TER General Board

Bank envelopes aren't plain. They have logos. I don't want to reveal where I bank.
OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 2641 reads
1 / 73

And what makes you feel like they are there just to annoy you?

For example, the envelope. You're at the bank, aren't there envelopes right there? Or website forms. Aren't you going to open your email and hand type alllll that information out anyways if you don't just fill out the form?

Some things, I understand. Maybe your bank doesn't have envelopes or you get paid in cash too and don't have envelopes laying around. Maybe you refuse to send all the required information and think you can get around it with an email instead of the form or worry about security. I get that. But... Especially with the form, I think most ladies do that to make things easier for everyone, not to create additional "hoops". You know what she needs, you don't have to do a bunch of extra typing or going back and forth, and she has it all in a neat and tidy place to review. At least, that's how I thought about it when I considered the pros and cons of a form. But going by this board, I was apparently on a completely different planet than some!

Are there other things a lady may have done to inadvertently cause ire before you even meet? Or are these really the main ones? This is our job, so we aren't *trying* to piss you off. Some things we just may have thought of differently than you. So, help us help you?

GaGambler 1186 reads
2 / 73

I don't go to the bank every time I need a few hundred bucks, the envelope is silly, and "insisting" on it just gives me an insight into the lady's attitude.

Screening forms are the same. Having one for your customers convenience is fine, DEMANDING that we use the form is making us "jump through hoops"  

Is this REALLY so hard to understand?

For the record ANY woman that "demands" I either use an envelope or fill out her insipid little screening form is NOT going to get my business. I jump through a lot of hoops to get my clients to send me money, and I try not to make them jump through any more hoops than absolutely necessary in order for them to do business with me. I expect the same when the roles are reversed and I am the customer.

JackDunphy 936 reads
3 / 73

The form DOESNT make it EASIER for everyone. That is the point. It MAY make it easier for you, I get that, but it doesn't for most of the guys I know. It gums up the works and makes it MORE difficult.

Too much personal info is requested on it all too often, too many "required" fields, held on a server I know nothing about, that may not be compatible with my device, etc etc etc.  

So why bother?

This really isn't an issue with me as I have said before that I wont fill it out and no one has ever made me do so

mrfisher 108 Reviews 980 reads
4 / 73

The worst aggravation is often trying to get someone to get back to you in a timely way, or changing the date time or day unexpectedly.  Those have been more aggravating

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1228 reads
5 / 73

So it is not the asking, it's the demanding, that you have a problem with?

How do you determine which is which?

-- Modified on 8/26/2015 12:19:05 PM

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 770 reads
6 / 73

That's the main reason that I chose not to go with a form on mine... There were a number of threads about not getting them. I do understand that not all security is secure, too.  

If all the fields are required for her screening (I assume they are customizable?), then how is it "too much info" compared to simply emailing her? It's all the same, right?

And if I can throw another hypothetical booking situation out... Does anyone who cares about the security of forms, which are from my impression generally created by an adult friendly service and *hopefully* secured correctly, does anyone worry about gmail, yahoo, etc?

impposter 49 Reviews 1135 reads
7 / 73

Posted By: OhCharlie
Maybe you refuse to send all the required information and think you can get around it with an email instead of the form or worry about security. I get that. But... Especially with the form, I think most ladies do that to make things easier for everyone, not to create additional "hoops".
Many of us send email intros and requests because on-line forms are of questionable security.  On-line security?  There's a timely topic!

Email providers at a major site (gmail, hotmail, yahoo-mail, etc.) will be major-ly answerable to the Feds for a breach of confidentiality, explicit or implied.  Gmail must protect my emails, except when presented with a warrant or other legal demand.  A couple of high school kids operating a web hosting site and e-mail accounts out of their basement don't care.  Info might even show up on the cafeteria bulletin board because it's so much fun!  

Forms are submitted via the ISP's website and we have no way of knowing who your ISP is (well, we could do some IT lookups, but who wants to waste time with that and still not know how reliable they are).  Some Providers say, "The form info is forwarded directly to my email." but we still don't know where the copies and backups are kept.  

I will not jump through the "forms" hoop.  That is why I and many others send our introductory info by email

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 796 reads
8 / 73

How do you feel about auto-responses? That's another one I've seen get a little blowback on here. After changing my email, I set up an auto response on the old one for six months saying I had a new one forward this there blah blah blah, and I'm really surprised at the number of people who haven't bothered. Do they just so often come without any useful additional info that guys don't read them?

CdnBman 11 Reviews 975 reads
9 / 73

... Is poor communication prior to a meeting.  I am about to cancel on a top-rated lady in LV, because she only responds when she damn well feels like it.  I have limited windows to hobby, and having an appointment in limbo for days at a time annoys the hell out of me.  I respect others peoples time and I expect the same in return.  If a provider won't communicate effectively pre-meeting, then I won't accept the risk of the appointment actually happening.  

Actually this is my second biggest issue. NCNS is my top complaint.  

The forms don't bother me at all, since I never fill them out.  I don't see the point in providing a bunch of information, when the schedule may not even work.  So I always start with an availability check, and provide P411 and TER handles so that checks can be made.  This has never been a problem for me.  

I know that this happens in the other direction, but not in my case.  I have never cancelled, never not shown up, and am always communicative.  I am becoming less forgiving on how fast I put people on my do-not-see list.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 923 reads
10 / 73

It's been weighing on my mind, and one of the reasons I chose not to use one. I don't know much, but I do know there are people that do, lol

How much trust do you put into gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc? I'm mostly familiar with gmail, but Google is a little big brotherish, isn't it? I kind of get the impression that they say the cops have to ask for any info but they'll sell it to whoever.

JackDunphy 816 reads
11 / 73

But back when I did, a reminder message would pop up telling me I needed to fill out sections, 3 & 5 (making this up) or whatever.

Switching to just sending the gal an email solved those issues. I just gave her my verification info, plus a hobby phone #, and that was that. No need for handle requests, real name, employer, et

GaGambler 1036 reads
12 / 73

When you put on your site, (the generic you. I have never read your site) that the only way to contact you to schedule an appointment is to "completely fill out your screening form before I will respond, please no texts, emails or phone calls" You can bet your last dollar that I will NEVER respond to an ad that reads this way.

"Please put the donation in a plain unsealed envelope upon arriving for our appointment, if the donation is not placed in plain sight in the proper manner upon your arrival the session will be ended immediately and you will be asked to leave"  

That's another marketing gem that will guarantee that I will never be bothering you.

and yes, it's not the "asking". It's insisting that it's "your way or the highway" that is a HUGE turnoff to me. You would be amazed at how much I am willing to do if "asked nicely" but if I wanted a woman demanding I do things her way, I'd go get married again. I am sure many married guys, who are the bulk of the hobbyists, most likely feel the same way. The last thing they want is yet another woman bossing them around before they have sex. Except of course for the BSU crowd who have already been "housebroken" lol

GaGambler 835 reads
13 / 73

Personally I will give a hooker every thing short of my SSAN if it makes her feel more comfortable, but it's the "feeling" of having to jump through hoops that is a complete turn off for me. I think to myself, "If that's the way she is going to be when trying to get my business, how big a bitch is she going to be in person?"

Rightly or wrongly, that's the way I feel about it.

STPhomer 176 Reviews 840 reads
14 / 73

I prefer sending an email that is more of personal introduction in a narrative context. I do try to include all the info required in the appt request form. But I tend to compose my request in such a way that gives the lady some insight as to my personality and character .  Plus I usually have some flex as to when I can meet. Forms usually don't give you the freedom to state that "I  can seeyou Tues or Wednesdays , depending on what works best for you".  

As far as the envelope. I rarely use them. Instead I'll put the fee in a little gift purse  or bag or something clever. For example around the Holidays the donation might be in a little red Santa stocking etc...... Never had a complaint.

But I'll tell you what Ms Charlie.......you come to Raleigh and I'll jump through any hoop you want !!!

Love your site , btw.

As.Good.as.It.Gets 867 reads
15 / 73

90% of the time I won't even send an inquiry so don't ask us to do something unless it's really necessary (?).

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 1270 reads
16 / 73

The "on the dresser" insistence is because, on the whole, guys don't want us to count the money but some also don't want to pay us. If it's not clearly visible fairly quickly, how is she to know you're not the latter? If it's sealed, how is she to know there's even money in there? Why is making sure she's not concerned you're there to rob and basically rape her such a problem for you that you would avoid any woman who suggests you do so?

Not to mention the guys who just may not know. I realize once you're "in", things can seem deceptively simple and easy. But it doesn't hurt me at all to put something as simple out there as "on the dresser please!" To minimize any awkwardness that comes from not just a first date, but one of your first ones ever. There are a ton of rules that a newbie has to remember, and a lot of them are unwritten and only learned through experience. This is something we can do to help you, without risking either of our asses by doing so, know what I mean?

Every business person jumps through more hoops than they make the customer. But do you "ask nicely" that your customers pay you in real money? If you didn't say "you have to pay me and it can be done like this", do you think everyone would? (Hint: no. No matter the industry) Or do you sheepishly beg them for it after all services are completed, and leave yourself at the mercy of whatever they feel is "fair pay"? No. You make it easy for everybody by being upfront about the how's, when's, and wheres.

-- Modified on 8/26/2015 1:33:57 PM

Oldtimemonger 875 reads
17 / 73

!,000's of choices out there. I suspect that some girls who want us to jump through hoops are hoping to find the wimpiest easiest to please customers. There is no need to see those types.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 818 reads
18 / 73

I realize not everyone has the time for this kind of thing, but I do enjoy getting to know someone a little bit. It's not like the guy (or girl, I don't judge lol) has to send me his resume, but it's amazing what a huge difference there is when you've gotten a "feel" for someone. I used to (agency) spend the first 15 minutes just trying to figure out what kind of personality he had and where we could go with it. Now that I'm Indy, I really like at least knowing the guy is going to come in and be shy, or have a big booming personality, or likes cars, or hates a specific sports team. It's the little things that seem silly that make things go smoothly.  

And I love that you bring something different to put the donation in! I know I probably shouldn't, but I save a lot of that stuff (that doesn't have "Charlotte" emblazoned across it) just cause it's cute and it reminds me of people.  

Or maybe I'm a hoarder. There's also that possibility 😂

Thank you for the compliment on my website! I put a lot of thought into it, and it can probably be blamed for my random onslaught of "guys, what do you think of these 20 different things?"

countryguy8 1012 reads
19 / 73

Forms are ridiculous. E-mail is the way to go.  

I sometimes include a couple of G-rated questions that are not answered on her website. At worst, her reply comes back with neither question addressed but some new issue raised (an added hoop!). It can feel like a robo-reply.

Often, one of my questions will be answered in her reply but the other will be ignored.

lopaw 29 Reviews 879 reads
20 / 73

...I dont really run into any inconveniences. I always have envelopes on hand....and I don't fill out forms. I have never come across a provider that won't accept an informative email in place of a form.

But that "locked" photo gallery is a huge deal breaker. As soon as I see that, I move on

GaGambler 976 reads
21 / 73

I almost always drop the donation on the dresser or nightstand as I am disrobing, sans envelope, but always in plain sight.  

Focus Charlie, we are talking about the "envelope" not about you making sure to get paid. Two very different subjects.

Speaking of my business, yes I do make it as easy as possible for people to pay me. Considering the smallest deals I do are a few hundred grand or so, many people in my business "INSIST" on getting paid either by cashiers check or bank wire before lifting a finger to do any work. I of course have to make sure I get paid, but demanding my client run to the bank to get a cashiers check or send off a bank wire seems a bit like what we are talking about with the silly little envelope. If someone wants to simply write me a check, I am not going to jeopardize the deal by insisting it's a cashiers check. IMO doing so would be just as over the top as insisting he put it in some silly envelope before I will accept his money. The envelope is for YOUR convenience, not ours. I don't MAKE my clients send me a bank wire for MY convenience, I don't care how I get paid as long as I get paid.

Once again you are confusing "suggesting" with "demanding" I don't respond well to demands, especially in the pursuit of my leisure activities.

countryguy8 778 reads
22 / 73


Cardinal_Richelieu 2 Reviews 798 reads
23 / 73

The lady makes the rules and I can either follow them, or decide not to contact her at all.    

The rules are  usually on the web page.


Senator.Blutarsky 977 reads
24 / 73

...it seems to me that both of you are on the same page and view, but are both being obstinate and talking past each other... Or maybe just egging each other knowing you'll get a rise out of the other...

For example, I must have missed where Charlie said she "insisted"or "demanded" anything... It appears to me she was just seeking to understand our side...

And GaG, you jumped to that conclusion and are hell bent on making your point... Which I agree with BTW... But that doesn't appear to me to be the issue.  

Solo mis dos centavos...

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 997 reads
25 / 73

And never will.

If someone insists on filling out the form, I move on. Only happened onetime with a very reputed provider as far as I can recall.

I have control over the email, I can even send an email set to self delete after certain number of days. See, email has its advantages. Once I give you my information, I am at your mercy which I don't like and won't do.  
Posted By: OhCharlie
And what makes you feel like they are there just to annoy you?  
 For example, the envelope. You're at the bank, aren't there envelopes right there? Or website forms. Aren't you going to open your email and hand type alllll that information out anyways if you don't just fill out the form?  
 Some things, I understand. Maybe your bank doesn't have envelopes or you get paid in cash too and don't have envelopes laying around. Maybe you refuse to send all the required information and think you can get around it with an email instead of the form or worry about security. I get that. But... Especially with the form, I think most ladies do that to make things easier for everyone, not to create additional "hoops". You know what she needs, you don't have to do a bunch of extra typing or going back and forth, and she has it all in a neat and tidy place to review. At least, that's how I thought about it when I considered the pros and cons of a form. But going by this board, I was apparently on a completely different planet than some!  
 Are there other things a lady may have done to inadvertently cause ire before you even meet? Or are these really the main ones? This is our job, so we aren't *trying* to piss you off. Some things we just may have thought of differently than you. So, help us help you?

Senator.Blutarsky 708 reads
26 / 73

...I've never had to jump through any "hoops". I try to keep this simple. I see someone I'd like to meet on P411, I check her reviews, I check her website, I send a request though P411, she replies (or not), we set a date and time, I call when I arrive, I drop the donation (I do use an envelope if I have one handy, if not, I don't), we have fun and I leave.  

I really don't pay a lot of attention to what I consider trivial stuff... Like envelopes or forms... I use envelopes more for my convenience and I've never filled out a form on a website. If my P411 profile and okays are not enough, then she doesn't respond and I move on. It's not that difficult.

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 994 reads
27 / 73

I can see user ignored, user ignored, user ignored...

But, duh! Isn't this just like yesterday ...and the day before, and the week before..  

cegb42 3 Reviews 893 reads
28 / 73

I couldn't agree more. As small as these requests may be, I'll instantly move on once I see it. It's really not worth the time and maybe you would get along with the person, but it's off-putting initially.

Senator.Blutarsky 859 reads
29 / 73

If I recall correctly, your insistence that we not arrive early was kind of ridiculous, especially in urban areas where traffic can be an issue.  How would you even know anyway as long as the gent didn't text or call you? I sometimes arrive early, but just do work until about 5 minutes before the agreed upon time, then text or call. No big deal. Which is what GaG said as well.  

The only thing I agreed with you on, and GaG did as well, was don't show up early and expect to be accommodated. That's just asinine.  It really all boils down to common sense and common courtesy. Which sadly, many lack in this world

L.Guapo 919 reads
30 / 73

I use P411 and have about a dozen OKs.  If that's not enough for her I'll take my business elsewhere.  Plenty of tuna in the sea.
But as for the envelope, I have no problem with that.  I never check to see if she requires one and always use one.  It's so easy to do and most gals seem to prefer it, so why not?  Of course, if I happened to stumble on her site and read some stringent language about requiring an envelope or else, I'd find that off-putting and might not book.

GaGambler 1059 reads
31 / 73

As I freely admitted I had never even read Charlie's site when making that comment.

No, I was NOT talking about Charlie in particular, I was talking about the practice in general. As for Charlie and I being obstinate, I actually think she is being rather reasonable (for her) and I think I am being rather reasonable as well (for me). Charlie has made it quite clear that she does not use screening forms and nowhere on her site or ads does she say anything about using an envelope. (I did take the time to read her site after my last post in this thread) So it's not her behavior at all that is in question, just the practice in general.  

As for LWAM, as usual she has no idea what she is talking about, but that shouldn't surprise anyone.

Senator.Blutarsky 994 reads
32 / 73

...and I agree, if through my research I find any kind of attitude or drama, I'll usually pass... Life's too short for that crap... Plus there are plenty of willing gals who know how to let their hair down and have a little fun.

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 1025 reads
33 / 73

Hoops hoops .. as it is animal training Usage of the words is already suggestive ..

Who would love it?!

If woman will ask :)) wink wink

 Man will comply :) And woman ALWAYS will get back to such man:)

What man need understand ( as few smart men understood here.- I not read all post- but Fisher and GGambler) I think expressed it correct - real man knows that she needs for have feeling of being safe,
and he provides her.

It is again sorry for being sooo  well red but alos please read that to the end  
 "A sheep--if it eats little bushes, does it eat flowers, too?"

"A sheep," I answered, "eats anything it finds in its reach."

"Even flowers that have thorns?"

"Yes, even flowers that have thorns."

"Then the thorns--what use are they?"

I did not know. At that moment I was very busy trying to unscrew a bolt that had got stuck in my engine. I was very much worried, for it was becoming clear to me that the breakdown of my plane was extremely serious. And I had so little drinking-water left that I had to fear for the worst.

"The thorns--what use are they?"

The little prince never let go of a question, once he had asked it. As for me, I was upset over that bolt. And I answered with the first thing that came into my head:

"The thorns are of no use at all. Flowers have thorns just for spite!"


There was a moment of complete silence. Then the little prince flashed back at me, with a kind of resentfulness:

"I don't believe you! Flowers are weak creatures. They are naïve. They reassure themselves as best they can. They believe that their thorns are terrible weapons . .  

Yes .. poor roses ( women here ) trying to protect themselves with  those thorns  
( you call them hoops)

But it takes a prince to understand  that  

Desert Rose with care.

[email protected]  



-- Modified on 8/26/2015 2:35:01 PM

THEAvaStClaire See my TER Reviews 891 reads
34 / 73

While I don't particularly care whether a client fills out the form on my website, emails me, or calls me with the information I require, what I really don't understand is why so many clients have this idea that ANY of those methods is really all that secure.  

Of course, any provider worth her salt will do everything in her power to keep client information secure until it's no longer needed and then destroy it. Even the much maligned screening form on my website automatically deletes client profiles after 7 days.  BUT however a client chooses to give a provider their information, the truth is once she receives it-- she can pretty much do whatever she wants with it.  Print and save their emails,  make screenshots of their text messages, record their phone calls... you name it.  Hell, even if the provider just leaves emails languishing in her inbox for a few weeks before clearing it out, what happens if someone gets a hold of her laptop?  There are a myriad ways that sensitive client information can be mishandled... whether you use the form on her website or not.  

I know I'm DEFINITELY not helping put anyone's mind at ease here lol.  And obviously most providers wouldn't dream of doing anything so careless (or, worse, vindictive).  But my point is simply, unless you're using a service like P411, a provider who wanted to make your life miserable (or at lease scare you half to death) very easily could... No matter how you choose to give her your screening info.

GaGambler 1055 reads
36 / 73

You are absolutely correct, there is ZERO guarantee that once someone has your personal info that it won't be used against you. Most guys already know this, the few that don't are getting a very strong reminder over this AM debacle.

If I thought some lazy or BSC hooker could ruin my life by misusing my personal info, there would be no way in hell any of you could ever pry it out of me. Lucky for me I am blackmail proof. people have already tried, but you can't blackmail an honest man. I am an asshole, yes. but I am an honest asshole and I am not cheating on anyone nor am I living this life in the shadows like most here.

GaGambler 775 reads
37 / 73

It's a good thing that no one believes a word that BBBBB says here.

I have told her repeatedly that I am NOT a nice guy.

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 917 reads
38 / 73

Should I also help with definitions of the words?

 "A nice guy is an informal term for a teenage or adult male who is gentle, compassionate, sensitive and/or vulnerable. The term is used both positively and negatively"

I saw in his post a lot of compassion to hookers   ( he even sometime call them WOMEN )  and he is gentleman

 "I don't think that is exactly what she meant"

 do not be shy - admit you are a gentleman It is seen from your posts .

You becoming more well balanced and not using your swords as serial killer just for pleasure of killing  
 Good to see that .

 want to give you some home reading  or even opera listening  

 - "The Miserly Knight" ( poem by Pushkin ) Opera by Sergei Rachmaninoff..
When  find this passage in English when come to mind  with regards of killing with no purpose and love to money - I will post it.
 So far need to sleep  and fly back to states tomorrow  
 By the way I am in Berlin now
 How there is  ERICA tropical storm ? I even changed tickets fly not through paris  but from  then north .
So  I am Tropical storm will arrive at the same time to states?

 No worry about his reputations on boards - he did not worry about that himself  







-- Modified on 8/26/2015 3:24:51 PM

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 742 reads
39 / 73

I'm referring to him always having to prove his point and try to press others buttons.

Senator.Blutarsky 884 reads
40 / 73

...and is pretty close to the truth. You may be an opinionated blowhard, but you are nice to those you respect... And I mean that in the nicest way... LOL

impposter 49 Reviews 869 reads
41 / 73

Posted By: lopaw
But that "locked" photo gallery is a huge deal breaker. As soon as I see that, I move on.
It's come up quite a few times, but some ladies aren't even aware that their galleries are locked.

Some of the cookie-cutter escort sites provide a useful service making it easy for the ladies to create a decent and personalized web site.  However, some of them don't make it clear that the galleries are locked by default and surfers are invited to subscribe or pay to view the photos.  I think that the payment goes to the website operators and not to the Provider.  But often, she doesn't know that her pics are locked unless someone tells her AND she has to know how to get the website operators to unlock her pics for open, public access (no fee).  

I'm sure that the ladies who have been thru this can explain it better.  These days, I assume that the locked galleries are unintentional until proven otherwise

RichardBong 722 reads
42 / 73

always having to have the last word. THAT'S incredibly annoying. Just my .02 worth.

-- Modified on 8/26/2015 8:03:13 PM

Senator.Blutarsky 922 reads
43 / 73

...but I have to agree with you there. It applies to quite a few of us also... The key is not to take it too seriously...

-- Modified on 8/26/2015 5:23:12 PM

L.Guapo 726 reads
44 / 73

I bet her board persona is getting her lots of biz.

-- Modified on 8/26/2015 6:11:57 PM

L.Guapo 777 reads
45 / 73

Perhaps because she is wrong.  At least according to Merriam-Webster.  All the negative definitions of "nice" are "obsolete."  Oh, the irony!

Lady_Rose See my TER Reviews 886 reads
46 / 73

I didn't have a form. I simply asked for screening information. I didn't have near the problems with getting screening info  then. This new freebie site already had a form built in...I'm thinking I'm gonna go back to doing my own pretty soon. I always got plenty of compliments on my site :) Have a wonderful evening!

Lady Rose/Carla Wright

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 1058 reads
47 / 73

I put all that shit on my site as well, but quite frankly it's for newbs, not vets who know what's up. I don't care if you TER boys shove that envelope up my ass, but at least lube it up first. P.S. Charlie is just your type, Gambler lol.  

Posted By: GaGambler
When you put on your site, (the generic you. I have never read your site) that the only way to contact you to schedule an appointment is to "completely fill out your screening form before I will respond, please no texts, emails or phone calls" You can bet your last dollar that I will NEVER respond to an ad that reaur ds this way.  
 "Please put the donation in a plain unsealed envelope upon arriving for our appointment, if the donation is not placed in plain sight in the proper manner upon your arrival the session will be ended immediately and you will be asked to leave"  
 That's another marketing gem that will guarantee that I will never be bothering you.  
 and yes, it's not the "asking". It's insisting that it's "your way or the highway" that is a HUGE turnoff to me. You would be amazed at how much I am willing to do if "asked nicely" but if I wanted a woman demanding I do things her way, I'd go get married again. I am sure many married guys, who are the bulk of the hobbyists, most likely feel the same way. The last thing they want is yet another woman bossing them around before they have sex. Except of course for the BSU crowd who have already been "housebroken" lol

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 972 reads
48 / 73

Thank you for definition-  
now lets learn how to use words to  build informative  phrases  

 I want  to demonstrate bellow -that information may vary depending  on every particular case, other words used  along with word in question, receiver and sender abilities  for interpretations, life experiences, expectations, social , cultural ,educational,
 back round , skills to comprehend .. and just you name it !!

Your definition of course correct but till we would not build a phrase, fragment , sentence - it  is just.. definition.

read it -I am not proving  - how some one is nice and other one is bad -  


 I want share that pure from love to linguistics .

A nice guy is an informal term for a teenage or adult male who is gentle, compassionate, sensitive and/or vulnerable.[1] The term is used both positively and negatively.[2] When us-ed positively, and particularly when used as a self-descriptor, it is intended to imply a male who puts the needs of others before his own, avoids confrontations, does favors, gives emotional support, tries to stay out of trouble, and generally acts nicely towards others.[3] In the context of a relationship, it may also refer to traits of honesty, loyalty, romanticism, courtesy and respect.

 When used negatively, a nice guy implies a male who is unassertive, does not express his true feelings and, in the context of dating (in which the term is often used[1]), uses acts of ostensible friendship with the unstated aim of progressing to a romantic or sexual relationship.[4][5]



-- Modified on 8/26/2015 5:12:51 PM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1021 reads
49 / 73

It's an art, and takes trial and error (as long as it doesn't compromise safety on both ends.)

I don't mind finding availability on both ends first before asking screening info. I did change things up and took my form down due to all of the hype with the recent AM hack. Though my site is private and I'm the only one who has access, and I change my passwords constantly, and delete as it comes in, the guys don't know that.  

If a guy is skittish with personal information, I understand but I just move on, as I am skittish about my body and mind, and also my own future.

Regarding jumping through hoops, when I call any business I deal with, the companies I stay with are the ones with great support departments - unless I really need a service and can't get it elsewhere. So I would hope I would do the same if I can. Again, not meaning unrealistic requests or needs. Just like any smart company will do with me.

I've found I can usually spot a time waster , a troll, or someone who just gets fun out of being difficult - or someone who wants the fastest hole he can get his dick in. So those don't really count. But a guy who genuinely wants to book with me, but can't go exactly by the book per my demand, well, I don't mind going through a clue extra steps to ensure someone is comfortable.

It hasn't always been that way. You learn as you go. As I find I like a certain kind of clientele, I try to find ways to attract it.  

One thing I've noticed is if I ever put a "demand" on an ad, emails come flowing in, with requests against every "demand" I write, and it never pans out.  

There are tactful ways to say things that build an immediate rapport , and I have noticed being understanding toward their needs, while being clear about mine, I usually get what I need because - well - maybe they can tell I'm going to be mindful of their needs because I'm mindful of them.

If someone is way out of line, (possibly unstable or malicious,) I let them know how I feel, and am still not always tactful. Still working on that LOL.

UnitedColorsofAss 785 reads
50 / 73

She gets crossed off my list immediately. I'm trying to decide if I want to give you money. Why would you create an extra step that makes it harder for me to do so?

JustLayingLow 768 reads
51 / 73

capturing, reselling & cross-matching the info that gives us pause ..

WildJimmy! 855 reads
52 / 73

But that aside, who is complaining about jumping through hoops?

L.Guapo 624 reads
53 / 73

I bank at Chase.  Do you have any idea how many customers they have?

impposter 49 Reviews 884 reads
54 / 73

Posted By: JustLayingLow
capturing, reselling & cross-matching the info that gives us pause ...
I've been pointing that out in these forums for years.  I said it above, too:  
"Forms are not secure" impposter | 8/26/2015 9:27:30 AM

but I know that it's hard to read everything in these long threads.  I sometimes do the same thing.  (I would have PMed but for the alias.)

Epsilon_Eridani 724 reads
55 / 73

... oh sorry... I forgot to bring an envelope to put the money in.  

you do want to get paid, don't you?  

then... please take the money!! stop being so fookin' picky about it!

yea, I read on your website that you require envelope for the funds, but in all honesty, in my rushing to get the money from the bank (while in a long line) and driving like mad to get to the session ON TIME... excuse me for forgetting the envelope!  

if you stand there and tell me that we can't have a session without that envelope... I will leave.  

that has only happened to me ONCE. that lady lost her day's wages, I gained another lady who didn't have that stupid envelope rule.

bottom line is this... if you ladies are going to get all "hung up" about us hobbyists not having the envelope handy... then please get out of the business! there are plenty of "fish in the ocean".

your choice.
Posted By: OhCharlie
And what makes you feel like they are there just to annoy you?  
 For example, the envelope. You're at the bank, aren't there envelopes right there? Or website forms. Aren't you going to open your email and hand type alllll that information out anyways if you don't just fill out the form?  
 Some things, I understand. Maybe your bank doesn't have envelopes or you get paid in cash too and don't have envelopes laying around. Maybe you refuse to send all the required information and think you can get around it with an email instead of the form or worry about security. I get that. But... Especially with the form, I think most ladies do that to make things easier for everyone, not to create additional "hoops". You know what she needs, you don't have to do a bunch of extra typing or going back and forth, and she has it all in a neat and tidy place to review. At least, that's how I thought about it when I considered the pros and cons of a form. But going by this board, I was apparently on a completely different planet than some!  
 Are there other things a lady may have done to inadvertently cause ire before you even meet? Or are these really the main ones? This is our job, so we aren't *trying* to piss you off. Some things we just may have thought of differently than you. So, help us help you?

wrps07 819 reads
57 / 73

I use to use them a few years ago. Now I recycle the plastic bags I use for lunch to put the money in. They also come in handy to put the used condoms, condom wrappers, and baby wipes in to take away from incall to dispose.

L.Guapo 872 reads
58 / 73
wrps07 781 reads
59 / 73

No point in having her trash filled with evidence. Or having the toilet get messed up with condoms. I take my cum with me so there won't be a NBA baby daddy scandal.

L.Guapo 820 reads
60 / 73

you get weirder.
Do you really think she's going to take a turkey baster to your used condom and inject herself with you cum so she can soak you for child support?
You are soooooo paranoid.

ANaturalBeauty See my TER Reviews 1137 reads
61 / 73

...my form is for convenience for both parties, not to mention it looks more professional. As long as I can get the information I need to confirm that I need to confirm, I don't mind. I had a gentleman call and give me all the information as I went through the screening process, and if it puts his mind at ease I'm happy to do it.

Envelopes are just for discretion and convenience. It's nice to have everything in one neatly packed place, but I've had gentlemen produce their stack of consideration directly from their wallet or what have you, which I suppose is fine too, I just won't touch it until the appropriate time. Honestly, it can be a bit awkward, not to mention potentially incriminating to have a large stack of cash in plain view, so I prefer envelopes. More often than not they come with thank you notes, which I always get a giggle out of. So sweet.  

Truth be told, I like to make this process as painless as possible, but some "hoops" are necessary evils, and the forms and envelopes I think are the least so.

ANaturalBeauty See my TER Reviews 829 reads
62 / 73

If a gentleman does not start out by introducing himself in some way, I always try to encourage him to do so for two reasons. First, I really do want to know more about this person, and second, I like to gauge a person's character through his or her writing. I think it can be quite a useful metric in many cases.

And how clever you are with your donations! Adorable.  

This one is a keeper, ladies

GaGambler 954 reads
63 / 73

He is worried some hooker is going to extort him for all those hundreds of dollars he makes in the market.

cocktail-party 949 reads
64 / 73

And I suppose he was thinking that he wasn't leaving any DNA evidence.

Lila Aubrey See my TER Reviews 777 reads
65 / 73

A few times after a session, I've opened the bank envelope and found a withdrawal receipt showing his account balance.  (Thats just TMI... but sometimes eye-opening!)  

I even had someone not too long ago leave not only his receipt, but DL!  Luckily, I found it before he left :0)

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 919 reads
66 / 73

Once a month I go through and update my website, so once a month, I have questions that could be best answered by those I'm building the site *for*. As you know, sometimes I ask little or very specific questions on Twitter, but when it's something more general and better posed to a large audience, I come here.  

And yet, when I say "hey guys I see you don't like this, what else can I do?", I get this. Crap about MY attitude, PMs from Gag about how he thought he was important enough for this whole thing to be about him, and accusations that I'm being obstinate. I mean, come on. How much more Pollyanna can I fucking get here before someone cuts that out and actually reads what I write for a change?

I'm just trying to talk to people. Figure out their side of things, help them understand mine, learn a thing or two and create an environment that isn't so angry and combative. I can't help if people choose to be offended, or only aspire to be contrary.  

To those who answered like level headed, normal people, thank you. To others, I hope you get all that you would prefer to bitch about.

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 856 reads
67 / 73

I offer both email and contact form for information.  Lots of times, guys will fill out my contact form and ask that they be contacted via text message to complete screening. No problem.  As long as I get the info I need, I try my best not to make it harder than it needs to be.

Envelopes are trite. I don't understand why a stack of cash in an envelope is more discreet than a stack of cash, especially when you're in a private environment like a private incall or hotel room.  I prefer no envelope; it's easier to count money, makes less noise when i'm trying to fumble around counting, and it's less wasteful.  I feel like the envelope requirement harkens back to the myth that as long as people don't exchange money hand-to-hand, it's not incriminating.  Well, considering you can get busted simply for showing up, as "intent to commit a crime", it doesn't matter.  Shit, you wanna make it rain 20s in your session? Be my guest (not really, but you get the idea).  

Being nit-picky over these little things is counterintuitive for me. For some, it's not. Getting all twisted about contact forms and envelopes just seems petty on either side.  Sure, I prefer my contact sheet be filled out, and I prefer no envelope, but I'm not going to berate someone for doing things differently as long as they're not out of line.

Epsilon_Eridani 742 reads
68 / 73

especially about the part regarding envelopes.

you are correct in regards to "intent". the law does not make a distinction between money in an envelope or not in an envelope. It's still intent. Period.
Posted By: MissErinBlack
Re: Honestly, I don't think this needs to be any harder than it has to be. I offer both email and contact form for information.  Lots of times, guys will fill out my contact form and ask that they be contacted via text message to complete screening. No problem.  As long as I get the info I need, I try my best not to make it harder than it needs to be.  
 Envelopes are trite. I don't understand why a stack of cash in an envelope is more discreet than a stack of cash, especially when you're in a private environment like a private incall or hotel room.  I prefer no envelope; it's easier to count money, makes less noise when i'm trying to fumble around counting, and it's less wasteful.  I feel like the envelope requirement harkens back to the myth that as long as people don't exchange money hand-to-hand, it's not incriminating.  Well, considering you can get busted simply for showing up, as "intent to commit a crime", it doesn't matter.  Shit, you wanna make it rain 20s in your session? Be my guest (not really, but you get the idea).  
 Being nit-picky over these little things is counterintuitive for me. For some, it's not. Getting all twisted about contact forms and envelopes just seems petty on either side.  Sure, I prefer my contact sheet be filled out, and I prefer no envelope, but I'm not going to berate someone for doing things differently as long as they're not out of line.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 692 reads
69 / 73
GaGambler 745 reads
70 / 73

This time was an exception and THAT is what prompted my PM to you. You WERE being quite reasonable, but if you don't want the olive branch, don't worry I won't be offering it again.

Why don't YOU trying reading what I said instead. I was pretty fucking nice for a change. but if you really want me to be rude, yeah I can do that too.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 866 reads
71 / 73

Look at the way you have spoken to me and continue to over 3+ years. Of course I don't put up with you.  

You being so obsessed that you follow me around the Internet, continually escalating your behavior no matter the situation? Also your doing. "Pretty fucking nice" is your original response to this thread? You have got to be kidding me, or disturbed.  

I don't care about your "olive branch" because every time you've extended one, it's been the same backhanded, disingenuous bullshit. So why would I? I'm actually quite reasonable, just not as gullible as you would like.  

Just keep petty stuff like this to yourself, please.

-- Modified on 8/27/2015 2:11:35 PM

GaGambler 789 reads
72 / 73

I am hardly the only person who think you are usually quite the whack job, and that's why you being "reasonable" for a change was such a shocker. I am sort of relieved to see you revert to form.

and how did you possibly get the narcissistic idea that I am following you anywhere. I have been on virtually every board on TER years before you ever thought about being a hooker.  

You asked what bugged us, I answered. I can't help it if you don't like the answer. If you don't want honest opinions that differ from yours, don't ask for them on a place like the GD board. There are a lot of BSU's that might tell you what  you want to hear, but there are still plenty of us who will tell it like it is.

butterfly24 See my TER Reviews 764 reads
73 / 73

On my website you only have to sign up for paid membership if you want  
To access my Blog, Steamy content, Naughty pics and gain access to a network of other  
Models and their content to meet. All information about me and less racy pics are free  
no membership required.  
~ Kisses Kaylie

Posted By: UnitedColorsofAss
She gets crossed off my list immediately. I'm trying to decide if I want to give you money. Why would you create an extra step that makes it harder for me to do so?

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