TER General Board

Autographs? I'd want a group photo...
KimKelly See my TER Reviews 2586 reads
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Hi all,

I am posting this on the National Board because I have friends all over the country, and many ladies from other states have expressed interest in attending.  The party will be held in Los Angeles, please keep that in mind.

About this time of year, the boards seem to get a bit more venomous, I have never understood why, but it happens every year.  I would like to bring "the love" back to our boards, community, and it is in this ilk I have my "People Appreciation Party" about this time of year.  I am extremely fortunate to have met some incredible friends in this hobby, I choose to celebrate that.  There will also be some birthday's to celebrate.  My dear friend JockeyPants will be celebrating his birthday with us this year, Wild West Kelly, and I am certain there are others.  

I will be throwing my second annual party at the end of October to show my appreciation to all of the wonderful people I have met in this little community of ours.  I was very fortunate to had been invited to a party early on, and that is how I was able to meet quite a few of the wonderful women and men in this community.

The party will be open to well reviewed providers and one of their well known friends each.  To get more information, please PM me.  If you are a friend of any of these beautiful women, please contact them if you would like to attend.

Since I keep no records, this is also my cordial invitation to all of the wonderful men I have met.  I have no other way of letting you know you are welcome to attend.

Space will be somewhat limited, so please RSVP as early as possible.  Preferred method of RSVP is PM, second would be email.  


Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2796 reads
2 / 12

...I don't think any of the providers I've met would actually remember me. I'm very "under the radar".

KimKelly See my TER Reviews 1506 reads
3 / 12

You are already verified... and we look forward to having you here in LA.  :-)

Jockeypants 22 Reviews 2301 reads
5 / 12

Report From The Field  (20? I think)

   RE: The “Client Appreciation” Party / TER Gathering / Freedom Rider’s Birthday Celebration!

Dear Self Destruct,
   Where were you SD?!  I know you said you couldn’t come to the party for some important blaa blaa blaa, but I really thought you’d find a way to surprise me!  We missed ya brudda!

   The party was outrageous…  exquisite titillation in excess.  I didn’t count the people, something like 50?  Maybe 80?  But I counted the beds!  Kim Kelly’s studio is full of beds.  (I have no Earthly reason why!)  I forgot the number of beds because Carla made me a drink that took the mustard off my hot dog.  (Carla mixes a mean martini.)

   Our host-ess with the most-ess was Kim Kelly and I was so glad to meet her I was tongue-tied.  What a grand lady!  When I came into her studio I was greeted by Lisa and she wrote me up a nametag.  Lisa is pretty.  I walked into the big warehouse and there’s a bunch of guys and 4 or 5 ladies.  Debra was sitting in a trench coat, like a flasher ready to pounce, smoking a Marlboro.  We chatted a bit & she’s a no-nonsense sweetheart.
I got a call on my mobile from NetMichelle asking me if I was going to attend the party.
   “I’m here!  I’m in the middle of the throng!”  There were only 10 of us there at that point but I wanted her to hurry so I said “throng” cause Nettie loves people.  Kim laughed.  (A couple guys perked up cause they thought I said “thong” and given the call was from Nettie…well…)  She was still in Venice and she had Brooke Butler with her.  I had a little thing for Brooke from the last TER party but I’m shy too speak about it.  They were on their way.

   I met Kim’s slave, I’ll call him the Big M, and he looked a bit submissive.  (Or do I mean worn out.)  He had been cleaning the entire place for days and mopping the huge floor all day.)  He wore a fancy belt buckle that Kim had given him.  It said “Slave”.  I was jealous.  But I want mine to say “Boss Stud”.  The Big M is nice guy.  He passed out in a back bedroom part way through the party in exhaustion and wasn’t heard from again.  Kim seemed pleased with him.  Lucky M.
Carla had made a table for the outdoor lounge from short oil drums and a big board.  She regretted not having paint so she could draw little people on the creation.  (I like Carla, she’s groovy!)
Kim had broken the paint on a fingernail an hour ago while arranging mattresses and had just run out to get it shellacked.  Dang she’s fine!

   So I’m meeting all the handsome gentlemen hobbyists and recognizing their handles and posts from the TER discussion board and chat rooms.  It’s nice to have something in common with everyone in the room, Self Destruct.  Especially when that something is a primal fundamental such as sexual liberation of the oppressed.  As more folks arrived I met fellas like Dionisios & LA King’s Fan and many more ladies.  Ariel was very nice and Paris was a long tall glass of something fizzy.  Shayla was looking sleek & sweet and was surrounded by boys so thick I never got to actually meet her.  Avalon Rose was dressed to-fucking-kill in fishnets, mini skirt and an outfit that, I think, may have caused the recent earthquake in Paso.  She kissed me on the cheek when we met and I had to bend over and put my hands on my knees to keep my balance and catch my breath until Hrnyguy helped me by throwing water on my head.

   There was an impressive table of food and tubs and vats of drink.  Frisky music made us all bounce around.  Megan Riley arrived with a huge birthday cake for Freedom Rider.  The cake was made at that Erotic Bakery in West Hollywood with mega-tits (about the size of Megan’s actually) and a delicate frosted pussy complete with flowing-in-the-breeze labia.  Megan suggested the guys have a DATY Technique Contest on the cake but the temptation to just bite into the thing would’ve proved too much.
Mr. Infrequent arrived after the presidential debate and I met Cutie Mimi.  She was a cutie.  I met Golfnut and Jance (am I spelling that correctly?) and Ace and so many TER regulars.

   At long last I met Karrie.  She has a tattoo of a certain famous cartoon character with a lawn mower situated very close to the edge of her fuzzy zone.  Don’t ask me how close I got while taking a look.  I’m an art lover and I like to see the brushwork.  She kept slipping sexy double entendres into our conversation that made me want to pull her outside behind a wall and see if she had other tattoos.  Karrie’s so confident and foxy I had to hold onto the edge of the bar.  When she walked off I fainted dead away from desire and lust.  I think her aura burned me.  Sunstroke.  Hrnyguy threw another glass of water in my face to revive me.  Thank God for Hrnyguy.  I got off the floor as Nettie entered in her conservative blacks with black hair looking like a New York Literary Agent.  Brooke Butler (sigh) was absolutely radiant in a black 50’s party dress, almost like a subtle tutu affair with push-up breast cups.  Hot.  Very hot.  I must’ve had that glazed smile on my face cause Hrnyguy threw some water on me again to snap me out of my trance.  If you wanted to read Brooke’s nametag on her chest you had to climb a ladder and look over the top.  Later she said to Kim that she was trying to get guys to look at her eyes instead of her breasts.  (If you’ve ever seen Kim Kelly you’ll know that Brooke was preaching to the converted.)
Personally I find it easy to look into Brooke’s eyes.  Brilliant peepers!  She’s easy to dance with too!  (After our first dance I staggered to the restroom and splashed myself with water cause I couldn’t find Hrnyguy.)  Then I had a reunion with Stumpy!

   Freedom Rider had arrived and gave his cake a bite in the pussy and his face was covered in frosting.  Avalon Rose and Rider each bent over the cake and bit off a nipple.  I had nipple envy at that point.  You know about me and nipples, don’t you Self Destruct?  I was wishing I were an erotic cake about that time.  Later on, Karrie pinched my nipple good and hard.   I don’t know why she did it…maybe she did her research about me!  Or maybe she just got lucky (from my point of view, very lucky!)  The only other option is “couple made in heaven” I like my nipples tortured, Mr. Self Destruct.   Anyway, she wandered off again so I went to the restroom to change my shorts.  (I had brought a few changes of underwear in a paper sack and hid them behind the commode in case I came in my panties.)
   (Continued in next block)

Jockeypants 22 Reviews 1212 reads
6 / 12

Suddenly Nettie pulls a chair over, next to me, and sits Freedom Rider down and gives him a birthday lap dance.  (He’s breakin’ all the lap dance rules and touching her with abandon & glee.)  The steam rose off Rider and Nettie like a Zamboni on the rink and I had to step back so my boner wouldn’t poke Rider’s eye out.  When Nettie had finished with him Rider was in a heap on the chair but Christmas came early for him cause Avalon Rose wiggled in to give him another dance.  There’s nothing like the boyish laugh of Freedom Rider getting a lap dance.  It should’ve been put on the sound recordings and sent out into space on Voyager.  

   Oh, Self Destruct, I wish you were there!  I don’t want to suggest the party disintegrated into a drunken orgy, because it didn’t.  But explosively sexual events occurred that only could happen at a frisky hooker dance party or a “Girls Gone Wild at Mari Gras” video.  Let me list them quickly like a Juicy Details section:

Megan Riley pulled Freedom Rider on to a mattress and they were making out while his ass stuck up in the air.  Kim Kelly saw this and ran into her bedroom and came back with a black strap-on that she proceeded to push into his ass.  Too bad he had his pants on.

Darlene said she was “hot” and pulled her jacket back and slid a slip-of-a-top off exposing two gifts from Allah and she reached out for the nearest man’s hands and taught them how to worship.  Men stood behind Darlene spooning, holding her breasts and burying their face in her hair and she just rested and smiled on their shoulder.  I always wanted to meet Darlene but she was covered in boys, literally, even before the breasts came out for air.  She walked by me with some boys scampering behind her and I finally introduced myself.  She uncovered her breast again and put my hand on it.  I was embarrassed for some reason.  I somehow felt disrespectful.  Then she said, “The other one is jealous” and swung her other nipple at me.  It looked as good as a frosted cake from the Erotic Bakery.  I gave it a polite squeeze and felt like I was playing doctor.  She’s bundle of erotica that Darlene.

I was talking with Megan, after a dance with her, and Nettie joined us and suddenly the two of them were smooching like two dragonflies fucking in the air on a hot summer day.  Flicking tongues and vibrating lips.

Carla got on her knees and dove under a beautiful lady's  beautiful dress.  I’m guessing from the reaction that not only was she not wearing panties but Carla knows how to get her tongue on a clit in a hurry.  She tried not to gush, literally, and Carla had to be surgically removed because, apparently, this hottie tastes pretty damn good.  (I gotta thing for Carla!)

Megan Riley was on a mattress and Avalon Rose mounted her and they started making out.  Avalon’s fanny popped up in my direction, her mini skirt turned inside out and I don’t know exactly how thin her thong panties were that were barely covering her rim cause the next thing I remember was the view from the floor seeing Hrnyguy with an empty glass of water.

Debra of the high desert and the trench coat had removed the garment and was wearing hot pants and a pair of legs that went all the way to the ground!

Carla, in a bartending mishap too complicated to detail here, got granulated sugar stuck all over her breasts.  She pulled her top down as she walked towards the restroom and me. (I had been changing into my last pair of clean panties) and my offer to help was too late before she was in the restroom cleaning up.  This morning, when I woke up, the memory of her beautiful sugared body was so succulent I didn’t need a pop-tart.

And finally…there are few things sexier than Megan Riley covered in cake frosting.

There were lots of kissing and breasts and fanny groping and sexy stuff, Self Destruct.  Why didn’t you come?  But seriously, SD, lots of good conversation and fun friendships developing were easily the highlight of the party.  Jance was so cute!  He was shy about meeting Dianne Jupiter and I gently walked him over and introduced the two of us to her.  Then I slipped away to let him swoon over her and watch her grin at him.

   I had great little chats with Kim.  I met Mia the Kissing Bandit. It was like meeting a celebrity!  She was stunning.  Ace was such a great guy to meet.
And Brooke.  Oooo dancing again with my Ginger Rogers!  Taking-in her eyes and twirling her like a gentle doll.  Dipping her in my arms.  Dang, we were a graceful pair.
Brooke thanked Kim for her support during her move to Long Beach and Kim’s friendship.  I couldn’t turn away from this quiet moment in its tenderness and my growing affection for these two women.

 I want to have my birthday at Kim Kelly’s studio!  It’s in November, SD.  (Gifts are always appreciated but not required!  Wink wink)
I need to win the Lotto, Self Destruct, cause I can’t afford to make this fantasy real!  I wanted Karrie to walk me home by the nipple!  Or have Kim and Carla keep me in the back room for playtime.  Or have Megan, Avalon and Nettie suffocate me in frosting and kisses.

Just to dance on a cloud again with Brooke Butler would be a dream come true.

I gotta go, Self Destruct, I gotta find some clean undies.

Wish you had cum!  But I’ll see you again soon, I’m sure.

That’s the report from the field, my friend.


Karrie 3438 reads
7 / 12

OHHHHHHh  JP that brought back some of the greatest memories. That was the day I met net Michelle and I haven’t been the same since. Kim Kellies party sets the standard for all, it was off the hook, everyone was friendly and oh so Sexy.

Fluuummmp  oh sorry I just fell out of my chair with the memory of that night.

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2879 reads
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...at the next Happy Hour, Jeop. It's kind of obvious, really.

ashleelala 2941 reads
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Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 3516 reads
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...something I can use for this year's Christmas card. I guess I'd need to bring Santa hats for all the ladies.

Oh, who am I kidding? They'll never let me out long enough to attend. :(

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