TER General Board

Aw I asked a question and it was moved to politics and religion :(( -e-
NaomiGrey See my TER Reviews 177 reads


There has been some online dating research lately that shows the least likely males and females to get matched are respectively Asian guys and black women. I have seen some discussions about that - they generally went one of two ways.

The first is that this is an expression of the racist nature of our society, reflective of racial stereotypes, and needs to change. The counter can be summed up as "what gets me excited, whether it is a blonde with big breasts, a big dick, being tied up, washboard abs, or something else, is my personal affair and no one can or should judge me or tell me what to like."

Of course, there are providers who will not see certain ethnicities and state that in their ads. That has been an issue on and off for years.

In the spirit of disclosure, I have "experimented" with a range of women in my years, black, white, yellow, brown, big, and small, tall and short, tough and sweet. I probably missed some. And I know what I like - white or hispanic, not black or Asian. There also are national styles - so I prefer Czech or Russian women to Polish, for example, just looking at Eastern Europeans. Some of that is about looks, but a lot of it is about how they connect, and fuck - so style really.

I have also discussed this with a few providers lately. I can't say for sure whether or not what I was told was truthful, but I tend to believe it. Some say a dick is just a dick, while others say there are certain types of guys who turn them on, and others who turn them off. And they prefer to see the types that don't turn them off.

I expect most people here will take the latter view - who I like to screw is a personal matter, and has nothing more to do with racism than how much or little I like fetish play. The fact that Asian guys are less likely to find a match than black guys might be evidence to support that, or it might be evidence that stereotypes about dick size play a large (pun intended) role in online dating. What do you think?


But just their size in general. Mostly women are biologically driven to be attracted to men who are larger build than themselves - the whole protection and good genes thing - and generally Asian men are smaller than other guys, hairless, shorter and so less likely to be manly and powerful. That's just my theory, haven't read anything to back me up I might add.
I think there's some racial,stereotyping about black guys and their social standing when it comes to working girls refusing to see them. I certainly saw a couple of cracking guys when I was there and one told me he was surprised other girls wouldn't see him as he's well educated, good job, polite and nice but he thought escorts presumed all black guys were pimps and drug dealers or had enormous dicks which isn't the best in our business from a comfort point of view :)  
When I'm working I don't care where you're from or if you're purple or an alien from planet Zorg as long as you're nice to be with, respectful and pay my fee.
In my personal life I'm attracted physically to tall, well built, dark haired, brown eyed men - that's just me - Keanu Reeves please :)

GaGambler417 reads

and probably a couple of hundred different ebony ladies when you count providers.

How do you think I can make the claim that I can taste the difference between a black pussy and those of other races?

A lot of stereotypes are built on truth, I do know at least a couple of my black GFs have mentioned to me that they always thought that Asian guys don't like Black girls.

bigguy30265 reads

The stereotypes about black woman are stupid.
I enjoyed my dates with both groups of woman.

Posted By: GaGambler
and probably a couple of hundred different ebony ladies when you count providers.  
 How do you think I can make the claim that I can taste the difference between a black pussy and those of other races?  
 A lot of stereotypes are built on truth, I do know at least a couple of my black GFs have mentioned to me that they always thought that Asian guys don't like Black girls.

a white person witnessed several car crashes all caused by Asian people.
The white person stereotypes all Asians as bad drivers.

A Hispanic lady lives in a neighborhood where most crimes are committed by blacks.
The Hispanic lady stereotypes all blacks as thugs..

Are these stereotypes true? Or false?  

Please answer the question and tell me why you chose that answer. I will give my answer too :

bigguy30162 reads

I understand your points and personal experiences do shape personal views.
My thing is, you are seeing or going by a small number of people in that racial group.
It's just smart to get a bigger picture, before stereotyping a whole race of people.

Posted By: NaomiGrey
That’s what makes it true to that person who is stereotyping.

ROGM428 reads

I'm Asian. I've never had a provider balk at me for being Asian. Never been turned down by a provider for being Asian. As far as size, every provider has treated me very well. One even said I'm more well endowed than the average Asian Guy. It's not so much about size. It's about how well you use what you got. IMO.

JakeFromStateFarm310 reads

Admit it, ROG, you've got a TAP; a Tiny Asian Penis.  And as for "It's not so much about size.  It's about how well you use what you've got," well, dream on.  That line was made up by guys with micro-penises

GaGambler377 reads

That you are rather stylish for a "guy wearing khakis" lol

For the record, I am Sicilian from the waist down and you know what Dennis Hopper says about Sicilians.

eat their children than lose money?"  Or do I have the wrong movie?

GaGambler269 reads

I am sure Jake will be happy to provide a link, it's one of the few things he's good for.

and while we are giving out left handed compliments, he's really not too cheap for a Jew.

Now, lets see just how much hate mail that gets me. lol

Or unicorns

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
similar to "Jumbo shrimp?"
-- Modified on 5/4/2016 6:48:04 PM

Junk-Yard-Dog269 reads

posting that selfie you are telling us you are proud of the way you look.  

Do you flaunt proudly your stuff to the boys in the office too?

-- Modified on 5/3/2016 8:24:32 PM

I noticed it's usually the baby dicked pale white guy who rags on the Asian small penis myth. Is it because black and latino men are so much bigger? Just curious baby dick.

Posted By: ziggy440
There has been some online dating research lately that shows the least likely males and females to get matched are respectively Asian guys and black women. I have seen some discussions about that - they generally went one of two ways.  
 The first is that this is an expression of the racist nature of our society, reflective of racial stereotypes, and needs to change. The counter can be summed up as "what gets me excited, whether it is a blonde with big breasts, a big dick, being tied up, washboard abs, or something else, is my personal affair and no one can or should judge me or tell me what to like."  
 Of course, there are providers who will not see certain ethnicities and state that in their ads. That has been an issue on and off for years.  
 In the spirit of disclosure, I have "experimented" with a range of women in my years, black, white, yellow, brown, big, and small, tall and short, tough and sweet. I probably missed some. And I know what I like - white or hispanic, not black or Asian. There also are national styles - so I prefer Czech or Russian women to Polish, for example, just looking at Eastern Europeans. Some of that is about looks, but a lot of it is about how they connect, and fuck - so style really.  
 I have also discussed this with a few providers lately. I can't say for sure whether or not what I was told was truthful, but I tend to believe it. Some say a dick is just a dick, while others say there are certain types of guys who turn them on, and others who turn them off. And they prefer to see the types that don't turn them off.  
 I expect most people here will take the latter view - who I like to screw is a personal matter, and has nothing more to do with racism than how much or little I like fetish play. The fact that Asian guys are less likely to find a match than black guys might be evidence to support that, or it might be evidence that stereotypes about dick size play a large (pun intended) role in online dating. What do you think?  

Senator.Blutarsky244 reads

...just like me. :-)  

Now for your question... Can sexual attraction be racist? Probably... However, I think one needs to differentiate between what is sexual preference vs. a view that one's preference is the only right one or the superior one. I think that as long as one is tolerant of other's preferences and does not disrespect or denigrate them, then I wouldn't call that racist.  

Solo mis dos centavos.

I don't think there is any way race cannot be stereotyped (at least initially) in this hobby.  I have been with every shade or provider, I have my likes and dislikes but it is based on first hand experience rather than racial stereotypes.  For a provider I can see how preparing to see a asian client can differ from preparing to see a black client, If we are going all stereotypical. Experience wise I'd rather see white women over Spanish, Latina over Asian, not for racial factors, but I have encountered more Latinas who use excessive amounts of lube then white providers.  Body trumps all in the end, but if it came down to matching physiques then I would go my preference.  Asians tend to be smaller in stature.  Thick hipped women tend to take a greater pounding etc..... Of my 3 favorite one is black, the other is Canadian, and the third is Eastern European.  

I'm still conducting research though.

Senator.Blutarsky268 reads

This fine lady has agreed to be part of our study. 😎

Personal preference is not the same as racism. Of course preference can be based on racism and stereotypes, but that doesn't mean it always is.  
As an example let's say I am only attracted to White and Latina girls, but my sister marries a black guy and my brother married an Asisn girl. If I am totally ok with their choices and get along great with, and love my in-laws, I am not racist. If I push my likes on my siblings and don't approve of their choices, then I probably am.


i think most non-asian girls are just not attracted to asian guys' facial features.... like small eyes, wide nose, flatter face... and it ends up being seen as racist.

If it were ever possible to do a test between a small eyed, wide nosed, flat faced white person versus an Asian with similar features, and the white guy got chosen more often, then that would be racist.

They say people are attracted to those who look like them. so whites with whites, asians with asians, and so on.

In my mind, there is a difference.
there's a stereotype that black men are larger,  
There are stereotypes of Asian women being more submissive, better muscle control, or geisha-like.
Latins are hotter lovers.
According to Mick Jagger, black girls just wanna get...these are not racist IMO.

The list could go on, but the point is that everyone has fantasies and some are based on cultural stereotypes, often promoted by the seller of these fantasies.

What is also true is that racism does exist. Some guys and some providers exclude African Americans from consideration, I know a provider who doesn't like Indian men because of hygiene. These are racially-driven prejudices, not necessarily anything to do with sexual attraction.

regarding Asian men having less opportunities, I have heard that some Asian providers exclude Asian men because of fear that they may know them in a relatively small community

WildJimmy!189 reads

Petite might turn you on, but not the only factor. Same with Amazon. DDD sounds yummy, but maybe the rest of the measurements turn you off. One day blonde sounds terrific, the next day African catches your eye. You see a sexy Asian walking down the street and think you'd like to try someone like that...but the girls in the ads in your area don't really do it for you. With so many to choose from, and so many desirable features, it's really difficult to say that one thing or another is the determining factor on who you choose to spend your money on.

My momma always told me...."If it don't apply, let it fly!"

If your problem with a person's race turns you off to the possibility of seeing them as a client or provider, then that is your loss and the cost for having said prejudices.

As for Asians and AA gals, I don't know about that.  I knew an AA gal who had an Asian client and they were so close that he bought her a Mercedes Benz

Captain_obvious176 reads

-->I'm Asian (Indian to be specific) and I love having sex with black women - so that busts one of the stereotypes above.
-->I'm small (both physically and anatomically) and women(especially white) are not attracted to me so in this case the stereotype holds good.

The point being, there would always be variations in stereotypes. Everyone chooses the ones convenient for them.

The larger point is that racism is used very lightly in this thread. If I'm not sexually attracted to a certain type of women that cannot be called racism. But if i discriminate against that certain type, then that would be racism. And there probably is a psychological aspect to this too. I'm born and raised in a country full of brown people, so for some reason I am attaracted to non-brown (that includes white, black, Latinos, etc) women just like I've seen some white people in America find Asians/ Indians attractive. Sort of a unavailable fruit.  

So there are a lot of reasons for attractions/dislikes. But I hope you get the gist

It's called assortative mating and it goes by genotype and phenotype which are far broader than just racial characteristics

Also in my experience they LOVE to eat pussy more than breathe air so I am all for the secret Asian man  ❤

I guess dating women of different ethnic backgrounds because you are curious is sort of racism. If you are dating someone of a certain ethnic background because of a stereotype, then you are probably a racist. Sexual arousal and pleasure are driven by your brain, and appeal has a lot to do with feel. I have always found Asian women sexually appealing, dated many in the traditional use of the word, because I never got to finally get an Asian woman in bed, when I entered the hobby, the first escort I hired was of the Asian persuasion. After that, I just hired women for services offered, and definitely because I found them appealing physically.

But in actual real life observation, it appears to be true. Not talking about the hobby here, but "real life."
I live in a place where mixed relationships and mixed marriages of all sorts take place. I see many and personally know many in the following situations:
White male/Asian Female
White male/Latina female
White male/Polynesian female
White male /Black female
Polynesian male/White female
Polynesian male /Asian female  
Polynesian male /Latina female
Polynesian male  /Black female
Black male /White female
Black male /Asian female  
Black make /Latina female
Black male /Polynesian female
Asian male /White female
Asian male /Latina female
Asian make /Polynesian female

I really can't recall seeing Asian males with black females. Never really even thought about it until now. Do such couples exist? Of course I'm sure they do, but the numbers have to be a lot smaller than all the other combinations.

-- Modified on 5/3/2016 9:08:34 PM

GaGambler247 reads

As I said earlier, I have slanted eyes and I have dated my share of black women

And I also said in my post that such couples obviously exist, but in your opinion/experience/observation, do you honestly see that combination as much as all the other combinations?
I don't have statistics, just talking about my life observations.

I'm a 6'1" chocolate bunny and one of my best relationships was with a 5'6" Asian guy!  We even slow danced together!!

My ex-wife is Native American, my ATF is Hawaiian, most of the providers on my "list" are African American.  I like white girls, too, but I'm pickier about them...they have to be perfect 10s or have the "Suicide Girl" look.  I'm not trying to stereotype, but it just seems like the women of color, or the tattooed and wild ones, just tend to be better lovers.  And it could even be the case that it works that way with me, but maybe another man will wind up with the white women as the better lovers.

In the end, those of us who go for a lot of variety will probably have the better overall experience.

Attraction is attraction...we are subject to media and  stereotypes.  I say try it all and step up to make your own decisions.

Your sample sizes might be a bit too small to make any kind of conclusions about even your personal preferences for specific ethnicities or nationalities.  For example, I've been with a handful of Taiwanese girls, but I still definitively couldn't rate my preference for them over, say French girls with any degree of certainty...because there are millions of Taiwanese and French girls I haven't been with.

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