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And you didn't take Dad out for ice cream...or the movie?
hgfgs 24 Reviews 2375 reads
1 / 15

Here is an odd one I had recently. I'm not going to list her name but she is an active Chicago escort. Have seen her before this and will after.

I set up an appointment at her place. She likes a call five minutes before to make sure you found the place. Make the call to confirm and as almost an after thought she says, " don't freak out but my dad is here. It's cool, he's ok nothing to worry about."

If you have ever drawn up a flow chart, for a process, you have decision boxes. I'm faced with one here. My initial reaction was cancel, but I am a bit of a risk taker so I kept the date. Get to her place and she greets at the door in her normal working clothes. Matching bra and panty, garters, stockings and high heels, she kisses me. We go into the living room and I see a man who looks like a skeleton. Long gray hair, a walker, on oxygen and he's smoking. A cat could knock the poor guy over. Threat is no longer there.

She in a sing song voice, like a ninth grader, say's, "hi daddy this is my friend John. We are going to go up to my room and play." Her room is upstairs and he can't make it up there. We hit the bed and get to it. She does open her window and places her self so the noise we make goes that way. Off course I'm now looking into the courtyard of a Church.

We finish round one. FYI she is not a clock watcher and wants you to get your two pops in. I have a kink she is aware of. She kept her self well hydrated and while I was reloading she asked if I wanted a golden shower. Of course so the two of us scurry over to the bathroom. He had have seen us moving. She showered me with the nectar of the gods, I clean up and back for round two. Finish that and I ask her about her dad.

He was apparently a real bastard to her family and none of the kids, except her, has anything to do with him. In full time nursing care at the VA. She takes him out once a month or so. After our session it was a massage, ice cream and a movie. A real Norman Rockwell day. ;)

I'm leaving and the poor guy got his oxygen cart stuck on the rug. I free it for him and while his lips said thank you, I'm not sure I have ever seen the level of hate that came from his eyes. In some ways I can't blame him.

Last freaky  thing is he is a year younger than me. I run marathons, he is lucky to get across the room.  

Anyone else have a good one?

skarphedin 540 reads
2 / 15
Dr Who revived 567 reads
3 / 15

I'm shocked.

Sure glad that your gal (any relation to ROGM's gal?) is so discreet.  Classy move.

Did you offer to change up Dad's depends too?
Posted By: Tornacl
Here is an odd one I had recently. I'm not going to list her name but she is an active Chicago escort. Have seen her before this and will after.  
 I set up an appointment at her place. She likes a call five minutes before to make sure you found the place. Make the call to confirm and as almost an after thought she says, " don't freak out but my dad is here. It's cool, he's ok nothing to worry about."  
 If you have ever drawn up a flow chart, for a process, you have decision boxes. I'm faced with one here. My initial reaction was cancel, but I am a bit of a risk taker so I kept the date. Get to her place and she greets at the door in her normal working clothes. Matching bra and panty, garters, stockings and high heels, she kisses me. We go into the living room and I see a man who looks like a skeleton. Long gray hair, a walker, on oxygen and he's smoking. A cat could knock the poor guy over. Threat is no longer there.  
 She in a sing song voice, like a ninth grader, say's, "hi daddy this is my friend John. We are going to go up to my room and play." Her room is upstairs and he can't make it up there. We hit the bed and get to it. She does open her window and places her self so the noise we make goes that way. Off course I'm now looking into the courtyard of a Church.  
 We finish round one. FYI she is not a clock watcher and wants you to get your two pops in. I have a kink she is aware of. She kept her self well hydrated and while I was reloading she asked if I wanted a golden shower. Of course so the two of us scurry over to the bathroom. He had have seen us moving. She showered me with the nectar of the gods, I clean up and back for round two. Finish that and I ask her about her dad.  
 He was apparently a real bastard to her family and none of the kids, except her, has anything to do with him. In full time nursing care at the VA. She takes him out once a month or so. After our session it was a massage, ice cream and a movie. A real Norman Rockwell day. ;)  
 I'm leaving and the poor guy got his oxygen cart stuck on the rug. I free it for him and while his lips said thank you, I'm not sure I have ever seen the level of hate that came from his eyes. In some ways I can't blame him.  
 Last freaky  thing is he is a year younger than me. I run marathons, he is lucky to get across the room.  
 Anyone else have a good one?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 655 reads
4 / 15

One gal had her bed-ridden mother in the next room where she did FBSM in the adjacent room with customers.  She had me come in and say hello. She was very old, very obese, and not too with it.  It was weird.

Anther gal I knew called me out of the blue for a ride to the hospital to be with her step mom who had just gone in on account of a heart attack.  Her whole extended family was there but she was more or less out to all of them and I could feel the vibes that told me that they all knew what my deal was.  I also attended a wedding of one of her close friends as the gal's date a few months later.  It was weird.

Still another gal had me call her scheduler, and the scheduler was one of the most sociable ones I ever met.  I was on the phone with her for about 30 minutes talking about this and that.  Later I learned that her scheduler was her mom.  The deal with her mom is that she's fine with her seeing guys as long as she gets to screen them.  I later got to meet both of them after a session and they drove me to the airport to catch a plane.  It was weird.

Then twice I met up with providers who were about 6-7 months pregnant, though they never mentioned the fact.  It was weird.

Fortunately, I like weird.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 465 reads
6 / 15
Adjax 629 reads
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Getting dressed after a session with a provider, someone I enjoyed spending time with before, this was our second meeting.  She tells me that I can stick around for a bit if I have nothing better to do and don’t mind her friends coming over.  So we just chilling, watching TV etc. Friends show up (another girl and a guy) with some food & alcohol; I am getting introduced, we bs, girls having a good time, getting tipsy, bitching about their job and clients, guy is kinda quiet but friendly enough…and then dude has emotional breakdown and throws a fit out of nowhere.  And that’s there things got a little surreal.  Turns out that he actually was (or considered himself to be) provider’s boyfriend (of the week?) and he lost it because he thought she kissed (!) me when we went outside for a smoke. Long story short he was kicked out and I’ve got some strong hints that I can upgrade from a client to soon-to-be-vacant bf position.  After careful consideration and a few free sample visits I declined.  

I did feel pretty bad for a guy tho after the fact, that’s a pretty messed up situation to find yourself in...esp when you are just bringing some food over.

-- Modified on 6/28/2014 4:25:53 PM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 519 reads
8 / 15

Is it odd that a guy freaks out because his girlfriend kisses another man, one she's just got done fucking, albeit just for a little cash?

Is it odd that she sent him away when he started to make things ugly?

Is it odd that any of these people had any emotional life at all? Or that they expressed it when they got "a little tipsy?"

Not every man is as sophisticated and jaded as us macho types here on the board. Some still have feelings and respond to them (whining manginas!), and of course us macho guys consider their behavior quite inappropriate on more levels than rings on a tree stump. But--and I know I live in much more sheltered world than many here these days--it doesn't seem "odd" to me at all that this happened. Unfortunanent but rather normal. How should he have responded?

Maybe you think it's odd that the woman would pick you as her next boyfriend, but since you were the only other guy in the room, that makes perfect sensr as well. Good luck. I don't find it odd that you take her approval as a testimony to your maturity and levelheadedness.

What you experienced as an odd event is what many, many people experience as an all too frequent painful moment in life. Granted, I'm talking now about peasants and grubers, for the most part, but even a few who are well off.

Yeah, the poor sap really got hurt! He should've laughed it off and congratulated the both of! Boy! Did you ever put one over on him! Total meltdown, dude! All us rough 'n' ready types are thinking you must really be some great lover stud! Can I be your friend?! Man! You are the ballsmeistro!

Seriously, chum, is that REALLY the "oddest" experience you've ever had while in the company of woman who makes her way through life sucking off a variety of men? Now that you're a little closer to this gem of loveliness, you might have some other odd moments of the kind you've never dreamed of yet. Be sure to keep us posted.

StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 592 reads
9 / 15

Posted By: mrfisher

Still another gal had me call her scheduler, and the scheduler was one of the most sociable ones I ever met.  I was on the phone with her for about 30 minutes talking about this and that.  Later I learned that her scheduler was her mom.  The deal with her mom is that she's fine with her seeing guys as long as she gets to screen them.  I later got to meet both of them after a session and they drove me to the airport to catch a plane.  It was weird.
I've actually considered having mom do my scheduling/screening. She's my safety person, so that's not an issue. I just wouldn't want her to read some of the e-mails. Not every man is polite and discreet in his e-mails. She's cool and everything, picks up condoms for me at the store...but, I wouldn't want to subject her to juicy details.

A couple of my regulars have met my mom and kids when they came to the house to make repairs for trade (A/C, painting, lattice work, roof, etc.). My mom is super nonchalant and treated them just like any handyman. I'm curious how they felt meeting my family and having dinner with us though.

Adjax 407 reads
10 / 15

Whoa, a bit hostile.  Chill.  If it’s normal in your word, I like mine better. Entire situation when things were rolling downhill was one giant WTF moment for me I would rather live without.

From my point of view I was having good time, relaxing, chatting up new buddy over there who came with his girl (reasonable assumption imo since they showed up together) and the next thing I have to deal is rapidly escalating dv case between two pretty much strangers and apparently I missed the memo that I am the reason for this.

I find it odd that I was not given any indication that he was a SO and not just a “friend” by either.

I find it very odd that provider would put both of us in this situation by inviting me to stay.  Not to mention herself and that other girl if cops would get involved.  

Btw I did feel sorry for a guy after the fact once I got a chance to ask some questions and piece everything together, basically a nice guy who got played and dropped.  But I do find his behavior odd is well:

Making a choice to date someone who does escorting for a living and losing it because you think she kissed (never took place btw) some random guy? Not to mention chilling with someone who just had a session with “your” girl pretending everything is cool for a good hour is a bit unusual in my books.  Why subject yourself to this?  Either take off or ask me to leave, it's really simple.

Dunno, maybe I am just sheltered and this is new norm.

PS: I am thankful that the guy was not a macho type and I did not end up getting shot on my way out.

89Springer 501 reads
11 / 15

this is the Cliff's Notes version of yesterday's thread. You missed a good one.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 482 reads
13 / 15

Posted By: 89Springer
this is the Cliff's Notes version of yesterday's thread. You missed a good one.

PartyInMyMouth 503 reads
14 / 15

Are you proud to have bang his daughter while this handicapped mans sitting downstairs all alone?  Are you proud that you're older but he's a sickly mess? Are you proud that this story is embarrassing for the provider & that you're plastering her story, I would say SAD story on a sex Board?  Are you proud that this is pathetic & shows that men don't care about anything else other then to get OFF!  It amazes me what people consider Odd & just plain STUPID.  I bet the dad wasn't the happiest to see some john who's old enough to be her father come into his home to pay her to bang. His eyes did probably have anger, maybe even sympathy for you since you're in such great shape but you still have to pay for sex. Who's the pathetic one now?  

Can someone please actually put up topics that pertains to Sex? These boards have become boring boring stories of the retardation!  

From someone who likes sex topics

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 449 reads
15 / 15

I was in visiting room at Framingham once with my brother when accidentally at same time they let a client turned boyfriend for short period {as in I wasnt escorting for short periods and we dated off and on few times. For one the times i moved back in with mother then he helped me with some things but ...}  
   They arent supposed too but they let him in and there i am talkin to brother and they let a guy 20 some odd years older in,  
   My family i assume there aint much that could or would surprise any them at this point concerning me. After he left my brother just shook his head and said "creepy."  
     So next I always have had my mother know of my clients and meet many of them . I dont call them clients though i refer to them as my friend that helps me. My mother definetly knows of Mr. fisher in fact. I just say i have some guys that help me with rent and or food/bills. Which isnt far from truth i definetly am not high volume or making enough to save or buy a car. [I cant drive any how since an accident in 09}  
     My dad also  had met a "client" turned bf and i then moved in with on the Vineyard and he was very good to me, I was havin a hard time of things at that point in time, To say the least and when we went to visit in his escalade and i was dressed to nines in the new clothes he bought me my dad cryed. He was so happy i d found a nice guy and was safe and looked so good. this was when the als was startin too show too so his emotions were startn to be a tad out of control which is one the symptoms, Extreme laughter or crying is a side effect of als but this was just when we didnt know yet he was dropping weight though , already. That was actually a year or two before the diagnosis of a terminal illness.  
           Another time a different guy turned bf, this one a former marine turned successful business owner now, Again my dad just said if he is takin care you you be good to him. I always had alot trouble bein stable, keepin jobs, stayin out trouble, so basically any times i was settled down, safe , havin a some what sane normal guy takin care me, My parents never would make any complaints,  
              i dont think that scenerio is odd because maybe she cant work a normal job any how so maybe this is accepted and it beats her bein on food stamps and disability? Not every one is escorting too bank money save and all that some people may just do it to pay thier rent and may not be physically capable or mentally do do any job full time, ... If say your parents are rich and paid your way through school or something and your fully capable of working full time at any normal job, In that particular case i can see where the parents and family would be upset at that career choice.  
   i just always say my friends help me and thats how i word it.
I went to a guys office on newbury street once and we had sex in his cubicle, . i also blew a client in a massage room we snuck into at this sports club atop the ritz in town once. that was interesting. Another was an outcall at the villas at foxwoods, that was memorable because it was the fanciest outcall i ever went too.

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