TER General Board

Another perspective... Fuck the options and ...
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 646 reads

meet the gal that's got you soooo interested. I find that my intuition is usually spot on.  

I saw two ladies last year that I'd followed from afar for 10 years. They were very UTR but popped in and out of view, always $100+ more than other gals and $2-300 more than my ATF at the time.  
Fast forward 10 years. They'd been out of sight/out of mind for years until last November. They were still 100 more than 90% of the gals, gals that were beautiful and ridiculously talented. But I decided to take the plunge. My original $ ATF is still off the charts but seeing one, then the other of these now retired UTR ladies was the best thing that ever happened to me. Let me just say they were other-worldly experiences. I may hobby less frequently but I've found true bliss... again ... lol.  

My suggestion... GO FOR IT ... then make up your mind based on your own impression as opposed to other people's opinions. You can repeat, abstain or hobby better but maybe less frequently. But you're the guy that's gotta make the next move. GO FOR IT.  

You can thank me later .... and IMO, you will, just don't feel like you have to .... Play Safe, Have Fun, REPEAT. Ciao  

-- Modified on 8/13/2016 6:38:56 PM

Iheartsports3522 reads

I'm not a hobbyist but it's interesting to see the thought process on this especially since I'm on the other side of the fence and tour often.  



For a while you've been watching a provider. Looking at her ads, looking at her website and even contacted her for a date and for whatever reason you never had the time or simply just didn't take the plunge. Next thing you know her rates increase which are well deserved and now you are wondering why didn't you see her when she was within your price range. I bet a ton of things are going through your head so how do you handle it?  No answer is the right answer.

A) Move on to another lady
B) Save up and finally go see her.
C) Instead of reaching out to her hope, wish wait to see if she offers a discount that might be more doable for your pockets.


-- Modified on 8/13/2016 4:17:58 PM

GaGambler564 reads

You could come whine about it on the boards.

Women here rarely increase their rates more than $50-100 at a time, is that REALLY enough to keep you from seeing her? If so, might I suggest a cheaper hobby.

Iheartsports725 reads

Complaining should never be done so I didn't even give a fourth option lol.

I have also seen increasing by 200 or 300 even more so increasing by 50 or 100 doesn't apply to everyone but I do get your point with that.  Some simply cater to a longer date that may start at a minimum of 2 or 3 hours instead of a hour that they use to offer.

This question I'm sure is going to have different answers but I'd like to see a overall point of view on it especially since upgrades happen all the time and they are apart of the hobby.  

-- Modified on 8/13/2016 2:58:43 PM

GaGambler489 reads

Speaking strictly for myself, I pick "A", I simply move on to another woman unless there is something about her that I just 'have to have" but with all the hundreds, actually thousands of women available, I rarely if ever stress of any that "got away"

I have seen a number of ladies jump their rates from 300 to 450 or 500 in one single increase. For me that does put them out of my budget. I have been lucky that in some cases I did see the provider when she was at the lower rate, and have been happy that I got that chance before the rates went up. In some other cases I do regret missing the opportunity to see them when they were affordable (affordable to me--obviously everyone's idea of affordable is different), but then, I move on or watch for discounts.

that might be true (tho i will debate it a little more below) but since i always see women for multiple hours, a $100/hr raise will increase my donation by 2 or 3 hundred.

also, i have seen more than one lady recently raise their rates by $200 or more/hr.

one woman in particular i had my eye on actually raised her rates by 50%!  

as to the op's original question:  it depends on the lady.

there have been many i have shined on because they raised their rates higher than i thought they were worth.  but there were others that raised their rates and i paid the higher rates because i really, really wanted to see them.

a lot depends on the sort of reviews they bring in.  are they consistently getting 9's and 10's?  if so, i might consider seeing them at the higher rate.

are they full of mixed reveiws, 7's and 8's and a few 9/10's?  then i will probably shine them on.

personally i like to keep an eye open for new talent that look like they kind of woman i want to spend time with, have a couple of great reviews but have not raised their rates into the stratosphere yet.  hopefully i will get in on the ground floor and be able to see them a few times before the price tag gets too high.

Skyfyre498 reads

A much BETTER and more LOGICAL suggestion would be: CHEAPER PROVIDERS.

Just like anything else in life there are always CHEAPER alternatives from the competition

who do not care about extra 300 increase.

Someone has to start this platform and charge clients for membership only 300 a month and not free based on reviews posted.  

In which world we are living  O dear God... people seriousy saving 100 on own health and enjoyment  seeing high volume sex workers and  not being able to afford someone they really want.

Why to hobby then at all in first place.

GG posts  sometime have rationality .

yes - 95 % here has to consider a cheaper hobby - that is brilliant .

It is just like any luxury in life, ether save your pennies or do without.  

-- Modified on 8/13/2016 12:53:11 PM

I think you answered your own question. Whatever you do don't sweat it or worry about it. Remember it's a fun hobby. There are several I have not seen with in my area (90 minutes or so)  where timing has not worked out. That's ok. If it happens it happens. If not that's ok to.

Posted By: Iheartsports
For a while you've been watching a provider. Looking at her ads, looking at her website and even contacted her for a date and for whatever reason you never had the time or simply just didn't take the plunge. Next thing you know her rates increase which are well deserved and now you are wondering why didn't you see her when she was within your price range. I bet a ton of things are going through your head so how do you handle it?  
 A) Move on to another lady  
 B) Save up and finally go see her.  
 C) Instead of reaching out to her hope, wish wait to see if she offers a discount that might be more doable for your pockets.

-- Modified on 8/13/2016 2:33:21 PM

meet the gal that's got you soooo interested. I find that my intuition is usually spot on.  

I saw two ladies last year that I'd followed from afar for 10 years. They were very UTR but popped in and out of view, always $100+ more than other gals and $2-300 more than my ATF at the time.  
Fast forward 10 years. They'd been out of sight/out of mind for years until last November. They were still 100 more than 90% of the gals, gals that were beautiful and ridiculously talented. But I decided to take the plunge. My original $ ATF is still off the charts but seeing one, then the other of these now retired UTR ladies was the best thing that ever happened to me. Let me just say they were other-worldly experiences. I may hobby less frequently but I've found true bliss... again ... lol.  

My suggestion... GO FOR IT ... then make up your mind based on your own impression as opposed to other people's opinions. You can repeat, abstain or hobby better but maybe less frequently. But you're the guy that's gotta make the next move. GO FOR IT.  

You can thank me later .... and IMO, you will, just don't feel like you have to .... Play Safe, Have Fun, REPEAT. Ciao  

-- Modified on 8/13/2016 6:38:56 PM

I either move on or if I really want it badly enough I would save up and sacrifice other things to get that.  
I'm sure you do the same thing so you are probably asking a deeper question that I am missing.

Iheartsports464 reads

No you understand the question fine and not missing anything.
My reason for asking  I said earlier to get a overall point of view or general idea. I was sparked to ask this because on so many boards from eastcoast to westcoast there is always someone saying  
 " I want to see this lady but she upped her prices" then others would say " oh just wait until she comes down on her prices or offer a discount, they all will" I started to think that was the majority way of thinking when I see that is not after spending time in the hobby. Asking this question here on the GD board isn't focused on a certain state or region so the answers here are interesting to me

I've seen the prices go up for top-end providers and then go up again much more frequently than I see them come down. Frankly when they're that popular, finding guys willing to pay the freight for their company is more the norm than the exception.

Basically, it's shit or get off the pot.  

Post update ... Hooker price for company good. For hooker. Forget special. Need pay rent

None of this is ever set in stone.  

I usually discard whatever the website rate she may have as a starting point.  If you look around most of the girls have other sites with different amounts.

Don't be that guy who just pays whatever someone asks for.  This is America.  Land of the negotiators.

You're behind a pc and for all intents and purposes anonymous. I would rather someone tell me they can't spend $$$ on a date and ask if $$ is acceptable than not meet a great guy. Sorry for the alias...I know this would generate a load of crazy emails.

WinonaRider597 reads

Your mention of anonymity hints that you also believe that first contact, the one asking for a discount because you can't pay her rate yet won't just move on, should also not contain any verification info. If a prospective client truly feels their asking is not a bad thing to do, they should be able to attach a name/handle to that request.

Posted By: WinonaRider
Your mention of anonymity hints that you also believe that first contact, the one asking for a discount because you can't pay her rate yet won't just move on, should also not contain any verification info. If a prospective client truly feels their asking is not a bad thing to do, they should be able to attach a name/handle to that request.

Some of us are actually nice people and while I obviously don't want a ton of emails from random nice guys offering to pay less (hence the alias) I really dont think it's a bad thing to be empathetic to ones financial situation.

WinonaRider259 reads

So, you don't want an influx of these types of emails (the ostensible reason for the alias) yet you'll advise hobbyists to send those types of emails to providers? Hmmm.You're either a hobbyist or a rather conflicted hooker. LMAO

There are lots of girls available at a variety of rates, so it's actually easier to move one. I'm empathetic towards one's financial situation, but not their desire to shop outside of their means.

-- Modified on 8/13/2016 5:57:57 PM

Goodnight Asshole  

Posted By: WinonaRider
So, you don't want an influx of these types of emails (the ostensible reason for the alias) yet you'll advise hobbyists to send those types of emails to providers? Hmmm.You're either a hobbyist or a rather conflicted hooker. LMAO  
 There are lots of girls available at a variety of rates, so it's actually easier to move one. I'm empathetic towards one's financial situation, but not their desire to shop outside of their means.  

-- Modified on 8/13/2016 5:57:57 PM

LasVegan415 reads

This is exactly what I am talking about in my post at the bottom of this thread.  Why not just agree you both have differing opinions?

WinonaRider323 reads

We just did. Except, unlike the other one, I stated my thoughts without resorting to swearing or ad hominem statements. I made assertions calmly and was able to state reasons for my thoughts. This is a discussion board and I am well with my rights to question a 'provider' encouraging the very behavior that 'she' uses an alias to prevent. You seem to think screaming "Asshole" is the better route. Since you insist:

Nice intergroup bias, asshole!

-- Modified on 8/14/2016 3:32:29 AM

LasVegan386 reads

Have read countless times on this board from providers, who think it is rude to "negotiate."  IMHO some providers who mention anything to do with the dynamics of pricing on this board is part reality, part marketing.

Rare meaning once every couple of years. I just don't see the harm in making the man happy. There has been occasions when a man has gotten carried away. He asks me to bend on my hourly rate and then expects the world on top of it. That's the one thing that grinds my gears. So, if a woman agrees to lower her rate for you do not overstay your welcome, do not expect her to do it repeatedly, do not spread the word via back channel, do not think she is a doormat for being kind to you and DO park your ego at the door. Look at it this way... Giving you a discount is NOT a compliment.  

Posted By: LasVegan
Have read countless times on this board from providers, who think it is rude to "negotiate."  IMHO some providers who mention anything to do with the dynamics of pricing on this board is part reality, part marketing.

You have a budget, and you have desires...it's an exercise in making the 2 work together...

I tend to stick to a few great women who work in my budget plan, but will occasionally take a step up to mark a special occasion...on those occasions I will lay low for a time and save up the extra funds needed...I also try to advance book with those women at least a couple weeks in advance to give myself a deadline to be prepared to meet...

If she's someone who intrigued you at one price point she should still intrigue you at a higher price point (within reason, of course)...if she doesn't then you need to exam what you're really interested in and what you need to fulfill your desires...

i remember this one young girl, new from the OC, gorgeous, legit 20 years old.  Started off at 500 or something, then couldn't handle demand and hiked to 800, then disappeared i think.  
maybe she's utr. or maybe she can't handle perverts ravaging her body.

at every price point, there's more competition, and we're less forgiving the higher the price goes, and more likely to comparison shop.

-- Modified on 8/13/2016 2:34:23 PM

...which is, it depends. I wouldn't do (c), as I don't make hobbying decisions based on "what if's" and "maybe she'll have a discount who knows when".

Comes down to (a) or (b) for me. The way you phrase the scenario it sounds like I'm pretty interested in this provider, but I didn't pull the trigger. For me, if I didn't pull the trigger, that means I found someone else I was MORE interested in and/or something about her gave me some reservations. So if her rates went up and she was now not "within [my] price range" as you mention, I'd probably just do (a) the majority of the time since there are plenty of other providers I'd like to see in my area.

I'd only do (b) if I didn't pull the trigger because of something minor (like scheduling conflicts on my end) and after a no-BS assessment (looking at her reviews/profile again, etc), I decided I still really wanted to see her.

For a while you've been watching a provider. Looking at her ads, looking at her website and even contacted her for a date and for whatever reason you never had the time or simply just didn't take the plunge. Next thing you know her rates increase which are well deserved and now you are wondering why didn't you see her when she was within your price range. I bet a ton of things are going through your head so how do you handle it?  No answer is the right answer.  
 A) Move on to another lady  
 B) Save up and finally go see her.  
 C) Instead of reaching out to her hope, wish wait to see if she offers a discount that might be more doable for your pockets.
-- Modified on 8/13/2016 4:17:58 PM

that i wanted to see certain provider but never got the time or chance to see her until then i realized her rate went up.  Actually the mean reason is that i've been seeing my ATF way too many times, i should see more other provider but my ATF spoiled me, so i guess that's the mean reason.

Anyway, i just moved on most of the time, i did try to save up few times but never took the plunge.

A modest increase in rates will not deter me from reaching out.
But to be honest if the increase is excessive , like a few hundred bucks bump , I'll probably just wish her well and regret our paths never crossed.

Smallfish261 reads

If I haven't seen a provider on my todo list, it is likely because:

- They travel a lot which limits their availability and makes it difficult to schedule against my regulars.
- They are incall only and across town for me.  If they ever showed up at an incall nearby, I'd probably jump on that in an instant.

In both cases, I might see them if there are no better options available.  A nominal increase in price though (assuming we're talking about $40 or $80/hr increases, not doubling or tripling!!) isn't much of a factor.

Yeah um, get off the pot and pay her rate or move on to another one you'll follow through with. It's that simple.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 8/13/2016 2:34:54 PM

little head do the thinking. "Should I or shouldn't I, yada yada yada.

What about when you looking at a provider, but find multiple rates? I have had this happen, so just asked which site was current... Luckily, she was OK with this, and the date went well. Also once had a provider tell me that what I had seen was an old rate (after the fact) The new rate was not much more, so I happily ponied up the extra, but I can see how it could be a case of "sticker shock"...

Most likely A. Maybe B if the rate increase isn't too bad and she's a lady I want to see.

NEVER C. I work in retail and I personally detest it when someone I've never done business before asks for a discount right off the bat.  

I'm actually going through something like this with a provider (never contacted her for a date but she's been on my radar since November/December but for one reason or another, I haven't seen her). Luckily her rate increase isn't too much, so I plan on seeing her within the next month or 2.

I missed her when she was on tour in my town at the  normal rate for the area. However, the next tour her rates nearly doubled. I went with A and I decided that I'd make a point to "not wait" anymore. Works for me!

...am I ? If she is above my ceiling price & I choose to pay that it will take me that much longer to save up for my next adventure, so it would be unusual for me to pay more than my top rate for any providers time & I never negotiate prices with providers.

-- Modified on 8/14/2016 3:22:11 PM

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