TER General Board

And I love your endurance, Sexy Lexy (eom)
Carrie_of_London See my TER Reviews 6179 reads
1 / 45

Tom Cruise was soaked with water outside the London premier of his latest movie:

"The star struggled to keep his composure as he repeatedly called one of the journalists a "jerk". "

A jerk?  Is that the best he can do?!  I'd be using much stronger language if somebody done that to me.  Without condoning violence (which I'm just about to do), I think it would have been great if Cruise had decked the guy as it's just not what you'd expect from him.  I bet the guy wouldn't have done it to Russell Crowe!

-- Modified on 6/19/2005 8:49:15 PM

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2989 reads
2 / 45

I am extremely disappointed in you, Carrie.

Just what we need in our world...yet another celebrity lashing out physically (like "manly man" Crowe) at someone who evidently was playing a prank on him in a similar vein to Ashton Kutcher's "Punk'd".  Let me see...Tom Cruise, who has ad nauseum talked about how big a role spirituality plays in his life with his discussion of Scientology, not only backs up all of that talk with his actions and takes the way of the peaceful warrior, but actually has the GOOD SENSE to not violently attack or even profanely lash out verbally at someone WHILE HE IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF A THRONG OF HIS FANS!

You very specifically were not only condoning violence but encouraging it. I don't know whether you have a beef against Cruise (as others on here have, and I had to laugh when he announced a couple of days ago that he and Katie Holmes actually got engaged...the lucky bastard...when several people on this board specifically said that their "relationship" was just a publicity stunt for the relase of their new movies), or whether you were just trying to be funny, but while I likely will be in the minority on here with this one and classified that much more firmly as being too sensitive and too serious, I think your attitude is sad.

While I am sure many will remind me that pacifists like Gandhi or MLK or the Dalai Lama were killed or cast out by force, and that violence is a "part of our natures", I find their words (and even Tom Cruise's words) more enlightening as to what the truth in life is than the words of those who respond to things like this with violence or excessive anger or profanity in a setting that it would be inappropriate for.

Poor show, old girl. :(

Carrie_of_London See my TER Reviews 4569 reads
3 / 45

Mr SD, I posted a provactive title, I try to make my posts interesting and to arouse people's interest.  It really doesn't warrant such a degree of analysis.  And frankly I find the fact you claim to be disappointed in me because of this light-hearted post bizarre not to say inappropriate.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2486 reads
4 / 45

You condoned and encouraged violence...it wasn't just your title.  An enlightened person does not do this.  End of story.  

As for my disappointment, if this was something for humors' sake, I am sure it will go over just fine with the rugby crowd.  However, I don't find lowbrow humor funny, especially when it condones violence.  There's enough machismo in our world already, thank you very much...look no further than this country's Chief Executive.  I am disappointed in any human that condones violence, but as you have had worthy things to say here sometimes, I really expected more of you.

Carrie_of_London See my TER Reviews 2390 reads
5 / 45

Your concern for my lack of enlightenment is touching Mr SD.  

Aside from all your patronising drivel, I'd be interested in an explanation of what you think a rugby crowd is?  Soccer fans have much more of a propensity for violence.  In rugby the injuries take place on the field, not the terraces.

NoBrainer 2365 reads
6 / 45

He is pulling your chain as they say in the states Carrie. You are playing into his hand now. I think you are "got" as they say. Too many of us give a knee jerk reaction when posters disagree with out POV or logic. You compounded his call out by playing the band on this one. Checkmate!

Judy Attitudey 6173 reads
8 / 45

Why don’t you preach this to your so-called good friend MR? Hmmmmm, didn’t you just say you couldn’t agree more when your buddy said “Sometimes a person's alligator mouth results in getting their canary ass kicked.”

It’s ok as long as you’re getting a freebie out of defending an unstable provider? Maybe if you pulled your head out of her FAT ASS you wouldn’t be as confused to what you’ve previously posted.


Da Tude

40-Watt 16 Reviews 3716 reads
9 / 45

Your mother and I are trying to sleep.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3013 reads
10 / 45

I have absolutely no concern for your enlightenment, Carrie... that's your choice and your responsibility.  I am simply expressing my disappointment in seeing a lack of enlightenment on this issue displayed, whether by you or anyone.

As for my being patronizing, I was only expressing my opinions, just like you did with Mr. Cruise's behavior.  

And as for the "rugby crowd" comment, what I meant was that rugby is a sport where there is a significant amount of physical contact...some would say a gratuitous amount.  As such, I would imagine that the people who watch rugby enjoy or are not bothered at all by the physicality of it.  Soccer is nowhere near as physical of a sport (I grew up playing it and going to college games here)...except with some drunken fans.

I would love for this to end, my dear, as I, and I am sure most others who are reading this, prefer to read about something more interesting than our philosophical differences.  As such, I will say two things:

First, I said that you have expressed good points on here before.  Whatever I think of what you said in your initial post, I don't judge all of you by it...although I am sure at this point you don't give a fuck what I think of you.  I would like to think that we can agree to disagree and not descend into it being personal.

Second, I said in my first post that I am sure this will just make people see me that much more as being "too serious"...but, as I have expressed on here before, I don't care what people think about me on here.  People either love me or hate me...and most hate me.  TFB.  Consider yourself in tha majority, Carrie, and know that I am just an extremist and an idealist, and that you are much more successful than I will likely ever be.  Drive on.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 4219 reads
11 / 45
Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 4407 reads
12 / 45

You have no idea how many times I've heard the phrase, "Lex, I'm disappointed in you...."

Mom, Dad, several teachers, the Pastor, the Judge, the Warden... the list goes on and on.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2466 reads
14 / 45

I was agreeing that karma can be a bitch.  Sorry I didn't specify which part of things I was agreeing with, but I didn't think someone was going to try and use my words against me.

Second, who the F are you?  Were you present for the event being discussed?  Are you aware that one person was perpetrating verbal violence against another person?  Are you aware that that the person doing the assaulting was doing it unsolicited and had been warned to stop doing it by the person they were assaulting?  Are you aware that I was the person who interceded and separated my friend from this person?  More than anything, are you aware of what the thoughts of my friend were on this subject after the fact, who is much more of a lady than you could possibly understand, because 1) she sincerely regretted ever letting this twisted individual bring her down to her level (although she never STRUCK her, unlike several people have FALSELY said in other arenas on TER), and 2), even in this thread where you are "shedding light" on my supposed moral hypocrisy, you are taking a potshot at her yourself (which is laughable, because you are completely wrong in that area, and I know THAT for a fact...and your statement about a freebie is totally wrong as well, sad to say)?

Your "tude" isn't "truth".

Edited at 4:50pm Monday - Just want to clear up something, as I am trying to stick to only the truth here.  I said that my friend did not "strike" this person...what I should have said is that she did not "sucker punch" this person, as she has falsely been accused of.  She slapped her after warning her not to continue her verbal abuse.  While I think there is a pretty big difference between these two things, and that the "sucker punch" line has been thrown around to make things look worse than they were (the two women were face to face), I don't condone what my friend did when she slapped her in any way.  I just was pointing out that neither party was innocent in the melee.

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 4:45:14 PM

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 5781 reads
15 / 45

or wish I would.  However, there are those who appreciate my points on here, as you have your supporters among your detractors.  I am sure we will both soldier on, as we both are much too conceited to care what others think.

Bizzaro Superdude 3315 reads
16 / 45

Why are we wasting valuable electrons going on and on about an actor whose last good movie was over 20 years ago!?   really, can't we talk about something else...  Personally, I liked the new Batman thingy!

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3242 reads
17 / 45
SolaLove See my TER Reviews 2614 reads
18 / 45

Glad you're on here tonight MrSD,
don't mind me!
: )

Why is everyone being so bitchy and mean lately?

Geez ya'll...
anyone else celebrate the Solstice?!?

-- Modified on 6/19/2005 11:23:00 PM

Judy Attitudey 3335 reads
19 / 45

Good God MRSD,you are just as twisted as your friend and have the story WRONG! And yes I was there, I am Marcella! This is a name I've been using for a long time and I wasn't trying to hide behind it.

As for the who assaulted whom, I know what happened as do all the people that were there. So you and your friend can spin it any way you want. You are so blinded I'm not going to waste my time telling you what really happened nor do I care what the hell you think.

There are many others she has done this to, so you should really be careful picking out your friends.

Da Tude aka Marcella

You left before it happened so how the hell would you know what the fuck happened....DUH! Oh wait, your good friend told you and we all know she speaks the truth.

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 8:23:48 AM

shamrocker 3346 reads
20 / 45

As one who was there that nite...mr self destruct you indeed have it all wrong...you were not present when the fight happend...so you in no way were involved...
get your facts straight before starting such negative crap on the boads :)

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3567 reads
21 / 45

so long has this been in coming.

First off, I didn't accuse you of "hiding"...I just asked who the F you were, because you were wading into something totally unrelated to my discussion with Carrie.  Also, you may have been using it for a long time, but how was I supposed to know it was you (although your inaccurate potshot at my friend gave me a pretty good clue it was)?

I will not fence lightly with you, my dear, as I saw all I needed to see about you in your eyes from a distance at a party last October 30th.

You invalidated everything you said here when you said that I left before it happened.  I was looking you straight in the face when you got up off the floor and screamed "Fucking Cunt!" at my friend, who * I * had just separated from you.  If you think this is incorrect, ask the hostess from that night if I was there after it happened, as she will remember me leaving with my friend...after she asked you to leave.

The rest of what you said on here is inaccurate heresay...and I am very careful in picking out my friends, thank you very much.  That is why they are loyal to me...as I am to them.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3960 reads
22 / 45

You just fell into your mistress' trap.

* I * didn't start this "negative crap" that you are happy to get involved with...Marzilla did.  This thread had nothing to do with all of that, but once she brought the two together, as God was my witness, I was going to finally come forth with the unaltered version of things for a change.

Sham, you don't know me and I don't know you.  I'm happy to keep it that way, as you are choosing to unnecessarily wade in here.

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 4:05:22 PM

Judy Attitudey 4006 reads
23 / 45

Asked to leave? I will not fence lightly with you, my dear?.... A threat? I've learned to hit back after gettng my cheek bone fractured by your friend.

If your friend regrets her actions, ask her why to this very day she's still is up to her games.

That is why they are loyal to me...as I am to them? Hhhhmmm, well just ask Megan what she was telling the other end of the table about your lil after dinner treat with your other pal that night. It was I that told her she shouldn't be putting P's and your personal info out there at dinner and she got pissed off at me.

Like I said, I'm not going to waste my time telling you what really happened...............SPIN SPIN SPIN! This is my last post on this matter unless I take a shit load of pissy pills!

Da Tude aka Marcella

modified for typo

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 8:54:33 AM

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 8:55:28 AM

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 9:20:16 AM

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2847 reads
24 / 45

I know what M was saying...and I didn't have any problem with it.   Thanks for being concerned about all of us, though.

Judy Attitudey 4254 reads
25 / 45

I was concerned about P not you. It wasn't Megan's place to put his personal life out on the table. But wait, she's done that before when she went nuts and logged into chat with a clients real name.

Da Tude aka Marcella

Love the new name, may I use it?

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 9:25:23 AM

Bizzaro Superdude 3161 reads
26 / 45
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2278 reads
27 / 45

and here I thought you were being all sweet to me all of the sudden.

BTW, congrats on once again taking a swipe at someone who isn't here to defend themselves...very tacky...easy mark.

Oh, please...use Marzilla at will...it becomes you.

Judy Attitudey 3218 reads
28 / 45


Your pretty lil slip is showing! I'm sure she will post but you're doing a pretty good job of making the both of you look like BIG ASS HOLES!

Time for bed now, maybe you should pull your head out now and GET A FUCKING LIFE!

Da Tude

BTW.....I have the log and will forward it to staff.

WebTerrorist 2574 reads
29 / 45

Oh...wait....violence...not violins...well that changes everything.

Whereas I do tend to think of myself as quite non-violent, and have been characterised as a pacifist on occassion, I do not suffer from the hubris required to believe that I am beyond the human propensity to violence, perhaps their really are some that have attained this but I am not one of them, and knowing that keeps me aware of what I am capable of,even if I wish were not capable of it.

Is violence correct?  No, but it is a reality, and it is something I fear in myself and in others.  I have known violent people, hell I'm related to a couple of them...if you have never stood in front of someone and had them rip a door off it's hinges, by the doorknob, and proceed to hit you with it as you try and rationalise with them...good, as I can tell you from experience no one really needs/wants that to have that happen.

Seems to me the two situations in which the human propesity twards violence are most dangerous, are when this propensity is either embraced or denied.
If one revels in violence, takes joy and a sort of pride in it they are to be feared, they are dangerous...but so also are those that deny it is an issue.  For when one is so sure they are not susceptible to violence, it then that they are the most fictile to ignoring those things which may act as triggers to violence, when they are blindsided by anger and may react with the least control, because they were so sure it wouldn't or couldn't happen.

Now, in the situation Miss Carrie refered to, Mr Cruise, was right not to react with physical violence, but I would stop far short of giving him any accolades for his behavior, for it does not seem all that high minded.  Avoiding causing physical harm because someone got you wet?  that pretty much goes without saying, as water, unless you are being drowned in it, tends to not do too much damage...so no reason for anyone to cause injuries over that.  To have to struggle to keep one's composure in that situation?  good that he succeeded but it really shouldn't have needed to be much of a struggle.  To repeatedly call someone a "jerk"  that is not all that pacifistic or enlighted a behavior...it is still lashing out just very weakly done.  So it was "jerk"  instead of a profanity or vulagarity, the intent is still basically the same, so no points for that.  To say it once in surprise or as a bit of a verbal reflex to situation is understandable, to do so repeatedly?  that is embracing and holding fast to anger which can lead to violence, nothing especially honorable in that.

As to Miss Carrie's post in general...I liked it.  She made it with a subtle humour, pointing out her own contaridictory staement, "Without condoning violence (which I'm just about to do)"  come on...that 's good, and her reason for wanting him to "deck the guy"  was because it would be unexpected of Mr Cruise...tongue in cheek reasoning, that I can appreciate...and her only judgement or condemnation was actually twards the person that did the dousing, with an implication that had he thought his act would have received a more physical response he would not have done so, more stating the wetter, and not the wetee, acted in cowardice.

BILL18356 2958 reads
30 / 45
Shaft1 129 Reviews 2736 reads
31 / 45

While I am neutral on Tom Cruise, I am an admirer of his shrewd markteting ability. I'm sure he thinks "Money" first before he allows his anger to overwhelm him and strike back at this journalist. That's a Lose-Lose proposition for him, although it might feel good for the moment. See notes on Russell Crowe :-).
Now Tom can remain the "Darling", cash in on his movie, hype a very publicly displayed engagement, and did I say cash in on his movie, and "hers". Aaah you gotta love it.

WebTerrorist 4075 reads
32 / 45

I hate when that happens....though I should be used to it by now.

Mr SelfDestruct, this time, it is you who have confussed me so.
In the course of this thread you go from lauding a celebrity for not reacting overtly violently after being doused with water, and chastise a person for jokingly saying he should have, but later excuse violence that, from what I gather from your posts, came after a verbal barage?

Quote:  "Are you aware that one person was perpetrating verbal violence against another person?  Are you aware that that the person doing the assaulting was doing it unsolicited and had been warned to stop doing it by the person they were assaulting?"

Whereas I do understand words can hurt, from my experience the words that do the most damage are those that are true or those that person they are aimed at fear may be true.
Yet, a verbal attack is not fair grounds for a physical one.  

Verbal violence? I have heard of an acid tongue  but unless it involves actual acid and the burning of one's skin....a bit less than violent...I'm not a big fan of hyperbole used to raise the nature of one act to being equal to a far worse act (On one occassion when trying to walk away from an arguement I had a 50 pound solid walnut chair thrown into my back, and on another had a dart thrown into my neck...you know  given the choice I would have prefered he had just used "verbal violence" against me instead of the real thing).  I once read an article in which a woman claimed that a book reviewer had "verbally raped" her by his criticism of her book...my Mom was raped once, had a guy hold a knife to her throat and threaten to kill my oldest brother and my sister (who were 5 and 2 respectively) if my Mom resisted....yeah I can see how that and a book critique are exactly the same thing.
All that these kinds of methaphors accomplish are to inflame a situation or make an attempt to excuse a worse behavior...I see no postive point in it.

You also say that the person being attacked "warned" the other to stop...did this warning come in the form of a threat of actual violence if the verbal barage did not stop?  if so, legally speaking that would be assault..making a threat or attempting violence is more assault than any number of vulgarities, profanities or accusations.

Quote:  "she never STRUCK her"
Quote:  "I was the person who interceded and separated my friend from this person"
Quote:  " I was looking you straight in the face when you got up off the floor and screamed "F***ing C***!" at my friend, who * I * had just separated from you."

OK  now....if your friend never struck Miss Judy, why exactly were you having to sepperate her from Miss Judy?  was her being on Miss Judy a very awkward and baddly excuted attempt at a hug? (I hug akwardly and badly myself so I can understand that) or do you draw a fine distinction between a slap or punch and throwing one's entire body at another?  Why was Miss Judy on the floor?  did she trip over a table leg?  have a narcoleptic episode?

Now I will freely admit I was not witness to the altercation you speak of, so I am going primarily on what you yourself have written here, and as I have said I am confussed.

I won't go so far as to say you have "disappointed me" as I know of you only what you choose to share of yourself here, so I have no hopes or expectations of you...but I will say I am a bit surprised at the anger, condescension, and judgement you have shown tonight towards Miss Carrie, Miss Judy, and Mr Shamrocker...and the only reason I am questioning you on this...is that I do actually respect you and your, usually expressed, beliefs enough to do so....that and I honestly am confused.
Oh, and in the interest of full disclosure:
I do tend to like Mr SelfDestruct and his posts here on the boards, and it seems he and I do share some common beliefs, and have on occassion PMed with each other.
Also, as anyone from chat can tell, I do tend to like Miss Judy and quite value the chats we have had together in the TER chat room.
I have had no contact with either outside of the confines of TER, or in the "real" 3-D  world.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3524 reads
33 / 45

You have the log of what?  Can I call you the Log Lady? Or is it like the old Cheech and Chong routine..."I gotta go drop a log..."

Everything is right here on the thread...I'm happy to oblige.  

Besides...you started it, and your initial post on this thread contained a statement that was "simply mean" (and, IMO, was looking to cause "trouble for trouble's sake", because given the direction of your posts, I highly doubt that you were ever really concerned about my fairness with Carrie, who was enough of a lady to let our differences go), so if anyone was "breaking the rules", honey, it was you.  However, I don't care...I said the truth, so why would I care what happens afterwards?

Oh, and sorry I couldn't respond until now...I went to bed last night after my previous post because I had to get some sleep so I could go to my real job today...in my real life.  So...if you post something after this...you will have all day for it to stand out there by itself, so take advantage of it and say something good, okay, because all you are doing now is namecalling, not proving anything about what yu tried to say.  Oh, but then again, neither did any of your previous posts...

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3651 reads
34 / 45

while I laud your attempts at fairness (are you a Libra?), and everyone knows how much I respect you on here, I need to respond to you away from here.  Most of what is on this thread should never have been brought into it, and I am not going to perpetuate it's being discussed on here as part of explaining the situation to you.  Bear with me...have to go to work...will write later.  Just note that * I * didn't START anything except with my exchange with Carrie (who was gracious enough to let our exchange drop), and that the other participants that you mention both STARTED something with me, and both used a derrogatory slam on either me or a friend of mine to do so.  Anyway, reserve your judgement...an explanation will come later.

-- Modified on 6/20/2005 4:10:26 PM

ellobo69 3725 reads
35 / 45


"He [Cruise] is famed for his lengthy walkabouts at film premieres, spending hours greeting fans, signing autographs and talking on their mobile phones."

36 / 45
zinaval 7 Reviews 2903 reads
37 / 45

Hell, like any other Cro-Magnon in a suit, I love to see a public show of physical viciousness, especially when it can be immediately justified as retaliation, and moreso when it's a cultural titan like Tom Cruise.  Hell, who needs the justification.  I just wish celebrities would go berserk sometimes and start to randomly punch people.

I'm of the Mike Tyson school of cultural-iconography.  You haven't really made it as a celebrity, till you've eaten earlobe.   :)

My actual opinion: what Tom Cruise does when he's really pissed off is between him and the "pissie."  It's not like I'm going to pay any attention to him anyway.  

zinaval 7 Reviews 3020 reads
38 / 45

You should give us John and Jane Q Publics out here a link so that we can tell what's going on?

I realize it's not really my business, but then please take this private somehow.  You've got me just teased enough about it that not asking questions because it's  NOMB is really annoying.

salivate 3 Reviews 3900 reads
39 / 45

Agree with you 100% but that won't make you lots friends on this board. Not that I lose a minute of sleep over Tom C or anyother celeb. I think Carrie tends to be controversial just for the sake of being controversial. Getting attention is what it's all about. Of course, a superior BJ would do the trick as well. And Carrie if you're reading this, don't take offense. And if you do, who cares. I'm retired and with good reason. It wasn't the sex or the money. It was listening to all this BS. By the way, Crowe can get away with smacking some guy around since he has a bad boy imagine already. But Cruise, it would ruin him. Now we know he is smarter than he looks.

Just lurking and loving it.

Rodney King 3452 reads
41 / 45

Whether Tom Cruz should have totally ignored the faux reporters sophomoric stunt or promptly snapped the jokers neck like a tooth-pick is pointless argument (personally a short blast from a Mack-10 machine pistol I feel would have left an properly indelible impression upon the offender.
Now lets put our differences aside and get back to the subject at hand on this board. Our ceaseless libidinous natures and the multi-billion dollar cash industry built from it.
 As a very beautiful, very respected and  properly British courtesan here in SoCal advised me......" It's all about F*cking "


Rodney King 2793 reads
42 / 45

Whether Tom Cruz should have totally ignored the faux reporters sophomoric stunt or promptly snapped the jokers neck like a tooth-pick is pointless argument
 Now lets put our differences aside and get back to the subject at hand on this board. Our ceaseless libidinous natures and the multi-billion dollar cash industry built from it.
 As a very beautiful, very respected and  properly British courtesan here in SoCal advised me......" It's all about F*cking "


Bizzaro Superdude 4275 reads
44 / 45
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