TER General Board

As a lady, I don't disagree with you
someCuteChic 1905 reads
1 / 52

I've had a few clients recently that were visibly unnerved when I needed to apply lubricant prior to coitus. A couple of them attempted to give me oral sex as an alternative, and although it felt very nice, it was not enough to get me so aroused that I didn't need lubricant.
Condoms encourage friction, and that friction can cause tearing, both of the condom and of my delicate vaginal skin. So unless I am very aroused, and very slippery wet, lubricant is an absolute must for me.  
I'm not sure if other providers use lubricant but I am curious to know how the guys feel when we use it?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 676 reads
3 / 52
xyz23 45 Reviews 480 reads
4 / 52
Bob.Sugar 588 reads
5 / 52

Just curious....do you need the lube when you go BBFS with someone too?

Posted By: someCuteChic
I've had a few clients recently that were visibly unnerved when I needed to apply lubricant prior to coitus. A couple of them attempted to give me oral sex as an alternative, and although it felt very nice, it was not enough to get me so aroused that I didn't need lubricant.  
 Condoms encourage friction, and that friction can cause tearing, both of the condom and of my delicate vaginal skin. So unless I am very aroused, and very slippery wet, lubricant is an absolute must for me.  
 I'm not sure if other providers use lubricant but I am curious to know how the guys feel when we use it?

GaGambler 823 reads
6 / 52

I will get over the fact that you aren't dripping wet just by the very prospect of fucking me, and nice and juicy is preferable to dry any day, so you are doing both parties a favor by using the lube.

After all, who knows your body better than you do, I am sure our fragile male egos will get over it.

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 463 reads
7 / 52
expertiamator 502 reads
8 / 52

Now I appreciate it big time. Lots of drinks, long sex not enough lube and wham a burn!

Posted By: someCuteChic
I've had a few clients recently that were visibly unnerved when I needed to apply lubricant prior to coitus. A couple of them attempted to give me oral sex as an alternative, and although it felt very nice, it was not enough to get me so aroused that I didn't need lubricant.  
 Condoms encourage friction, and that friction can cause tearing, both of the condom and of my delicate vaginal skin. So unless I am very aroused, and very slippery wet, lubricant is an absolute must for me.  
 I'm not sure if other providers use lubricant but I am curious to know how the guys feel when we use it?

hbyist+truth=;( 624 reads
9 / 52

If a john got pissy because i needed lube, well he gets a bj or a hand job.  

I am never aroused enough for coitus minus lube, so do not feel bad. They need to smarten up and realize, they picked you, not the other way round.

hbyist+truth=;( 407 reads
10 / 52
GaGambler 571 reads
11 / 52

Which doesn't feel the greatest even for the man, and I can only imagine how uncomfortable it is for the woman.

Bob.Sugar 741 reads
12 / 52

Aside from watching Maury....what else could possibly arouse you?

You really do need to find some guys who get what this game is all about.  Seriously.  The smart hookers know how to market themselves.  You should reach out to them and ask.

How's the lesbian only site coming?  I trust you don't need lube with the ladies?  Right?
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
If a john got pissy because i needed lube, well he gets a bj or a hand job.  
 I am never aroused enough for coitus minus lube, so do not feel bad. They need to smarten up and realize, they picked you, not the other way round.

HonkeyPox 451 reads
13 / 52

Well, lube certainly beats spit! I've seen THAT a few times, and though it may look cool in porn, it doesn't do the job lube is intended to do, in vivo.

Bowman1138 30 Reviews 455 reads
14 / 52

The same men who feel emasculated if a woman uses lube are also the same men who get upset if a woman rubs her clit while having sex. In fact, some men are also bothered if a woman uses toys. I say..Get Over Yourself! Your manliness is not defined by how many orgasms you GIVE her, solely using your appendages.  In fact, you aren't giving her anything, she's the one who is in control.

If you remember one thing in life, its this:  It's the WOMAN who is in charge of her own pleasure, not you. Let her do whatever she likes to enjoy herself while she's with you.  If she needs lube, by all means, use lube. If she needs to rub her clit with a pocket rocket, let her use the thing!  If she needs you to slow down and not jackrabbit her, do it.  The only rule is that you do whatever she needs! If that person's needs are incompatible with your own, find another lady who is more in tune to your needs.

In the hobby, the same rule applies.  You will be rewarded again and again by appreciative women.

Having said all that, friction is what men crave, and too much lube can reduce feeling for men.  However, if the lady in question would consent to use a female condom, that problem can go away.

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 605 reads
15 / 52

Hey, I'm just clowning with you but God knows. You mean you have never met a man in the hobby who gets your juices flowing without help? Is it your age, a medical thing, or seriously, all the johns/tricks that choose to see you are that disgusting to you. Really? Just damn.  

It's all good. I wouldn't care but that shit is not common in my experiences. A few times, yes and it's all good. Wo question. The majority though, not even close. Yet youre batting a 1000 on it? WOW!

harborview 10 Reviews 479 reads
17 / 52

cause dryness.  If you need it, use it.  I suggest being careful as high tech lubes can reduce friction so much that nothing will get him off.  Certainly, the woman will know her own body better than I & I'll respect her preferances.

hbyist+truth=;( 548 reads
18 / 52

Those that seek me out I am not attracted to. Disgusting no, unattractive to me yes. I have a very specific type that I am attracted to, and the johns I get do not fit.  

If I did get the type I am heavily attracted to, then game on. I have no issue in my private life BECAUSE I get to choose  and there is a very high level of attraction.  

-- Modified on 7/4/2015 3:29:09 PM

someCuteChic 585 reads
19 / 52

None have ever gotten "pissy" exactly, but I have been asked if I "reaaallly" needeed it. Generally, I'll say something like... it helps make it easier for me to take all of it.

If they were very against it, bj or hj would have to do. I wouldn't risk the condom breaking or me being uncomfortable.

Demcc3 27 Reviews 458 reads
20 / 52

Wow! I'm surprised some  guys get turned off when a provider reaches for the lube!  If it's available I encourage it.  The more smooth and slippery, all the better.

As far as a girl rubbing her clit or using any type of toy while we're having sex, bring it on.....as long as she's not faking anything!


hbyist+truth=;( 599 reads
21 / 52

I really do not want to hurt their feelings/egos so I do have answers that can be plausible...the condom breaking being a really good one.  

Some johns just have to feel that you are as into it as they are and getting wet is a good indicator...or not in our case.

Try some liquibeads that you insert prior (your body heat melts the gelatin covering and the lube is already up there ready and waiting...that might help.

hbyist+truth=;( 458 reads
23 / 52

It would be so nice to get someone I was attracted to as a part of work.

1705218 10 Reviews 413 reads
26 / 52
impposter 49 Reviews 767 reads
27 / 52

Not too much, to avoid grease fires.

Punchline to an old joke:

Gold digging hot young wife, hoping for a heart attack and rapid inheritance, asks her billionaire 90+ geezer husband on their honeymoon, 'What's with the ear plugs and nose clip?"  He replies: "If there's two things I can't stand it's the sound of screaming women and the smell of burning rubber.

impposter 49 Reviews 465 reads
28 / 52

It doesn't bother me (unless massively overdone).  I don't take it as a sign that I've failed to arouse her.  It's a sign that I'm too big for comfort without it. :-)

ValuedCustomer 466 reads
29 / 52

Just means you understand how the mechanics of sex works.  This is a good thing in your profession.  Bring it on...

micktoz 41 Reviews 503 reads
30 / 52

I introduced it to her and she goes extra wild with it.
I keep bringing her a fresh supply.
Without the lube she is great. With the lube, really great.

Superstar! 389 reads
31 / 52
lessdoitagain 29 Reviews 619 reads
32 / 52

I visited a lady recently and I asked her if she was going to use lube and she said I don't need lube.Lol  I was wondering if the providers find it easier to get wet and stay wet if they are into the guy?

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 475 reads
34 / 52

Silicone, water-based jell, and bubble gum flavor (my personal fav) When the lube gets reached for ... I know I'm about to get it good. I use the flavored lube for DATY and my regular give suburb BBBJs because she loves bubblegum ... so it's all good.

Imperatio 545 reads
35 / 52

If given the choice, I would prefer natural lubrication, as it's an indication to me that she's ready and excited, or at least that's the fantasy I choose to believe haha
That being said, I do understand the necessity to use it for some providers.

Ultimately, I don't feel it's my call to decide whether or not she feels she needs it.
I trust that she's applying lube to make the experience more enjoyable for me, as well as herself.

RichardLongwood 514 reads
36 / 52

If it's absolutely needed, then ok, but generally it's a buzzkill for several reasons:

--I may want to try some DATY later and prefer the natural taste.  I had one provider put it on before 69.  That was a total turnoff.

--I'd like to think that a woman is sufficiently stimulated naturally that artificial lube is not needed.

--Using lube MAY be a sign of at least somewhat high volume.  I don't need a reminder of that.

--Some women just slather it on, which is both messy and unsexy.  

Very roughly, I think that using lube, in my opinion, leads to a lower rating by the better part of a point and reduces the value of the experience by about $100

inicky46 61 Reviews 475 reads
37 / 52
Superstar! 546 reads
38 / 52

A provider should be able to figure out how to be aroused with at least 90% of her clients.  It takes time and getting used to but with practice, there should be a "Pavlov's Dog" sort of reaction once she's active with a client.  MAJOR CAVEAT:  If a guy (or the location) scares her, or she's unhappy, or he has some trait that revolts her, THERE AINT NO WAY IN HELL she's getting aroused.  Otherwise, there should be some action that gets her going.  Maybe it's seeing/feeling his hardness, or BBBJ, kissing, massage, etc.  Arousal is more about HER than anything the guy can do for her.

-- Modified on 7/4/2015 11:03:16 PM

ronkini1234 2 Reviews 424 reads
39 / 52

I like when the lady puts on flavored lube, it makes it so nice to eat out of. I treat hobbying like golfing: leave the ego at the parking lot!!!

hotplants 504 reads
40 / 52

…with practice, there should be a "Pavlov's Dog" sort of reaction once she's active with a client…..?  



Even with partners I have been hugely sexually attracted to I have used lube---or they have used lube. If you, or your partner, want/need some extra lubrication---pull out the damned lube.  Even in my 20’s me and my GF kept a pump bottle of lube next to the bed.  And, the sexual attraction there was off the charts.

I get that some men’s egos get wrapped-up in this. But, women using lube is absolutely not a definitive indication of sexual arousal—or lack of sexual arousal in women….IRL. Many things can impact natural lubrication.  

But saying that sex workers "should be able to train themselves to be sexually aroused by 90% of their clients” ….so they don’t have to use lube?  

That’s absurd

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 456 reads
41 / 52

Shit, I bring my own sometimes.....always be prepared. I'm good, but I ain't that good.

TaylorMorgan1 See my TER Reviews 570 reads
42 / 52

There should be no ego in the bedroom, on either end, and none from the male end in particular. Women are tricky, orgasms can be challenging for us to attain at times, so whatever she needs to do to "get there" should be accepted and even encouraged.

I would say I'm relatively lucky in that I don't need to do much work to orgasm, but if I'm uncomfortable with the person, or the environment, it can be pretty difficult for me. On the other hand, if I'm very comfortable, I am highly multi orgasmic. If I needed toys, or to touch myself or be touched in a particular way, I'd hope my partner would be ok with that, p4p or personal.

In regards to lubricant, I always have some around. I use a water based gel lubricant, and I don't think it reduces friction as much as more watery, or silicone, lubricants. I use it when I need to... and when I don't need to, I don't use it lol.

hbyist+truth=;( 445 reads
43 / 52

Warming her up enough to facilitate vaginal penetration WITHOUT irritation/pain? Because that is on YOU.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 588 reads
44 / 52

Though is can be tough for us to know for sure.

It's a mystery that I don't care to see solved

hbyist+truth=;( 669 reads
46 / 52

And if the guys actually bought that load, you might have a ton more likes but I guess not. Some men are smart enough to realize it takes more than a boner to get a lady in the mood. But nice try. You should have put a link to your ads and made some money off your Pavlovian response, Hey if it works for you, then awesome.

-- Modified on 7/5/2015 8:56:33 AM

Superstar! 378 reads
47 / 52

If you receive a reward repeatedly, your body becomes conditioned to respond in a way that "facilitates" the reward!

Bowman1138 30 Reviews 548 reads
48 / 52

A lot of men NEED to be "in control" in some way, in order to feel strong and aroused and sexually powerful. I think a good courtesan understands that, and can accommodate that need.  But any man that has an ego and thinks he's gods gift to a woman needs to learn a life lesson that he's not.  Once he realizes that, then the woman he's with can feel comfortable, as you say, and then can be allowed to be "in control" and everyone benefits.


funseeker579 433 reads
49 / 52

Lube makes the world work...

ValentinaTX See my TER Reviews 521 reads
50 / 52

I very rarely need to use lube as I'm naturally very lubricated, however, I do notice that if I've been drinking wine, I tend to not be as lubricated and on those ocassions may use artificial lube especially if the gentleman is rather endowed. I apply it the same time as I do the condom so most don't even notice I'm applying lube. I've never noticed any negativity towards artificial lube.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 505 reads
51 / 52

Lubes do not work well for me nor do they with many of the condom brands I use. I know many providers who will not ever go through a date without lube, and immediately reach for it before the guy can even attempt to turn them on.  

I don't care how ugly a guy might be physically, if he is between my legs and has the least bit of skill, I am not only getting wet, but I am getting off. After that, sex is better because I am still thinking about the oral and getting wetter lol.
Posted By: someCuteChic
I've had a few clients recently that were visibly unnerved when I needed to apply lubricant prior to coitus. A couple of them attempted to give me oral sex as an alternative, and although it felt very nice, it was not enough to get me so ar oused that I didn't need lubricant.  
 Condoms encourage friction, and that friction can cause tearing, both of the condom and of my delicate vaginal skin. So unless I am very aroused, and very slippery wet, lubricant is an absolute must for me.  
 I'm not sure if other providers use lubricant but I am curious to know how the guys feel when we use it?

VanessaHart See my TER Reviews 490 reads
52 / 52

I would not worry about it to much -  people need to remember lube is not sold in store for escorts, it's sold for the everyday couple. If everyday couples didn't require lube at some point it wouldn't be available on the self.

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