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AnotherPerspective 102 reads

Always in my fridge .

Posted By: prepkid
I read an article somewhere that olives were used as stimulants. Though different kind was needed for males and females.

Do you have any experience to share? For me, good ol' American cheeseburger seems to help. But that is just me...

I read an article somewhere that olives were used as stimulants. Though different kind was needed for males and females.

Do you have any experience to share? For me, good ol' American cheeseburger seems to help. But that is just me...

A big ole' slab of red meat is just about the worst thing you can put in your blood stream before sex.  It clogs your arteries and directs blood flow to your digestive system (as does any big meal actually) and away from your penis.

I don't eat a meal at all within two or three hours of having sex.  If you are a younger guy and in good shape this may not be much of an issue but it will be as you age.

I bring my ATF Dark Chocolate or chocolate covered strawberries when we meet. It puts her in a very good mood which, I guess you could say, stimulates sexual desires for both of us!

peppers are a natural aphrodisiac. They say the Habrenaros are the best.IDK how long you have to eat them before sex though. Not sure if its true or not but oysters have that rep too.
Eatting some pussy and swallowing some cock does it for me! ;)
Hugs and kisses

"In watermelons, these include lycopene, beta carotene and the rising star among its phyto-nutrients – citrulline – whose beneficial functions are now being unraveled. Among them is the ability to relax blood vessels, much like Viagra does.

Scientists know that when watermelon is consumed, citrulline is converted to arginine through certain enzymes. Arginine is an amino acid that works wonders on the heart and circulation system and maintains a good immune system, Patil said.

“The citrulline-arginine relationship helps heart health, the immune system and may prove to be very helpful for those who suffer from obesity and type 2 diabetes,” said Patil. “Arginine boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, the same basic effect that Viagra has, to treat erectile dysfunction and maybe even prevent it.”

It happens every darn time.. ( my clothes do tend to fall off)

It really could be clasified as a food group. Who needs to eat when you are drinking...

Posted By: prepkid
I read an article somewhere that olives were used as stimulants. Though different kind was needed for males and females.

Do you have any experience to share? For me, good ol' American cheeseburger seems to help. But that is just me...

Ah yes, tequila.  Dangerous stuff there. Works every time

And Joe Nichols = yummy

Posted By: mistressjessica
It happens every darn time.. ( my clothes do tend to fall off)

It really could be clasified as a food group. Who needs to eat when you are drinking...
Posted By: prepkid
I read an article somewhere that olives were used as stimulants. Though different kind was needed for males and females.

Do you have any experience to share? For me, good ol' American cheeseburger seems to help. But that is just me...

Chocolate or a glass of wine or both.  Too much alcohol puts me to sleep ...LOL ...but a nice glass of wine is very relaxing as well as "stimulating" at the same time, especially when I'm sharing a glass with my favorite lady.

AnotherPerspective103 reads

Always in my fridge .

Posted By: prepkid
I read an article somewhere that olives were used as stimulants. Though different kind was needed for males and females.

Do you have any experience to share? For me, good ol' American cheeseburger seems to help. But that is just me...

Posted By: prepkid
I read an article somewhere that olives were used as stimulants. Though different kind was needed for males and females.

Do you have any experience to share? For me, good ol' American cheeseburger seems to help. But that is just me...

I feel it's all in your head. Whatever you think works and it will work. The only food item that I am not sure is sea urchin. Once, I had consumed 3 orders of sea urchin sashimi. I was so horny that night that I couldn't sleep the whole night.

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