TER General Board

and pal i dont blame you 1 bit .. if you do
Back_In_Black 1205 reads

find a special lady and shes there for you , I mean why not ...honestly its happened before men do this .. and who know perhaps your 1 of those men  

Posted By: 89Springer
I've thought about this before. I have no kids, and now no wife. I'm not close with my family, and I'll more than likely outlive my closest friend.  
 If there was a provider who really made me happy by being very good and putting up with an old man, I'd leave her a significant something.  I'd suggest she wear her sexiest dress if there's going to be a reading of my will, so there's no doubt what our relationship was, just to piss off my relatives.

Back_In_Black2262 reads

my question is would you leave your favorite provider something in your will . and ladies have you ever gotten a call that you were left something and if so , what ...  

just curious .... don't know if this question was ever brought up before ... oh guys if you had a miserable wife it is a good idea ....

you have given me a better option. I mean shit I am practically blowing my "estate" on them anyway they might as well just get the rest and if I am real lucky maybe they will visit my grave and finally say some nice things about me LOL.

Back_In_Black1273 reads

you see a lady and shes extra nice come back and let us know why .. the grave part isn't bad either plus some mouners ..lol , kinda like  hammerhead had some nice looking nieces and they all came to pay their respects ...lol  

Posted By: hammerhead896
you have given me a better option. I mean shit I am practically blowing my "estate" on them anyway they might as well just get the rest and if I am real lucky maybe they will visit my grave and finally say some nice things about me LOL.

And Tom even left me some unused magnums...all you're leaving me are some t-shirts?  And back taxes on the hut?

bonordonor1195 reads

They are going to get a big surprise when I die. And I get much better service.  What I don't tell them is that the surprise is no more visits!

Back_In_Black1325 reads

she wasn't wearing any ...lol  

Posted By: bonordonor
They are going to get a big surprise when I die. And I get much better service.  What I don't tell them is that the surprise is no more visits!

I can see sharing something with friends who have stood by me and helped me at various points in my life, no matter the manner of that help or the needs that they helped fullfill.

Otherwise, whatever I have goes to my kids. I grew up with nothing, worked my way through college, worked my ass off to build a career and then did it again to build a business. I want the kids to have it better than I ever did.  

TS put up a thread about dreams a few days back. Mine is to leave my kids better off than I ever was; to leave something behind that endures.

Back_In_Black1298 reads

understand when you don't work for it . or at least work as hard .. your a good guy zen ,  and yes i agree leaving things to people who were there for us and stood by is important to me too ...that's why i like girls who swallow ..lol  

Posted By: MasterZen
I can see sharing something with friends who have stood by me and helped me at various points in my life, no matter the manner of that help or the needs that they helped fullfill.  
 Otherwise, whatever I have goes to my kids. I grew up with nothing, worked my way through college, worked my ass off to build a career and then did it again to build a business. I want the kids to have it better than I ever did.  
 TS put up a thread about dreams a few days back. Mine is to leave my kids better off than I ever was; to leave something behind that endures.

I'm serious.  A few years ago, after a few reverses, I asked myself, "is there nothing that can't be taken from me?"
Then I realized, "Everything will be taken from you."
It's nice to leave things better than you left them, and I'd like to do that, too.  Just don't be under any illusions that anything tangible you do is permanent.
Sorry to be so philosophical.  I promise not to do it again for a while.

but I'd say it isn't taken if it is freely given. And enduring can be no more than momentary beyond my own demise. My only absolute belief is that in life there are few absolutes... and impermanence is one.  

Philosophical Nick is alright. I was getting tired of movie clips, although they were entertaining for a while.

The one and only Eddie Lawrence, who died last week.  Wonder if he left anything to a hooker

I can really relate to. Wonder if he ever left anything to a hooker?

Back_In_Black1088 reads

believe is that we all came into this world alone and we are leaving this world alone . and in between we write a story . some peoples stories somehow are better than other however in the end its just us and what we tried to do ........ and yes zen no absolutes as we have no control over those around us nor can we predict anyones actions  not for a moment and not for a lifetime . hope this made sense ...lol

Posted By: MasterZen
but I'd say it isn't taken if it is freely given. And enduring can be no more than momentary beyond my own demise. My only absolute belief is that in life there are few absolutes... and impermanence is one.  
 Philosophical Nick is alright. I was getting tired of movie clips, although they were entertaining for a while.

Back_In_Black1252 reads

who I am , well I am back and I in black .......... but its all good and always was ...lol ..xoxo

Posted By: TaylorSteele
Where am I?

I've written a few, literally and figuratively.  And I plan on a few more.

Back_In_Black1758 reads

all of us set out to live it , write it , and some of us are writing those chapters as planned and other perhaps are changing their chapters as life has changed for them , but the one thing none of us should ever do is to stop writing ... for when we stop writing we stop living and that is something none of us should do and who know maybe for some their books will have the ending that they first started for .... one never knows ...  

Posted By: inicky46
I've written a few, literally and figuratively.  And I plan on a few more.

0603450onThe1043 reads

we will have a glass of vino to toast to your 'new' writing habits LOL. Bravo. Well said. I think I'm impressed (just a lil bit)  


Back_In_Black1162 reads

sure anytime , and im sure the conversation would  be as lovely as this day was ...

Posted By: TaylorSteele
we will have a glass of vino to toast to your 'new' writing habits LOL. Bravo. Well said. I think I'm impressed (just a lil bit)  

Back_In_Black1375 reads

know that from day one it just took you awhile to come around and come around you did .. a bit softer if I may and I do enjoy it ... xoxo .. white or red

0603450onThe1286 reads

aren't beating me down, you'll always get a soft Taylor. Always. I'm just a woman like any other woman.  

I'm in a crisp chilled white mood lately...rooftop please. Top floor is always the best. Cheers.

Back_In_Black1521 reads

gotcha xoxo... just don't push me off lol.. or make me jump lol lol ........ white it is ..xoxo

Posted By: TaylorSteele
aren't beating me down, you'll always get a soft Taylor. Always. I'm just a woman like any other woman.  
 I'm in a crisp chilled white mood lately...rooftop please. Top floor is always the best. Cheers.

Back_In_Black1081 reads

hey appreciate what he did and the fact that he wasn't selfish and could have spent the money on himself .. but didn't .

0603450onThe1266 reads

'philosophical' side of you gentlemen is beautiful I must say. Hope to see more in all honesty, yes even on this board. And yes, I feel everything is about 'others' or it should be at some point in everyone's life. We can never do enough for each other or those closest to us. That's just humankindness. (I think that's a word lol)

This song popped into my head. Kinda sad, but the words........well

-- Modified on 4/8/2014 6:21:21 PM

Back_In_Black1354 reads

thank you taylor a very nice post and a nice song too..  thought it was going to be gay like rods but it isn't ...well kinda gay but its very nice . I like that you like music I picked that up awhile ago , I to enjoy music and perhaps some day we can relax , share a glass of wine and listen to some nice songs together .. two friends ... sharing a moment , then ill make love to you like you've never been made love to before ..lol but that blindfold of yours is going on you and so are the ice cubes .. the whole bucket ...lol  
have a great day sweetie ....xoxo

Posted By: TaylorSteele
'philosophical' side of you gentlemen is beautiful I must say. Hope to see more in all honesty, yes even on this board. And yes, I feel everything is about 'others' or it should be at some point in everyone's life. We can never do enough for each other or those closest to us. That's just humankindness. (I think that's a word lol)  
 This song popped into my head. Kinda sad, but the words........well  

-- Modified on 4/8/2014 6:21:21 PM

...who I would consider INCLUDING in my will, but as it stands now she isn't mentioned.

89Springer1368 reads

I've thought about this before. I have no kids, and now no wife. I'm not close with my family, and I'll more than likely outlive my closest friend.

If there was a provider who really made me happy by being very good and putting up with an old man, I'd leave her a significant something.  I'd suggest she wear her sexiest dress if there's going to be a reading of my will, so there's no doubt what our relationship was, just to piss off my relatives.

Back_In_Black1206 reads

find a special lady and shes there for you , I mean why not ...honestly its happened before men do this .. and who know perhaps your 1 of those men  

Posted By: 89Springer
I've thought about this before. I have no kids, and now no wife. I'm not close with my family, and I'll more than likely outlive my closest friend.  
 If there was a provider who really made me happy by being very good and putting up with an old man, I'd leave her a significant something.  I'd suggest she wear her sexiest dress if there's going to be a reading of my will, so there's no doubt what our relationship was, just to piss off my relatives.

AnotherDonJohn1279 reads

I might leave all the Flashcash I forgot to spend at Flashdancers last time. Otherwise, if I had no kids, SO, extended family, friends, charities I liked, and I could pick the one hooker who wasn't a SO who deserved to be singled out that way, then maybe...more likely I'd be leaving this friend (pic) my estate.

Posted By: 89Springer
I've thought about this before. I have no kids, and now no wife. I'm not close with my family, and I'll more than likely outlive my closest friend.  
 If there was a provider who really made me happy by being very good and putting up with an old man, I'd leave her a significant something.  I'd suggest she wear her sexiest dress if there's going to be a reading of my will, so there's no doubt what our relationship was, just to piss off my relatives.

I am an oooooollllddddd dude and a widower. My wife of 52 years died about 4 years ago. I'm leaving a 2007 car to my ATF. I have a modest retirement pension and about my only vice is my hobby.

Back_In_Black1104 reads

and the car nice I hope your lady friends treat YOU RIGHT ... and I hope your atf doesn't get that car for a long long  time ...  


Posted By: cooper80
  I am an oooooollllddddd dude and a widower. My wife of 52 years died about 4 years ago. I'm leaving a 2007 car to my ATF. I have a modest retirement pension and about my only vice is my hobby.

codicil to my will, I certainly would.  I'd leave my regular something significant, and a few other ladies some special things that I know they'd like.  I'd leave my custom carry .45 to one young lady who is a fellow gun nut along with a lot of ammunition.  It would bring her some happiness, just as she brought me.

I would want to keep those secret, though, so as not to cause any turmoil to my wife or relatives.

Back_In_Black1421 reads

keep it a secret .. the custom gun they may notice missing but to remember some special friends why not .... the one thing in life that keeps us going is happiness to why forgot those who gave us that happiness.... just sayin ..

Posted By: 2labman
codicil to my will, I certainly would.  I'd leave my regular something significant, and a few other ladies some special things that I know they'd like.  I'd leave my custom carry .45 to one young lady who is a fellow gun nut along with a lot of ammunition.  It would bring her some happiness, just as she brought me.  
 I would want to keep those secret, though, so as not to cause any turmoil to my wife or relatives.

ASPCA and St. Judes Children's Hospital. I have no children, no siblings, and I'm divorced, my Mother is gone and my Dad doesn't need it. My Mother gave to St Judes during the last 10 years of her life, 4 1/2 of which I supported her. She got very little Social Security, but she gave, of course she knew I had her back, but still she gave. So, when she passed I continued her giving. But I also love animals, they keep it real and you gotta love that, so ASPCA gets some too

Back_In_Black1282 reads

alive with a gift as you choose ... I love animals and yes they have been my companions and good and faithful ones for most of my life so your gift is a good one ..

Posted By: russbbj
ASPCA and St. Judes Children's Hospital. I have no children, no siblings, and I'm divorced, my Mother is gone and my Dad doesn't need it. My Mother gave to St Judes during the last 10 years of her life, 4 1/2 of which I supported her. She got very little Social Security, but she gave, of course she knew I had her back, but still she gave. So, when she passed I continued her giving. But I also love animals, they keep it real and you gotta love that, so ASPCA gets some too.  

Who told you I'm old ;)?

Why on earth would a HOOKER be worthy of my estate? Or any state for that matter

Back_In_Black1334 reads

younger members , and since some of us are still young we still have time before we answer this question . and perhaps the answer may be because some provider was there for us .... ya never no .. lol .have a good 1 bro  

Posted By: OSP
Who told you I'm old ;)?

Why on earth would a HOOKER be worthy of my estate? Or any state for that matter

Back_In_Black1017 reads

very unlikely ....lol and the will yeah I have one and it goes to special people , very special people.

so put your car back in the garage it aint gonna happen ... lol ...lol

Back_In_Black887 reads

happen too...  
glad to see your having fun today ... I actually enjoy it ..lol..'

look have a good week ..l8r ..lmao

$300 to each girl I see, one hour at a time.  There will be no $ left when I die.

Back_In_Black1240 reads

and don't forget to bounce the check for the funeral ... ! they wont dig you up , they grin and say here lies a smart 1 he played the game of life and won ...lol  

good 1 bro , have a great week lol

Posted By: DT_lover
$300 to each girl I see, one hour at a time.  There will be no $ left when I die.

ROGM1191 reads

I've had a brief discussion with the Girl I'm seeing. I told her I may leave Property that I own to her. Nothing definite. She's such a Sweetheart that I'd love to leave her something when I'm gone. Besides I have no kids or a wife.

Back_In_Black1120 reads

nothing fancy pre fab .. and if you have a lake or water view even better ... a little love nest ..  I mean you cant take it with you .. right  

Posted By: ROGM
I've had a brief discussion with the Girl I'm seeing. I told her I may leave Property that I own to her. Nothing definite. She's such a Sweetheart that I'd love to leave her something when I'm gone. Besides I have no kids or a wife.

ROGM1067 reads

Posted By: Back_In_Black
nothing fancy pre fab .. and if you have a lake or water view even better ... a little love nest ..  I mean you cant take it with you .. right  
Posted By: ROGM
I've had a brief discussion with the Girl I'm seeing. I told her I may leave Property that I own to her. Nothing definite. She's such a Sweetheart that I'd love to leave her something when I'm gone. Besides I have no kids or a wife.
Well actually it's a Commercial Property. 6 Apartment Rentals and 3 Storefront Rentals.

Back_In_Black955 reads

then but the property for the love nest with the profit .. youll save on hotel bills .. its an investment  

Posted By: ROGM
Posted By: Back_In_Black
nothing fancy pre fab .. and if you have a lake or water view even better ... a little love nest ..  I mean you cant take it with you .. right    
Posted By: ROGM
I've had a brief discussion with the Girl I'm seeing. I told her I may leave Property that I own to her. Nothing definite. She's such a Sweetheart that I'd love to leave her something when I'm gone. Besides I have no kids or a wife.
 Well actually it's a Commercial Property. 6 Apartment Rentals and 3 Storefront Rentals.

Maybe "older guys" need a reality check before signing over too much of their life's saving. For me, a gift of a few thousand would be a nice boost and a gracious gift for a woman who so far is doing quite well on her on hook.

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