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And on the flip side...
Dr Who revived 511 reads

improperly executed can (and does) result in death.  

This isn't a game I would suggest that many play...most folks have NO fucking idea on how to apply pressure...for how long...let alone watch their toy for anything that may/could become a life threatening issue.

There are plenty of variations on how to apply breath play.  Some are more advisable for beginners.
Posted By: AHappyCamper
In the sport I train in, chokes are a major part of it. The techniques are to restrict blood flow to the brain. When properly applied, it's painless and you'll be out in less than 10 seconds, give or take.  
 It's an amazing feeling afterwards when you come out of it

Are any of you guys truly skilled at choking someone out without all the gagging or possibly killing her lol.  Just asking. During my hiatus, I found this activity to be very theraputic as a means of calming me down but only one guy in all my life could do it properly. Most of the time we would have sex, but a few times he literally just rubbed my back, kissed me all over and then chocked me out. I awoke refreshed and calm. Maybe Dani would love to partake? LOL....

Just wondering if there are others who actually are skilled at this technique, vs. simply putting your hands around her neck and squeezing the fk out of her until she is blowing snot from her nose. If so, feel free to share your skills. I have yet to find anyone but this one person who could black me out without me being utterly scared to death whilst it was happening. I imagine a lot of trust goes into your dates for those of you who are into this. I have never done it to anyone, but love having it done.

Girl, 50 shades gone wrong... Uh...

I do like a little "rough" stuff at times, but not for the hobby. Interesting you posted about dry finger probing, and if he isn't skilled enough to lube the pussy right, I highly highly doubt I would trust him with a choke out. LOL!

Now choking on a dick in my throat, yes please! No real skill needed in that, in the event he goes too far, then that's a fetish fee or I will just clamp down! JK... No maybe I am not.  

A select ATF only should you trust with this, I would hate for your trachea to collapse. Don't you like to be spanked too? Fun stuff and a little safer.

Believe me, only one here I would trust enough for that and I am not sure he is into it. Nice to see you!

Just a thought...  

I once got fucked by a power tool, real hard core porn quality stuff there. What would the price of admission be if you had a girl girl choke out and he just could watch. LOL! Big boners there.  

I bet you have only one here and good to know you have increased you limits. Not sure the majority of the vanilla bunch here may get it, but yeah. LOL!

Ok is anyone buying this is really a dude? Cmon. Poor thing. Must be tough to have been picked on by all the hot chicks in high school and never hugged as a child bwahahahaa. Just dayum. Don't we have another provider in NC who does this same shit? I can't remember her name

That's a very difficult type of game to play (breath play).  

The risk/reward is something only YOU could determine.  

Some kids try a variation on that by the "hanging game".  So do some adults.  Sometimes the result is a trip to see God.

Posted By: London Rayne
Believe me, only one here I would trust enough for that and I am not sure he is into it. Nice to see you!

Agreed, which is why I said "Skilled." You have to know when to stop once she blacks out, how and where to apply pressure, etc. It's not something I want to learn mind you, but I do get off on it.

as I recall, I had to learn to do this in army basic training - hand to hand combat... you might want to check the military posts in your vicinity for playmates...

welcome back.. as always, I hate it when we agree on anything so please try very hard not to say anything I agree with for a bit, ok ?

You can choke me out any time. You bring the wine.  

Posted By: LoboGris
 as I recall, I had to learn to do this in army basic training - hand to hand combat... you might want to check the military posts in your vicinity for playmates...  
 welcome back.. as always, I hate it when we agree on anything so please try very hard not to say anything I agree with for a bit, ok ?

Posted By: London Rayne
You can choke me out any time. You bring the wine.  
Posted By: LoboGris
  as I recall, I had to learn to do this in army basic training - hand to hand combat... you might want to check the military posts in your vicinity for playmates...  
  welcome back.. as always, I hate it when we agree on anything so please try very hard not to say anything I agree with for a bit, ok ?

And you expect males to not think with their dicks a lot of the time. Really? Is this excitement I just felt suppose to come from my mind or heart?

Of course, I couldn't come close to helping you out but would if I could. Point me to the classes now please so I can become certified! Then on a jet plane I go. Don't know when I'll be back again.

Posted By: London Rayne
Are any of you guys truly skilled at choking someone out without all the gagging or possibly killing her lol.  Just asking. During my hiatus, I found this activity to be very theraputic as a means of calming me down but only one guy in all my life could do it properly. Most of the time we would have sex, but a few times he literally just rubbed my back, kissed me all over and then chocked me out. I awoke refreshed and calm. Maybe Dani would love to partake? LOL....  
 Just wondering if there are others who actually are skilled at this technique, vs. simply putting your hands around her neck and squeezing the fk out of her until she is blowing snot from her nose. If so, feel free to share your skills. I have yet to find anyone but this one person who could black me out without me being utterly scared to death whilst it was happening. I imagine a lot of trust goes into your dates for those of you who are into this. I have never done it to anyone, but love having it done.

I imagine the thought of choking me might make a lot of guys hard bwahahahahaa. Hey, I do what I can. I need to get off of here and at least accomplish something today. Tanning and working out sound good. :) Maybe get choked too if my boy is around lol.

Oh, I wasn't even meaning it in a negative light. Ok, maybe it crossed my mind for a sec! Lol. It's was hottttt, kind of erotic and very interesting the way you wrote it with True Desire! Mmmmmmm. Have a good one. Good luck with the Black Out!

In the sport I train in, chokes are a major part of it. The techniques are to restrict blood flow to the brain. When properly applied, it's painless and you'll be out in less than 10 seconds, give or take.

It's an amazing feeling afterwards when you come out of it

improperly executed can (and does) result in death.  

This isn't a game I would suggest that many play...most folks have NO fucking idea on how to apply pressure...for how long...let alone watch their toy for anything that may/could become a life threatening issue.

There are plenty of variations on how to apply breath play.  Some are more advisable for beginners.

Posted By: AHappyCamper
In the sport I train in, chokes are a major part of it. The techniques are to restrict blood flow to the brain. When properly applied, it's painless and you'll be out in less than 10 seconds, give or take.  
 It's an amazing feeling afterwards when you come out of it

I've been training in this sport for 10 yrs and  technique matters. Yes, this is not something to be toyed with, severe injury or death could occur. You certainly have to be aware of the other person and their physical signs. I've been choked out several times training, so I understand.

We learn these techniques to defend ourselves and it's the fastest way to end an altercation. I wouldn't consider doing this to another person for fun.

THIS is what I am talking about. I have had guys try it and it took forever... gagging, kicking, etc. Not exactly a pleasurable experience but we had safe moves/words. What you describe is how my guy does it, but I would say it is a good 2 minutes before the black out becasue I like the build up.

Your odds of something going bad are fairly close to the odds of playing Russian Roulette with revolver and one in the chamber.

PussyLipGloss446 reads

On reflection, I think I just wanted to know that she would let me do it, like when she let me into her ass despite a firm policy against it. That wa something she offered up on her own. But choking? Man, never wanted to really do that to a woman other than my ex-wife.  

Posted By: London Rayne
Are any of you guys truly skilled at choking someone out without all the gagging or possibly killing her lol.  Just asking. During my hiatus, I found this activity to be very theraputic as a means of calming me down but only one guy in all my life could do it properly. Most of the time we would have sex, but a few times he literally just rubbed my back, kissed me all over and then chocked me out. I awoke refreshed and calm. Maybe Dani would love to partake? LOL....  
 Just wondering if there are others who actually are skilled at this technique, vs. simply putting your hands around her neck and squeezing the fk out of her until she is blowing snot from her nose. If so, feel free to share your skills. I have yet to find anyone but this one person who could black me out without me being utterly scared to death whilst it was happening. I imagine a lot of trust goes into your dates for those of you who are into this. I have never done it to anyone, but love having it done.
-- Modified on 4/29/2015 1:55:12 PM

I think I'd prefer choking you the old-fashioned way... preferably NQ/NS.

Who the hell am I kidding, I specifically meant you (singular) ALSO.  

But in all seriousness, this is pretty dangerous... be careful doing this, especially with someone who does not know what they are doing!  A broken hyoid, and you will likely be dead (not from the break necessarily, but from the strangulation)... a bit too late for the guy to get it right next time. PLAY SAFE!

Only YOU would post a thread about this. Crazy ass. I knew as soon as you posted this, somehow, someway, someone was going to mention wishing they could to you lol.

Ok, shall I keep on topic? Honestly I am going to say this first: I will in no way partake in this. Too many things can go wrong and death could result. Has it crossed my mind many times? Yes and I am fairly certain if it was done during an orgasm, it would be the best ever. Not like I won't hold my breath and cum hard as concrete. That is as far as I will take it. I hold my breath, not someone that I "trust" doing it to me. Of course not like I haven't gotten off watching pornos like that (or at least looking like it was going on), so I guess I am crazy myself.  

There is plenty of naughty things I have done in my personal life.... some vanilla, some BDSM. Not too much I have not tried to at least see if I'd like. No bodily fluids junk though, nor will I ever. I keep that separate and in no way will I do that in P4P, so no one better blow up my pms with requests. KISS (Keep it simple stupid).

Did crazy exist before the Rayne or did crazy come with the Rayne? :D

Is it contagious, because I may be in trouble then.

I did not even mildly suggest all you nuts start trying this here or in RL... I wanted to know if anyone here was actually skilled at doing it because I have met only one who was in RL. There were times in the beginning when it scared me, but he stopped when I pinched his arm three times... that was the so called safe movement. It was that fear that made me keep going back for more, though.  

It is very dangerous if not done properly or under the influence... especially if the guy is cumming whilst applying pressure. I think we all know brain activity tends to cease during that period lol.

or even handle it. So I got it silly. I was fucking with you. Oh God I got you all serious. bwahaha.  

BTW I am counting your workout time as my workout time yesterday. What can I say, I am a lazy focker lol. Did you workout today, because I really needed to pretend I did today too.  

PS since you didn't use Bwahaha on the board for a while, I claimed the rights to it. I will lease it to you if you like. :D

Safe is always good when trying anything like that. I wasn't knocking you by any means.  

Posted By: London Rayne
I did not even mildly suggest all you nuts start trying this here or in RL... I wanted to know if anyone here was actually skilled at doing it because I have met only one who was in RL. There were times in the beginning when it scared me, but he stopped when I pinched his arm three times... that was the so called safe movement. It was that fear that made me keep going back for more, though.  
 It is very dangerous if not done properly or under the influence... especially if the guy is cumming whilst applying pressure. I think we all know brain activity tends to cease during that period lol.  

Sure: squat, breathe deeply (in through nose, out through mouth) for at least thirty seconds. Then take a deep breath and hold it. Stand up and have your partner put his hands on the sides of your neck so that he can do a full-hand skin-pinch tightening the skin over your larynx while you're exhaling that deep breath you were holding in. Make sure he knows not to let you fall as head trauma can occur. You'll go out very quickly and you should wake up about 5 seconds later. If you don't, hopefully he knows how to dial 911 while performing chest compressions because you just lost this game of Russian roulette.

I strongly advise against this, or any other, choke-out technique, but it does seem to have the least amount of fatalities.

I agree that this chocking is foolish but if you don't mind cutting off blood supply to the brain and a few moments of tingly, sort of numb feeling, fine. But who the fuck with any brains wants to deprive the brain for a cheap odd feeling. I did this many, many years ago and it didn't affect and irt vulfdjdndkh fjdlsjdl gb   rajdj  ekej gg  eee k wj lldf nnfn --do you understand now?

Posted By: Atlastood
Sure: squat, breathe deeply (in through nose, out through mouth) for at least thirty seconds. Then take a deep breath and hold it. Stand up and have your partner put his hands on the sides of your neck so that he can do a full-hand skin-pinch tightening the skin over your larynx while you're exhaling that deep breath you were holding in. Make sure he knows not to let you fall as head trauma can occur. You'll go out very quickly and you should wake up about 5 seconds later. If you don't, hopefully he knows how to dial 911 while performing chest compressions because you just lost this game of Russian roulette.  
 I strongly advise against this, or any other, choke-out technique, but it does seem to have the least amount of fatalities.

I know a number of girls who like the feeling of being choked, but not choked out.  The way I was told to do it was to place my finger on the sides of her neck, but NOT on the carotid artery, which gives her the feeling of being choked but not the passing out part. That's about all I'll do.

Don't ruin my fantasies.
   You are the gal who's supposed to do the choking.  
  A choke hold is cutting off blood flow to the brain, shutting you down.  

If a choke hold is done for seconds too long there is a possibility of dying before your time.
  Pass out was a popular child hood game in my elementary school, comprised of a large majority of juvenile delinquents, fortunately for me, I wasn't the child  who died.  

 Have you tried  Yoga for a safer calming effect ?  

Posted By: London Rayne
Are any of you guys truly skilled at choking someone out without all the gagging or possibly killing her lol.  Just asking. During my hiatus, I found this activity to be very theraputic as a means of calming me down but only one guy in all my life could do it properly. Most of the time we would have sex, but a few times he literally just rubbed my back, kissed me all over and then chocked me out. I awoke refreshed and calm. Maybe Dani would love to partake? LOL....  
 Just wondering if there are others who actually are skilled at this technique, vs. simply putting your hands around her neck and squeezing the fk out of her until she is blowing snot from her nose. If so, feel free to share your skills. I have yet to find anyone but this one person who could black me out without me being utterly scared to death whilst it was happening. I imagine a lot of trust goes into your dates for those of you who are into this. I have never done it to anyone, but love having it done.

Ha ha ha. No, I would never reveal all of your secrets. Yoga is ok, but eh. It is the fear before certain things that I get off on. Botox and sky diving have the same effect, but choking is free lol.

Even when done by an experienced partner it is dangerous. People die in breath play. Your fear of breath play is because sometimes you just don't wake up. A few seconds too long, a few pounds too much pressure, or being off on hand placement and  you get to see God. But I guess you know this. Just be safe, if that is remotely possible with breath play. I think your fun and feisty and I would miss you.

with only one person and I am still here. Consult your physician before trying this at home. It's cute you worry though, Scoed.

It just is not safe. It can kill and it can disable. It can lead to stroke and more. But you are a grown woman that I repect. I just needed to make sure you knew the risks.

Excessive pressure to the carotid artery could  loosen atherosclerosis calcium deposits,  causing  a  stroke, possibly ending the person being choked their  ability to use or understand words.
          How about  Bungee jumping, or climbing tall buildings, for safer thrills,

Skyfyre479 reads

Maybe that one dude has a LE background? because it is an often-taught police maneuver to  subdue a resisting suspect.

It is called Carotid Choke Hold. Like somebody already mentioned it works by cutting off the blood flow to the brain so the person will black out without being strangled to death.

I dunno. Maybe you didn't feel like any harm has been done but I'd be wary of messing with my brain. Chances are a few brain cells might have died and even though you don't suffer any harmful effect now it can have a cumulating effect if you keep doing it.  

The ill-effect may not show until you're older!

Uh, no. He's a server at a local place lol. Far from LE, but yes my dad also taught us this as kids when he was carrying. After all the ahem substances I used in college the first go round, a lil choking should be ok ha ha. I did manage to get through seven years of college and graduate pretty high. Then again, I have zero common sense so you might be right.

No one gives zero fucks about you. You are an old attention seeking washed up skank who clearly needs to get a hobby and/or life. You could also benefit from a boob job and gym membership. Who has time to constantly post on boards on a regular basis. That says it all. You need to get a life.  

-- Modified on 4/29/2015 2:58:07 PM

After all you have the time to attack her under an alias for no cause. Everything you said could be said of you. Just saying....

The pretend female has an ax to grind apparently.  

See, us real fucks post under our own name. You speak very harshly for never existing before (Sassy). If you are a female, why such the hate? How does her posts bother you? I do not, nor ever seen you try to be a benefit to this or any other board. just comes across as an asshole man. Just saying.

Some of us like to have FUN and it is not all about MONEY or ThreADS. Called contributing. You should try to give back. If you got a real opinion, stop hiding behind the alias. Take a look at me, I post and I take responsibility of what I say.  

Who the hell cares if she posts here in between been busying with life or P4P.  

I like what you said Scoed. :D

Posted By: scoed
After all you have the time to attack her under an alias for no cause. Everything you said could be said of you. Just saying....

An old score to settle perhaps? So surface with an alias and throw up some shit. You've got a serious credibility problem you know.

Posted By: inicky46
An old score to settle perhaps? So surface with an alias and throw up some shit. You've got a serious credibility problem you know.

I have never said two words to or about this woman. She is clueless as well as desperate though, being she accuses me of posting on boards all day when I just came back after over a year and a half break... appears someone else might need a break from sucking d*ck. Probably can't afford the time off though lol. That's gotta make someone bitter knowing this is ALL they have going in life. I guess she's mad that I can post while she has to fk? Duh.... can't exactly be doing both at the same time lol.  

Psst, hey Caramel (nice name... so original) if you need a sugar daddy, shoot me an email. It will be ok, mamma. You have options bwhahahahaa.  

Posted By: inicky46
An old score to settle perhaps? So surface with an alias and throw up some shit. You've got a serious credibility problem you know.

I am so happy to see you back and on  fire. LOVE you so much! You taught me and helped me a lot when I started out and will never forget.  

Love you London!

You went from posting under "Sassy" to now having your real handle on here.

Who pissed in your Captain Crunch, hooker? It's really sad that you have to resort to such insults about other women you don't even know, but more power to ya. Whatever makes you feel better about what you HAVE TO DO for a living.  

Posted By: CaramelDime4u
No one gives zero fucks about you. You are an old attention seeking washed up skank who clearly needs to get a hobby and/or life. You could also benefit from a boob job and gym membership. Who has time to constantly post on boards on a regular basis. That says it all. You need to get a life.  
 -- Modified on 4/29/2015 2:58:07 PM

This lady here was posting under the alias starting with "Sassy" in it. She has only posted one time on here (under her board name). So unless she changed her alias right after she started posting under Cops40 yesterday? Day before? or has multiple handles with multiple aliases....

Posted By: London Rayne
Who pissed in your Captain Crunch, hooker? It's really sad that you have to resort to such insults about other women you don't even know, but more power to ya. Whatever makes you feel better about what you HAVE TO DO for a living.  
Posted By: CaramelDime4u
No one gives zero fucks about you. You are an old attention seeking washed up skank who clearly needs to get a hobby and/or life. You could also benefit from a boob job and gym membership. Who has time to constantly post on boards on a regular basis. That says it all. You need to get a life.    
  -- Modified on 4/29/2015 2:58:07 PM
-- Modified on 4/30/2015 9:51:03 AM

It appears my welcome back crowd was just too much for her to take ha ha ha. Funny, I am washed up and attention starved, yet she's pissed that she is NOT getting any? Too funny. Sigh. I am going to the beach. We washed up skanks can afford that luxury vs. cruising the truck stops for new gangsters to unload in them. Let me know when you guys take the trash out.

Check my reviews old hooker. Obviously, I don't need attention unlike you who posts on boards constantly. I just don't like you and find you annoying. You're nothing but a lot lizard. Luxury...but my rates are higher than yours and I clearly get them. I thought the trash was taken out but yet you resurfaced. I guess you can't continue your trailer park payments so that's why you came back. Bum, bye you are beneath me.

And you have a lot of nerve talking about who is trash.

Advisor518 reads

The idea of "blacking out," if you desire such a feeling is easy to accomplish without choking.  Simply have your partner exhale as completely as possible and using your body pressure either by laying on them or hugging them don't allow them to take a breath, they will quickly "blackout" and you can release them and they will become awake and aware in a very short time.

It's an odd request but we used to do it as kids as kind of a high without drugs

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