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Another interesting hypothetical idea...all respond but girls especially
tallslim26 26 Reviews 2093 reads

As I read reviews, good and bad, I wonder how many experiances are affected by looks. This is something I think about when reading reviews in the 5-8 range as far as performance. Girls in the hobby can talk about all day about how looks dont matter to them but I have to think that especially good or bad appearence of a client can effect the quality of the date.

Far too many hobbyists would balk, most with good reason, about reviews being written about them, but man that would be a complete picture of an encounter though..lol...In my opinion, most reviewers on this site seem very fair, maybe too much so on appearence of some girls, but a few sometimes make me wonder. Did their appearence,demeanor, or something else affect things. I am someone who pays close attention to low reviews of girls who have nothing but 8's and 9's except for that one or two low ones. Makes you wonder what the girls opinion might have been of the date...lol...Now I have been surprised to find out that things I thought hypothetical have indeed existed in the hobby, but I can't see this one happening in reality. A public site airing the exploits of the clients would be a intrusion of privacy if their ever was one and I am sure would scare away many clients which demand a discreet date.

Me being single and not particularly concerned about anyone finding out about my hobbying wouldn't mind reviews being done on me, assuming that they were good ones, ones that bragged that I was a magestic stallion,etc...LMAO

I'm really picky about who I will or won't see because I'm low volume. What I choose on is attitude mainly and that comes across in references, reviews, the communications between us, etc...

There are times that despite everything that I'm hoping for, the night is a dud. I try my hardest to have a good time and invariably we either don't click, he's got funky b.o., sticks his foot in his mouth and insults me somehow (maybe unintentionally, but some guys seem to have a veiled contempt for providers) or something that you just can't put your finger on.

Now, to be honest, appts. are easier when the guy's hot, fun and just easy going, but some of the guys I look forward to seeing the most aren't what you'd call lookers. However, they're cool as hell to chat with, can DATY like a champ and are just so much fun to be with.

You never know what will affect your appt. It could be anything- a bad day for either of you, the other person behaving suspiciously, a vibe that you just can't shake that says run now, whatever... Either way, if it's gone horribly south before anything begins, I'm more inclined to bone out without any envelope than to prolong my misery.


Hi Katie,

I like this post; it's pretty much the mindset I envision the perfect provider to have. I enjoy the honesty it keeps things on a level, and not BS.

You are not denying that aesthetics are a factor, but you’re also doing what I encourage a lot of providers to do, and to find the heart of gold in the possibly rust-metal exterior(s).

I think that's the talent, and the true-mark of a grade 'a' provider. Obviously, not all of us are great looking, some are, but there are some great people that both hobby and provide, and if you can look past what your physically seeing in addition or aversion to being aesthetically pleased, it's the best combination.

I love the last part about boning out if it doesn't feel right -- not because I'd want this to happen to anyone; but hey, while I might be a bit down, I'd respect that provider more than any other for being up-front with me, and I'd even leave her money for the trouble.

I feel like I've had that crashing chemistry and she closed her eyes and eked it out, and that's the worst. It's situational, as I've seen more streetwalkers, prostitutes and call girls, than actual ‘escorts’. I admit I'm no Romeo, I'm not a stud and that's why I'm here, at the same time I appreciate someone who's up-front.

I think some could take pause for this (providers.) each lady is different and some don't have that option to leave if there is no chemistry (main source of income...) I wish they would though, I truly do.


I'm glad I'm low volume. I do this by choice and to be honest, some of you guys really know what you're doing (moreso than the college boys I usually date.) lol.

Either way, thanks... I have fun, but if it's not a good vibe for me, I'd rather just cut it short than prolong my misery.


You are a first class lady in every respect.  It is about the journey, not just the ending.

I'm just looking for a once in a lifetime experience! lol

No seriously, I'm not really in the the whole looks thing, because they do fade...so you better have something else for me.

Now a gentlemen with a great sense of humor, that can mentally fuck my brain and is great at Daty will get a 10-10 review from me in a heartbeat!

Have a Wonderful Evening,

The hobby world is similar to the civvie world in this respect.  It is expected that the female bring the attractiveness (good looks) part of the equation while the man has been typically been expected to provide the financial portion.  Of course there are exceptions but if we are being honest generally it is the case (Case and point: How big of hobby market is there for men providing for women.  It may exist but it would be a tiny fraction of woman providing for men).

This is also the reason why TER hosts (fantasy) reviews of providers as there would be no market for reviews of clients (who cares as client have to pay).  What matters is that business is conducted when a needed product is provided at a reasonable price with acceptable quality.  Translation:  Men pay for the most attractive, high quality provider that their budget can afford.

Good looks are subjective...I would submit that it is on the female in this case to bring the excitement and attitude and wantonness (and certain availability) as much as whatever you may consider to be good looks.

My best times have mostly been with ladies who are not necessarily model material but with whom I click personality wise.

Of course looks come into play upon first meeting, but as a date progresses and both  persons are cordial,  conversation flows and chemistry is there, looks take the back burner.

Interesting question.  When I started a few short months ago, I was concerned about the appearance of my clients.  Would I be able to "perform" if they were unattractive, smelled bad, etc.  

I have found, that beyond their hygiene, it's the personality that is the most important to me.  I have had the best times with men who are funny, sarcastic, and outgoing.  Were they drop dead gorgeous?  No.  They were attractive in their own way (probably a "7").  Their personality moved them up to a "9" easily.  And, I can say from personal experience, the quality of the DATY has NOTHING to do with the clients looks!  LOL


Great question, I have been thinking of asking the same.
It took me a while to enter the hobby because I could not find a provider attractive enough to spend my money on.  I agree it is like real life.  Men are attracted to the physical, for me it is her face and if she is in shape.  No big women for me.  I also know in my real life that I can become attracted to people I did not originally think were pretty as I got to know them.
But this is about having an instant attraction that allows a comfort level and the ability to perform.  ED can be a common problem in hobbying due to stress and worry as well as the thought of meeting somebody new.  So I would like to eliminate the attraction problem.  I have visited providers who had there face blurred in their pictures and was dissapointed when I met them, even though i still had good sessions, based mostly on the providers excellent attitude.
It is common knowledge females are more tolerant than us men and will look past a man's looks at times for other things including money or status while men do want physical attraction.
I have often wondered how many times a provider just could not bring herself to do the deed with a hobbyist because of his appearance.  I would think safety could be an issue if she said no and she still is looking for a payday even though the best providers act as if the money is not important but enjoy the companionship.
Me personally do not hobby as much as I want because we do not have that many providers I consider more attractive than I can get in my life.  That might be callous but it is true. My ATF is very attractive and is very special and I know she works with some unattractive males ( we discuss this)but I know she gives 100%.
I do think most providers are much more generous as to their judgement of a man's attractiveness level.  
I do agree with KADYLADY who I wish lived in NC that other things besides appearance are more important but I can't get past certain things, which I have the advantage because I schedule using review and pictures.  The provider has no chance to really know what the hobbyist is going to be like or look like.  References can be wrong and two people can have entirely different views on whether someone is attractive.
I also feel bad for any hobbyist who would treat a provider with some contempt, why are you visiting if you feel that way.
And last Kady if you ever come east I would love to meet you.

keep them coming back.  Hot guys get women with their looks and keep them by treating them like crap. (I don't understand it, I'm Just reporting what I see....Over and Over again.)

Ugly guys, or fat guys, or any other guy that actually has to work hard to get laid, will usually do their best to please a lady, just for the opportunity to return.  This works the same with hobby ladies.

If we do our best to be nice and kind and maybe even try to pleasure the lady we are with, we figure she may actually pick up the phone the next time we call.

That is why I always try to make sure the ladies I see are having as much fun as I am.  I may not succeed, but I sure do try!

"keep them coming back.  Hot guys get women with their looks and keep them by treating them like crap. (I don't understand it, I'm Just reporting what I see....Over and Over again.)"

Well that's a whole different subject line. I've pulled this before -- it's not looks dependant though that helps.. (treating a woman like crap in relationship(s)..) and it works TOO good. But it works for all of the wrong reasons, and it hurts me to do it, I'm just not that dude. they always say ' treat a woman like crap ' Maybe I'm this freak that should have been alive in the 1830's (victorian era till around the early 1900's..) just can't do it.

I won't so , I see providers instead, I sleep much better at night that way ;)


Ugly people can be attractive, too. It's all relative-Must be because there are a lot of ugly people with children. We all have to work with what we've got.

I'm not a provider (yet), but speaking just as a woman I can say that looks are very low on my list of what is attractive about a man. The way they act, their attitude (respectful), their manner is far more important to me. Personality ranks much higher, as I suspect is the case with a lot of woman.

Several friends of mine are providers and they complain more about hygiene and men that treat them  like a piece of meat, rather than a lady. I've never really heard them complain about looks, only in terms of cleanliness. In general, men are far more visual than woman so it's no surprise that looks would be more important to men.

I believe that there are many different levels that you can connect with someone and, obviously, one of them is physical/appearance.

A good appearance can mean many things.  So, here's Mr X with just average looks - nothing special.  But he has those eyes that just talk to you.  Or he has that Sunshine Smile that warms your heart.  Maybe his facial features aren't that glamorous, but his body is rock hard.  And what about when you make your way down south and find that his jewel is absolutely precious to your liking?

With anything in life, it is all about attitude.  I can have a great time with Shrek or Prince Charming!

whatever I do will be chatted about on the ladies board.  

I realize that is the height of hubris, but I always have this fear that if I do something wrong, everyone will hear about it, so I strive for excellence in all my endeavors.

I am sure ladies have been disappointed to see me at their door, but I really do try to make sure they enjoy their time with me too.

I am working on my physical appearance and I always ask for feedback in bed to help improve my game, so maybe someday I can be the guy they love to see.

Heck, I know what's what with me.   They aren't going to say I'm a stallion or a stud or that I'm hung like a horse (quite the opposite), but they are going to say I'm a delightful conversationalist with a very respectful attitude who will make sure they never forget my tongue for as long as they live (or until the next appointment!).

AdvocateOfTheDevil605 reads

It is interesting to note that the vast majority of the providers responding say that looks don't really matter.  They say that personality and, of course hygiene, are far more important.  It seems that Katie is the only one to admit that looks can and sometimes do factor in.

Can I then ask why is it that this attitude is not more generally reflected in the female population in general?  I think most all the men here that are not Brad Pitt look-alikes know what I am talking about.

I realize that the providers here do need to consider possible negative ramifications of a response such as, "I simply can't enjoy a session unless the guy looks like George Cloney."  But maybe you ladies could use an alias or two, just to let us know how you really think?

Or, there is also the possiblity that, since most of these women have much more experience with a much larger variety of men than the general female population, that they may have actually alterred their attitudes based on those experiences.

It would be interesting to know the truth.

I believe that comes from the fact that a large portion of women in this country are brainwashed from so-called "women's media".

The same women who feel that 'Sex in the City' represents girl power with its shallow leading cast and the heartthrob men who abuse them will be the same to follow along with Cosmo magazine when they list your typical Ken-doll man as the only version of handsome. I think the type of women who find validation through designer shoes and man bashing aren't the types that will find themselves working as providers. To be a good provider, I feel you've got to have a good sense of self and an ability to see what other people don't whether it's inner desires or uncovered charm. If it was easy and just having sex with handsome men all the time, everybody would want to do it!

I believe the providers were the girls who felt left out of their group for having unconventional crushes. They dug Billy Bob's white trash appeal, Will Ferrell's way of making them laugh, hell, even Picasso was a sorta porky little bald man who was up to his elbows in women! Shane MacGowan and Tom Waits may have faces that look like they were carved out of tree bark, but I'd be their groupie in a heartbeat because I find their music amazing, (no knowledge yet on their DATY skills). :P

There are always cards to trump good looks if you've got the right players- girls who are waiting for McDreamy are usually not good at the game. Let them sip their Appletini's and complain about men not living up to their romantic-comedy expectations...I'll take all the good ones for myself.


Here I go, falling in lust with your response, then I check your profile to see where I'll have to travel to meet you.

Doh!  "Provider's information no longer available"!?!

What's up with that?  Are you now to be that sassy, well spoken mystery woman?  Wherefore art thou, dear Quinn?

I stand by my original post.  Those who know me, can attest that I am truthful. (maybe too much so).  I think the difference between this and the "real" world is that when I meet a client, I know that he has arranged his schedule and saved his pennies to see me.  Unless it's a hygiene or safety issue, I agreed to be with him.  Therefore, I can't go on looks alone.  Luckily for me!  As stated above, personality can completely change someone's appearance.  And, good looks don't always equal good sex.  Those that have seen me can also attest to the fact that I don't fake anything.  I'd much rather be with an "average Joe (should I say John, lol?) who is able to make me squirm than a Brad Pitt look alike who leaves me wanting more.  The "real" world is a much more shallow place.  Too bad for them.


When do we want to get together to squirm?  LOL

what do you mean by looks? upkeep does matter. attractiveness does matter. appearances are everything they directly affect the date. as a provider if i don't feel up to par i know that that date will suffer although i know that my personality outweighs my looks when with repeats but the initial impression is and will always be important. everyone has their good days and their bad. if your hair is tatter and nails are deadly and it is a new client in order to avoid a bad review make sure you look presentable. don't show up with sweetpants and curlers in your hair and fuzzy slippers on your feet unless the client requests such. if they even request casual attire make sure there are no stains on your clothes. get the sleep out of your eyes brush your teeth. DUH!!!!!

Civvie ladies have sex with men they choose to date and most of them date men whom they are initially physically attracted to.

These women assume that great looking guys are going to be the best in bed, and think they would never be turned on by say...a short, chubby, balding, middle-aged man with glasses.

Civvies-turned-escorts are having sex with all sorts of men...tall, short, bald, chubby, athletic, and quite often men much older than we were used to, etc...

This opened up a whole new world for us! We found out that a guys looks really has absolutely nothing to do with how great in bed he is going to be! :)

And actually, I find that men in the hobby are generally FAR better in the bedroom than most civvie guys!

So, I would venture to say that ladies who say they don't care what a man looks like, as long as he is clean and has a good personality...are telling the truth!

That's not to say that great looks aren't a bonus, but really, women are naturally less dependent on aesthetics for stimulation than you men are. ;)


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