TER General Board

As always communication is the key
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 629 reads

I saw a lady on a trip. She was not ready but offered a drink, munchies and tv. I clarified that this was otc. Had a great time and she decided to come to dinner with me. I offered some money which she declined. Never assume. Always ask.

Made an appointment to see Sara, a Thai provider, at 9:30 a.m. for one hour.  Got started on time, her English is limited but everything went well.  I would give her a 7 for appearance and an 8 for performance.  At the end of the hour we were cuddling and chatting, she was clingy which I like and we were both enjoying ourselves so I just let it go on.  She seemed unconcerned with time, said her next appointment wasn’t until the afternoon, so we just kept chatting and cuddling.  Eventually we started kissing again and although MSOG is not usually on my agenda, lo and behold we ended up going for another round.  Although I initiated the kissing she initiated the sex; I was not expecting it and wasn’t even sure I could do it.  

By the time we finished and I was getting ready to go 2 hours had passed since I arrived.  I had put the envelope containing the 1 hour fee, $2.6, down when I came in.  Because she had gone above and beyond, I took $ out of my wallet and added it as a tip when I was about to leave.  

At this point some texting with the booker ensued and the booker texted me that the fee for 2 hours was $5.2, could I please pay that?  I responded that Sara had not said anything about extending the session (maybe due to her limited English) and if she had asked I would have left because I didn’t even have that much money with me.  The booker texted back that it was a misunderstanding but could I go to an ATM and get the additional $1.6 and give it to her?  

I declined.  The booker and Sara didn’t seem too bent out of shape but it felt a bit awkward when I was leaving.  

Was I wrong?

Booker should have made sure that Sara was aware more money is required before extending a visit.
I feel sorry for Sara in this situation seems like booker kinda just threw her out there. From how you
described it, you did nothing wrong. I understand why you would feel sorts bad though.

2x4946 reads

I'm not saying it's wrong to want more time, but you KNOW if you book for an hour and stay two there is a good chance she won't be impressed. Let me outline this for you:

The hour is nearly up, she's thinking "ok I'll just be cuddly and make him feel nice". Then you get a boner and how well is it going to go for her if she looks at it and says "sorry not sorry you gotta go"? It's not going to go well. Even if you would like to say now that you'd be fine you wouldn't be. You'd turn into an annoying puddle and pressure her into finishing you off, not go back, complain that you didn't get your hours worth, any number of PITA things but never good*... And so she soldiers through and you take an hour (or whatever) to finish again. Yes she's a big girls but even big girls don't like to be made to feel uncomfortable.  

So, in case you're really missing it, she's probably already liking you a little less, because no one likes to do anything without compensation and I'm sorry but unless you're really adding to her life by being there your company is not compensation. And very few bookers or agencies are going to let her get away with saying "he didn't pay to extend", so you've gone ahead and cost her even more money, and the memories of "oh we can snuggle a few extra minutes" quickly wane to next to nothing in a lot of cases.  

And then the guy comes here all "why won't she email me, why DID she email me??" And it's just like... Duh! Cause you didn't cover your ass! You know that unless "no don't worry about it" comes out of her mouth when you offer to run to the ATM, you have left room for miscommunication and a PITA situation of your own and of course no one wants that for you either. There's no need for anyone to be frustrated, let alone two of them!   Don't be the guy that makes her wonder if you'll pay her next time. Don't be the guy she dreads seeing and actively plans ways to kick out. That is NOT going to be fun for you. Maybe she does want to hang out with you, maybe she doesn't. It is always easier to check and the only way to avoid having to think about anything more than that hot ass.  

This can all be so straightforward and easy if you let it. I promise! And take it from a pro, 90 minutes is better if you want two pops. Again, not telling you what to do, just making it easy for you.  

*we can poll this if you want but I really doubt most of the women here want to bitch about guys taking up their time, and it's not the whole point of this post, so you might as well just use common sense.

Bob.Sugar761 reads

It was a "yes or no" question.

Care to try again?

Posted By: 2x4

2x4673 reads

No, if all hookers believed people were responsible for their actions, your mother would have swallowed. Or at least drank heavily enough that you came out unable to work a keyboard like a responsible person. Not that it appears she would have had to try much harder.

Since when does someone answer the question "when" with a "yes or no?"

Go ahead. Answer that with a yes or no and see if it makes any sense.

Dumb, annoying, the list goes on....

Bob.Sugar885 reads

Maybe that would stop the annoying posts (Hint...that is a yes/no question)?

Or you could find a really private board to have your discussions.

Go and have the last word...you always do  ;)

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
Since when does someone answer the question "when" with a "yes or no?"  
 Go ahead. Answer that with a yes or no and see if it makes any sense.  
 Dumb, annoying, the list goes on....

skarphedin913 reads

I get it, guys can be a PITA with wanting more and more and more. I really do. I don't think your gig is a walk in the park. But if even I know that, then she surely knows that. And if she knows that then:  

"The hour is nearly up, she's thinking "ok I'll just be cuddly and make him feel nice"."

Should read:  

"The hour is nearly up, she's thinking "ok so far so good time to wrap this up"."

2x4619 reads

But she's not asking for advice and the ladies already discuss kick out routines pretty regularly lol

It has been years since i saw that sketch. I literally laughed out loud

Yup, which is why I can't extend a date unless I know him. It's both tacky and awkward to have to add more to what's already there. If he does not know how long, I can't really go on a maybe. We have lives and schedules that might conflict. Now, if he already says coming in that he might want to extend if we hit it off, no problem. I can plan for the extra time but that whole donation addition is still off putting.  

Posted By: 2x4
I'm not saying it's wrong to want more time, but you KNOW if you book for an hour and stay two there is a good chance she won't be impressed. Let me outline this for you:  
 The hour is nearly up, she's thinking "ok I'll just be cuddly and make him feel nice". Then you get a boner and how well is it going to go for her if she looks at it and says "sorry not sorry you gotta go"? It's not going to go well. Even if you would like to say now that you'd be fine you wouldn't be. You'd turn into an annoying puddle and pressure her into finishing you off, not go back, complain that you didn't get your hours worth, any number of PITA things but never good*... And so she soldiers through and you take an hour (or whatever) to finish again. Yes she's a big girls but even big girls don't like to be made to feel uncomfortable.  
 So, in case you're really missing it, she's probably already liking you a little less, because no one likes to do anything without compensation and I'm sorry but unless you're really adding to her life by being there your company is not compensation. And very few bookers or agencies are going to let her get away with saying "he didn't pay to extend", so you've gone ahead and cost her even more money, and the memories of "oh we can snuggle a few extra minutes" quickly wane to next to nothing in a lot of cases.  
 And then the guy comes here all "why won't she email me, why DID she email me??" And it's just like... Duh! Cause you didn't cover your ass! You know that unless "no don't worry about it" comes out of her mouth when you offer to run to the ATM, you have left room for miscommunication and a PITA situation of your own and of course no one wants that for you either. There's no need for anyone to be frustrated, let alone two of them!   Don't be the guy that makes her wonder if you'll pay her next time. Don't be the guy she dreads seeing and actively plans ways to kick out. That is NOT going to be fun for you. Maybe she does want to hang out with you, maybe she doesn't. It is always easier to check and the only way to avoid having to think about anything more than that hot ass.  
 This can all be so straightforward and easy if you let it. I promise! And take it from a pro, 90 minutes is better if you want two pops. Again, not telling you what to do, just making it easy for you.  
 *we can poll this if you want but I really doubt most of the women here want to bitch about guys taking up their time, and it's not the whole point of this post, so you might as well just use common sense.

Did you miss this part..

"Got started on time, her English is limited but everything went well."

To me, he knew what he was doing and took advantage of it. Sure, she could have fumbled some broken English asking for more money.. If someone comes to me I will politely set those boundaries, but when someone sees someone who can't really speak his language.. Well.... Cmon.

And maybe she knew exactly what she was doing too, fine.. Just another reason for BOTH parties to set those boundaries. When time is nearing an end just do the right thing and prepare to move on to your real world. If you truly felt there was a connection, let it happen over time. Email the person after you leave..

The time is almost up and client got another erection and he stood there expectantly waiting for me to "take care of it". I got dressed, ignoring it altogether, asked him if he wanted a quick shower before leaving. He stood there with his dick in his hand. I told him I have to be somewhere and to move it along or go without the shower.  

The power of no reviews is I can get away with kicking a leach out and not having to worry some vindictive little bitch who wanted more of my time for free, and pulls a hissy fit and delivers a shit review. And I hope he tells others on a local board..that way I do not have to deal with bitches who are rude and cheap.

Hbyist+truth, you should have a sign that lights up with you at an ATM that says would you like to go again my friend.  The picture should be of you in jeans and some pumps with a small clutch.  That way he blatantly gets the message while thinking with his big head and little head.

VOO-doo650 reads

I had already gone slightly past my time w/massage and chat, when he flipped over and started playing with his cock. He asked if I thought I could come again. I asked to use the bathroom and got dressed. As you pointed out, that is a VERY risky move, but there were mitigating circumstances. For one, he'd had a few to drink and the first time had been very difficult. Also, it was late...he was a few hours behind, time-zone-wise, so for him, it felt early in the evening...I, on the other hand, was weary and also had a 90-minute drive ahead of me. And most importantly, I could tell he KNEW that he was taking advantage. It was calculated, not innocent. That irritated me.

All things considered, I probably should've complied, without pay. Sucks, but it's true. Kind of like in other businesses, when you have to refund a rude customer even when you know he/she has a bogus complaint. I say that solely because of reviews. I don't want him as a repeat client. He emailed me the next day to schedule again, but I was 'busy.'  

Let's see if he reviews...

I had a guy once press me to stay for the entire afternoon, even though he'd only booked one hour. Even tried to get me to drink an entire bottle of wine w/him, although he knew I was driving home. Like the other guy, he knew perfectly well that he was taking advantage, and he knew that I knew it. I made my excuses. He gave an 8-8. Looking at it one way, it's the right decision...looking at it another way, it's a pretty stupid one. Ah, TER.

2x4740 reads

And the fucker FOLLOWED me to where I was going to continue his date. All in all, it was over 4 hours and three of them were spent trying to get rid of him after his appointment with him following me around town talking about how much he loved "hanging out" as I repeatedly told him to leave. Verbatim. Some of these guys are fucking insane.  

Yeah, we are the professionals, but more than likely we can't physically pick these guys up and put them out the door the way most of them need to be when they start playing this little game. It's not cool and I am not one of those who subscribes to the idea that my posted rates are a ballpark.  

Maybe when one of us starts Hooker U we can have have a class on "suddenly getting a bad case of diarrhea" and the guys will finally learn for themselves, lol

Geez, I won't even entertain the thought of seeing a john that has been drinking. I smell booze and the session is ended right there. More power to you for dealing with that.

You did the right thing. Do not let assholes get away with this shit. Especially if you know that he knows he is pushing it.

I wouldn't see a lady if I believe a lady has been drinking, I am out of there. Nether side should put with disrespect or allow themselves to be taken advantage of.

VOO-doo629 reads

Just a strong smell of alcohol on his breath....just when I got close.

If he'd been truly intoxicated, I wouldn't have stayed.  

I have walked out on a guy for that. I drove two hours to see a date-check dude for what was supposed to be a 4-hour date. When I entered, he had porn playing (I have no problem with porn, but most guys at least like to break the ice first), and definitely seemed like he was on something. I could almost smell the eau de Coke Dick (and maybe something else). I left.

If the girl had said OTC even though her English is limited, then fair enough.  But she didn't, and you assumed that it would be.

This is the problem with some guys in this industry, you want it for free, well we're not here to give it to you for free unless we say those three magic words, OFF THE CLOCK, if this isn't said then assume you're paying, DON'T assume that because nothing has been said that it's OTC, that's just you taking advantage of the situation.

You didn't sit there for the second hour and knit a sweater, you should have settled up and not coming running on here to get people on your side so you feel less guilty.

If you're sitting in a restaurant and order a dessert that you clearly have to pay for, then the waiter comes over and offers you another portion, you wouldn't assume it was for free.

This thread isn't about me ;-)

-- Modified on 9/30/2015 1:07:46 AM

skarphedin590 reads

-- Modified on 9/29/2015 11:00:20 PM

By all means when you grow some balls and post under your real handle and not an alias, then i may play with you.

But you don't see me heeeeeee haaaawing (ha excuse the pun), so you'll have to play donkey with someone else :-)

-- Modified on 9/30/2015 4:40:10 AM

I saw a lady on a trip. She was not ready but offered a drink, munchies and tv. I clarified that this was otc. Had a great time and she decided to come to dinner with me. I offered some money which she declined. Never assume. Always ask.

seriously, I pretty sure I know the booker and saw one of her girls a while ago. If Sara is anything like Summer she only knows 3 or 4 phrases in English.  She will probably add "time is up" very soon.  

What worries me is that these girls are afraid to say no and that makes me think they are here against their will

RroseSelavy1043 reads

Why, oh why did you assume you were OTC? You have engaged the services of a hooker. She is not providing you sexual services for her own fun or any other reason, save monetary compensation. I'm sure you're Casanova, Don Juan, and Brad Pitt all rolled into one, but she is still a hooker, and you are only there because you are paying her for her services!

Don't expect to be welcomed back to that agency.

-- Modified on 9/29/2015 8:45:43 PM

I suspect this will be controversial, but here goes anyway.  In contract law it is generally presumed that a service provider or contractor is the knowledgeable professional in a  agreement. It is generally the case that the fees and services are specified and enforced by the contractor as a professional. There appears to be no difference here. If this is her business, she should be controlling the situation. I know there is this idea floating about OTC, but strictly from a business perspective this concept is not normal by any means. I suspect it would not survive legal scrutiny were it to occur in any other profession..

If the leach who is trying to manipulate more time for free doesn't get it, he can mess with her business by posting a unfavorable review in retaliation.  

This is not legal and a hooker has no recourse and it is encouraged in most trick circles to get OTC time if the hookers wants a regular. Geez I do not want that guy as a regular if he is that rude.

ragnar27724 reads

If you read the prior posters comments regarding contracts, he is correct.  And in the event that there is a dispute a customer can write a review on Yelp about the services.  

How do you know what most guys would or wouldn't do?  Unless you are actually just a guy pretending to be a hooker here?  And even then, how would you have any idea what the other men do?

I guess you and others here have a reading disability since it seems most of the men here (on the TER forums) are rather spineless creatures.  I'm sure those guys aren't in that trick circle that you speak of.

You would be surprised that some of the heavy hitters have done just that. You really think we hookers don't share this info?

And you must be blind because there are many posts (do a search) with "advice" from tricks to hookers on how to satisfy their regulars with either OTC or a discount.

-- Modified on 9/30/2015 7:38:26 PM

He took advantage; he was wrong. Regardless of your legalese mumbo jumbo.

Skyfyre736 reads

It's different if she's independent and you two have a long history then and only then you might be able to interpret it as OTC . OTH you should have known that she will have to answer to her boss/agency and you seemed to take advantage of her naivete/inexperience in addition to lack of English skill. Maybe she just assumed that you can stay and fuck as much as you like then pay the full bill at the end -the way one dines at a restaurant.

Technically and legally she and her agency are on the hook for the money because they did not make that clear to you but spiritually you comes off rather sleazy and unscrupulous.

Let's hope the worst thing that happened to the poor girl was she got a good tongue-lashing and nothing more for a hard-earned lesson in the biz

VictoriousSecret736 reads

...So I decided to take advantage of a situation knowing full well that there was a chance we weren't on the same page?!

Dude. Forget feeling "a bit awkward".  You should be ashamed of yourself.

First of all, this is your first time meeting with this girl. What the hell kind of ego makes you think that all this extra cuddling and kissing is because she's just so overwhelmed by your charms? The minute you noticed that you two were running long, you should have straight up told her, "I don't have any more cash for another hour."  Then, she would have had the choice to either offer you a freebie or get up and get dressed.  But no, you just assumed that it was your lucky fucking day because she didn't explicitly tell you what we ALL already understand-- THIS IS A JOB. SHE GETS PAID TO DO WHAT SHE'S DOING.  

And then, instead of having an ounce of decency and paying her for the time you spent you simply "declined". Are you kidding?! You knew from the minute you walked in there that her English was limited. You took advantage of the situation and then when you got called out on it you acted like a punk. You know why the booker and Sara didn't seem too bent out of shape?  Because no one in their right mind pisses off a trick while the girl is still with them.  You're obviously cheap and opportunistic. They probably didn't want to chance it that you might be aggressive when provoked, too

Plain and simple: you knew the time was up; regardless of what she did, you should have either left or offered to pay for an additional hour.

Also, something you said doesn't jibe: her English is limited, but she said her next appointment wasn't until the afternoon. I think you are being disingenuous.

Thanks to all for the thoughtful responses, and I regret that some posters have indulged in unnecessary personal attacks (on each other, not me).  

Although most responders seem to think I was cheap or even a shameful opportunist, no, I don't feel guilty.  I gave her $3.6 for two hours, that is a decent chunk of change considering the provider's attractiveness and the services rendered (this was not a no-holds-barred session).  She was not foregoing another client, and to all appearances she enjoyed the extra time together.  I did not "cheat" her.  

However I did learn something from this experience.  If this happens again I would say before going for a second round, I don't have the $ for another hour, or I only have X$ with me.  Guess there's always more to learn about this hobby.  

And finally, I emailed the booker and explained my take on the situation.  She has kindly invited me back to see the next provider at her establishment.  :)

VOO-doo790 reads

You should.  

Sure, she really should have made things more clear...it sounds like it was a combination of inexperience, and the fact that she TRUSTED you. Wrongly, obviously.  

For one thing, you don't know for a fact that she had no other clients who wanted to see her during that time, or that she had nothing else to do. Maybe she hadn't eaten all day, and was starving. Maybe she desperately wanted to call her family. Maybe she had a book to read, or a class to study for. It's her time, and you (as many clients do) just assumed that it (and by extension, her life) was valueless. I mean, she's just a ho. What else is she gonna do, besides being regaled by your amazing personality? Probably watch reruns of keeping up w/the Kardashians. LOL.  

Maybe the agency waits for her to 'call out' of the appointment before they will schedule someone else. The booker obviously assumed that Sara was getting paid for 2 hours. She might have missed work for you...but, whether or not she did, you MADE her work. And you didn't pay her. So you did basically steal from her...Think of how you'd feel if your boss did that to you.  

Now, imagine that you had to FUCK your boss, too...and that you didn't get paid :-X  

I'd say differently if you two were just chatting...that is OTC. However, the moment the condom went on (hopefully), you were on the hook, as a hobbyist, a gentleman, and a decent human being. (That is, if you have any interest in being those things...if not, carry on, and please never visit NYC.)

-- Modified on 10/1/2015 10:53:29 AM

GaGambler531 reads

Well said.

I have had a lot of OTC sessions, dinners, overnights etc. The one constant is that unless we were actually dating, at the end of the scheduled time you ALWAYS say something along the lines of "oh look at the time, I guess I should be going" and give the lady an out instead of just assuming that she is ok with fucking you again for free.

The fact that you didn't do that is proof to most of us at least that you knew damn well if you did say something about the time, she would have asked you to leave. If you thought  that she would have said "Oh honey, don't worry about the time or the money, I enjoy you being here" you would have done the right thing. The fact that you didn't do so simply proves you deliberately took advantage of her newness and the language barrier. I hope she kicks you out 10 minutes into an hour session next time.

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