TER General Board

Are you all as sick as I am of.....
denverdon2757 49 Reviews 3634 reads

the story about the Florida lady, the feeding tube, etc. It's a very sad situation, but why can't they just let the poor lady die in peace. Congress' involvement was about the last straw. The only good that can come from this is an increased awareness of the importance of a living will.

I'm just waiting for the South Park episode about it because I know it's coming. This is too good for Trey and Matt to ignore.

the parents for not wanting to let go of their daughter. Its easy for you to say, but try putting yourself in their shoes. And that rat bastard husband only wants to get married and get the life insurance money, otherwise he would give up control and hand it over to her parents. He knew her for 5 years before her tragedy, her parent knew her for 28 years.
While I dont think congress or the courts belong in this battle, it should be a crime to remove that feeding tube and starve her to death.

Insurance money? How much insurance coverage does Terri Schiavo have? And lets see some proof.

The "rat bastard" was offered one million dollars to cede legal guardianship of his brain damaged wife to her parents, he turned that offer down.

I agree with you, grandstanding politicians should have stayed out of this case, but the law in the state of FL is clear. Don't like that law?...... then become a FL resident and work to change it in a fashion that meets constitutional muster. MfSD>>>>

Michael Schiavo won't get a dime of life insurance money after her death.  Although it is difficult to let go, it is time, after 15 years, 20 judges and 9 court cases (all lost) to let her go.  The person that was their daughter died long ago; all that is left is the shell.

I agree that what she will experience is most likely not a pleasant way for us to watch her go, but she will not "starve to death."  Dehydration will kill her long before that.  Experts all say that in a dehydration death the individual doesn't really feel pain - they go into a uremic coma after their kidneys shut down and feel nothing from that point on.

The best we can do is pray for her and, if we are Christians, be happy that she has finally been released to go to her great reward.

GracieLouFreeBush5986 reads

Mike and Terri were paid a lump sum of almost $1M 7 years after she almost killed herself, in an insurance/malpractice settlement. That leaves Mike with no insurance if she dies now or in 10 years. 3/4 of that settlement has gone to pay her expenses while living in the Hospice. The rest is covered by...Ta Da!! Medicaid.

We forget Terri intentionally OR not starved herself. She was so anorexic that she blew out the potassium levels in her body which caused her to have a massive stroke and then cardiac arrest. This lead her to be without oxegyn to her brain for just over 5 minutes. Go back and read the court records and news of the day.

The records also show tht her parents were fine with EVERYTHING Mike did until the time the DOCTORS said she would not recover. Their concern, which they have stated time and again, is that they fear Terri will spend time in Pergatory if they let her die this way. Ummm, excuse me? She has no life now and they are letting their religion dictate what is best for their child? What about now? What about the $80,000+ a year it costs Medicaid to keep her there, let alone her QUALITY OF LIFE.

Yes, it is their child. No, they don't want to let go. But a rational human being would realize that Terri died with that stroke. This person is a vegetable. Holding on to that person, lying in that bed because your religious beliefs have crippled you into thinking she is going to pergatory First and then to Heaven, borders on the inhumane. Mourn the death of your child. It is painful. I know from watching it intimately first hand. But let her be at peace and keep us from allowing the goverment to once AGAIN allow religion to dictate another facet of our lives.

Bible Belt3295 reads

this thread should probably now be moved to the politics board where it will die just like her.From lack of input.

Op Amp1747 reads

Setting politics aside, I know I wouldn’t want to exist in her vegetative state.  I would hope that my loved ones would have the courage and compassion to allow me to expire peacefully when they know there is no hope of me ever achieving an acceptable quality of life.

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