TER General Board

How about a special message board for the"verbal blood-sport" where we can take the war of words.regular_smile
Ben Dover 3912 reads

I have ask for this before on the Suggestions board, but wasn't even taken seriously enough by staff for them to post it, so I'll try it here on the anything goes board.
 There is a lot of pent-up feelings out there, some real anger, some who just like to f..k around with people, Some of the bi-polars out there just need to hear it a little rougher than the rest, what ever the reason, it would restore peace and tranquility and cut down on MOD's head-throb, and their finger that hits the delete key wouldn't get so sore I'll bet - hey make money at it, put it on the VIP side even - although, then we'd have less hobbiest/provider verbal mud wrestling, which is one of my favorite things!
I know if TER would provide me with a litter-box, I would stop trying to poop in the sand-box all the time! -- just a thought, go ahead everyone - rip me a new one!

-- Modified on 7/2/2005 7:34:26 AM

-- Modified on 7/2/2005 7:41:43 AM

a board to vent on?  Or do you mean actual blood-sport (as in the fetish)?  Or do you mean an S/M board?
I'm not sure what you're asking for, I guess.

ElGatoBlanco3749 reads

I LOVE THE IDEA. LET ME AT'EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got a gripe and want to vent or call someone out, take it to the Pit.  Seems to work well over there and keeps all the other boards civil, for the most part.

RuGalacticallyStupid3621 reads

Get your Nomex underwear and your Kevlar vest ready you pusillanimous putz. The always friendly and ever tolerant community of the LA TER board will happily welcome your scatological ramblings then chew you up and expectorate you as merely repugnant, necrotic carrion gristle.


-- Modified on 7/3/2005 12:35:15 PM

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