TER General Board

As I've said before: "Ignorance is (not) bliss."
Ci Ci 2995 reads


Wild Child4659 reads

I was just looking at the survey results taken by the gentlemen on this board and shocked that 50% of you have never been tested for STDs?  Are you crazy?  Do you think just cause there isn't any symptoms, you must be A-ok?  Of course you couldn't get anything cause you always use condoms correct?  
Sheesh, c'mon folks, if you are going to play, play fair and be responsible and get checked out more often (there are discreet places you can go to and should be budgeted into your finances of the hobby)
I personally get tested every 5-6 weeks for HIV and all bacterial STD's, including a pap for bacterial infections such as yeast or vaginitis.  As a hobbiest, you may not see that many different women as we do men, however you are being exposed to just as many people, as these providers you see are also seeing other clients, so don't use the I don't see as many providers as providers see hobbiests excuse.  If you see a provider once a month, at least try to schedule some time in every 2-3 months to get checked out.  In the event that you do get something, you will know right away, and in most cases it can be taken care of quickly with a few antibiotics, however if you wait and never develop symptoms, you are still a carrier and could cause a potentially life threatening problem for yourself or a loved one down the line (as in the wife, who is unsuspecting and might not have a reason to go in and get checked out for STDs and realize there is a problem until she has a devastating infection or worse yet, a late stage of cervical cancer)
Sorry to burst you bubble, but you have to be realistic and face reality and know that if you are going to play, you have to pay a price and I'm only trying to be helpful in saying that pay in small prices now and avoid paying bigger prices later.

This has been discussed a number of times, and deserves to be revisited periodically. The most common suggestion for the frequency of testing on the hobbyist side of the equation has been every six months, as I recall.

STD testing is relatively easy to do. The first visit is the toughest, since you're venturing into uncharted territory. Most towns of any size have a Planned Parenthood center, who will do the testing for you. They tend to have a number of questions about your sexual activities on the forms you fill out, but I have never found them to be judgemental about the answers I give them.

As Wild Child suggests, put this in your calendar and into your hobbying budget.

Then also ask them to do extra tests. Check your cholesterol while you are at it. I get swabbed 3x/ year to boot, excessive, but hey, I need to know what's up.

Wild Child2284 reads

Other options are pull out your yellow pages and look under clinics.  There you will find places that will mention "discreet" or "confidential" testing.  They may cost a bit more, but when they turn your information in to labs, most times they don't even use your real name and will not turn your name over to the state if you to have something minor, whereas, as a warning Planned Parenthood in certain states does.
I have been fortunate because I have found a doctor to go to who knows what I do on the side and every other visit we actually turn it in to my insurance company to cover costs for having a "cold".  Sneaky on his part, yes.  However knowing there are people like that out there, makes the testing all the more easier.  If every clinic/doctor was as discreet, more people would take the time to get tested and catch things earlier and perhaps just maybe this whole STD/STI thing would go down.
Scary to think that Herpes is now becoming accepted as a norm almost for anyone who has sex.  Unfortunately it's so common, that they have commercials for it during prime time TV
Just a friendly reminder to be responsible, to yourself and others.  Getting off the soapbox :)

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