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And that's the kind of blanket atttude . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 611 reads

that keeps the "oil guy" and other pretend experts in business.  

With that said, its apples and oranges.  I'm all for learning new things, but if you're representing yourself as an expert  in a certain niche, then you should know what products are on the market that apply to your claimed area of expertise, and if not, ask other experts.   I don't think Mr. Waitley was advocating that you should ask your customers, who come to YOU as the expert, to teach you more about your area of expertise.   Professionals such as doctors and lawyers have continuing education requirements to remain experts in their respective fields, but you don't see them seeking that expertise from their patients and clients.  In retrospect, asking this of Nuru experts on the PO board would have been the professional thing to do.  

NuruQueen4994 reads

I have tried couple of nuru gels but I want to know which one is the best one or a really good one and where do you get it  


NoYellowEnvelope793 reads

... nuru-guru.com?  I like their premixed standard gel... I think their premium gel is too thick.

NuruQueen746 reads

Thank's I'm going to check on that one now!

call yourself the "nuru queen" and NOT know the answer to this already?  Is this thread just a blatant advertisement or is "nuru queen" a little bit of false advertising, and you rally DON'T know the best gel?  Not judging, just curious why the seeming contradiction.

NuruQueen778 reads

I have my really good nuru gel that works awesome but I'm open to try new and different stuff  
and Nuru Queen is an alias I am not advertising anything and thank's for your opinion

That's all !

souls_harbor567 reads

Ignore him.  He thinks shutting down questions will improve the world.  In other words ... he's a loon.

Pretending to be a sympathetic ear!  Too late to reinvent yourself here. Too long of a paper trail.

If you fancy yourself, even under an alias, as the "nuru Queen" you should already know what's on the market. Would you leave your car with a mechanic that calls himself the "oil guy" and then asks YOU what the best oil is for your car?  That's why you go to a professional, because you want someone who knows MORE about a particular subject than you do. It's great to want to improve yourself, but when I'm paying, I want someone that's going to learn new things on their own dime, not mine.

NoYellowEnvelope540 reads

... to learning:

“Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise. View life as a continuous learning experience.”  
– Denis Waitley

That's the kind of expert I like!  :)

that keeps the "oil guy" and other pretend experts in business.  

With that said, its apples and oranges.  I'm all for learning new things, but if you're representing yourself as an expert  in a certain niche, then you should know what products are on the market that apply to your claimed area of expertise, and if not, ask other experts.   I don't think Mr. Waitley was advocating that you should ask your customers, who come to YOU as the expert, to teach you more about your area of expertise.   Professionals such as doctors and lawyers have continuing education requirements to remain experts in their respective fields, but you don't see them seeking that expertise from their patients and clients.  In retrospect, asking this of Nuru experts on the PO board would have been the professional thing to do.  

NoYellowEnvelope520 reads

... of other providers (and hobbyists) is unprofessional??  Sheesh.  

Why limit the question only to the subset of providers who frequent the PO board?  And why limit the question only to providers?  This is a question about nuru gel, not how to rebuild an engine or do brain surgery.

I think someone needs a huge chill pill.  

If any of our other providers here asked this, I would not have responded, but this lady is seemingly claiming a certain expertise by passing herself off as the 'NURU QUEEN,"  raising the question about how much she knows about Nuru if she needs to ask this question .  If any of our other lovely ladies asked, its a legit question because they're not trying to imply with their handle that they are an expert.  You don't call yourself the DATY KING.  That would be pretentious even if you're good at it, much less if you asked the rest of us where to start licking.  Same idea.  

First of all, how can it be an advertisement if the OP is using an alias?  And secondly, why do you care so much?

my initial challenge to the OP was warranted given the contradiction I pointed out.  The interesting thing is I had three PM's from other providers telling me they were thinking the same thing I said.  So it was a legit inquiry.  She failed to adequately respond, IMO.  Then the "yellow" knight had to get involved, and now, you, the white knight.  I tried to give some an analogies to yellow knight to help him better understand, to which, ultimately, he had no response, just a parting personal shot, like you.   To quote one of my correspondent providers on this thread:  "Its strange how some people see only what they want to see."  She's a smart lady, and perceptive, too.  

Not surprised that a guy like you that likes both pussy AND DICK has only a personal attack and no viable argument.  If you want to get even, the next time you're sucking a cock, pretend its me and bite down.  Attack me and I attack you, see how that works?  Lol

-- Modified on 2/4/2017 4:54:14 PM

Moron than a cocksucker. Do you swallow or spit?

-- Modified on 2/5/2017 7:55:35 AM

GaGambler460 reads

Some of my very best friends are cocksuckers.  

All of them are women of course, but they are still cocksuckers, God Bless them. lol

This guy seems to be in denial. He takes a woman with him to go suck cock so he feels less like a queer, but than at the end he says he wants to try anal next time.  Hot apple bendover anyone?

I at least love and respect you. You have to be the most entertaining poster I have ever seen over the years.

GaGa 101, you all should buy the book.

Posted By: GaGambler
Some of my very best friends are cocksuckers.  
 All of them are women of course, but they are still cocksuckers, God Bless them. lol

GaGambler515 reads

Thanks for the kind words, PM me your Pay Pal info for your cut of the profits. lol

At the end of the day the old saying "the person with one more answer is the expert" holds true.  

In a service industry like this asking customers what they think is probably not too bad of an idea. That holds for things like nuru gels I would think; it's got to be a rather subjective evaluation rather than some chemical engineering analysis or financial cost analysis (leaving the customer out of the picture largely eliminates the benefit side). It's probably likely that the criteria a provider uses to choose may well differ from that of the clients -- for instance, one might have easier clean up characteristics so the provider may well see that as a plus but client could care less about the work that needs to be done before and after the visit; that's all invisible to them. They will care more about the feel and smell (or maybe how well it can be removed from their skin which may be a different issue that other cleaning.

And for what it's worth, I will tell places I take my car to what oil to use and not really let them say what the recommended oil is. I don't really seem them as lubricant specialist for the car I see them as the labor I didn't feel like doing. Perhaps the nuru situation here is similar; the customer may well know what's best for them and getting that information from them not a bad plan for a provider who is really just the labor in the process -- I'll assume it's skilled labor here.

If not then you're just acting like a classless prick.

While I had a similar thought about the question and the alias used to post the question I realized it's really not my concern and that I know very little about the answer or the person posing the question. In other words, I certainly have no standing as an authority on either. I suspect your are in the same boat so why act with such little class?

It would have been very easy to simply move on to another topic.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
If you fancy yourself, even under an alias, as the "nuru Queen" you should already know what's on the market. Would you leave your car with a mechanic that calls himself the "oil guy" and then asks YOU what the best oil is for your car?  That's why you go to a professional, because you want someone who knows MORE about a particular subject than you do. It's great to want to improve yourself, but when I'm paying, I want someone that's going to learn new things on their own dime, not mine.

I think its a bit hypocritical for you to say you were thinking the same thing but I'm the classless one for saying it out loud?  If you want PC speech, then boy are you on the wrong board.  You seem really uneasy with me being so direct.  You don't have to be an "authority" to spot a contradiction from someone.  

You say this topic was "none of your concern" but yet you felt compelled to post here anyway.  However, when I felt compelled to post something, I'm a classless prick?  Time for a little introspection, Jensen.  I called her out on her post, and you called me out.  Doesn't that make you a classless prick, too?  How was this any of your concern?  It would have been very easy for YOU to simply move on to another topic, but you didn't.  Do you see the contradiction in what you say and what you do.  Now I've made you look a little foolish, so I guess I'm a double dog classless prick?  

I really don't see the difference here better having enough class not to mention BBBF in a review and having enough class to not mention what you see as some misrepresentation when a) you have no direct experience with the girl and probably no interest (and likely not even in the same area). You then even sink lower by first being very critical and then trying to claim you're not judging. BS -- you clearly are judging but really have not need to or really have any solid basis as the grounds of your judgement were clearly flawed.

I don't know if you just thought you could make some joke out of it but you didn't and simply came across as snobbish, judgemental asshole lacking any type of class or sophistication.  

And yes, I'm passing a judgement on your behavior in this thread -- I'm sure you'll disagree -- but at least I'm honest about what I say and what I'm doing.

Bottom of the thread yet where I said it was a slow day in this board so I decided to start some shit here and see who bites. Granted, you're a pretty small fish but I reeled you in anyway.  If you would have used your time to start another thread, we could all have gone there instead and had some fun, but this was the only thread going for over 24 hours, so what's a board junkie to do?  Don't take yourself so seriously. Have a little fun here.  I do like the way you do the same thing I did but make it sound like you're morally superior.  Well, you probably are morally superior BECAUSE you're so serious. I'd still rather be me.   No stick up MY ass.

I have to agree with you.....

Though I would not consider this a threAD......

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
call yourself the "nuru queen" and NOT know the answer to this already?  Is this thread just a blatant advertisement or is "nuru queen" a little bit of false advertising, and you rally DON'T know the best gel?  Not judging, just curious why the seeming contradiction.

GoogleWasMyIdea759 reads

If anyone is interested, I could probably find another link or two as well.

Note: Contents are NSFW, though the most dirty bits are blurred out so we can all stay pure!

chill folks, no reason to burst a blood vessel. Over someone's interest in jelly? Everyone in favor of fucking, raise your hand  

Happy February ....

-- Modified on 2/4/2017 9:26:20 PM

NuruQueen591 reads

Thanks Jesus I posted under an alias !

I didn't know that was going to be this drama crazy about it  

I just wanted to know from clients their opinion about the nuru gel  

That's all

Don't ever not post here. As you can see, many have your back when you are being wronged.  

I would have bet against this being a trainwreck, but it only takes ONE to run it off track. lol

Posted By: NuruQueen
Thanks Jesus I posted under an alias !  
 I didn't know that was going to be this drama crazy about it  
 I just wanted to know from clients their opinion about the nuru gel  
 That's all

Slow day in this board. Only this one topic left over from yesterday until a little while ago, so what are you going to do?  I say start a little shit and see who bites. Lol

TROLLING  ... lol
you should be ashamed of yourself young man!  
And yes, I'm old enough to say that to you Sir... LOL

And calling that fellow a cocksucker? I've never heard such language! You never know when or if all non-Arian providers  
will be asked to return to rheir country of origin and you'll be  
happy just to get a massage with a HE. with lube or gel.

GaGambler528 reads

Well Ok yes, I suppose he did. lol But most people who suck cock are proud of it, so is it really that much of an insult to someone who actually does suck cock. Let's reverse it and let's suppose I called you a "cunt sucker". OK let's drop the supposition and I will just come out and say it Nothofboston YOU are a CUNTSUCKER!!!  

Now answer me this, do you feel even the slightest bit insulted??? Lmao

Back on topic. Yes I did think it was ironic that a "nuru queen" would be asking for advice rather than giving it, but if she was trying to drum up business by posting a ThreAD, doing so under an alias was hardly the way to go about it. It's like accusing VooDoo of posting threADs, considering no one even knows who she is.

although there is no review link etc, you could inquire via pm to an alias.

I don't see it as a ThreAd. I saw it as her asking for others' input on the matter to better what she uses/does.

Ps.... (not to you Gambler) but getting pegged doesn't make you queer. I know very FEW guys who don't love that shit. I am a female, therefore a guy is straight (or bi) if I peg him.

I use to be a prude about doing this, now I give a flying f*. Call us gals cocksuckers all you want, at least we are good at it :D Although a "c*nt sucker" would be a better badge of honor.

Posted By: GaGambler
Well Ok yes, I suppose he did. lol But most people who suck cock are proud of it, so is it really that much of an insult to someone who actually does suck cock. Let's reverse it and let's suppose I called you a "cunt sucker". OK let's drop the supposition and I will just come out and say it Nothofboston YOU are a CUNTSUCKER!!!  
 Now answer me this, do you feel even the slightest bit insulted??? Lmao  
 Back on topic. Yes I did think it was ironic that a "nuru queen" would be asking for advice rather than giving it, but if she was trying to drum up business by posting a ThreAD, doing so under an alias was hardly the way to go about it. It's like accusing VooDoo of posting threADs, considering no one even knows who she is.

not to ask about product. New products hit the market all the time and while some might be available in San Francisco they may be unheard of in NYC. cunt sucker, huh? 👅

2. if ever I HEAR those words, it means my cover is blown
    and you're within shouting distance. Lord give me strength.

I have found that fresh picked and prepared nuru is best. It's warm and slippery as hell (DYSWIDT?). Helps to live near the beach to collect it though.

because I've tried more than a couple of Cocks  
and know the best way to get the Cum out of the Cock.




thanks, didn't want to miss the opportunity to slip that in

They don't buy nuru gel, they just lay there and enjoy....they don't know what brand we use....unless we show them...(which I do, and they appreciate it).

Carry on nuru queen.

Posted By: NuruQueen
I have tried couple of nuru gels but I want to know which one is the best one or a really good one and where do you get it  

NoYellowEnvelope514 reads

... there ARE "clients" who buy nuru gel.

And if all your nuru clients just lay there, they're missing out on a lot of the fun of nuru massage.  And you too.

Did you read ABOVE...

Her words...."ask clients". Futhermore read my post...FWIW...I said lay there and enjoy. Selective reading I guess....or you just picked and choose what you wanted out my post. No skin off my nose.

When was the last you bought some nuru gel, what brand was it?.liquid or powder, moisturizing or non.you got time to google...go for it buddy..

Carry on...

For the record, you don't see nuru ladies asking what the best gel is...DO YOU?

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
... there ARE "clients" who buy nuru gel.  
 And if all your nuru clients just lay there, they're missing out on a lot of the fun of nuru massage.  And you too.

Yellow knight has never bought the gel, but he's going to have to look it up now and give you a description or he looks foolish for challenging your expertise.

NoYellowEnvelope642 reads

One bottle of my favorite gel, please.  :)

of that gel you're claiming you buy and had more than enough time to look up in case you are just talking out of your ass as she suggests. She asked for details.  So far, you've given her crickets.  You're not looking like anybody that knows about nuru gel. How am I supposed to know your favorite gel?  I may be an asshole, but I'm not a psychic asshole.  

NoYellowEnvelope585 reads

You have so much time on your hands, but you can't even read the posts you're trolling about.  Notice I said what my favorite gel is long before your little bet.  

And I don't LOOK like anybody who knows about nuru gel?  Congratulations, that's one of the biggest wild-ass assumptions I've ever heard or seen.

NoYellowEnvelope509 reads

... figure the total cost including estimated shipping and send that as a donation to RAINN (rainn.org).

NoYellowEnvelope523 reads

Here's the OP.  No mention of asking only clients:

"I have tried couple of nuru gels but I want to know which one is the best one or a really good one and where do you get it"

"Lay there" or "lay there and enjoy", take your pick, it doesn't change the point I was making:  if your clients aren't participating in the nuru massage, i.e. mutual massage, they're missing out on a lot of the fun of it, and I think you are too.  

As for what gel I buy, I already answered that question in my initial post on this thread.  And I provided the name of the product and link to the website so you can see for yourself.  I last bought some last year for a nuru session.  The provider appreciated that I brought the gel, it's her favorite also.  

And as I've already explained, I think it's great when experts in a field ask questions of others to learn even more.  Why that bothers you and another poster in this thread so much, I don't know, but at least the other person was clear with us about his purpose--to be a troll.  As for you, you just seem to be a mean-spirited, narrow-minded woman--one whom I'm glad I'll never have to meet.

Posted By: lisa0302
Did you read ABOVE...  
 Her words...."ask clients". Futhermore read my post...FWIW...I said lay there and enjoy. Selective reading I guess....or you just picked and choose what you wanted out my post. No skin off my nose.  
 When was the last you bought some nuru gel, what brand was it?.liquid or powder, moisturizing or non.you got time to google...go for it buddy..  
 Carry on...  
 For the record, you don't see nuru ladies asking what the best gel is...DO YOU?
Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
... there ARE "clients" who buy nuru gel.  
  And if all your nuru clients just lay there, they're missing out on a lot of the fun of nuru massage.  And you too.

GaGambler402 reads

She did not say it in her OP, you are correct about that. BUT she did say it in a subsequent post.

And CDL was admittedly being a troll and trying (and succeeding) in stirring up shit. I suppose I can relate to that. Especially on a slow day. lol

I usually don't butt into private fights, so carry on.

So, I am still a little confused by Nuru massage. I've seen a few professional adult vids that claim to be Nuru, but I suspect they are not the most reliable depiction. Could someone explain a bit to me? I  mean, if it always ends with GFE, I'm going to have to try it out for sure.  If it is just a naked massage, I'm not necessarily as interested.  


NoYellowEnvelope351 reads

... it doesn't always include FS. There's FBSM providers who offer nuru, no FS.  And of course some FS providers offer nuru.

Read her profile, ads, web site, reviews to see what's included with the nuru massage.

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