22 Reviews 1124 reads
9 / 44

Thanks for the feedback.  Just to let you all know, I did send her I note thanking her for the great times we had.  She has given me nothing but great reviews and references as well.  So I suppose the times are changing...appreciate the words to live by.

ATLDAWG 815 reads
10 / 44

Could your review of TS Elle Fox have anything to do with her removing you from her portfolio ?

Pink_Panties 566 reads
11 / 44

Listen, I'm a girl.  I admit to avoiding/delaying conflict and hurt feelings rather than just telling the truth.  

It's not mature and it winds up being confusing but sometimes it tough to explain to a client that sees us on a regular basis that it's not working out anymore.  So we just say, "You are great!  Thanks for seeing me!"  Then at some point it's like I can't do this anymore.  so that's why she wants to part in good graces now even though she said can't wait to see you again.

Sometimes the first 1-2 dates are perfectly fine but after you keep seeing someone repeatedly, their little quirk or whatever starts getting to you, then you keep seeing them but start the dread it more and more, and then you just can't see that person again.

So please don't press her for the reason.  She won't tell you the truth anyway so just tell her "I don't understand but I respect your decision and feel free to reach out anytime if you want to keep in touch.

JoelGoodsen 527 reads
12 / 44

-- Modified on 3/19/2015 12:47:29 PM

Pink_Panties 970 reads
13 / 44

Do you really want to tell your super nice regular client the reason why?  He's going to try to fix it or if it's not fixable it'll hurt his feelings.  Once a girl finally gets to the point that she says it's over, she doesn't want to fix it.

cocktail-party 613 reads
14 / 44
expertiamator 723 reads
15 / 44

told her all men take advantage.
More likely she is feeling constrained, controlled or restricted by you.
It's always abut the Benjamins remember that first and foremost and
try not to mix this unreal or fantasy world with real life.

TaylorSteele 829 reads
16 / 44

we like change too here ;)

Sometimes things lose their luster after time, no matter how grandiose they may seem. But I wouldn't read into it too much. Pick up your bruised ego and move onto someone who'll make you feel like a champ again. Seems like a pretty simple solution to me.  

Good luck to you and smile. It's the first day of Spring today ;)  

T xx
Posted By: bpj078
Having seen a provider on a regular basis, she recently asked for me to no longer schedule time with her, and we should part as friends.  If I was meeting her contributions, getting great feed back on our "dates", and message stating cannot wait to see you again.  Any reason why I would get dumped?  I am some what hurt, my male ego, but rather more confused as she continues to see other clients.  Your thoughts...

Panthera12 735 reads
18 / 44
SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 866 reads
19 / 44

Back in my past life, I had a regular cancel an overnight on me at the last minute (I was actually already at the restaurant at which we were supposed to meet). It was a real issue for me because I had made space for him instead of a two-day engagement with someone new because he was a regular. He had a good reason, and said he'd be back in town again to arrange the same engagement soon. He offered to send me some compensation as a cancellation fee, which I agreed to accept, but then he never followed up. Several months later he emailed to ask me to join him for dinner with another provider (an acquaintance of mine) he'd flown into my city with whom he was having an overnight. Seriously? I don't think so. So I said I was unavailable, but thanked him for the thought. And then I never wrote to him again. He tried several times after that to communicate with me, but I was just offended enough to not wish to engage with him again. And in all his communication, he not once brought up that incident. And then I retired. And he tried one last time to correspond even after I left, but I still never responded. I was done. When you're done, you're done.

vipalexia See my TER Reviews 607 reads
20 / 44

well when its getting too close i feel like i dont want to see him again. its getting weird with time i like to keep it professional

Katie_krush See my TER Reviews 892 reads
21 / 44

Of course I could be wrong since I don't know the situation....

I guess the reason why I agree with Jack is that I had an experience that makes me agree with him.

The client I had this experience with would not listen!!!

I tried to tell him so many times...

I told him to stop calling and texting me on my personal time all the time, and to stop acting like I was his girlfriend, stop trying to give me advice, stop getting personal, and remember that I'm an escort and that I do NOT share whatever feelingsof emotional intimacy he may have had for me...

But he never listened.  

Even after I "dumped" him, he still didn't get it!!! He would ask why. But I'd already told him why all along. Even if I told him why a million times, he'd never get it. Therefore he'd never stop doing things that made me uncomfortable. Therefore I had no choice but to cut him off.

I'm not trying to infer that you are like him...but maybe if you think back- that is if you really need to know- you'll find your answer.

One other lesson here is NOT to treat escorts like they're your actual girlfriend...it's called girlfriend "experience" for a reason. Most of us don't like it when clients start to get attached. Just sayin.

bpj078 22 Reviews 576 reads
23 / 44

Thanks for all your thoughts on this. And in complete reflection, as a number of you pointed out- I stepped over that client boundary and was looking for more than I should have from her as an escort.  Lesson learned.  This was entirely my own fault, and she offered a truly classy out.

JohnyComeAlready 661 reads
24 / 44

Did you ask her to clean your house?

Posted By: bpj078
Thanks for all your thoughts on this. And in complete reflection, as a number of you pointed out- I stepped over that client boundary and was looking for more than I should have from her as an escort.  Lesson learned.  This was entirely my own fault, and she offered a truly classy out.  

bigguy30 577 reads
25 / 44

So she must have been trying to be nice about it.


Posted By: ATLDAWG
Could your review of TS Elle Fox have anything to do with her removing you from her portfolio ?

Skyfyre 756 reads
26 / 44

which many guys occasionally fail to accept is this:  

This hobby is all about:

1)  Money
2)  Money
3)  Money

The ladies are PAID to put on an act. The incentive and reward is that the more believable and more genuine the actresses can make the illusion seems to be the more money they make.

As long as money changes hand, absolutely positively NOTHING is genuinely from the hearts.

Fellow hobbyists would be well-served to remember this mantra to hearts

Pink_Panties 749 reads
27 / 44

Everyone works for money.

People who are in any customer/service industry generally can't be a total and complete bitch (or prick), but to say that our entire job is an act is POOP

prepkid 1 Reviews 520 reads
28 / 44

What you wrote confuses the most.

I never lose sight of the fact that this is P4P. But sometimes, I may be looking for companionship, like conversations, cuddles, and nice dinners. In retrospect, any provider who never was treated as such, could be getting wrong thoughts.

The hour or two is just complete escapism. I was assuming that ladies knew that I knew this. But I guess there have been enough of dumb clients who made moves.

Got dumped once before cause I was being.... too nice? I guess this is the only explanation I got.

Conclusion: Never attempt to do anything else with an escort but fuck. What a cynic I have become.
Posted By: Katie_krush
Of course I could be wrong since I don't know the situation....  
 I guess the reason why I agree with Jack is that I had an experience that makes me agree with him.  
 The client I had this experience with would not listen!!!  
 I tried to tell him so many times...  
 I told him to stop calling and texting me on my personal time all the time, and to stop acting like I was his girlfriend, stop trying to give me advice, stop getting personal, and remember that I'm an escort and that I do NOT share whatever feelingsof emotional intimacy he may have had for me...  
 But he never listened.  
 Even after I "dumped" him, he still didn't get it!!! He would ask why. But I'd already told him why all along. Even if I told him why a million times, he'd never get it. Therefore he'd never stop doing things that made me uncomfortable. Therefore I had no choice but to cut him off.  
 I'm not trying to infer that you are like him...but maybe if you think back- that is if you really need to know- you'll find your answer.  
 One other lesson here is NOT to treat escorts like they're your actual girlfriend...it's called girlfriend "experience" for a reason. Most of us don't like it when clients start to get attached. Just sayin.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 433 reads
29 / 44

-- Modified on 3/19/2015 10:04:33 PM

mojojo 1 Reviews 676 reads
30 / 44

One-No matter how many times you've seen your atf, things will always end.  

Two-In this life your dealing with so many falsehoods, even if a lady gave you the courtesy of a reason, would it be true?  

Three-There are a million reasons why a lady, or gentleman for that matter, chooses not to see someone again. Sometimes the other person finds out why (if believable), but most times no. But that's specifically why we're all here. So we can come and go as we please without any explanations.  

Four-If two people stop seeing each other here, there are usually other ladies and gentlemen to step up and take their place. It's funny how that works out.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 684 reads
31 / 44

Do you have bad issues with the hobby? WTF!

Maybe some don't give a crap about this and just blow and go. Some of us have feelings even when we try to shut it down. I do care alot about many of the guys that see me. I get to know almost every guy. I worry about them, am happy when things are going good for them, I listen to their problems, get to know their likes/dislikes and have REAL conversations.

What an idiotic post. There are even guys on THIS board that I care about and they have never met me, there is no money for me in it.

random133 117 Reviews 492 reads
32 / 44

Seriously. Unless we all had copies of the case file complete with witness statements, video surveillance footage and wiretap transcripts what on Earth could anyone here possibly offer by way of insight. Should we tell you what to say on your next job interview as well?  

Posted By: bpj078
Having seen a provider on a regular basis, she recently asked for me to no longer schedule time with her, and we should part as friends.  If I was meeting her contributions, getting great feed back on our "dates", and message stating cannot wait to see you again.  Any reason why I would get dumped?  I am some what hurt, my male ego, but rather more confused as she continues to see other clients.  Your thoughts...

Katie_krush See my TER Reviews 662 reads
33 / 44

I definitely do NOT just do nothing "but fuck", nor do I have any desire to. I am great at what I do and love it, and I know exactly what being a good escort is all about...

 I mean just look at previous posts of mine about how I'm paid for my time versus sex. Yeah, I'm great at sex, lol,  but I'm also a great companion, and I thoroughly enjoy both sides of the role!

Just re-read the last part of my post:  "it's a girlfriend 'experience'".  
Also, per my post, the client in my story had started to invade my "personal time"- a.k.a. time outside the session. He also crossed the line in other ways.

So I think you are mistaken. I definitely prefer longer sessions and intimate conversation. I just don't like it when a man who I have a professional relationship with tries to cross that line, as the man in my story did.

You said "any provider who was never treated as such" (meaning taken out to nice dinners, etc.)...well to that I'd just like to urge you to peruse my reviews to prove yourself otherwise...I mean just in case you might have thought I was one of these "providers who were never treated as such" that you speak of....
It's just that most of the men I see keep it on a more fun, friendly level and not so personal, which I don't like.

Sorry about confusing you.

 I hope this clears up your confusion.  
Posted By: prepkid
What you wrote confuses the most.  
 I never lose sight of the fact that this is P4P. But sometimes, I may be looking for companionship, like conversations, cuddles, and nice dinners. In retrospect, any provider who never was treated as such, could be getting wrong thoughts.  
 The hour or two is just complete escapism. I was assuming that ladies knew that I knew this. But I guess there have been enough of dumb clients who made moves.  
 Got dumped once before cause I was being.... too nice? I guess this is the only explanation I got.  
 Conclusion: Never attempt to do anything else with an escort but fuck. What a cynic I have become.  
Posted By: Katie_krush
Of course I could be wrong since I don't know the situation....  
  I guess the reason why I agree with Jack is that I had an experience that makes me agree with him.  
  The client I had this experience with would not listen!!!  
  I tried to tell him so many times...  
  I told him to stop calling and texting me on my personal time all the time, and to stop acting like I was his girlfriend, stop trying to give me advice, stop getting personal, and remember that I'm an escort and that I do NOT share whatever feelingsof emotional intimacy he may have had for me...  
  But he never listened.    
  Even after I "dumped" him, he still didn't get it!!! He would ask why. But I'd already told him why all along. Even if I told him why a million times, he'd never get it. Therefore he'd never stop doing things that made me uncomfortable. Therefore I had no choice but to cut him off.  
  I'm not trying to infer that you are like him...but maybe if you think back- that is if you really need to know- you'll find your answer.  
  One other lesson here is NOT to treat escorts like they're your actual girlfriend...it's called girlfriend "experience" for a reason. Most of us don't like it when clients start to get attached. Just sayin.
-- Modified on 3/19/2015 11:34:02 PM

-- Modified on 3/19/2015 11:35:47 PM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 596 reads
34 / 44

I feel that lots of girls, and some boys as well, who grow up in families learn a value of pleading people and develop skills to do that. Maybe some who get good at pleasing people become pros just like some people who are good at carrying a tune become singers. If that's sort of close to how it is, P4P ladies might have a different way of looking at dissolving their business relationships. If they no longer feel like pleasing you, they stop and easily move on without much of a thought.

I would guess that most males tend to think about dissolving relationships more than women do. We might remain friends with someone for a long time after we're bored with them simply because we can't think of a good enough reason to stop being their friend. Women who are steeped in people-pleasing might see no point in that. If that's the case, they'll have no second thoughts at all about walking away from someone who they are tired of pleasing.

She's acting true to the nature of her ilk, IMO, and you are having trouble understanding it in concrete terms because you are being true to the nature of your ilk. This is just one of those hazards that come with growing up in our current civilization.

Of course, I also feel that growing up in a family teaches a kid many very valuable things.

whitneys2hot 456 reads
35 / 44

It must mean she had a jealous boyfriend.hear about you one two many times.or she started to develop unwanted feelings

TaylorSteele 421 reads
36 / 44

Nice to see for a change.  

All the best....

T xx

Leon3798 52 Reviews 823 reads
37 / 44

All of these may be factors.  I think its a good thing she actually said something to you.  That shows some level of respect.  She could have simply stopped communicating altogether right?  Like I said Boss, chalk it up to some great memories and make some new ones with a new lady!  Nothing wrong with that right?

keystonekid 114 Reviews 553 reads
38 / 44

he might want to re-read (at least once) what has been written.

VOO-doo 437 reads
39 / 44

Prepkid's post actually contained a common misconception. Clingy guys give us that line quite frequently. 'Never do anything with an escort but fuck', or 'I guess I was just too nice for you.' That is what clingy guys say when you don't return their emails after 15 seconds, and don't want to hang out with them for free. And ESPECIALLY when you don't want to date them. LOL. "Well, I guess you just prefer to be treated as a [insert epithet here]."  

Ironically, I've known girls who will chat a guy's ear off on the phone all day, and will happily answer hundreds of texts. Those girls were MUCH more about the $$ than me. I'm personally happy to be paid for my time and service, and call it a fun night (or few days, or whatever). Those girls are about winning a guy's attention...and then heart, and THEN, his life savings. They will stop at NOTHING and be happy with no amount of money. But when they call him for that 'emergency' and he tells them that he has to make a mortgage payment on his house in Hawaii and his kid's college tuition payment is due...suddenly, the line on the girl's end will go dead, and he can't figure out why his 'Hi, what's up' texts go unanswered.

I'm simple. I'll give you a fun time, and I do welcome staying-in-touch emails/texts - so long as they are purely professional/friendly. If the emails/texts get into emotional or possessive territory, the line is drawn. Similarly, if they get excessively frequent, the line is drawn there too. It's usually pretty obvious where to draw the line, but some do kind of hug the limits (on purpose).  

Nice clients are happy to be...nice clients

Skyfyre 533 reads
40 / 44

Bad comparison! while it's true that "... People who are in any customer/service industry generally can't be a total and complete bitch (or prick)" but that's ALL they have to be, NOT being a bitch or prick. They don't really have to pretend that they care about the customers or enjoy their work. As long as they don't curse the customer out or screw up the order/service they get to keep the same paycheck working the same number of hours at the same hourly rate.

Your job is no different than being in the entertainment business (i.e. singing, acting, comedy...) which is a much better comparison. Here you want to be loved and adored as much as possible. The more you can do that the more money you make. Which means putting on the BEST Oscar performance as possible.

Skyfyre 644 reads
41 / 44

Assuming for a moment that your post is 100% sincere that still leaves oh maybe 99% of the ladies out there who are NOT like you. I'm willing to bet not even you yourself believe there are many other who fit the description of your post.

JohnyComeAlready 378 reads
42 / 44

The more you give/put into your business, the more you care about making money. Not that this is a bad thing for the consumer. I just have to ask, if it's not about the money. Why would you be concerned about giving a good performance?

RedHetaera See my TER Reviews 330 reads
43 / 44

I have an enormous crush on at least one client of mine.  

Does it mean that I will turn down the donations?  No.  

Does accepting donations mean my time with them is an act?  No.  

If I'd met them outside of the hobby would I date them?  Oh hell yes.  

It's also worth noting that many of us will not generally see clients we aren't attracted to in some non-financial way.  However, just as "regular" relationships fizzle for reasons including overattention, so can these relationships.

londonheather 518 reads
44 / 44

She was being polite to you but she is prob just being professional you are prob getting a bit too heavy for her and she would rather you not waste your money looking for intense long term she cant give you.  Be happy she isn't horrid and rips you off giving you false hope.

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