TER General Board

And "trending now" moves life and change ...
thickyjr 182 reads

into the fast lane. Social media is certainly driving that.So it won't be 50 years for the next paradigm shift.

My biggest fear is that when the establishment finds social media to be too dangerous for its existence or power, it will be strangled, censored or just shut off.

I'm very open with what i do, i have no problem sharing i with anybody. I dont even argue anymore, it's like : whats the point?

They sound just as brainwashed to me as i do to them

but then i had a girl who said the following statemtns:

"Anyone can sell their body"
"There is no such thing as upscale whores and clients"

where do these girl get the idea that this job is really that bad? lol

nice please, shed some light here for me- i need to know.

Its all media driven and it comes right from Hollywood. You would think Hwood would be liberalized when it comes to p4p but it all too often paints the industry one way: drugged out hookers walking the streets with a pimp hiding around the corner.

Add to that, politicians trying to run far to the right on the issue, even most Dems, along with the religions almost universally being against it, at least the major ones in the US, and there you have it.

The article posted yesterday here though shows me attitudes are changing. I think it said 44% now believe hooking should be legal.

It was proly zero fifty years ago, lol, so it is trending in the right direction

thickyjr183 reads

into the fast lane. Social media is certainly driving that.So it won't be 50 years for the next paradigm shift.

My biggest fear is that when the establishment finds social media to be too dangerous for its existence or power, it will be strangled, censored or just shut off.

wouldn't the government try to control how much we charge, or how many taxes we have to pay based on what we charge? or our business entirely?

I think if its decriminalized it's just be a brothels sort of thing, and shit i'll still be and illegal independent if that's the case.

LE shouldn't ask what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their hotel, house, etc and people shouldn't have to tell if asked.

Which I guess is decriminalization.  

The reason I said "legalization" is that was how the survey question was asked in the article referencing the 44% who are in favor.

GaGambler176 reads

and what I find hugely ironic is the fact that in countries where there is not even a hint of a "separation of church and state" including most Latin American countries where the Catholic Church dominates the landscape, prostitution and the Church seem to co-exist quite nicely.

People always like to point to the Nevada system of brothels which IMO is the worst possible template for legalized prostitution.

Girls weren't being monitored, but their were cameras in all of the bedrooms. Girls weren't beng tested for stds and wouldn't be hired unless they were open to bbfs and gull gfe services.

I know a girl who works there, since working there she's had 3 STI's (curable) and yet, is still working there.

Vegas is probably the worst example of legalized prostitution

GaGambler149 reads

Only the rural counties have legalized brothels and they test the girls like lab rats. BBFS is strictly verboten and so is even BBBJ. All activities must be covered.  

Someone is feeding you some VERY bad info here.

She is tested weekly, everything is covered and I mean everything including DATY. If she is caught not covering up she would be gone. No brothel wants to risk there license. I agree the Nevada model is about the worse model.

gettingimpatient141 reads

Brittney, I have heard this argument posted so many times on this board that I can recite it from memory.  You seem to want to have your cake and eat it too.  If you think that your trade is a legitimate, reputable and necessary business (and I do) then why shouldn't it be legalized?  Yes, that means that there will be regulation and OMG taxes.  Think of it this way, I have a class A CDL.  I have been a truck driver for 15 years.  I have to take a DOT physical every 2 years and I have to renew my license every 5 years.  Do you think that this means I don't speed?  If so, you must also think that I don't ever talk on the cell phone while driving.  Driving a tractor trailer is very dangerous; should it be illegal too?  Should only truckers that can drive under the radar be allowed to drive?  Well, I'll let you know that I do speed practically everyday, but I've never gotten arrested for speeding.  I also try not to talk on the cell phone, but you know.

I am going to have my teeth cleaned tomorrow.  My dentist has a license.  The hygienist has a license.  They have both done things to my body.  Why is your profession so special that you can do things to other peoples bodies without regulation, training and taxation?  Well, I guess because this country was founded by Puritans that were too stuck up to stay in England, but this country is changing, and you should change with it.  I'm 44 years old.  My Grandmother and Grandfather spent the last 10 years of their lives in a state run nursing home.  I may be headed for the same fate.  I HOPE that sex work is not only completely legal but a recommended therapy if I ever have to go to one.  Being in a nursing home and not able to have the intimacy of a woman is one of my top fears of getting older.  It's right up there with losing my memory.

Okay, I have rambled in this post, but I would like for you to take away this.  It has been my experience that in the above ground world, businesses that don't like regulation are shady and shitty.  If you truly respect and admire your craft and provide an awesome service you should welcome regulation.  Oh and by the way, you should already be paying taxes.  I don't mind paying a sales or sin tax if it means that everybody is safe, and for all those of you that argue decriminalization versus legalization, we can do both!  Do you think that every business is paying all their taxes due?  Do you think that every truck driver is properly licensed and insured? (ha, ha, ha)  The answer is NO.  Yet they are still in business, and if they get caught, they might pay a hefty fine, but they almost never get arrested.  Think about it.

I almost forgot.  You mentioned price controls.  This is the good ole US of A.  The only industry that that occurs is utilities.  Unless you plan to be the only escort in town, I don't think you have to worry about the government setting a price

...legalization will force people to fuck people they may not want to.

You may want the government involved in sex but I sure don't.

This is a classic case of government needing to look the other way unless there is some other crime being committed like U/A or trafficking.

We don't do anything to people who drive 53 in a 50 mph zone nor should we.

Having sex for money is doing 51 mph in a 50 mph area, if that.

Also, I don't pay taxes, i have my mother claim me- and I'm pretty sure she will claim me for a good majority of my life- being the rest of hers. This way, My mother is getting everything she needs. Without me, she wouldn't have a taz rfund and i have no way to clean up where i get my money.  

Secondly, If this were lagilized, I'm still doing it my way, escort lisences now require you to be drug free, but I'm a proud stoner- so that isnt happening. I feel like it'll lead to more problems than it will lead to poductive solutions. The UFofA won't know where to start or how to regulate Sex-Work to begin with, It's just easier for them to leave it illegal, this way they can still make something off of those unfourtunat enough to get caught.

Because trying to regulate the LITERALLY hundreds of thousands of escorts, will be pretty impossible unless they make it a state-by-state issue as the have with marijuana.

Oh, THAT'S a good idea.

GaGambler121 reads

I pay taxes, I pay a boatload of fucking taxes. I also pay more in "fees" each year than even the best hooker can make. That's the cost of doing business and I am not here to bitch about how high my taxes are, but I will say it really offends me and all the honest hookers out there who do pay their fair share.  

I like you, but you have just lost a huge amount of respect from me, also remember tax fraud is a much more serious offense than prostitution and openly admitting to committing tax fraud on a public board is beyond dumb. In case you weren't aware of this, what you are doing is a federal felony punishable by many years in federal prison, just saying.

And you hit the nail on the head, Fish.

Money. When the state/feds can get their hands on all that tax money, with budgets being in the severe red in many states and in DC, they will all of a sudden be pro-prostitution.

They need to wait for the polling to go from 44% to 60% but it will one day.

that anybody can sell their body, and how she knows there is no such thing as upscale. Has she visited a couple dozen ladies? Read voluminous studies? Maybe her husband reports back to her?

i love the pictures you post  

Posted By: dani987x
that anybody can sell their body, and how she knows there is no such thing as upscale. Has she visited a couple dozen ladies? Read voluminous studies? Maybe her husband reports back to her?

One man killed the mammoth and feed me, I was glad to reciprocate and engage with him in sex. How do I knew I have to do? Hell, I just did it. Xo

I don't even mean my subject heading as derogatory. Look at the boards for newbies who are totally freaked out of proportion over STIs and LE. I get it, given the popular portrayal of prostitution, but with a little experience most will settle down and realize that much of this activity isn't such a big deal.  

Experience leads to wisdom, although some people can't handle having their preconceived notions challenged by life and reality. Some of it is just the impulse to want to feel more virtuous or powerful than others.

because industry has something to do with mechanics, or ok, with any entity that entails large funds, employees, the process.
This too of course reminds an industry on the ( not very large) scale ( or maybe large), maybe marriages, any interraction of sexes at all, but still it is not very mechanical. This is a personal service.  

For many centuries prostitution is deemed to be viewed as something sinful. It's dangerous for  any instablishment to view sex without the obligations. You should get approval for it. It is funny, but that's exactly how they hold the general population by the balls.

As I mentioned previously and not one time, interaction between two sexes calls for decentralization of the law, the government, and no government wants it. Strangely enough, such country as Netherlands has reached great peace legalizing prositution and pot ( but still not enough for TER members, lol).

I am for sure won't wait for a long when president or the congress will be ok with it. I need it now and for those who are not agree with my vision there will be a time to discuss it with me. How wordy this slogan: my fee is for time and companion and all that happens after the meeting, the business of two consenting adults. Xo

and some of them stink more than others.

Posted By: octavia.lexa
everybody has one  

Sexuality suppressed by a repressed culture that has no probs insisting a woman bod is the judicial property of others?
Opinions of such people matter little to me.
It's just unfortunate they are the ones who get to set the laws and rules of behavior

what her favorite Julia Roberts movies are and I am sure Pretty Woman will be one of the first 3 out of her mouth.  She'll go on about how romantic it is, yada, yada, yada.  

Then ask her how that is different.

Posted By: BrittneyStarGirl
I'm very open with what i do, i have no problem sharing i with anybody. I dont even argue anymore, it's like : whats the point?  
 They sound just as brainwashed to me as i do to them  
 but then i had a girl who said the following statemtns:  
 "Anyone can sell their body"  
 "There is no such thing as upscale whores and clients"  
 where do these girl get the idea that this job is really that bad? lol  
 nice please, shed some light here for me- i need to know.

And there is some merit to these statements.

The hobby is a lot like Junior High. And most of the participants are Butter's Kissing booth on South Park. If we do this, it is because, in some way, life has failed us or fallen short of our expectations. So both John and Hooker have regressed to sort of a warped sense of reality where affection is a corpotlratized product to be marketed bought and sold.

But at the same time there are a lot of ridiculous things in our society that people buy and sell (see: The Pet Rock or the Snuggie), so welcome to capitalism.

On the other hand, there are no such thing as upscale people period. Upscale is just a shallow term we attribute to things that are essentially meaningless. And there are so many quality people in the hobby that it would be ludicrous to think that the people in it are somehow a step down in quality. That does show a certain level of elitism. And it is just plain wrong.

Posted By: some-guy
  The hobby is a lot like Junior High. And most of the participants are Butter's Kissing booth on South Park. If we do this, it is because, in some way, life has failed us or fallen short of our expectations. So both John and Hooker have regressed to sort of a warped sense of reality where affection is a corpotlratized product to be marketed bought and sold.
This statement says a lot about you. Speaking for myself, life has not failed me, not at all.  I've had a great career owning companies which has left me very well positioned to pursue hot young women all over the world to my heart's desire. I raised three exceptional children (and yes, they know about Dad's social life)  I've been around this little corner of the world for 40+ years.  I've dated escorts, strippers, SBs and married a pro as well. Hell, I even owned an interest in a strip club back in the day.  I'm now in my 60s, semi retired, single and date women of this world exclusively.  I'm not alone either.  I know many men both here on TER and in general that do what I do. We are not losers, in fact, most of us are winners in the game of life.  

What the hell is wrong with you SG?  You're the one who is acting like this is junior high.  Writing vicious notes to grown women and threatening them.  You're obviously describing your life when you talk about regression and a warped sense of reality.  Based on what I've seen, I'd agree you are afflicted with these shortcomings, but most of the rest of us, NOPE.  For many of us, reality is crystal clear and it's very good. It's an adult playground, one you don't seem well suited for, imo.

BTW, only a few who participate in P4P spend time posting on these boards.  Many are too busy for posting, so board participants are a very small sliver of those who dabble in P4P

mnjohnny247 said:  

"What the hell is wrong with you SG?"

SG replies:

I would say that, based on the fact that I have 6 positive reviews on this site, and 3 whitelist referrals ... that the overwhelming majority of ladies who have ACTUAL EXPERIENCE with me ... would say that not only is there nothing wrong with me. But in fact, there is much to like about me. I have been nothing but a respectful hobbyist who treats the ladies he meets with in real life with the utmost respect and dignity. I am a pleasant person to have a session with. I have a positive outlook, and I would like to say that my performance is rather good as well. But as we know ... we would all like to think that, wouldn't we?

In fact, I have had the pleasure of actually dating a few providers in real life. And those went very well for the most part. Obviously if I had this nasty streak that you and others have accused me of having ... would it not be difficult for me to not only get their whitelists, but in fact to become a personal friend of theirs? I would think that would be very difficult to pull off. Even for the most skilled of sociopaths. Which I am, by the way, happily NOT.

So far, I have heard a lot of what I would call group hysteria and witch-hunting, not unlike that displayed in Salem, Massachusetts and Nazi Germany. However, I will make this deal with you. I will voluntarily REMOVE MYSELF FROM THE BOARD and cancel my membership ... IF you can provide one ounce of ACTUAL PROOF or even evidence of this supposed "harassment" that you speak of.

Similarly, if you can provide a testimonial from a single provider (perhaps from an email) that I have had an ACTUAL SESSION WITH IN REAL LIFE, who can corroborate this narrative of me being "menacing or harassing," then I will, again, voluntarily REMOVE MYSELF FROM TER and cancel my membership.

So here is your big chance, Sparky. Don't blow it. The game is on the line. The score is tied. It's just you and the basket with no one standing in your way. All you have to do is a simple lay-up. A jump shot. If you actually have such evidence, then this will be a SLAM DUNK for you. Don't blow it

ROGM130 reads

The men are still paying for sex in one form or another. The women are still selling sex in one form or another. There's no difference if those people aren't in the Industry

I honestly feel sorry for them that they are so close-minded. They don't know how many women are here purely by choice and because, as I've learned, they truly love what they do.  

I agree with Jack, they sadly believe too much of what the media and Hollywood portrays of this industry. Negative, dramatic stories make for better ratings than happy ones do. Sadly, they will never see both sides. :

But running for office and dealing with all those lawmakers and lobbyists was just too sleazy for me. Senator Blutarsky excluded of course!

-- Modified on 3/23/2016 7:47:32 PM

Ruckerman2100 reads

Be judged". I think it goes something like that. IMO people outside of this industry that live pure lives may cast judgment but I frankly don't give a shit what other people think about me. Just sayin. Also, I don't give a shit about scripture as I am a lifelong atheist.

Most sell their soul to some corporation in exchange for market price. You can not fight willful ignorance with facts and logic.  

All too many people can not extend the same rights of self determination to others that are available to them. Just ask her "aren't you anyone "?

Same goes for anything. Atheists look down on religion. Religion looks down on Atheism. The rich look down on the poor, and the poor look down on the rich. Men on women, women on men. Ordinary on Extra-ordinary, Extra-ordinary on ordinary.

Different upbringings and cultures. Countries. Governments. Titles and positions. Schools. Level of education. People who put their website links in their posts, vs. people who don't... The list goes on...

It's all about learning to navigate this life and accepting that we don't understand others, and others don't understand us, including not understanding where the people who are judging us are coming from. Many times that's from a brainwashed form of thinking, or a very engrained perspective from many others around them for their entire lives with the same mindset. In reality, we're all heavily influenced, causing us to think in a certain way.

The easiest answer is to look at someone judging us, and say "Thou shall not judge" while we are judging them right back.  

Fear causes people to judge and make a decision. Many don't have time to understand everybody and everything, so they make a judgment and move on. Then there are those who pursue and try to make us understand. How many times have you had Jehovah's Witnesses come to your door and explained their viewpoint until they're blue in the face? Did you buy it? Even the best debaters won't change a person, especially their belief systems. So how will our argument be even better?

Most things are changed by the continual lifestyle and actions of the people in that thing. The attitudes. The day to day, and the year to year. The exposure. That's how things are changed and accepted. But they will always be judged, no matter what you do, think, believe, or live. Shit. You could cough, and someone will judge you.

Everybody doesn't need to know the truth about me, because no matter what the truth is about me, unless I surrender my life to the typical 9-5 job, house, car, and husband with one kid - wait - there goes even more judging of my life choices. No matter what, I will be judged and stigmatized.

That's why there is something called "privacy" and "I don't give a fuck."

-- Modified on 3/23/2016 10:56:10 PM

feel good about themselves unless it is at another's expense. They look for ways to judge others as less, so they can feel better about themselves and "superior". I think the tendency to do this is fundamentally driven by insecurity, and an immature response to respecting different viewpoints. Imagine the blow to a holier-than-thou ego if one had to admit they might be wrong about something

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