TER General Board

As you can see from the responses, people answer with their gut but with very few facts.
frankie2003a 2910 reads

The only time I've seen a fact based answer to these types of
questions is when someone links to a medical website.

You are better off looking on Google to find a medical website,
or something like planned parenthood, or a federal government
site like the CDC.

There, you will get studies and more importantly, summaries of
these studies to explain the risks.  Facts, not opinions.

hobby on!

-- Modified on 8/18/2004 8:05:36 PM

Just wondering about DATY with providers.  Isn't anyone afraid of HIV transmission from this?  I hear it's not as risky as unprotected intercourse, but it's not totally safe either.
I love to please a woman this way.  Just wondering what other guys feel about this.

Munch away.

Don't forget a little finger action too.


The risks are not as minimal as many think and there is more then just Hiv to consider.  Chlamydia, herpes, Hpv (which can lead to cervical cancer) all can be transmitted orally and do not always have symptoms.
We all hobby at our own risk but denial seems to run rampant on this board when t comes to discussing the risks.

SirPrize1959 reads

There is some risk, but in my opinion after researching it, the risk associated with DATY is VERY minimal for the giver and somewhat more risky for the receiver.

Yes, denial runs rampant on this board, but so does paranoia.

The statistics, not speculation, pretty much tell you how risky an activity is. Driving to and from the appointment is far more risky than engaging in DATY.

bergenbob1942 reads

If you Daty you'll die.   If you don't DATY you'll die.  So Daty.
Besides, female to male transmission is virtually unknow in this country

What!!??  Virtually unknown??  Dude, get a clue.

jaytee662586 reads

Wish it were so.  Hope you are half right.  But HIV isn't the only VD around and I've read that others are more easily transmitted.  Those who chose to take the change knowing the risk are making a choice.  Those don't know what's going on & want to know are not using the right heads.

This has been discussed ad vomitum.

Go get another hobby NOW!!!!!!. You chickenshit newbees want everything covered in some sort of "umbrella" insurance policy that takes all risk out of all things. IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!.
You want an omelette?, you're gonna bust a few eggs.
You want to drive? You may have an accident
You want to play sports? You're going to risk sports injuries
You want to have sex with lots of partners? Then your risk of  STDs are going to be greater than sitting alone & jacking off.

  Is there a reason why the TER board moderators keep allowing these snivilling, whining babies to post these inane paranoid concerns over and over and over and over and over again?

 Am I alone here?


It was just a question.  It's people like you that the moderators should be watching out for.  This is an OPEN forum.  As long as people are not abusive or offensive(where you're bordering), we can speak.  It's idiots like you that have control to read or not read things.  Don't have enough intelligence to handle that?

In spite of the intevitable repretition of these questions, I do think they should be posted, for even if they address only one person's concerns, that is one more relaxed hobbyist who will contribute to one provider which will make both provider and hobbyist happy.  Win-win.

Of course, you know I am right there with you, HAEOTS. :)

but not a newbie to hobbying. HAEOTS makes a good point. We all should hobby safely and refrain from any overly risky practices but to lament and obsess over the obvious is stupid.

I suggest you only DATY through a Glyde dental dam and then soak your tongue in bleach for at least an hour afterwards.

And anyway, catching an STD is the least of your worries.  What if, in a spasm of ecstasy, the lucky lady were to suddenly rear up like a frisky sea serpent and snap your neck between her muscular thighs?  This happened to a friend of a friend of mine and he hasn't been quite right since.  All he does is shuffle around in his wheel chair dribbling, with this glazed look in his eyes.

Remember my son, hobbying is a dangerous sport, and the best way to approach it is to adopt the mindset of someone defusing a bomb.  That way, we can all be safe, and you can stay anxious.

Em, you and JP have been conversing too often!

Try looking at thebody.com, it gives a lot of good information.  Last I knew, with a lot of data, the chances of contracting HIV that way is very small and I am not sure a real threat exists.  Search thebody.com.  It is not a stupid question because the government has gone out of its way to exaggerate risks.  As far as I understand, getting a BBBJ caries the same risk as being hit by a comet.  The chances of the BBBJ giver exists, but is very very small and that is why providers do it.   I hope this helps.

frankie2003a2911 reads

The only time I've seen a fact based answer to these types of
questions is when someone links to a medical website.

You are better off looking on Google to find a medical website,
or something like planned parenthood, or a federal government
site like the CDC.

There, you will get studies and more importantly, summaries of
these studies to explain the risks.  Facts, not opinions.

hobby on!

-- Modified on 8/18/2004 8:05:36 PM

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