TER General Board

And coming up right behind them would be
annalee 3281 reads
2 / 39

once again my country has taken another hit...its breaking my heart...

Towel Headed Bastards 3676 reads
3 / 39

anyone to name a meaningful contribution to society that these scumbags have made. They murder children in the name of their god.

HHHarry 3711 reads
4 / 39

You mean like algebra, medicine, architecture, that sort of thing?
I realize that you are angry and that's why you resort to the nasty name calling, but get real.  They are killers, plain and simple.  Not barbarians or neanderthals.  They follow a reactionary, fuindamentalist group of islam, and it is in no way reflective of the religion as a whole nor it's followers, any more than those idiots who blow up abortion clinics are indicitive of most christians.

Cum Filled Ass 3710 reads
5 / 39

be used in their punishment - or at least in their interigations! suffering a rectal hydrolic bursting from a horse ejaculating in some terrorists ass, then feeding his cum filled carcass to hungry pigs while video taping it, then playing it over and over on the aljizzera network might make some of them think it's not worth 72 virgins to keep doing this stupid shit!

karmacoma 2603 reads
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I cut your head off 3255 reads
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There were a couple of Muslim physicians and mathemeticians back in the Middle Ages who made important contributions. One founded algebra, which is named after him (Al-something). That of course does not justify this stuff today, but it answers your question.

Mr. Info 2336 reads
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Towel Headed Bastards 1896 reads
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Towel Headed Bastards 2961 reads
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people cut off heads in the name of god. They have NO redeaming features. They smell like shit on top of it all.

lajjar 2 Reviews 2979 reads
12 / 39

...like this Towel... loser have, to find excuses to show their extreme hate towards other people(1.5 Billion to be exact!). I'm sure with the lame excuse he has about the moslems, he can find enough excuses to show his vile hate towards the jews, christians, buddhists, ...Etc, and those that have no religion(like me).

-- Modified on 7/21/2005 10:36:50 PM

2sense 2672 reads
13 / 39

Sometimes I wonder about the educational system in the U.S.

Algebra is the foundation of all mathematics, including calculus, differential equations, probability, statistics etc. Without it, we would have no sciences, including astronomy, chemistry, physics, biochemistry, biology, engineering etc.

And not to put too fine a point on it, without algebra there would be no computers and internet for you to pound out your missives. Possibly you would be doing that using drums or smoke signals, which considering their content may not be that much of a loss.

-- Modified on 7/21/2005 9:58:24 PM

-- Modified on 7/21/2005 9:59:12 PM

sweetnsoft 2212 reads
14 / 39

You should read up on what's really in the Koran. Islam is not evil. Some of its extremist practitioners are. They're not too different from Christian fundamentalist psychos, come to think of it. No religion has a monopoly on mass murder. Fundamentalism is always attractive to violent people who need a doctrine of absolutes to prop up their wars.

-- Modified on 7/21/2005 9:31:41 PM

Hemlock Stones 3146 reads
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and the truth in this case is that algebra pre-dates the muslim faith by a couple thousand years. basic arithmetic goes back much, much further. the muslims are not to be credited for the founding of algebra. now where did I put my nose candy

2sense 2226 reads
17 / 39

Here's a site with more details on the actual contributions of Arabic mathematicians to algebra:


little phil 37 Reviews 2988 reads
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I can understand your disappointment, but hopefully you're really not surprised by it.  If the U.S. had more free thinkers, would we really need providers?

TatterednTorn 2866 reads
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Hemlock Stones 3866 reads
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Babylon and ancient Egypt were not considered muslim countries until well after algebra was founded. mathematics are traced all the way back to Mesopotamia. the term "arabic" is not quite the same as "muslim" and that was the distinction I tried to make. the founder of the muslim faith lived from 570-633AD; long, long after algebra was founded

Towel Headed Bastards 2581 reads
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they're going to allah lalaland and get laid by a bunch of dirty nasty virgins.

little phil 37 Reviews 3309 reads
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If prostitution wasn't "bad", would it hold as much allure?  If women at home could be more comfortable with their sexuality, would we need to wander so much?  So many guys talk about what the little woman won't do, or does only as a birthday gift.  I want it when I want it (constantly, for the record), and if I can't get it at home, I still have to get it.

Patooie! 2024 reads
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It was by the same guy who ate only McDonalds food for 30 days and documented the results. This time he had a guy from Virginia, a Christian, go to live in Utah with a Muslim family for 30 days. During this time he was there he had to participate in each of their daily activities and lead a true Muslim life for the entire time. Now trust me. I am just as prejudiced as the next guy and probably a lot more conservative in my beliefs than most, but I found this show to be very beneficial toward helping me understand what it means to be a Muslim. No, I dont condone any of the radical bullshit in any way. I too, lost good friends on 911 and have a tremendous hate for those who perpetrated that murderous act. What this show did do is allow me to refocus my anger away from the everyday Muslims leading a peaceful life. One of the best things explained in the show were that the Muslim people who condemned the acts of the fringe radicals, yet couldn't accept the responsibility for saying they were sorry and apologizing for those acts, because in their minds, they dont accept the radicals as part of their true beliefs. Take the time to try to see this show. I watched it with my 15 year old son and it was a great opportunity for dialogue. As an aside, I think that the movie American History X was another winner in the same regard as far as delivering a really insightful message.
Sorry if I bored anyone. If I did, patooie on ya!

-- Modified on 7/21/2005 11:54:45 PM

2sense 5094 reads
24 / 39

The program is called "30 days" (Morgan Spurlock, host and producer) that just finished it's run on FX on Weds (10:00 pm).

They'll undoubtedly be replaying this series sometime over the summer.

2sense 2926 reads
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I used the term "arabic" because I don't really think that one's faith contributes all that much to a group's scientific contributions, except maybe to get in the way (e.g., Galileo's run-in with the Catholic Church or the fundamentalists in the U.S. interfering with the teaching of evolution).

In much the same way, I wouldn't ascribe science in the U.S. as being "Christian", even though Christianity is the majority religion.

jackson173 32 Reviews 2826 reads
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I saw the show as well. And it did a good job of portraying the average muslim as regular people.  It's amazing to see the hatred posted on this topic, anyone who believes all muslims are terrorists is simply ignorant to the truth.  I believe the hatred stems from the uneducated and those not satisfied with there station in life. Really very sad.

Walter Cronkite 2078 reads
27 / 39

Your prism gives a needed world view: you always provide the sanest analysis of complex problems, my dear SNS. Your most fervent admirer.

And that's the way it is. July 21st, 2005

Just askin 2858 reads
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They also introduced the concept of 'zero' to math.
I believe that was their last contribution to anything.
Now they are effing zeroes. . .
Incidentally, I used to call them 'ragheads', but I have been informed that this is not correct. The headgear is, in fact, made from a portion of a sheet. The correct term is 'sheethead'.

zinaval 7 Reviews 2880 reads
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zinaval 7 Reviews 3842 reads
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Sorry I couldn't get to it before the thread was terminal.

And I just thought sentimentally how Emma would have had a feeding frenzy on these wankers.

I guess I'm probably going to be having those thoughts for a while.

-- Modified on 7/21/2005 8:53:41 PM

aless1944 1 Reviews 3449 reads
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aless1944 1 Reviews 1884 reads
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Ummm, no.  You can't live without algebra.  Or maybe you want to live without calculators, spreadsheets, rockets, and a NY phone book thick list of other stuff.

aless1944 1 Reviews 2069 reads
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Thank you sweetnsoft, and on that note let's pause and remember such lovely manifestations of christianity as the Inquisition, millions of native Americans wiped out within a hundred years by the Spanish Christians, the Crusades, and, more recently, hundreds if not thousands of children molested by priests ...

Hemlock Stones 2604 reads
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but I was disputing the post from "I cut your head off" as he/she used the word "muslim" and not "arabic" when it was mentioned about the founding of algebra. we are both right and that person is wrong. you mistakenly thought I was disputing you, but it was the other person I was correcting

harryj 1277 reads
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I believe that they use diapers around there heads, so they are properly known as "fecesheads", or some variation of that. Maybe "sheetheads" as you say is close.

harryj 3186 reads
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I believe that they use diapers around there heads, so they are properly known as "fecesheads", or some variation of that. Maybe "sheetheads" as you say is close.

dawittyman 25 Reviews 2511 reads
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random133 117 Reviews 2675 reads
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those wonderful, clean, good hearted Christians responsible for the Inquisition, several Crusades, an entire lost generation of native children in Australia, and so on and so on.  Please bridle the hatred.  For all the people demanding apologies from all of Islam for these terrorists, I'm still waiting for the Pope's apology for pedophile priests, for Baptists apologies for wackos who bomb abortion clinics, for all Christian's apologies for David Koresh and anyone else who came out of Christendom only to sow violence and destruction, and so on and so on.  Next.

2sense 1725 reads
39 / 39

I think you're right not to hold your breath waiting for the Catholic Church to apologize for its pedophile priests.

After all, it was only in 1992, 359 years after the Galileo trial for heresy, that Pope John Paul II issued an apology, lifting the edict of Inquisition against Galileo.

Now, that's what I call "Waiting for Godot"!

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