TER General Board

are you hiring male hookers?
utrforever 1555 reads
1 / 52

How is that that I exchange my love and time for money. Is that true that Mastercard doesn't buy you love? What is that love anyway? Dunno. Sitting here and puzzled.

TSmelina 493 reads
2 / 52

but all you need is a SD.

I have one now...Hi quad...and he's the bestest.

They love to buy us pretty stuff...try it.

utrforever 488 reads
3 / 52
LtNeilBriggs 397 reads
4 / 52

Quick question. Does Quad allow CIM or even NQNS? Inquiring minds want to know! Thanks!

TSmelina 617 reads
5 / 52

Maybe my SD will come on today and post for me.  quadseasonal is a wonderful SD.  Kind, easy going.  I have a few SD's since I am high end.

It's easy to find them.  And they are fairly easy to maintain.  quad loves to just work on me.  

They also love to take you shopping.

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 328 reads
6 / 52
mrfisher 108 Reviews 576 reads
7 / 52
TSmelina 601 reads
8 / 52

I really love your posts.

So witty and emotional.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 369 reads
9 / 52
utrforever 488 reads
10 / 52

I mean for cash I can buy myself pretty stuff. Another aim is a restroom greenback wallpaper. You can sit there for hours realazing that all dreams come true.

TSmelina 393 reads
11 / 52

It's like an allowance.  I don't want to say how much, but between him and a few other SD's I live very nicely.

Have them take you shoe shopping.  My quadseasonal SD loves to try on my high heels.  

-- Modified on 5/4/2015 2:35:36 PM

Blowing Chunks 348 reads
12 / 52

Girls these days go for HD (hypnotic daddy or highly drunk) guys like me instead.  
You gotta keep up with the times. :D

utrforever 369 reads
13 / 52
utrforever 426 reads
15 / 52

I wish you rent it from me :) But you I guess is far away :(

Blowing Chunks 478 reads
16 / 52

Do you have a bomb shelter in your incall??  How do you prepare for natural disasters when rumblers visit

TSmelina 357 reads
17 / 52

I don't like your approach here.

Quad was right about some of you posters.

LtNeilBriggs 352 reads
19 / 52

-- Modified on 5/4/2015 3:03:40 PM

utrforever 376 reads
20 / 52
lopaw 29 Reviews 374 reads
21 / 52

.....but having a SB just doesn't work as well for me as having a variety of dedicated brokers to rent their love (and other things) to me. :)

inicky46 61 Reviews 485 reads
23 / 52

You can see why he pays her big bucks.

-- Modified on 5/4/2015 7:32:26 PM

lopaw 29 Reviews 269 reads
24 / 52

their thoughts, opinions, quirks, orgasms (sometimes), and very importantly.... their trust.

utrforever 301 reads
25 / 52

Because 1 hour is sort of limited finding their thoughts.

Blowing Chunks 288 reads
26 / 52

You drunk already? rofl

Blowing Chunks 308 reads
27 / 52

I hope you treat my rumbling buddy the same way next time you see him.  

Go in nice and gentle.  


TSmelina 388 reads
28 / 52
lopaw 29 Reviews 307 reads
29 / 52

I prefer 2 hr, but rarely can do them due to work constraints. The good news is that since I reach completion rather quickly, so there is plenty of time left to chat :)

utrforever 331 reads
30 / 52

Hmm.. yes, it's pretty important to know other people thoughts. So it looks like really pay for their time and companionship. Almost really.

Dr Who revived 562 reads
31 / 52

He's in your neck of the woods.

I also remember he has a HUUUGGGEEE wallet  ;)
Posted By: utrforever
How is that that I exchange my love and time for money. Is that true that Mastercard doesn't buy you love? What is that love anyway? Dunno. Sitting here and puzzled.

utrforever 460 reads
32 / 52

From what I remember inicky is cool guy. I personally won't be able to visit him, but maybe a couple of my girlfriends will be interested.

LtNeilBriggs 485 reads
33 / 52
LtNeilBriggs 459 reads
34 / 52

Why doesn't utrforever have any reviews? I'm confused. Where did they go?

lopaw 29 Reviews 545 reads
35 / 52
LtNeilBriggs 367 reads
36 / 52
utrforever 462 reads
37 / 52

I am not escort, I am booker, but you can still review me. I will be pleased.

lopaw 29 Reviews 574 reads
38 / 52

Too bad you are all the way in NY. If you and your girls ever visit LA, please let me know.

utrforever 562 reads
39 / 52

It is not a problem at all to travel somewhere. Problem with quality clients. Besides, if I even suggest very competitive fee, you have to pay in bulk. So, for your two favorite hours you'd better hire local talent. But if you want a bit of travel or inviting a girl say for a day, perhaps that would make sense. Or perhaps you have a kink for Russian girls.

lopaw 29 Reviews 711 reads
40 / 52

I do like Russian women, but have never had a playdate with any. They tend to be very skeptical about lady hobbyists, thinking that we're all LE. I don't pursue them much anymore as providers, but I do get alot of lapdances with them whenever I am at a stripclub.......which is often.

utrforever 315 reads
41 / 52
CorbinCandor 370 reads
42 / 52

Fool: Mr. Natural, what’s the answer?

Mr. Natural: What’s the question?
Fool: The question is…um…is…um…

Mr. Natural: Come my good fellow, you can’t have an answer without a question, right?
Fool: Oh, absolutely, Yes…Let’s see, the question…

Fool: Let me think, I wanted to ask you…I wanted you to tell me…
Mr. Natural: What? Look, I’ll answer any question you may have!

Fool: All I want is the answer, the answer!
Mr. Natural: Very well, you fool!

Mr. Natural: Go fuck yourself.

(Robert Crumb

hbyist+truth=;( 311 reads
43 / 52

You get skilfully edged for about an hour and BAM!!!!!! The big one!

lopaw 29 Reviews 332 reads
44 / 52

Lol yes I am....didn't you know that? Didn't me having a gynecologist give it away? :D

utrforever 296 reads
45 / 52
lopaw 29 Reviews 501 reads
46 / 52

I am gay....I enjoy dates with women only.  



-- Modified on 5/4/2015 9:22:27 PM

lopaw 29 Reviews 322 reads
47 / 52

More so the second scenario.

I have a hair pin trigger, so I have to take it very slow or else it will be over in the first 5 minutes. That's why during my dates the first 1/2 hour (minimum) is spent just talking and messing around. Once it's game on - it's game over. Time for a ham sammich & a smoke :D

utrforever 289 reads
48 / 52
lopaw 29 Reviews 528 reads
49 / 52
hbyist+truth=;( 580 reads
50 / 52
lopaw 29 Reviews 425 reads
51 / 52
FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 341 reads
52 / 52

God, I have been waiting for an excuse to share this!

It makes me crack up no matter how bad of a mood I'm in.....

-- Modified on 5/7/2015 12:01:53 PM

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