TER General Board

Looking for Credit Repair; pls. see my post on the legal board NOTXT
SoundsLikeBullshitToMe 4191 reads


LARRYWALL2840 reads

I've had some experience with credit repair.  Good & Bad.  I'm interested in knowing what you know.  Like any one with bad credit, I don't have a lot of extra bread to throw around.  I have my own business wich went south on me right after 911.  I had over 100,000 in business cancled right after, because what I sell to corporations is not a necesity, but a fun thing.  any way I hired an internet law firm for $70.00 dollars a month that does kind of an automated challenge thing.  Problem is when the creditors don't respond to the protests in the time or way they are suppose to, they don't jump on that issue and challenge it.  They assume that the creditors will poolice themselves and remove it   Like that's the way life works.  I've actually had some sucess myself by calling the creditor and asking them to remove information.  Most will not.  They dig thier heels in.  I'm in the process of sending for a couple books on the subject from borders on line.  The idea is to start challenging everything, and when the creditors don't respond in a timely manner, documenting it, and DEMANDING that it be removed.  Know the rules, keep records, and document everything, and you can do what someone that would charge you $1000's would for.

junior4572454 reads

where would you post a thread if you were looking to get laid? FinancialInfo.com?

I have gained good info. on dozens of subjects by reading the "OT" posts on this board.  The TER community can provide a wealth of info. on all manner of things if you just ask.  Now to answer your question about "get[ing] laid", if you want to get married first, I'd suggest eharmony-dot-com, if you want a professional relationship, there are many ladies right here on TER who will have sex with you for money!  What a coincicence, right?  You could check the newbie board for further tips.  Good Luck, Junior!

junior4573133 reads

Would the newbie board be able to tell me if I'm paying for the time shared and companionship of a lady with nothing else promised or assumed?

You seem to clearly state that the "ladies right here on TER who will have sex with you for money!". I believe that might be construed as prostitution. You couldn't possibly be trying to place any of these fine ladies or us hobbiest in such a jeopardizing situation as to claim that is what this is all about? Would you?

Your right I'll check the newbie board for the answer to that I guess.

Oh, by the way my initial comment in this thread was made in jest.

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