TER General Board

Are men just naturally attracted to the psycho-bitches-from-hell?
sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 5760 reads

I'm not even talking about Providers, but women in general. So many of us women are just amazed at the many men who are crazy, head over heels about their GF's, SO's, etc who are obvious Psycho Bitches, and yet they just say, I know, but I'm crazy about her.

I used to work with one guy who had the Ultimate PB GF, and he bought the house she was living in (in cash) so that her brother had a place to live; then they built a place in Mexico since they were there every weekend, but he gave that to her mother (paid in cash), and then they bought a huge house for themselves, (which I told him he better NOT put in her name, too! But, he did) and no surprise, they broke up, he gave her her part.
Each time my guy friends would finally breakup or divorce these crazy women, they'd all say they broke up with them because they were psycho-bitches-from-hell! Well, no sh*t! But, that's also what they said they were attracted to!

My whole life I have noticed that the bitchier, or crazier the woman, the more men she had following her who couldn't wait to be at her beck and call! How insane is that??

Now, granted, I happen to like excitement, and exciting people, but there's a big difference in a person who's intriguing, stimulating and exciting than one who is nutty and who thrives on drama. Life has enough drama all it's own without adding to it, in my opinion, and I've had enough drama to last a lifetime, so I don't need it. (And, still, 'conventional' things are often too boring for me, so I sort of stand apart from many family members and friends/acquaintances.)
Instead, I prefer to surround myself with interesting, exciting, dynamic people who have their sh*t together and can appreciate being around the same.

Well, I'm sure there will be many interesting comments. I can't wait to see Funtime69's response. I'm certain he doesn't fall head over heels for the Psycho-Bitch types!

That's a really interesting question. Many years ago, I was involved with a real psycho-bitch from hell (meds included). Fortunately, I got out before either did any lasting damage to ourselves or each other. All I can tell you is that she didn't show her true colors immediately. She was charming, funny, bright and seemed to be a caring person. It turned out to be a real Jekyl-Hyde thing.

By the time I knew what I was dealing with, I had an investment in the relationship. Enough to examine my own behavior when I was judged to be lacking and enough to overlook some of her behavior when it was really beyond the pale. I think some of this comes from trying to make a relationship work. Finally I heard the voice from the Amityville Horror and got out.

I think some of the seemingly outrageous male behavior at the end of such a relationship may be a conscious exit strategy of peace at any price. I'm married to a neuroto-bitch and there have been times when I've considered the peace at any price strategy (lol).

Probably not work .02, but I'll take a penny for the thought.

So true, I had three psycho-bitches in a row, last one just two months ago. The more I try to stay away from those, the more I get involved with those, go figure.

-- Modified on 3/23/2004 7:10:22 AM

rb2886545 reads

Just a thought...
but who knows what really goes on in some peoples minds.
What is the attraction of the attractive young lady to the "stud" who treats her like crap?

I surely don't know, but i have no interest in the "bitch".

I am new to the board, so just thought I might add a little.

With apologies to Liz Phair.

RB's first thought was a good one...who really knows what goes on in people's minds?  Many times the person we think to be a psycho bitch/bastard may actually be well loved by many, or may be not as bad as they are made out to be, or may have many issues contributing to their extreme behavior.  Granted, in the case of someone like Yoda's ex (who, personally, would have turned me into Darth Vader instead of Master Yoda), they are beyond defense.  However, some who we perceive to be this way may not be that way at all.

If they are that way, there are many reasons why people are attracted to them.  Many people are bored with their lives and the intensity a psycho bitch/bastard brings can be as enlivening as it is deadly.  The best sexual partner I have ever had was a jealous, possessive, judgemental, demanding Scorpio woman, and I finally had to tear myself from her because she was so toxic for me.  However, it was amazingly hard to leave her.  I think that many men enjoy the heat and intensity these women burn at, even though their skin is getting singed. Oftentimes, feeling something bad is better than feeling nothing at all, and if you don't know how to create something good, there are only those choices left.

-- Modified on 3/23/2004 11:29:13 AM

there is also something in us That makes keep wanting more Women or Men

I think there are different varieties of psychobitch. There are women who enjoy drama, others who are used to getting things their way and still others who know exactly what they want out of life and go after it with vitality. Psychobitches are emotional, expressive, spontaneous, passionate, terribly honest to a fault and keep a man guessing without even trying because they give into their feelings and emotions and don't put up quite the walls most people do in trying to look like a "normal human being".

I have a theory that just as women are attracted to the bad boy, men find that women you mentioned appealing because she flat out does not care about impressing them. She just is. But make no mistake, it's always about her and for some men, that attitude  is startling. As an only child with parents who gave me nothing, I have become accustomed to grasping opportunities and putting my all into everything when I want something. If I'm not interested in investing 100%, I don't even show up. We are all or nothing sorta people prone to passion, moods and being intimately real on a minute by minute basis. Not too many people live that way. They can't afford to live as if they have nothing to lose because they are prone to box thinking and boxed results. P bitches think way outside the box.

esoteric p-bitch

-- Modified on 3/22/2004 4:21:53 PM


There's a difference between being a psychobitch and being a strong woman.  Sounds to me like you're the latter.

Here's an example of a true psychobitch: She turned 30 less than a month after we married, and threw such a fit over my plans for her birthday that she didn't speak to me for more than a month.  (I bought her a diamond necklace and made reservations for her favorite restaurant.)  As near as I can tell, she had four affairs in the nine years we were married, but would subject me to days of bitter diatribes if she so much as THOUGHT I was looking at another woman.  She got pregnant by another man while I was deployed to the Middle East, then scheduled the abortion for the day my mother was due to arrive for a week-long visit.  In the car, on the way home from the airport, she ws in obvious pain, and my mother asked what was wrong...she replied that she had had a miscarriage, and asked if my mother would take care of all the household duties since she was recovering.  When we separated, she persuaded me to agree to her moving the kids to Arizona by saying that she had free child support with family there.  Once the stipulation was approved by the judge, she moved to Arizona with the kids, then fought to reduce my visitation, increase my child support, and then claimed she had never agreed to put the kids in with family and petitioned for half of the $600/month daycare expenses she had.  Having been granted 40% of my income in child support and day care allowance, she then refused to pay for her share of the daycare expenses when the kids were with me for the summer.  She dragged out the divorce proceedings for a year and a half with meaningless negotiations, to the tune of more than $13,000 in legal fees just on my side.  She refused to allow me to sell our house for more than a year, while refusing to pay her share of the mortgage...leaving me to live off credit cards for a year and a half.  The house sold at a $26,000 loss, and I am still paying off those credit cards.  When I retired from the Navy, she called to ask me how much I would make in my new job so she could decide whether or not she could afford to quit her job and ask for more child support to live off of.  She did quit her job, and has not worked in 18 months.  A year ago, when my older daughter got sick of her mother's shit and asked to come live with me, my ex-wife's primary argument against it was that the reduction in child support would force her to go back to work to make ends meet.  My daughter now lives with me, but my ex-wife still has not gone back to work...instead, her current husband now works two jobs.  At this moment, she is preparing to petition the court for an adjustment of the child support based on her being unemployed.

HER attorney calls her "The Sociopath."

THAT is a psychobitch.

In my defence, she was not like this at all before we married.


Ci Ci4070 reads

You have certainly survived an ordeal and yet you seem to keep an open mind on the Board and appear to be objective. Good for you. I bow to you, my master.


QuoVadis3719 reads

Say it isn't so. Tell me I misunderstood. You are not saying you are one are you? Here I thought I was attracted to you because of your incisive thinking on so many subjects, not to mention your obvious physical attributes. Yes, I'm one of those guys attracted to P-Bitches. I've really been trying to give them up. But, now I have this strong desire to make an appointment with you. I've been P-B free for several months now. I do so miss the drama.

My corporate background and family life indicate a centered, organized, deliberate, compassionate human being. But there is a self centered, exceedingly confident stripper in a sportscar lying not too far from the surface. She is impatient, sexually demanding, passionate and fiery. After work, she transforms back into bedtime story reading, analytical, giving, self conscious,  mother of 4. Hot pink spandex to navy business suit to pajamas with fluffy white sheep. Strippers do have 2 sides, the extrovert wild side and the quiet, private side. Many escorts are also dicotomous beings. Men also have different sides of their personalities. The true P-bitch is immature though and I would say I have slowed down a lot with the speed at which I live because I don't want to say or do things I will regret. If you think before you speak, you will cease being a PB. The PB is not a careful or caring person and I think that is what the initial post was about. So, no, I am not a PB. I am highly charged and delicate HCD.

The psychobitch isn't technically skilled so at the center of her life is a feminine helplessness that conflicts her masculine aggressiveness aka desire to do expansive and great things. So she has to attract those who are doers and convince them it is in their best interest to do the task she needs them to do. So does this via finding out what she can give them that they need. Not manipulation but barter or trade per se. P bitch is resourceful. She can't cook, garden or fix shit. She has tried and failed so best attract a specialist who will do a flawless job. P-bitches attract amazing men who are doers, not talkers, who see the vision and the challenge at hand and like her enough to help. So it might look like she's making them do stuff or wrapping them round her but in all honesty, she's just tapping into the best of everyone and using their skills to meet her needs. She enjoys sex, okay, let's reprase, regular people enjoy sex, she is excessively sexual so she has no problem giving it when in essence she's meeting her own erotic needs. She does NOT use her sexuality to get things. It's not that simple. She has all these needs that have to be met, emotional, sexual, mental, technical and she looks to powerful, passionate men to meet them because she attracts them by simply showing them why she knows they are as brilliant as they are. Since she is skilless she has had enough time to figure out who the masters are and why they have succeeded where other lads have failed, she can appeal to them schrewdly by tapping into their business sense. The psychobitch is smart and she attracts the man who is twice as smart. You ask yourself why highly accomplished, intelligent men do fall for p bitches...well these types of men get bored easily and they aren't going to be mentally stimulated by someone who can't see the entire Boston harbor from their penthouse. P bitch can looks straight across and communicate. She does not look down. She does not look up. She looks across and together they rise. And that type of man is looking to rise in more ways than one. The sexual component isn't key. It's a biproduct.

They wanna fuck.  Anything else that happens or arises out of it is a byproduct of the sex, not the other way around.

You are TOO smart and WAY TOO realistic to think anything else.  The men who can do you any good have skills and a clear vision about life.  They don't need you to give them clear visioins and goals.  

I doubt you are a Psycho Bitch.  I suspect that your civilain relationships are pretty intense -- it's probably two strong personalities butting heads.  I'm sure you can create satisfying relationships as long as you give up the silly idea one of you needs to be the leader.

actually, most that have visited have penthouses of their own. they have indicated that they just want to see if my view catches the light any differently.

right now, there are a few sailboats in the harbor and the sun is radiant to the left. i am listening to a violin concerto while eating gourmet chips.

With the growth of Starbucks, their in-house music project and all the changes they have been making as of late, I feel the stock is undervalued and sense they might eventually take over another chain. I'm going to wait for the stock to drop a few points and buy. I mean, if we are paying 2 bucks for a cup as big as a thimble called "tall", I'd say American has a love affair with no end in sight. Actually, the view, the concerto, the stock tips and well........

All I have is the office overlooking the harbor.  Now I feel really inadiquate.  :-(  Maybe someday...

However, I do have a house overlooking Boston.  :-)

My stock tip for you is to get out of the market until after the election.  

I never mit who had give this much  thouht to this am gone make a copy of this and keep in case i meet one again

I think people tend to turn their "ex" into a "psycho bitch from hell" no matter what the gender.  It can be used as a way to justify leaving or a way to make sense of being left.  "None of this is my fault.  There must be something wrong with her."  It's a sign of immaturity.

-- Modified on 3/22/2004 5:50:06 PM

It's not the whole truth, but what you describe is quite common.

I don't think it's too different than the ladies who go for the total jerk, moronic idiot guys out there.

So many of the women I've known have gone for this type guy, while at the same time telling me they want someone sweet, caring, supportive, etc. ... like me. And yes it's me who gets left out in the cold.

Psycho bitches,


Turkana3988 reads

There's a huge amount of wisdom in these posts, and I don't disagree with any of it, but let me add another dimension: I make my living resolving disputes for people.  Most people don't like being in a big dispute and most people don't like constant conflict.  Sometimes, however, I run across folks who love conflict, who thrive on it, who can't live without being abusive and getting abuse.  For whatever reason -- perhaps it makes them feel alive, perhaps it's a high -- they just crave that conflict.  So to come back to Sedona's original question:  perhaps that's what the guys are after -- not so much the psycho-bitch, but the conflict, the intensity, the security of knowing they're so important that someone's acting crazy for them.

type a people are all psychobitches to a certain extent. look at donald trump. type a people live a lot faster because every minute counts that much more. i know a fair share of race car drivers, adrenalin junkies, millionaires, entrepreneurs, free thinkers, all similar personalities in that they have really specific likes and dislikes, men like this end up pairing up with psychobitches because the p-bitch is the female form of what they are. opposites attract phooey. eccentric attracts same. normal pairs with normal. there will be 20,000 normal people in crisp blue suits shuttling to dead end jobs in downtown crossing tomorrow morning. the eccentric who makes his own schedule and runs his own business is most likely spending time with a woman who is psycho because she's crazy enough to believe in his crazy ideas even when the chips are down and the odds are against him and he's crazy enough to support her extravagent, eccentic and highly erotic lifestyle. The type A high test male is going to pair up with type A psychobitch. At first, to him, she looks like a mirror form, a kindred soul. In time, she will look like a psychobitch if the relationship does not work out but essentially, he met his match.

I type this from my high floor 5 star suite overlooking the city of Boston eating a Brownie sundae where I have been relaxing for a week with no end in sight. I could live here, the paper, the meals delivered, such tranquility and a view to die for, endless shopping at my feet and there is a pool of type A footing all this. If loving this makes me a psychobitch then, peel me a grape. I'm just sitting here clocking deposits and trying to figure out how to get ethernet installed on this bloody old thing. And over the next few days, I have maybe 1-2 hours of work...yah right...per day. Now, I can't make dinner, fix this computer or make a bed. But in all honesty, who the hell wants to. I can do my hair, coordinate my clothes, run my family 3000 miles away and my portfolio from my fingertips. If the type A are 5 minutes late, I'm yelling like no tomorrow. Don't cut into my swim time. Oh, I'm sorry, I know how that is my darling. Is there a penalty for being late? Hell, yeah. Now lay down, get stiff and shut up. You got 55 minutes left. LOL

does this mean i'll have a vacation home in san diego? tell me darling, it may be so. kisses, hb

from the cockpit of my suv, all i could see were sunflowers,  jean cutoff crop pants (on men, mind you) and vw bugs parked on hillsides. i started to have palpitations. at dennys, the radio was playing "shake your groove thing" and the waitstaff were dancing while chewing gum and serving scrambled eggs and pancakes. no one prepared me for this.

once, i got back up toward newport beach, the blood started circulating in my veins again. within 2 weeks, i was on a plane to boston, grey suits, books in hand "Good day, Sir." on weekends. I will overdose til I am ready to head back to a happy medium. Please do not ask me to come back to San Diego. I am  very afraid. I am not "laid back" and all that laissez faire flip flip, sunny delight, hey bingo, go catch the frizbee, is enough to scare me silly. Maybe you can meet me down in Mexico. LOL

Just don'tr try Storrow (sp?) drive in rush hour!

Eat a plate of fried clams for me HBXXX- you are still my heroine...

If I see and recognize that type of behavior I get away from that type of nutcase whether she appears as a drama queen or in some other guise and it does not matter whether she is a provider or a civilian.  Life is just too short for all that BS but as someone else mentioned some men and women thrive on it.

pasionflower3702 reads

I have noticed that men are indeed attracted to bitches and controlling women. Even unstable personalities. I know several very succusful men who married these types. I was curious to why they got involved with the women and asked the men. I was told  that women are great in bed, and the men who married them cann't live without them.

women who stay wih men who abuse them!!!
I've heard over and over thatg some of these women just can't bear to be on their own, but they stay there.

I think this is more of a chick thing than a guy thing, but I think there's a healthy number out there who get off on rejection or mistreatment. Some people dig having their buttons pressed. Some people are so desperate for companionship they'll put up with it. Go figure...

I have had my share of psychotic g/fs, and they were eventually sent packing. But sending them packing was a full time job and a half.

If men were naturally attracted to psycho bitches  there would be providers all over the country offering a  PBE (psycho bitch experience).  PBE providers (who advertise as such) don't exist.  Providers like this get rotton reviews.  The closest thing we have are dominents who, on the whole, book significantly less $$$ then women offering a  "GFE" or "PSE" (where the emotional components are "I enjoy being with you" and "I want to have an intense erotic experience with you").  

I think that psycho bitches either start out as passive-aggtressive personalities or arise from problems that come from their relationships.  Go look at posts on the net from people who are in relationships with passive aggressive types:  I think you will see the kind of people you discuss.  

People who equate love with gifts or presents haven't got past the emotional maturity of a child,.  They are usually easy to identify.  Often, other psople who get caught up with them are pretty infantile themselves:  they probably deserve each other.

As for "made" psycho bitches, there are always people who get angry in relationships and cause their partners lots of pain.  Most of the time the anger dies down:  It's hard to substain anger for a long time -- that kind of thing poisons your life.    

My $0.02.  Harry

CumToThinkofIt3805 reads

We as humans seem compelled to take on impossible tasks. This goes for our personal relationships also. The P-Bitch is more trouble than they are worth but somehow an irrisistable challenge.

  God help us.

The wildest sex has often been with the most unstable persoanlities.  My first sexual encounter with my then girlfriend was intense and could fill a Penthouse Forums book, but when she tried to run over my sister because my sister didn't like her it threw up a warning sign........

And I can assure you that the sexual ride was unbelieveable.  Unfortunately, dealing with them when I WASN'T fucking them was a nightmare.

So, it's clearly a real scenario, and a tradeoff that one makes.  Frankly, I certainly enjoy fucking nymphomaniacs, but in order to preserve my sanity, I could never be involved with one in a relationship again.

My attention span is way to short to know if I have ever been under the spell of a PB.

There are times that I have hated the woman across from me, but then again there have been times she should have hated me. (and she has)

I really don't understand or relate to much of what everyone is talking about, maybe I'm stupid or just lucky?

Have had this in mine life and for short time the sex is the best the ups and downs feel like shes wild her pretty is all that matters then it ends badly most of the time Then we learn to look for the signs

...  Now you know you should switch from being Seductive Sedona to Psycho Bitch Sedona (a good business decision, since this is what men want).  

I can see the website:  See me - $$$$/hour.  I guarantee you the kind of session "men" want.  I'll complain, tell you about my problems, upsell you for anything you might want to do,  treat you like the dweeb you are, provide indifferent sex, and bitch you out if you look at me sideways.  After our session,  the rest of your life will look wonderful by comparison and you will realize how lucky you are.    

Sounds like an old Montie Python Sketch.

Since that isn't a sensible way to behave, you probably won't do it.  The reason it isn't sensible is that the men want to be about a million miles away from a psycho bitch.    

It would be wonderful if we could get what we want from other people by bitching them out and using them.  I don't know anybody that it works for, do you?  I have seen people try it:  their partner eventually runs away.  

I could be wrong of course.  If any of you ladies would enjoy a relationship with me where I am a psycho bastard and use you, PM me and we can work something out. I can handle multiple women in this relationship:  after all "women" wouldn't want to restrict my freedom to realize myself and my dreams.  I will, of course, provide you with fantastic sex and adventures as a byproduct of my intensity, vision, and drive.  All you have to do is pay and give me what I want.  :-)


SirPrize4101 reads

There is a lot of excitement in a car wreck.

Everybody figures it will be someone else who gets hurt in that wreck.

Everybody is wrong.

Some of us outgrow it.

Well I can say my favorite provider could be classified that was, but then when she is sweet she is very sweet but then she can be pretty awefull on a bad day, But then so is my SO.

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